The New Local Enterprise Partnerships: An Initial Assessment - Business, Innovation and Skills Committee Contents

Written evidence from the West of England


  The business community and the local authorities in the West of England welcome the opportunity to establish a Local Enterprise Partnership, building on our existing strong and successful private/public sector partnership working. The aim of the Local Enterprise Partnership will be to create the optimum conditions for businesses to flourish in order to deliver sustainable economic growth, to help drive the national economic recovery.

  The West of England is one of the UK's economic power houses—with a strong industrial base that is technologically advanced. Our continued growth will provide national economic benefits.

  We believe that through an enhanced partnership between business and the public sector, we can unlock substantial private sector investment in the West of England over the next five years that will create jobs and new homes and contribute to investment in infrastructure and local services, supporting above average economic growth and prosperity.

  In order to do this, there are some key functions the Local Enterprise Partnership will need to commission, manage and/or deliver. These are:

    — Providing business support to key growth sectors based within the West of England, namely creative and media, aerospace and defence, advanced engineering including micro-electronics and silicon design, environmental technologies/marine renewables and tourism. Supporting these key growth sectors will ensure they remain competitive in the global market and will create local private sector jobs to rebalance the economy.

    — Innovation and technology transfer to encourage and facilitate high-tech business start-up and growth.

    — Provision of critical infrastructure and opening up of key employment sites.

    — Co-ordination of skills provision to meet business need.

  We would ask the Select Committee to recommend to government that these functions are included within the potential functions of Local Enterprise Partnerships.


  1.1  The West of England (the area covered by the four unitary authority areas of Bristol, Bath & North East Somerset, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset) is the most economically competitive major city area outside London. There is a collective view of both the private and public sectors that this is a natural economic area which has significant potential for further growth. The West of England is already one of the fastest growing economies outside of London and is fully committed to building on this success and fulfilling the Government's aims of rebalancing the economy, encouraging private sector job growth and creating the conditions for long-term sustainable, green economic growth.

  1.2  The West of England very much welcomes the opportunity to submit an outline proposal to establish a Local Enterprise Partnership, which will build upon the well-established partnership already operating within the West of England. The West of England is already fostering growth in knowledge-intensive and green industries that will be central to the future success of the national economy. Our economy is diverse and is strengthened by the high growth sectors that are crucial for an economic recovery through sustainable growth at a local and national level, namely:

    — creative and media;

    — aerospace and defence;

    — advanced engineering, including micro-electronics and silicon design; and

    — environmental technologies/marine renewables.

  1.3  These complement a thriving cultural and visitor economy, which are also extremely important for our area.

  1.4  The area's economy will be significantly affected by the reduction in public sector expenditure and public sector job losses. However, the West of England is well placed to deal with this challenge, as it has a proven history of adapting to the ever-changing global economy and, as a result, has the potential for more rapid economic growth than other areas of the UK.

  1.5  The focus of our proposal to establish a Local Enterprise Partnership will be to assist the national economic recovery by further strengthening our economy, by overcoming our constraints to further growth and creating the optimum conditions for businesses to flourish. This will lay the foundations for our vision of a long-term sustainable prosperous and productive economy.

  1.6  We believe that through a strong partnership between the private and public sectors we can create the conditions that give the private sector the confidence to invest in growth and job creation; delivering new employment space and new homes and investing in infrastructure and local services. Our aim is to unlock at least £1 Billion of private sector investment over the next five years.

2.  ROLE

  2.1  The West of England already has a well-established partnership between business the higher education (HE) and further education (FE) sectors and the four unitary authorities. This partnership provides effective leadership and has a proven track record of delivery. By developing a Local Enterprise Partnership, the West of England is embracing the opportunity to build upon our successful partnership work to date. Our priorities going forward, will be based on the following key objectives:

    (a) To rebalance the local economy towards private enterprise. Many public sector jobs in our local economy are under threat and stimulation of the private sector will help to redress the impact on the West of England economy.

    (b) To support the key business sectors based in the West of England, that will be fundamental not only to the West of England's international competitiveness, but also to the competitiveness of the UK economy.

    (c) To focus on the skills that employers will need to prosper in the future (ensuring business has a central role to play in identifying those skills needs).

    (d) To help nurture an innovation and enterprise culture by working with businesses, higher education/further education and the public sector, in order to ensure that the intellectual property and research capability within our educational institutions is more easily accessible to local businesses so as to harness the creative spirit that exists within the West of England.

    (e) To create the right conditions for businesses to thrive by delivering the necessary infrastructure and unlocking sites for employment uses.

    (f) To further strengthen the existing strong and effective partnership between businesses and the unitary authorities.

    (g) To work in partnership with Government to remove barriers to enterprise and growth.

