4 NPSs and the planning system
52. The suite of energy NPSs forms a new tier in
the set of planning documents. Their purpose is to define government
policy for the purpose of making timely and necessary decisions
on applications for planning consent for major infrastructure
developments. There is also a duty under section 19(2) of the
Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 for local planning
authorities to have regard to national policies when preparing
development plans, so the NPSs form a part of the wider planning
53. This section considers how the revised NPSs will
function as planning documents, considering how they fit into
the planning system and whether they require a more spatial, strategic
approach. Changes to the Planning Act are considered in
the subsequent section.
Strategic spatial planning
54. Section 5(5) of the Planning Act 2008 sets
out the power for NPSs to include criteria relating to specific
locations but the Government has chosen to make only EN-6, on
nuclear energy, site-specific. Instead, the Government intends
that the NPSs would rely on the market to locate significant infrastructure
projects. Our predecessor Committee suggested that "there
are ways in which the non-nuclear NPSs could take greater account
of spatial issues", such as strategic improvements in transmission
networks, in order to "provide valuable guidance and an incentive
to bring applications forward in the most appropriate locations"
without constraining the choice of sites available.[68]
55. The Government rejected this idea, stating that
"developers are best placed to decide where energy infrastructure
should be based". It also argued that including strategic
guidance for locating NSIPs could cause "planning blight"
elsewhere.[69] This statement
was challenged by witnesses. The Campaign to Protect Rural England
(CPRE) told us that "a more spatially explicit framework"
would improve the investment environment for large infrastructure
projects, reduce delays and guard against inadvisable developments.
The NPSs, they believed, should "be much more explicit about
where things should or should not go,". [70]
CPRE cited the example of Triton Knoll substation off the east
coast of England which, they say, has been planned without regard
for the 40 km of power lines that would be necessary to connect
it up to the grid. [71]
The planning system
56. Our predecessors considered a national spatial
strategy as one means of providing a level of strategic spatial
guidance for the NPSs, concluding that "the Government has
not fully explored the potential for some form of English national
spatial strategy".[72]
57. Since then, the Coalition Government has elaborated
on its plans for a National Planning Framework, covering all forms
of development and setting out national economic, environmental
and social priorities. This will form the context for NPSs and
is due to be released in April 2012.[73]
The Department for Communities and Local Government claims that
the Framework will give local people and communities "far
more ability to determine the shape of the places in which they
live by radically reforming the planning system".[74]
RSPB were concerned that "there is still a degree of uncertainty
about how the NPSs will relate to the rest of the planning system".[75]
They suggested that "it will be very important for [the National
Planning Framework] to relate quite closely to the national policy
statements" and "that there continues to be some uncertainty".[76]
CPRE recommended that the National Planning Framework should be
considered and finalised at the same time as the Localism Bill
in order to provide coherence to the reforms of the planning process.[77]
58. In addition, a National Infrastructure Plan was
announced alongside the June 2010 Budget Report, which stated
that "the Government will publish a national infrastructure
plan that will set out goals for UK infrastructure. This will
include priority public and private sector investments and proposals
for delivering and supporting investment on a cross-sector basis".[78]
Beneath this national level of planning policy, Clause 89 of the
Localism Bill would formally revoke the Regional Spatial
Strategies (RSSs) and repeal Part 5 of the Local Democracy, Economic
Development and Construction Act 2009 under which they were made.
59. RenewableUK argued to us that "It is essential
that the objectives of the [Planning] Act are not compromised
by the planning reforms currently proposed by the Government".
They added that "there is a real risk that root and branch
reform of the town and country planning system in England could
significantly delay the determination and deployment of smaller
scale [
] renewable energy infrastructure below 50 MW".[79]
60. The Government has set out on important, but
potentially disruptive or even conflicting, reforms of the planning
system in relative isolation from one another. We conclude that
the National Planning Framework could provide strategic spatial
direction to the National Policy Statements. The various changes
to the planning system must be complementary. We therefore recommend
that the development of the National Planning Framework and the
National Infrastructure Plan, and the enactment of the Localism
Bill, should be coordinated. The Localism Bill should not
be enacted until the national planning framework and the national
infrastructure plan are completed and active.
The visual impacts of infrastructure
61. Many of the developments which may be approved
under the NPSs will have substantial visual impact on natural
landscape and townscapes. We are particularly concerned by the
Government's handling of networks infrastructure such as overground
electricity lines, towers, poles, new substations and other above
ground installations.
