Memorandum submitted by Professor Jon
Gibbins and Hannah Chalmers
The notes in this memorandum are based on a
private document written as part of the preparation for a series
of multi-stakeholder workshops on emission performance standards
(EPS) run by Imperial College, Green Alliance and SCCS (Scottish
Carbon Capture and Storage
in 2009 and 2010.
The majority of these notes do not attempt to
provide a "correct answer" to questions that arise in
discussing the development and deployment of an EPS. Instead,
they are intended mainly to challenge immediate assumptions that
may exist with regard to the following questions:
A. What could be meant by an Emission Performance
B. What could Emission Performance Standards
be intended to do?
The range of each question is first explored,
and the possible issues are then discussed individually in more
The authors do, however, have a personal preference
for EPS designs that would ultimately result in full CCS (ie highest
reasonable capture levels) being applied to progressively more
fossil power plants (gas and coal), in order of suitability. Facilitating
a staged rollout of full CCS on a plant-by-plant basis across
the entire fleet (rather than introducing a step-change in CCS
requirements at all plants simultaneously or requiring gradually
increasing levels of CCS at all plants simultaneously) is essential
to avoid likely supply chain bottlenecks and/or inefficient investment
and operating decisions that would lead to unnecessary costs for
The only reasonable exception to this might
be the initial stages of some commercial-scale demonstration projects
(eg as in the first UK Government CCS competition), where full
CCS would require multiple copies of untried capture technology
to be used. To reduce the cost to society of funding the initial
trials it should be possible to conduct them on single examples
of first-of-a-kind equipment, with progression to full CCS using
additional, similar, units then subsequently taking place once
a period for learning has elapsed.
Staged rollout of full CCS on a plant-by-plant
basis is expected to offer the lowest overall costs for a given
amount of CCS, but imposes those costs directly on the plants
with CCS. The desirable situation for encouraging CCS use is,
however, that fossil (and/or biomass) plants with CCS are at somewhat
of a financial advantage compared to equivalent plants without
CCS. This suggests that it is necessary to develop an approach
for shifting, at least some of, the CCS costs to the rest of the
market. This could, for example, be through a certificate scheme
incorporated in the EPS or as part of wider market reforms.
Another desirable feature for an EPS, or other
complementary measures, would be to ensure that power plants that
have installed and are operating CCS are generally used in preference
to unabated fossil fuel plants. The EU Emissions Trading Scheme
(EUETS) may be a sufficient complementary measure to meet this
criterion. Once CCS equipment and transport and storage infrastructure
for a plant are in place then only the short run marginal costs
of actually operating it (ie not the full costs, including construction
charges) need to be covered for CO2 to be captured and stored.
These marginal costs are expected to be of the order of half the
total costs, so a much lower EUETS carbon price would be needed
to incentivise running existing CCS plants than would be required
to incentivise installing CCS.
What could be meant by an Emission Performance
The following aspects, which will be discussed
in more detail in Section IV, address many of the major issues
that must be defined before the expected impact of an EPS proposal
can be fully analysed. It should be noted, however, that other
factors will also need to be considered as part of EPS design
and implementation. For example, an organisation to be responsible
for monitoring EPS compliance will need to be identified and a
robust route for responding to non-compliance will need to be
1. Emissions per what output measure?
1.1 | Per unit energy
| Emissions per MWh supplied |
1.2 | Per unit CO2 produced
| Fraction of fossil fuel CO2 captured and stored
1.3 | Per unit of generating capacity
| Tonnes of CO2 emitted per MW of capacity installed per year
2. Size of the entity which has to meet the standard
| | |
2.1 | Generating unit
2.2 | Stack[13] (by analogy with LCPD opt-out regulations)could include multiple plants and of different types (latter not common now but could be done if an advantage)
2.3 | Sitecould include multiple plants, even of different types
2.4 | Company |
2.5 | Industry sectornature of sector determines plant types
2.6 | Countrywill almost always include a range of different plant types
3. Can compliance be traded?
4. Time period over which emissions are averaged when calculating compliance with the EPS
5. How are the costs of compliance met?
6. Action required for compliance?
| |
6.1 | Don't do somethingie don't build or don't run a certain type of plant
6.2 | Have to do somethingie capture a certain fraction of CO2 from any fossil plant; it could be argued that the need to capture CO2 could be entirely avoided if no fossil fuel plants were used at all, but this is currently not feasible in practice
7. Is the EPS based on capability or actual performance?
8. How is the EPS made more stringent over time?
| |
What could Emissions Performance Standards be intended to do?
