The Armed Forces Bill - Armed Forces Committee Contents

Supplementary written evidence from the Ministry of Defence


1.  During the evidence session on 3 February, witnesses undertook to provide the Select Committee with a memorandum in response to Question Q54, about the number of Service Complaint Panels that had taken place with an independent member and how many panels there had been altogether.

2.  The table below sets out the information requested, together with additional figures for the number of Service Boards that have been held over the same period.
YearService Panels convened with an independent member Panels convened without an independent member Service Boards
2009Navy3 70
Army0 22
RAF1 10
2010Navy1 31
Army4 08
RAF9 141
2011 up to 4 FebNavy 000
Army2 10
RAF0 00
TotalNavy4 101
Army6 310
RAF10 151


(a)  These figures represent the Defence Council-level adjudications of Service complaints made under the auspices of Armed Forces Act 2006.

(b)  Redress of complaint cases which were made under the legislation that preceded the Armed Forces Act 2006 and which reached the same level have not been included because service complaint panels were not available as an alternative to Service Boards under the earlier arrangements.

(c)  Service Complaint Panel totals have been separated out to show those panels which included an independent member and those which did not.

16 February 2011

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