The New Local Enterprise Partnerships: An Initial Assessment - Business, Innovation and Skills Committee Contents

Written evidence from Yorkshire and The Humber Rural Affairs Forum

  The Yorkshire and The Humber Rural Affairs Forum welcomes the opportunity to comment on the New Local Enterprise Partnerships.

  The Forum has commented via the Yorkshire & Humber Stakeholders Group. The Forum would however like to make the following comment in addition:

    Many Local Enterprise Partnerships will have both an urban and rural dimension. It is important that rural businesses are properly represented and that organisations representing rural interests are an inherent part of the process. In addition, processes and procedures associated with Local Enterprise Partnerships should enable rural-proofing of investment and other decisions. Some good work has been done in the Humber Sub-Region through work on the Hull & Humber Ports City-Region Rural Strategy to secure strong and effective rural input to the City-Region Development Programme. The work is held-up as an exemplar in its field.

16 August 2010

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Prepared 9 December 2010