A useful starting point in this area is the different possible
primary and secondary motivations that can be identified for different
groups of EPS proposers. These motivations are useful since they
can be linked potential objectives for an EPS. They can also conflict
so it will be necessary for regulators to decide which objectives
are intended to be achieved (or not) before an EPS can be designed.
Examples of motivations that have been observed in the ongoing
discourse on EPS include:
avoid leakage from a geographically-limited emission
cap, make it impossible to build new coal without CCS, ensure
that new coal plants do not run without full capture after 2020,
avoid carbon lock-in, get the best use out of the limited "safe"
space left for CO2 in the atmosphere, drive a transition to a
low-emission future, finance CCS development and deployment, overcome
the limitations of a weak general emission limiting programme,
get some new coal plants built to improve energy security, favour
gas over coal, favour CHP over power only, generate a new instrument
to trade, allow a simple and predictable carbon tax, give the
UK (or other) government greater control, give investors and technology
developers greater certainty.
What could be meant by an Emission Performance Standard?
There is no single obvious form for an EPS regulation. Some
of the possible options are listed below; they could be used in
combination in the final regulations. It is often asserted that
these EPS policy measures can be "technology neutral",
but this is debatable as a philosophical point. Although the impact
on different technologies may be a consequence rather than a driver
for a particular policy measure, and the technology-related impacts
of the policy may not have been foreseen, in most cases the actual
policies will inevitably have different consequences for different
1. Emissions per what output measure?
1.1 | Per unit energy | Emissions per MWh supplied
| |
This appears to be technology-neutral but if a technology
can meet the standard without doing anything then this technology
would be at an advantage compared to another technology that has
to add CCS, switch fuels etc. Low emissions per MWh from one type
of power generation may also be directly linked to higher emissions
per MWh from another source. This is because there is generally
a requirement to use a mix of generation types to provide satisfactory
electricity network operation (eg security of supply, minimum
overall cost of electricity supply etc). It can, therefore, be
argued that some intermittent low-carbon sources should be treated
as a unit combined with higher-carbon sources (eg wind with backup
from gas-fired power generation, although the required level of
backup for a given level of wind penetration is a contentious
issue). It should also be noted, however, that not all renewables
would require back-up from non-renewable sources. For example,
hydro power is generally flexible and can provide backup itself
for other intermittent sources.
1.2 | Per unit CO2 produced
| Fraction of fossil fuel CO2 captured and stored
| |
This approach was adopted in the final draft of the US Waxman-Markey
climate bill that was passed by the Congress on 26 June 2009 but
has not yet progressed further.[14]
Some stakeholders may want to consider how to account for CO2
from the "extra" fuel used to run the capture plant
and possibly also the base power plant efficiency (and consequent
effects on fuel consumption per MWh) when considering the required
level of capture.
1.3 | Per unit of generating capacity
| Tonnes of CO2 emitted per MW of capacity installed per year (or other extended time period)
| |
This is close to a running hour limitation, but based on
emissions. It might be a useful way to regulate plants that are
kept mainly in reserve and only operate for limited hours per
year. These could be open cycle gas turbines or other purpose-built
peaking plants, or existing fossil fuel plants that "opt
out" of a future requirement that would otherwise oblige
them to fit CO2 capture.
2. Size of the entity which has to meet the standard
In all cases it is critically important whether or not the
EPS is applied to all plants or just to new ones (see also 8 below).
For 2.2 to 2.6 it also becomes important what types of generating
plant can be mixed in any multiple-unit and/or multiple-plant
entity. For example, are only coal and gas plants considered or
are emissions from fossil power generation, renewables and nuclear
all taken into account when EPS compliance is assessed?
