25 January 2011: declaration
of Members' interests
ARBUTHNOT, Rt. Hon. James (North East Hampshire)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.
Member of Lloyd's (resigned as from 31
December 2002).
Categories of business underwritten until resignation - CBS
Private Capital Ltd.: All categories.
Received a tie (value £5) for giving a speech on 22 March
2010. Hours: 2.5 hrs. Address of payer: The Royal Aeronautical
Society, 4 Hamilton Place, London W1J 7BQ. (Registered 6 April
8. Land and Property
Two flats in London, both providing rental income.
11. Miscellaneous
Non-practising barrister.
Chairman of the Conservative Friends of Israel (unremunerated).
CUNNINGHAM, Alex (Stockton North)
1. Directorships
Tees Valley Communicators Ltd, 10
Lapwing Lane, Norton, Stockton on Tees, Cleveland TS20 1LT. Communications
and web design.
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Surveys completed for Ipsos MORI, 79-81 Borough Road, London
SE1 1FY.
June 2010, £75 fee donated to constituency party. Hours:
30 mins. (Registered 2 September 2010)
Surveys completed for ComRes, Four Millbank, London SW1P 3JA.
June 2010, £75 fee donated to charity. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered
2 September 2010)
August 2010, £75 fee donated to constituency party. Hours:
30 mins. (Registered 2 September 2010)
14 September 2010, £75 fee donated to constituency party.
Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 14 September 2010)
October 2010, £75 donated to charity. Hours: 30 mins.
(Registered 22 November 2010)
October 2010, £75 donated to constituency party. Hours:
30 mins. (Registered 22 December 2010)
Surveys completed for Populus, 10 Northburgh Street, London
November 2010, £50 fee donated to constituency party. Hours:
30 mins. (Registered 22 December 2010)
December 2010, £50 fee donated to constituency party.
Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 7 January 2011)
4. Sponsorships
(a) Donations to the constituency party or association, which
have been or will be reported by the party to the Electoral Commission:
Name of donor: Unison
Address of donor: 140-150 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne,
NE1 6TH.
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,490
to fund a newspaper and election leaflet.
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 3 June 2010)
5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Name of donor: Grand Central Railway Company Ltd
Address of donor: River House, 17 Museum Street, York, YO1 7DJ.
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: first
class rail pass for the period June 2010 to December 2011. Used
for parliamentary travel only. Without this pass, the cost of
standard class rail travel would be met from parliamentary allowances.
Value: approximately £5,000 per year.
Date of receipt of donation: 1 June 2010
Date of acceptance of donation: 14 June 2010
Donor status: company, registration number 03979826
(Registered 29 June 2010)
9. Shareholdings
(a) Tees Valley Communicators Ltd. Communications
and web design. See also category 1.
DOCHERTY, Thomas (Dunfermline and West Fife)
4. Sponsorships
(a) Donations to my constituency party or association,
which have been or will be reported by my party to the Electoral
Name of donor: Unison Labour Link (Unison Scotland)
Address of donor: Unison House, 14 West Campbell Street, Glasgow
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,150
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 7 June 2010)
6. Overseas visits
Name of donor: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bahrain
Address of donor: c/o The Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain, 30
Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8QB
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £3,279
Destination of visit: Bahrain
Date of visit: 21-25 October 2010
Purpose of visit: in my capacity as member of the All-Party Parliamentary
Group on Bahrain I was invited to visit the country to meet with
Government Ministers and others and to observe the Parliamentary
elections that were taking place during the visit.
(Registered 16 December 2010)
DOYLE, Gemma (West Dunbartonshire)
ELLWOOD, Tobias (Bournemouth East)
5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Name of donor: John Lewis
Address of donor : private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: my
wife and I received tickets to the Conservative Party general
election fundraising dinner. Value: £2,000.
Date of receipt of donation: 1 February 2010
Date of acceptance of donation: 1 February 2010
Donor status: individual
(Registered 11 February 2010)
FRANCOIS, Mark (Rayleigh and Wickford)
4. Sponsorships
(a) Donations to my constituency party
or association, which have been or will be reported by my party
to the Electoral Commission:
Name of donor: Mr Neil Chapman
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000
Donor status: individual
(Registered 7 June 2010)
LANCASTER, Mark (Milton Keynes North)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Serving Officer, Royal Engineers Territorial
Army. Payments received from the Army Pay Office, Kentigern House,
65 Brown Street, Glasgow G2 8EX:
31 December 2009, received payment of £1350.39 from for 14
days military service between 1 November-31 December 2009. (Registered
6 January 2010)
28 February 2010, received payment of £377.54 for 4 days
military service between 1 January-28 February 2010. (Registered
2 March 2010)
31 October 2010, received payment of £1256.80 for 17
days military service between 1 August-31 October 2010. (Registered
1 November 2010)
4. Sponsorships
(a) Donations to the constituency party or association, which
have been or will be reported by the party to the Electoral Commission:
Name of donor: Caledonia Investments PLC
Address of donor: Cayzer House, 30 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: donation
of £5,000
Donor status: company
(Registered 4 March 2010)
Name of donor: Peter J Wilson
Address of donor: Private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: donation
of £1600
Donor status: individual
(Registered 8 June 2010)
Name of donor: The Portcullis Club
Address of donor: Sycamore House, Grange Way, Willington, MK 44
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: donation
of £2000
Donor status: unincorporated association
(Registered 8 June 2010)
Name of donor: The 1900 Club
Address of donor: 6 Barton Street London SW19 3NG
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: donation
of £2500
Donor status: company
(Registered 8 June 2010)
Name of donor: Simon Cuthbertson
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: donation
of £5000 to my constituency association.
Donor status: individual
(Registered 8 June 2010)
9. Registrable shareholdings
(a) Kimbolton Fireworks Ltd
11. Miscellaneous
Parliamentary adviser (unpaid) to the Royal Society of Chemistry.
LOPRESTI, Jack (Filton and Bradley Stoke)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Member of Territorial Army Reserve
4. Sponsorships
(a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which
have been or will be reported by my party to the Electoral Commission:
Name of donor: Cllr John Godwin
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: 2
donations; total £1,750
Donor status: individual
(Registered 9 June 2010)
Name of donor: Mr R C Griffin
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000
Donor status: individual
(Registered 9 June 2010)
ROBATHAN, Andrew (South Leicestershire)
8. Land and Property
Farm in Leicestershire, including
rented residential property, from which income is received.
WRIGHT, David (Telford)
Tuesday 1 February 2011
Members present:
Mr James Arbuthnot, in the Chair
Alex Cunningham
Thomas Docherty
Gemma Doyle
Mr Tobias Ellwood
Mr Mark Francois
Mr Kevan Jones
Mark Lancaster
| | Jack Lopresti
Sandra Osborne
Christopher Pincher
Mr Andrew Robathan
Bob Russell
David Wright
Declarations of interest
Members disclosed their interests, in accordance with the resolution
of the House of 13 July 1992. (For details of declaration of
interests, see Appendix 2.)
Future Programme
The Committee considered this matter.
The Committee considered this matter.
The Armed Forces Bill
The Committee considered this matter.
[Adjourned till Thursday 3 February at 10.00 am