  2.2  In the letter from The RT Hon Dr Vince Cable MP and The RT Hon Eric Pickles MP on 29 June, there was a suggestion that certain Regional Development Agency (RDA) functions are best led nationally. We have been considering all functions that are required to strengthen the West of England economy and strongly believe that many of these functions require strong local capacity and capability rather than simply being discharged at a national level. These are detailed under the sub-headings below.

  2.3  Supporting specific sectors

2.3.1 The West of England Local Enterprise Partnership should provide sector support to those industries which play an important role in the local economy. The West of England has a long tradition of innovation and creativity and is a major centre for many sectors, namely: creative and media, aerospace and defence, advanced engineering including micro-electronics and silicon design, environmental technologies/marine renewables and tourism. As well as being of national significance, these industries need to be supported locally because of their interconnectedness with the local economy. There are specific links with local innovation and technology transfer activities, local skills providers and local planning, site and infrastructure provision. This is a collective endeavour between our businesses, our local authorities, our universities, our colleges and schools, our business support agencies and our trade bodies. It takes advantage of assets such as our developing science park, the national composite centre and existing incubation and innovation centres.

2.3.2 Over and above the local importance, many of the sectors located in the West of England are also of national importance. There is a need to ensure that these sectors remain competitive in the global market. Our Local Enterprise Partnership proposition will emphasise the need to sustain and improve on sector support currently provided by the Regional Development Agency. Due to the high concentration of these sectors within the West of England, the Local Enterprise Partnership is well placed to act as a centre of excellence for these sectors on a national basis and will look to transfer RDA expertise for business support for key sectors to provide this.

2.3.3 The West of England is looking to establish a network between Local Enterprise Partnerships with similar sector concentrations to maximise the benefit of these sectors to the UK as a whole, reducing duplication of effort and ensuring that skills and expertise are available where they are needed. Where there are national key sector inward investment opportunities, the Local Enterprise Partnership would expect to work with UK Trade and Investment on this.

2.3.4 We will build on our existing networks such as the Core Cities Group, Silicon SW and the Science Cities Networks to create a shared, supportive, efficient and effective approach with other Local Enterprise Partnerships.

  2.4  Innovation and technology transfer

2.4.1 The West of England is already heavily engaged in innovation and technology transfer. Our longstanding association with aerospace and defence, and our successes in life sciences and biotechnology, means we already have the components to drive the knowledge economy; namely research, institutions (including four universities), networks, skills and business infrastructure. Bristol, in the West of England, has been designated as a Science City, whilst Bath is home to Silicon SW the focus for the largest silicon cluster outside the South East. A new science park and national composite centre are in development in the area. These initiatives are dependent on the strong working relationships we have forged between businesses, our higher education institutions and the unitary authorities. We would expect future Government policy to recognise the role the Local Enterprise Partnership could play in delivering relevant aspects of innovation and technology transfer, either as a local delivery agency or in partnership with national delivery agencies. As such, the West of England would expect to have a role as an engine of innovation and business growth, and would look at opportunities to secure investment and support from government and other sources, for new markets and enterprise.

  2.5  Infrastructure, regeneration and employment sites

2.5.1 Business and the unitary authorities in the West of England are clear that infrastructure is critical to creating the optimum conditions for growth. It is vital to ensure that we can attract new business to the area, assist indigenous businesses to remain in the area and provide for business growth. Infrastructure is especially important to delivering our shared views and ambitions for strategic employment and regeneration sites. This should include schools, green spaces, health care, broadband connectivity, as well as the transport infrastructure that serves both the area and enhances connectivity to the rest of the UK. We already have detailed Memoranda of Understanding with the Highways Agency and with the rail industry and we will develop this collaborative approach to help unlock transport infrastructure and services provision. The partners in the West of England have also agreed an Infrastructure and Investment Delivery Plan. This identifies the strategic locations across the West of England which can drive future economic growth and the investment requirements for unlocking their potential.

2.5.2 To complement investment in infrastructure we need continued support to open up difficult brownfield and allocated sites for regeneration and employment. These sites have the potential to accommodate growth whilst allowing us to protect and improve green belt and other valued green space and reduce urban sprawl into neighbouring rural areas. A significant amount of public and private investment in the area over the last two decades has focused on brownfield development. We are now getting to the stage where it is the most difficult to develop sites, with exceptional up-front costs, that remain. We need a focused discussion with Government on more flexible ways that local partners can provide pump-priming funding, clawing this funding back over time as development takes place. This could include mechanisms such as allowing borrowing against future homes and business growth incentives and Tax Increment Funding.

2.5.3 To be able to deliver the necessary infrastructure and sites to create the optimum condition for growth in the West of England, the Local Enterprise Partnership requires greater flexibility. To achieve this, the government should support local planning decisions which support development and growth and which unlock permissions.

2.5.4 Provision should be made for devolved funding for significant local infrastructure projects and the Local Enterprise Partnership should have access to the Regional Growth Fund.