2.1 Generating unit.
2.2 Stack[15] (by
analogy with LCPD opt-out regulations)could include multiple
plants and of different types (latter not common now but could
be done if an advantage).
2.3 Sitecould include multiple plants, even of different
2.4 Companywill probably include different types of
plant but depends on size of company (eg the company could be
just a single plant or own many sites, including across countries).
2.5 Industry sectornature of sector determines plant
2.6 Countrywill almost always include a range of different
plant types.
3. Can compliance be traded?
3.1 Averaging emissions across different units within
an entity (see 2 for different entities) and averaging emissions
over time are both implicit forms of compliance trading.
3.2 To some extent just implicit trading is likely to
be unfair since some players will be able to take advantage of
this opportunity and others won't (eg small companies vs large,
mix of generation types operated by an entity or not).
3.3 Explicit trading of compliance would be expected
to lead to a more efficient allocation of resources to achieve
a given environmental outcome and should also allow as many players
as possible to participate in trading, but concerns have been
raised by some stakeholders about possible duplication between
a tradable EPS and the EU Emission Trading Scheme (EUETS).[16]
3.4 Trading compliance is an obvious way to fund low-carbon
generation, but the scope for what types of low carbon generation
could thus be funded depends on the form of the EPS.
3.5 A tradable per MWh standard applied to all power
generation could fund all types of low-carbon generation, eg nuclear,
renewables, CCS. It might even fund unabated natural gas combined
cycle (NGCC) plant if the level of emissions allowed by the EPS
was greater than the feasible minimum level of emissions that
can be achieved by unabated NGCC (or unabated gas was used to
complement other lower-emission generation plants).[17]
3.6 A tradable standard based on fraction of CO2 captured
for fossil plants would possibly fund CCS on coal in preference
to CCS on gas. But if it also applied to other fossil fuels, the
costs could be divided over all fossil generation and not just
the coal fleet. Alternatively it could potentially cover all generation
3.7 It is likely to be very much more cost effective
to fit full capture[18]
to a smaller number of plants (once any technology proving phase
is over) rather than fit partial capture on all fossil plants.
It is also much more feasible gradually to increase the stringency
level of a traded EPS, since additional plants can be fitted with
full capture rather than the level of capture at all plants having
to be adjusted individually to meet a non-traded EPS.
3.8 Capturing CO2 from biomass utilisation always gives
an environmental benefit unless the lifecycle emissions for the
biomass production, transport etc are thereby increased by a larger
amount than the CO2 captured (a possible, but very unlikely, outcome).
Otherwise the issue is just whether or not using biomass with
CCS to produce a carbon-free energy vector (electricity, heat
or possibly hydrogen) gives more cost-effective abatement than
direct biomass use or conversion to a carbon-based energy vector
(eg methane, liquid biofuel). This must be recognised or perverse
incentives to use biomass without CCS can result.[19]
4. Time period over which emissions are averaged when calculating
compliance with the EPS
4.1 The time period over which the atmosphere averages
the effect of CO2 emissions is very long, of the order of a century.
It also does not matter where in the world the CO2 is emitted.
4.2 In practice accounting periods for CO2 emissions
have to be shorter than the environment is sensitive to. Periods
of around one to five years are established and these are currently
extended further when EUETS Emission Allowances can be carried
over from one period to a subsequent one.
4.3 But some emissions (eg SOx, NOx) are averaged over
periods of 30 minutes under the LCPD (Large Combustion Plant Directive),
partly since they have local environmental impacts and it, therefore,
makes sense to require emissions levels to be constrained over
much shorter time periods than for CO2. Thoughtless extension
of these regulations to CO2 could therefore end up with a short
period for averaging, but without any environmental justification
at all in this case.
4.4 There is an argument to use the longest practicable
accounting period for EPS since doing this is likely to reduce
the cost of compliance while still achieving full environmental
integrity. In some cases a single year could be sufficient to
achieve close to maximum cost-effectiveness, but up to around
five years might be useful with some non-traded-compliance EPS
options and traded-compliance EPS options could benefit from even
longer periods.
