Index for Volume 532continued
A Am At B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Co Cr Cy D de Di Dr E En Eu F Fo G Gl Gr Gu H He Hi Hu I Is J Ju K L Li Lu M Ma Me Mo Mu N Ni O Ot P Pe Ph Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Sh So Su T Ti Tw U V Vo W Wh Wo Y Z
Shannon, Jim
Chamber Debates
Energy Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (14.09.2011) 1096
Health and Social Care Bill, Rep and 3R (07.09.2011) 365, 373
Legal representation, EU action (07.09.2011) 504
Metals, Theft (06.09.2011) 336
Science, Research (13.09.2011) 1010
Vocational guidance (13.09.2011) 984
Young people, Unemployment (13.09.2011) 933-5
Westminster Hall Debates
Business, Billing (14.09.2011) 263wh
Disability, Young people (07.09.2011) 73wh, 83wh
Palestinians, United Nations (06.09.2011) 65wh
Social services, Older people (06.09.2011) 26wh
Shapps, Rt Hon Grant, Minister of State, Communities and Local Government
Business premises, Leasehold 1102w
Empty property, Berkshire 997-8w
Homelessness, Liverpool 16-7w
Homelessness, Young people 17w
Social rented housing, Exservicemen 24-5w
Valuation Tribunal Service, Government procurement card 485w
Sharma, Alok
Chamber Debates
Libya, Armed conflict (05.09.2011) 46
Young people, Unemployment (13.09.2011) 900, 906
Broadband, Berkshire 995w
Empty property, Berkshire 997-8w
Local government finance, Reading (Berkshire) 18
Railways, South East 993w
Renewable energy, Feed-in tariffs 967w, 1167w
Schools, Reading (Berkshire) 788-90w
Thames Valley Police, Finance 752-3
Transplant surgery, Reading (Berkshire) 1056w
Welfare to work, Reading (Berkshire) 1006w
Sharma, Mr Virendra
Chamber Debates
Sheerman, Mr Barry
Chamber Debates
Banks, Regulation (12.09.2011) 774
Local government, Standards 18
Police, Industrial health and safety 744
Public service broadcasting 536
Railways, Franchises 1165
Taxation, Overpayments 361w
Local enterprise partnerships 331w
Shelbrooke, Alec
Chamber Debates
Libya, Armed conflict (05.09.2011) 45-6
Shepherd, Mr Richard
Westminster Hall Debates
Economic and monetary union (14.09.2011) 298wh, 307wh
Children, Maintenance 1061w
Sheridan, Jim
Shuker, Gavin
Chamber Debates
Health and Social Care Bill, Rep and 3R (07.09.2011) 370
India, Human rights (15.09.2011) 1250
Lung diseases, Air pollution 689w
Motor sports, Broadcasting 539
Nuclear fusion, Research 1357w
Sick leave
Sierra Leone
Simmonds, Mark
Chamber Debates
Simpson, David
Westminster Hall Debates
Disability, Young people (07.09.2011) 75wh, 77wh
Social services, Older people (06.09.2011) 25wh
Single parents
Sixth form education
Skidmore, Chris
Chamber Debates
Alzheimer's disease, Health services 133w
Departmental responsibilities, Communities and Local Government 16-7
Skilled workers
Skills Funding Agency
Sky Television
see British Sky Broadcasting
Slaughter, Mr Andy
Chamber Debates
Legal representation, EU action (07.09.2011) 505-8
Westminster Hall Debates
River Thames, Sewage (14.09.2011) 315-6wh
Claims management services, Complaints 272-4w
Legal Services Board 289w
Palestinians, Recognition of states 1187-8
Sleep apnoea
Sleeping rough
Small claims
Smith, Rt Hon Mr Andrew
Chamber Debates
East Africa, Droughts (15.09.2011) 1221-3
Westminster Hall Debates
Economic and monetary union (14.09.2011) 304wh
Abortion, Counselling 1227w
Hewlett-Packard, Department for Work and Pensions 1173w
Prisoners' transfers 1223w
Social security benefits, EU nationals 121w
Sub-Saharan Africa, Sanitation 37w
Treasure trove, Coroners 424w
Treasure trove, Oxfordshire 424w
Smith, Rt Hon Angela C
Bovine tuberculosis, Disease control 1398-9w
Bus services, Global positioning system 764w, 1195w
Smith, Henry
Chamber Debates
Legal representation, EU action (07.09.2011) 512
Libya, Armed conflict (05.09.2011) 48
Westminster Hall Debates
Economic and monetary union (14.09.2011) 293wh, 300wh
Apprentices, Construction 941w
Diplomatic service, Tolls 1172w
Disability facilities grant 484w
Equitable Life Assurance Society, Compensation 1144w
General practitioners 517
Smith, Julian
Conditions of employment, Departmental coordination 260-1w
Conditions of employment, Home Office 227w
Conditions of employment, Ministry of Defence 668w
Electronic government, Finance 262w
Government departments, Internet 262-3w
Intellectual property, Curriculum 310w
Procurement, Communities and Local Government 11w, 482w
Procurement, Department for Work and Pensions 101-2w
Procurement, Government departments 263-4w
Procurement, Home Office 233-4w
Procurement, Local government 266-7w
Procurement, Ministry of Defence 83w
Regulation, Ministry of Defence 551w
Rural areas, Broadband 534-5
Rural areas, Department for Education 315w
Rural areas, Home Office 252w
Rural areas, Treasury 358w
Rural Communities Policy Unit 1033-4w
UK Trade and Investment, Telephone services 1367w
Smith, Nick
Chamber Debates
Health and Social Care Bill, Rep and 3R (07.09.2011) 439
Newspaper press, Telephone tapping 543w
Planning permission, Urban areas 4
Smith, Owen
Chamber Debates
Health and Social Care Bill, Rep and 3R (07.09.2011) 402, 413-28, 435
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill, Lords amendts (12.09.2011) 818
Westminster Hall Debates
British Sky Broadcasting, Prime Minister 830w
Office of Government Commerce 493w
Procurement, Cabinet Office 801w
Procurement, Department for Culture, Media and Sport 409-12w
Procurement, Department for Education 891-3w
Procurement, Department for International Development 699w
Procurement, Department for Transport 738w
Procurement, Department for Work and Pensions 463w
Procurement, Department of Energy and Climate Change 499-502w
Procurement, Department of Health 685w
Procurement, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 450w
Procurement, Government departments 862-3w
Procurement, Home Office 532w
Procurement, Ministry of Defence 549-52w
Procurement, Ministry of Justice 835-7w
Procurement, Northern Ireland Office 611-2w
Procurement, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 369w
Procurement, Scotland Office 613w
Smith, Sir Robert
Chamber Debates
Energy Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (14.09.2011) 1046