Proposed Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity - Communities and Local Government Committee Contents

Written Evidence

Department for Communities and Local Government

When I appeared before the Communities and Local Government Select Committee on 6 December to give evidence about the Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity (the 'Publicity Code') I promised to write to you with further details about the costs of producing 'Greenwich Time', lobbyists activity I had experienced and the timetable for the introduction of the Publicity Code.

I am still collating the information on the approaches I have had from lobbyists and will write with details of this as soon as practicable.

In a detailed survey into town hall newspapers, Andrew Gilligan noted: "Greenwich Time has a total gross cost of £708,000 a year, with at least £532,000 of that borne by the public purse" (Evening Standard, 27 July 2009). Greenwich Council's response to the Department's consultation on the Publicity Code did include a section on costs, which stated that 'The Council has worked hard to produce GT at the best possible price since it was first developed' but did not actually give the cost of producing the newspaper".

You asked about the timetable for the introduction of the Publicity Code. We are aiming to lay the Code by early January. If your Committee were able to report by the middle of that month, I imagine this would enable Parliament to consider your findings ahead of the debates on the Code.

Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP

Minister for Local Government

December 2010

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