4.5 A special case would be a plant that achieved a time-averaged
performance standard by operating for a period without CO2 capture
and then fitting and operating capture. There is an obvious risk
of the planned capture retrofit not taking place, but leaving
that aside technical progress could make this a low-cost option.
This type of EPS is already effectively being proposed and debated
in connection with government policy for permitting new fossil
(and biomass) plants in the UK as capture ready, often with particular
attention paid to coal-fired power plants. Some stakeholders say
that new coal plants without full capture from the start lock
in years of high carbon emissions, others state that by making
any capacity without CCS on the plants capture ready lifetime
average emissions can be limited to satisfactory (implicitly time-averaged)
5. How are the costs of compliance met?
If the costs cannot be met then existing plants will not
be operated to meet an EPSalthough that may be an intentional
result, since it is still likely to qualify as compliance. In
this case the plants simply close downthey become stranded
assets. If the EPS applies only to new plants, or is likely to
do so in the future, then potential new plants may not be built
at all. In both cases there are obviously serious implications
for project financing and/or decisions to go ahead with investment.
Possible options for how the costs of compliance are met when
a plant does operate and satisfy the requirements of an EPS are
relatively limited, with the main options being:
5.1 Out of existing profit margins? ie taken from company
shareholders? But if profits are not sufficient then cost ultimately
has to be met by the customers?
5.2 From the tax base? An argument to do this is that the
tax system is more equitable than the electricity billing system
since only those who can afford to pay do. But there are also
arguments against eg how do you avoid a windfalls problem, analogous
to that in the first phase of EUETS, if money is supplied from
the tax base, but companies also price according to marginal cost
principles in the market? Taxes at a national level are also relatively
easy for a different government to change so may not offer sufficient
stability for investment. A tax at European level (and UK environmental
law generally comes from Europe) is much more complex.
5.3 Passed through to customers? This is easy for a regulated
utility (eg in the USA, provided the local Public Utility Commission
agrees) and can happen automatically for a publicly-owned utility.
Passing through full costs of any investment (including those
that would be required to meet an EPS) can, however, be challenging
in a competitive market since electricity prices tend to reflect
short run marginal costs of the plants that are operating and
will not necessarily be sufficiently high to cover long run costs
such as those related to capital expenditure. It is perhaps worth
noting that electricity cost increases due to "normal"
factors such as fuel price increase that are included in short
run marginal costs are passed through to customers as a matter
of course in market economies.
6. Action required for compliance?
6.1 Don't do somethingie don't build or don't
run a certain type of plant.
6.2 Have to do somethingie capture a certain fraction
of CO2 from any fossil plant. It could be argued that the need
to capture CO2 could be entirely avoided if no fossil fuel plants
were used at all, but this is not feasible in practice for the
near and medium term.
7. Based on capability or on actual performance?
7.1 A major issue here is whether the metric is based
on what the plant is capable of doing when operated to minimise
CO2 emissions as much as possible, or on the actual emissions
it achieves over a period of time.
7.2 For consumer products (eg cars, refrigerators) the
capability is considered a useful and practicable measure. The
Californian EPS for power generation is also based on plant design
information but then not monitored when plant is constructed (although
this is partly because the results of the Californian EPS has
been to stop new coal and other plants can meet the standard at
the current level without changing normal operating practicessee
section V below).
7.3 Making a plant capture ready arguably goes some way
towards being a performance standard based on capability rather
than actual performance, although with caveats about whether or
not capture will actually be fitted in the future.[20]
7.4 For non-fossil generation (renewables, nuclear) there
is no need to monitor actual performance for a plant based standard
since the emissions at the point of use are always essentially
zero. There would be a need to know actual electricity output
if, for example, a tCO2/MWh EPS is being averaged over a number
of units including these types.
7.5 For fossil plants without capture, emissions can
vary from some minimum value per MWh (usually at full load and
hence maximum efficiency) to effectively an infinite amount per
MWh when fuel is being consumed but no power exported (eg while
the plant is starting up or being kept warm to allow rapid response).
