Index for Volume 532—continued

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Wollaston, Dr Sarah

                  Chamber Debates

    Health and Social Care Bill, Rep and 3R (07.09.2011) 374, 449, 493-4

    House of Commons Disqualification (Amendment) Bill, 2R adjourned (09.09.2011) 714, 719


    Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 1031


    see Females

Woodcock, John

                  Chamber Debates

    Baha Mousa Inquiry (08.09.2011) 578


    Terrorism prevention and investigation measures 353-4

Woodward, Rt Hon Shaun


    Cannabis, Mental illness 683-4w

    Dental services, North West 563-4w

    Disability living allowance, St Helens 464-5w

    Finucane, Patrick 429w

    Higher education, Merseyside 329-30w

    Parking, Complaints 1390w

    Social security benefits, Appeals 385-6w


    National insurance contributions 399w

Worcestershire Primary Care Trust

Work capability assessment

Work experience

    Communities and Local Government 483w

    Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 602w

    Department for Culture, Media and Sport 413-4w

    Department for Education 895w

    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1078-9w

    Department for International Development 700w

    Department for Transport 991w

    Department for Work and Pensions 463-4w

    Department of Energy and Climate Change 503w, 660w

    Deputy Prime Minister 868w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 450-1w

    Ministry of Defence 551w

    Ministry of Justice 381w

    Northern Ireland Office 429w

    Scotland Office 613w

Worker registration scheme

Working conditions

Working hours

    Accident and emergency departments 133w

Working tax credit

World Cup

World War II

    Crimes against humanity 277w

Wormwood Scrubs Prison

    Broadcasting programmes 631w

Wright, David


    Foreign workers, Financial services 801w

    Foreign workers, Taxation 361w

    Government departments, Data protection 269w

    Procurement, Department for Work and Pensions 108w

    Social rented housing, Exservicemen 24-5w

Wright, Mr Iain

                  Chamber Debates

    Sentencing (08.09.2011) 641-4

    Vocational guidance (13.09.2011) 998-1001

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Bus services, Competition (06.09.2011) 8-11wh


    Birmingham Prison 808w

    Coastal erosion 48w

    Driving offences, Funerals 991w

    Economic growth 387w

    Economic policy 172

    Employers' liability 908w

    Fire services, Pensions 14w

    Fisheries, Safety 54w

    Motor vehicles, Testing 213w

    Prison Service, Retirement 817w

    Vocational guidance 736w

Wright, Simon

                  Chamber Debates

    Energy Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (14.09.2011) 1113


    Public sector, Procurement 1332w

    Public transport, Tickets 1326w

Written questions

    Communities and Local Government 1090-1w

    Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 1029-30w

    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1079w

    Department for International Development 1084w

    Department for Work and Pensions 1062w

    Department of Energy and Climate Change 762w

    Department of Health 1120w

    Deputy Prime Minister 1123w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1171w

    Leader of the House of Commons 761w

    Ministry of Justice 1020w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1058w

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