2.5.5 Where infrastructure has a direct or indirect impact on the West of England's economy, the Local Enterprise Partnership should have influence over the strategies, plans and operational decisions of the relevant national agencies and infrastructure providers.

  2.6  Skills

2.6.1 In order to deliver growth successfully within the West of England and, in particular, growth in our key sectors, the Local Enterprise Partnership will need to ensure that the workforce has the skills required by those sectors. Key will be ensuring that the needs of local businesses are understood and that the skills provision is "demand led". The Local Enterprise Partnership will need to be able to co-ordinate skills to help drive up participation and attainment and enhance business productivity and competitiveness. HE and FE institutions are vital partners in this work and will be members of the Board.

2.6.2 In order to be able to fulfil this important function it is essential that Local Enterprise Partnerships are provided with sufficient leverage to bring skills providers to the table and be able to influence their plans. This needs to be reflected in how HE and FE planning and funding regimes are organised so that they pay heed to business demand as focused through the Local Enterprise Partnership.


  3.1  In terms of resourcing the Local Enterprise Partnership, the West of England Partnership has a supporting staff structure which could help support the day to day operations of the Local Enterprise Partnership.

  3.2  The West of England Local Enterprise Partnership is proposing to lead national sector support for a number of high growth sectors which are particularly concentrated in this area. As this function would be delivered on behalf of the nation as a whole, it is unrealistic to expect that local partners can fully fund this. We would therefore be seeking resource from central government for these specific activities.

  3.3  In this context, and from our discussions with our business community we know that they would value the transfer some of the resource capacity and relevant skills that already exist within the RDA, such as support for specific high growth sectors and project development expertise at the interface between public and private sector investment. We would want to have a discussion with Government on the transfer of some of this capacity to the new Local Enterprise Partnership, these core costs being covered through grant.

  3.4  The West of England Local Enterprise Partnership would like to review assets held by government agencies, including RDA assets (both those directly owned and those where the RDA has an interest secured through a funding agreement or equivalent arrangement) and assist the transfer of those assets which deliver positive economic outcomes, and which do not present liabilities, to the unitary authorities.

  3.5  We would like to play a stronger role in the management of ERDF, both locally and, potentially, in a sub-national role. There are a number of existing commissioned ERDF projects which either focus on parts of the West of England or which are being delivered by partners based in the West of England (eg University of the West of England) and we believe that there is a strong efficiency case for concentrating ERDF management capacity in a number of locations rather than spreading the jam too thinly. This will protect Government by assuring strong programme and project management.

  3.6  The Local Enterprise Partnership would expect to have access to the Regional Growth Fund and act as strategic and operational lead, playing an important role in the development, administration and delivery of Regional Growth Fund bids in this area. The Partnership expects the Fund to support projects in the West of England that will act as a catalyst for business growth, directly creating the conditions for business and sector growth and creating jobs.

  3.7  We would expect Government to enter into a meaningful dialogue with Local Enterprise Partnerships on flexibilities that could increase the effectiveness of public funding, helping to unlock private sector investment and maintain State Aid compliance.


  4.1  The West of England has a proven history of strong public/private sector partnership working. There is a firm belief in the West of England that this can be strengthened by establishing a Local Enterprise Partnership which is committed to achieving economic recovery through sustainable growth, which will lay the foundations for a long-term sustained prosperous and productive West of England economy which can contribute to a strong national economy. The West of England economy is diverse in nature and has proved to be adaptable to the changing global economy. However, the Local Enterprise Partnership will provide the opportunity for the West of England to create the optimum conditions for businesses to thrive, facilitating growth on a local and national scale.


  5.1  The West of England recommends that the Select Committee supports Local Enterprise Partnerships in the following:

    — Sector support—For appropriate Local Enterprise Partnerships to provide a national lead on providing sector support and ensures specific resources are made available for this.

    — Innovation—Where innovation and technology transfer is a significant element of the economy, for Local Enterprise Partnerships to have a role in innovation and technology transfer as the local delivery agency or in partnership with national delivery agencies such as the Technology Strategy Board.

    — Skills—For Local Enterprise Partnerships to co-ordinate skills provision relating to business need and the needs of the local economy.

    — Strategic planning, infrastructure, regeneration and employment sites—for Local Enterprise Partnerships to play a catalytic role in creating the conditions for economic growth.

    — Regional Growth Fund—For the Local Enterprise Partnership to have access to the Regional Growth Fund and act as strategic and operational lead, playing an important role in the development, administration and delivery of Regional Growth Fund bids in this area.

  5.2  We would also recommend that the Select Committee to recognise that re-balancing the West of England economy in terms of skills, regeneration and jobs, is vital to sustaining the success of not only the West of England economy but also of critical importance to the UK.

13 August 2010

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