Often the highest emissions are, however, thought of as those
occurring at the "minimum stable generation" point for
continuous part-load generation.
7.6 For fossil plants with CO2 capture the emissions
per MWh would obviously depend on the capture technology and how
it was operated, but also would depend on the operating pattern
of the plant, eg baseload or providing support services to the
electricity network.
8. How is the EPS made more stringent over time?
8.1 There is a general expectation that the stringency
of the EPS will increase over time.
8.2 The long term end point for all EPS if cumulative
CO2 emissions to the atmosphere are to be limited to minimise
the risk of dangerous climate change is that any fossil fuel can
only be used if a corresponding amount of CO2 is captured and
stored (note this does not imply CCS if no fossil fuels are used).
8.3 Increased stringency could be that the EPS applies
to more power plants, eg plants with different fuel types, existing
plants as well as new plants.
8.4 It is difficult to see how the capture level at an
individual plant could be increased progressively over time in
a cost-effective manner, except in the case where certain novel
components need first to be tried out and refined (eg one 400MW
post-combustion capture unit on a 2 x 800MW power plant site).
It might be technically feasible, but the capture plant would
probably not be integrated efficiently as a result and for some
of the time the capital investment for the CCS chain (probably
including pipelines and injection facilities) would not be used
at its full potential capacity.
8.5 At an individual plant level retrofitting full capture
to a carbon capture ready (CCR) site would not involve any artificial
cost increases. But having all CCR plants retrofitted within a
narrow time window would add unnecessary cost increases since
the equipment supply industry, pipeline construction, drilling
industry etc would be facing a boom and bust market situation
rather than a period of sustained demand with gradual up and down
What could Emissions Performance Standards be intended to do?
The discussion below covers possible interactions between
an EPS and a cap and trade scheme, such as the EUETS. It does
not examine the important legal point that an EPS might be considered
an example of double regulation if an ETS also exists and so would
not be allowed to be introduced. Instead, as noted in Section
III, the focus is on different possible primary and secondary
motivation for different groups of EPS proposers. These include:
1. Avoid "leakage" from a geographically-limited
emission cap by applying an EPS to imported electricity (or perhaps
to the electricity used to produce imported goods). The "original"
Californian regulation was intended to stop utilities from renewing
long-term contracts for coal-fired electricity from outside the
state of California (CA) that would negate the effects of CA implementing
a state cap and trade system. The per MWh emission performance
standard was set at a level (1100 lbCO2/MWh or 500kgCO2/MWh) that
would affect virtually no generation plants within CA (natural
gas, nuclear, hydro, other renewables).
2. Make it impossible to build new coal without CCS (and if
the costs of CCS cannot be recovered, making it impossible to
build new coal at all).
3. Ensure that new coal plants do not run without full capture
after 2020 (or a similar date).
4. Avoid carbon lock-in; power plants being built now and
that will be in operation for a long time will have low enough
emissions from some specified point in the future onwards.
5. Get the best use (ie most electricity and possibly heat)
out of the limited "safe" space left for CO2 in the
atmosphere since avoiding dangerous climate change is expected
to require a limit to cumulative CO2 emissions over centuries
(may also be used as an implicit way to get the best use out of
perceived limited fossil fuel supplies).
6. Drive a transition from where we are now to a low-emission
future where fossil fuels can only be used with CCS. This is not
to say that fossil fuels have to be used, just that they can only
be used in any quantity with this condition. As above, this reflects
a growing understanding that accumulated CO2 emissions over time
are what matters for the risk of dangerous climate change rather
than the yearly emission rate, so to avoid dangerous climate change
energy system emissions will eventually have to get close to zero.
In fact, net power plant emissions and other CO2 emissions may
even need to go below zero if it turns out that we have overshot
the safe cumulative amount or need to offset greenhouse gas emissions
from other sectors that are very difficult to reduce to zero,
eg agriculture.
7. Finance CCS development and deployment in the UK (and other
OECD countries) with a tradable standard so as to establish it
as a viable option in future climate change negotiations.
