Index for Volume 532continued
A Am At B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Co Cr Cy D de Di Dr E En Eu F Fo G Gl Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K L Li Lu M Ma Me Mo Mu N Ni O Ot P Pe Ph Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Sh So Su T Ti Tw U V Vo W Wh Wo Y Z
Package holidays
Paice, Rt Hon Mr James, Minister of State, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Agriculture, Productivity 371w
Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Finance 1396w
Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Redundancy 1396-7w
Animal welfare, Convictions 970-2w
Animal welfare, EU action 1397w
Animal welfare, Slaughterhouses 972-3w
Animals, Disease control 39-40w
Animals, Electric shock equipment 974w
Carbon emissions, Business 374w
Farming Regulation Task Force 53w
Fish, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1257w
Foot and mouth disease 773w
Forestry Commission, Government procurement card 1258w
Forests, South Africa 1401w
Gangmasters Licensing Authority 1161w
Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847 55-6w
Livestock, Transport 977w
Meat, Health hazards 977w
Members, Correspondence 56w
Natural resources, EU action 774w
Regional Veterinary Laboratory 979-80w
Reptiles, Licensing 1084w
Rural Payments Agency, Government procurement card 977w
Seas and oceans, Environment protection 1160w
Sheep, Animal welfare 971w
Slaughterhouses, Closed circuit television 1404-5w
Paisley, Ian
Chamber Debates
Young people, Unemployment (13.09.2011) 902-3, 912
Palace of Westminster
Palestinian-Israeli conflict
British nationals abroad 68w
International assistance (13.09.2011) 242-50wh
United Nations (06.09.2011) 63-70wh
Palliative care
Pancreatic cancer
Parish, Neil
Westminster Hall Debates
Conveyancing, Estate agents 380w
Parliament Square
Parliamentary Boundary Commission for Wales
see Boundary Commission for Wales
Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration
Parliamentary Standards Authority
see Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority
Parliament's Education Service
Parthenon Group
Passport and Identity Service
see Identity and Passport Service
Patel, Priti
Westminster Hall Debates
Economic and monetary union (14.09.2011) 304-6wh
EU institutions (07.09.2011) 134-6wh
Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen 1211w
Bill of Rights Commission 271w
Bill of Rights Commission, Internet 386-7w
Civil Service Live conference 799w
Corporation tax, EU action 390w
Human rights, EU action 287-8w
National Union of Rail Maritime and Transport Workers 1213w
Social security benefits, Fraud 125-6w
Violent and sex offender register 257w
Wormwood Scrubs Prison, Broadcasting programmes 631w
Paterson, Rt Hon Mr Owen, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
Written Statements
"Chief Electoral Officer for Northern Ireland Report 2010-11" 18ws
"Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission Report and Accounts 2010-11" 44ws
British Sky Broadcasting, Northern Ireland Office 27w
Consultants, Northern Ireland Office 27w
Correspondence, Northern Ireland Office 27w
Departmental responsibilities, Northern Ireland Office 1248w
Procurement, Northern Ireland Office 611-2w
Victim support schemes, Northern Ireland 429w
Work experience, Northern Ireland Office 429w
Written questions, Northern Ireland Office 1073-4w
Patient choice schemes
Pawsey, Mark
Communities and Local Government 10w
Department of Health 144w
United Kingdom Hydrographic Office 671w