The New Local Enterprise Partnerships: An Initial Assessment - Business, Innovation and Skills Committee Contents

Addendum by Chief Executive of Barnsley Council

  Barnsley Council welcomes the Government's intention to give encouragement to local authorities to collaborate together within a framework of the real economic geography within which their areas lie.

However, it is apparent that unless there is substantial delegation of powers from the Government to LEPs then the government proposals represent no more than what is already possible within existing powers held by local authorities.

  The Council believe that the Government must establish a clear framework within which national leadership in skills, innovation, business support and business finance will allow real freedom for LEPs to tailor strategies and delivery to their local circumstances.

  Barnsley Council is also concerned that the proposed Regional Growth Fund represents a substantial reduction of funding for regional development.

  If the national economy is to be genuinely rebalanced it is vital that the RGF is carefully targeted at the areas of "market failure" ie the most deprived areas of the country to boost their opportunities to fully contribute to the national prosperity.

13 August 2010

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