8. Overcome the limitations of a weak general emission limiting
programme such as a carbon tax with no caps or an ETS with weak
caps or excessive "safety valve" trading outside the
cap, eg as has been suggested by some stakeholders for Certified
Emission Reductions (CERs) from the Clean Development Mechanism
(CDM) in the EUETS. Soft (or volatile) carbon prices that fail
to incentivise investment are also an issue. These could be due
to a weak cap or "leakage" but could also result from
the effect of other support measures for low carbon generation,
such as ROCs (Renewable Obligation Certificates) or feed in tariffs
if these are used in large quantities. It should be noted, however,
that the nature of the EUETS is such that any reduction in emissions
within the UK would be matched by a corresponding increase in
emissions elsewhere in the EU (probably plus a transfer of value
from the UK to the rest of the EU, since EPS compliance is presumably
more expensive than the emission allowance (EA) purchase price
or it wouldn't be necessary to have an EPS). If this problem is
to be avoided the EAs saved by the EPS would need to be retired
by the UK Government (reducing revenues from the EA allocation
available for it to auction). Even in this case, strictly the
EPS is not responsible for a climate benefit since EAs could,
of course, be retired anyway without any EPS in place.
9. Encourage the building of new coal plants to improve overall
UK fuel diversity and hence energy security (since potential investors
have better understanding of the regulatory regime to be used
for limiting CO2 emissionsalso see further discussion below).
10. Favour gas over coal. Sell more gas or at a higher price,
similar advantages for gas power plant suppliers, and for utilities
with a high level of natural gas in their portfolio. In principle
an EPS could also be seen as favouring non-fossil generation (renewables,
nuclear) over fossil (gas, coal) but in practice an EPS that restricts
unabated natural gas power generation (and even existing coal,
in the short to medium term) is impracticable for the foreseeable
future (and quite likely to be beyond the time horizon of those
organisations with a commercial interest in a pro-unabated-gas
outcome; ie the short term gains for such organisations are likely
to outweigh the longer term possibility that an EPS could adversely
affect the economic prospects for gas vis-a-vis non-fossil energy
11. Favour CHP over power only. This is typically suggested
to be achieved by including heat supplied in the MWh output of
the power plant used to determine EPS compliance and then setting
the EPS stringency at a level that cannot be achieved by electricity
generation alone. One fundamental problem with this approach is
that it assigns the same value to energy in the form of low grade
heat and to energy in the form of electricity, an equality which
is justified neither on thermodynamic nor on economic grounds.
This mis-assignment then opens up opportunities for gaming to
extract the unwarranted value given to low grade heat. There is
also the practical difficulty of matching low grade heat demand
with power demand, especially in the summer. If the CHP is implemented
in an industrial application with fairly constant heat demand
(eg refinery, paper manufacture) then it is usually a logical
economic option anyway, but with too limited an application to
become a general standard. Similar CO2 mitigation (and fuel utilisation)
results (better or worse depending on the situation) could also
be achieved by combining pure electricity generation with heat
pumps (which also has the additional artificial advantage of contributing
to renewable energy targets, should they exist, since large amounts
of ambient, renewable heat are supplied from the heat pump). CHP
and district heating are obviously worth considering, in competition
with other options to supply low-carbon heat, but an EPS that
combines electricity and heat may not be the best way to do this.
Although not mentioned elsewhere, a simple EPS that specifies
a fraction of district heating might be a better alternative,
although perverse incentives with respect to disadvantaging heat
pumps would also need to be considered in this context.
12. Generate a new instrument to trade, and make money from
this new market (despite obvious concerns from many stakeholders
about multiple incentive markets).
13. Avoid traded instruments such as the EUETS and allow a
simple and predictable carbon tax to be used, supplemented by
an EPS to give more rapid/focussed cuts in CO2 emissions.
