The New Local Enterprise Partnerships: An Initial Assessment - Business, Innovation and Skills Committee Contents

Written evidence from Central Bedfordshire Local Strategic Partnership


  The Board consider the options for the establishment of a Local Enterprise Partnership, and supports the ongoing development of a proposal to Government for a Local Enterprise Partnership based on current MKSM working arrangements.


  2.1  The Coalition Government, jointly through the Departments for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) and Communities and Local Government (CLG), has Written to Local Authority Leaders and Chief Executives setting out the Government's intention to abolish Regional Development Agencies (RDA) and support local authorities and business to form Local Economic Partnerships (LEP) Initial proposals for LEPs have to be submitted by the 6th September 2010.

  2.2  The Government states that LEPs will provide strategic leadership to set out local economic priorities and a clear vision for their area. Expected outcomes of a LEP are:

    — A better business environment through new approaches to planning, housing, transport and infrastructure.

    — A focus on employment and enterprise and the transition to a low carbon economy.

    — Renewal and transformation of the local economy using initiatives proven to support enterprise and innovation.

    — Supporting small business start ups and working with universities and colleges will be an important part of the LEP agenda.

  2.3  The Government is clear that a LEP must be consistent with the natural economic linkages of an area (Functional Economic Market Area—FEMA). Appendix 1 provides details of Central Bedfordshire's FEMA. Overall there are considerable linkages, employment, retail, leisure, travel and housing with the surrounding authorities, in particular Luton and Bedford. There are also growing linkages with Milton Keynes, across a range of measures, and housing and commuter links to North Hertfordshire. The Government has made it clear that partnership working between LEPs would be welcome and expected, where there are clear functional economic linkages.

  2.4  Business engagement with LEPS is seen as an essential requirement by Government, as part of rebalancing the economy towards the private sector. This should mean an equal representation of business and public sectors bodies on the boards of a LEP and that a prominent business leader should chair the board.


  3.1  The Government states that LEPs will create the right environment for business growth by tackling issues such as planning and housing, local transport and infrastructure priorities, employment and enterprise and transition to the low carbon economy, and work closely with universities and Further Education colleges.

  3.2  While Planning, Transport and infrastructure activities are noted by the Government as possible functions of LEPs, there is no guidance on what this entails. Careful consideration of these functions and the relationship with the Council's statutory roles will need to be given when considering the roles of a LEP.

  3.3  In addition to the areas the Government notes should be considered by a LEP, a range of areas have also been highlighted that it considers are best dealt with nationally, namely inward investment, sector leadership, and responsibility for business support, innovation and access to finance, such as venture capital funds. Other functions are not mentioned, but have a considerable impact on local economic development include skills development and community regeneration. In many of these cases there will be a need for local activity to reflect local business needs and opportunities, and as such a LEP will need to seek to support additional activities that support the local economy.

  3.4  A current Government Consultation on the £1 Billion Regional Growth Fund highlights the potential role for LEPs in the delivery of the fund, through supporting and co-ordinating local applications.


  4.1  The council is currently developing a LEP with neighbouring authorities covering the South East Midlands area (Central Bedfordshire, Bedford Borough, Luton Borough and Milton Keynes unitary councils in addition to a number of surrounding districts, including Aylesbury Vale, Northampton, Kettering South Northamptonshire, Cherwell and Dacorum councils ) This partnership has been based on existing partnership working between the councils, but importantly existing business links (for example the South East Midlands Chambers Alliance, between Chambers of Commerce has been in operation for at least 15 years.

  4.2  Under the emerging proposal The LEP would have the high level

    — Strategic planning.

    — Prioritisation of transport infrastructure.

    — Business support.

    — Improvements in skills and productivity.

    — Improved digital and global communications.

  4.3  This proposal supports the findings of the analysis of Central Bedfordshire's Functional Economic Market Area, as highlighted in appendix one, and the council is actively promoting the need to work with neighbouring LEP's particularly Hertfordshire on shared business needs.

  4.4  Local Chambers of Commerce, Federation for Small Business (FSB) and Institute of Directors (IOD) have all been engaged on developing a LEP and a cross authority business summit is proposed on 25 August at Cranfield.

  4.5  Subject to agreement by the council executive it has been proposed that the Leader of the council approves the final joint submission on behalf of the Executive to the Government in order to meet the deadline of the 6 September 2010.

13 August 2010

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