14. Give the UK (or other) government greater control over
CO2 emissions from UK fossil-fired power plants. As already discussed,
this outcome can be delivered in the strict sense if the EPS applies
to the whole UK fossil power sector, but the nature of the EUETS
is such that any reduction in emissions within the UK would be
matched by a corresponding increase in emissions elsewhere in
the EU unless the EAs saved by the EPS were retired by the UK
15. Give the UK (or other) government greater control over
incentives for low-emission fossil generation technology that
have been lost to Europe via the EUETS, also control over what
sorts of power plants get built in the UK. The enhanced control
appears feasible to some extent, at least until any UK laws are
superseded by an EU EPS, but only "positive" incentives
that involve money being given to low-carbon fossil generation
are likely to get significant results in most respects. Since
no utilities operating in the UK have an obligation to build power
plants in the UK, and most can also build power plants elsewhere
in the EU and/or elsewhere in the world, the UK Government can
certainly exercise a negative control over what happens but cannot
so easily exercise a positive control if more attractive investment
opportunities exist elsewhere.
16. Give investors in the UK electricity generation market
greater certainty than is possible with the current mix of EU
and local regulations. This could literally be feasible if the
characteristics of the EPS and its date of implementation were
announced a long time in advance, although the consequences of
such increased certainty would depend on the terms of the EPS.
It is, however, also worth noting that the level of uncertainty
assumed by investors will also depend on their assessment of the
likelihood that (potentially several) future UK governments would
feel bound (or not) by undertakings made by previous governments.
This could perhaps be resolved by some form of contractual agreement.
Additional uncertainty is however introduced if the timing of
the implementation of an EPS (and possibly some other parameters)
are left to the discretion of the Environment Agency or some other
body. Unless contractually binding terms are agreed anecdotal
evidence suggest that "bankable" certainty will not
be increased and indeed an EPS could well be an additional uncertain
factor that could strand an asset in the future, so it actually
makes it harder to finance a plant.
17. Give technology developers greater certainty in future
market needs. This may be literally true in some senses, but if
the EPS requirement is for partial capture at an individual installation
level (eg order 50% capture on coal) then the almost inevitable
"lock-in" from this, at least for some CO2 capture technology
options, and likely focussing of technology development to meet
more immediate market needs (ie partial capture) does not seem
to conform to long-term environmental demands for full capture,
even if subsequent tightening of the EPS can be foreseen. Additional
caveats as above apply about uncertainty with respect to timing
and future government policy changes etc. as well.
September 2010
The power plant chimney, which may contain separate ducts for
individual generating units on a site. Back
14 eg "(3)
or operator of a covered EGU that is initially permitted on or
after 1 January 2015, and before 1 January 2020, shall be ineligible
to receive emission allowances pursuant to this section if such
unit, upon commencement of operations (and thereafter), does not
achieve and maintain an emission limit that is at least a 50%
reduction in emissions of the carbon dioxide produced by the unit,
measured on an annual basis, as determined in accordance with
section 812(b)(2)." Back
The power plant chimney, which may contain separate ducts for
individual generating units on a site. Back
Note that the particular point here is concern with two trading
mechanisms overlapping. There is also an additional consideration
of whether double regulation of CO2 is allowable and/or preferable.
See Section V. Back
The value of this level depends on a number of factors including
the nature of the electricity market you are operating in, requirement
for part load operation, numbers of starts/stops, need to fire
on oil instead of gas etc, but probably lies somewhere between
350kgCO2/MWh and 450kgCO2/MWh. Back
ie all the flue gas is processed, although capture levels will
be less than 100% for technical reasons. Back
Biomass utilisation is treated as carbon-neutral and largely ignored
in most regulatory regimes whereas in fact it may have significant
fossil emissions involved in its production; but this is immaterial
in determining whether to capture the CO2 from the biomass instead
of re-emitting it to atmosphere. Biomass combustion also usually
has higher CO2 emissions per unit energy (kgCO2/MWh) emitted at
the power plant site than coal. Back
The arguments about whether or not capture will be fitted in the
future differ between the cases where any individual plant is
being considered and where a national fleet as a whole is being
considered. It is much easier to be certain that a fraction of
the national fleet will have to be retrofitted if overall emissions
are to be reduced. Back