62. The assessment
of impacts in EN-5 shows that there are major and uncertain negative
aesthetic effects of networks infrastructure development in the
short, medium and long term.[80]
This is defined as "Problematical because of known sustainability
issues; mitigation difficult and/or expensive; effect considered
to be of national/ international significance".[81]
The Appraisal of Sustainability for EN-5 notes that the
development of linear features such as transmission lines has
"the potential for negative effect in the short term during
construction and in the medium to long term, particularly if construction
occurs in sensitive areas. These effects may be cumulative where
they coincide with substantive new developments (power stations)".[82]
The AoS for EN-5 also recognises that the "electricity
networks infrastructure has the potential to affect designated
and non-designated ecology over a large area through, for example,
disturbance and habitat loss and fragmentation".[83]
63. Part 2 of the AoS for EN-5 considers the option
of "undergrounding" more transmission lines. This could
raise transmission costs and would have uncertain effects on
soil, water, ecology and archaeology. However, the long term effects
of undergrounding on landscape, townscape and visual impacts would
be extremely positive. This Part also explores how applying the
presumption of "undergrounding" would affect particular
types of designated landscape. This would reduce the visual impacts
of energy networks infrastructure, while limiting any possible
adverse economic and ecological impacts of undergrounding. The
Government concluded that "decisions on undergrounding are
best taken within a more flexible policy framework using case
by case evaluation".[84]
64. One example of a small change between the original
draft NPSs and the revised drafts, which has the potential to
have a large impact, concerns the rules covering the visual impacts
of power lines. CPRE argued that, despite very significant public
concern about the impact of overhead power lines on the countryside,
protection for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and National
Parks has actually been reduced in the revised drafts.[85]
The "Holford Rules" on overhead wires were to be the
"basis of the approach" in the original NPSs. The Holford
Rules are guidelines on overhead line routing, which were first
formulated in 1959 by Sir William Holford, who was a part-time
member of the Central Electricity Generating Board. Under the
revised draft, decision-makers must simply "bear them in
65. RenewableUK identified a contradictory approach
to cables, noting that in "EN-3 there are a number of references
to burying cables to a sufficient depth (greater than 1.5m below
the sea bed) which is extremely prescriptive and would be extremely
difficult and costly to achieve on hard substrate".[87]
66. We recommend that the NPS on transmission
networks should revert to the formula that the Holford Rules are
the "basis of the approach" toward cables. We further
recommend that in some areas the situating of cables underground
is necessary to reduce the visual impacts of energy networks infrastructure.
These areas should include, but not be limited to, National Parks
and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This should be qualified
by recognition that particular economic or environmental circumstances
could make the placing of cables underground impractical in certain
68 HC (2009-10) 231, para 90 Back
Department of Energy and Climate Change, The Government response
to Parliamentary Scrutiny of the draft National Policy Statements
for Energy Infrastructure, October 2010, para 4.97 Back
Q 151 Back
Q 151 Back
HC (2009-10) 231, para 92 Back
HC Deb, 20 December 2010, col 143WS Back
HC Deb, 17 November 2010, col 807W Back
Q 151 Back
Q 151 Back
Q 125 Back
HM Treasury, Budget 2010, June 2010, para 1.83 Back
Ev 47 Back
Department of Energy and Climate Change, Appraisal of Sustainability
for the revised draft National Policy Statement for Electricity
Networks Infrastructure (EN-5), October 2010, para 3.9 Back
Department of Energy and Climate Change, Appraisal of Sustainability
for the revised draft National Policy Statement for Electricity
Networks Infrastructure (EN-5), October 2010, para 1.1 Back
Department of Energy and Climate Change, Appraisal of Sustainability
for the revised draft Overarching National Policy Statement for
Energy (EN-1): Main Report, October 2010, para 4.10 Back
Department of Energy and Climate Change, Appraisal of Sustainability
for the revised draft National Policy Statement for Electricity
Networks Infrastructure (EN-5), October 2010, para 3.2 Back
Department of Energy and Climate Change, Revised Draft National
Policy Statement for Electricity Networks Infrastructure (EN-5),
October 2010, para 1.6.5 Back
Ev 40 Back
Revised Draft National Policy Statement for Electricity Networks
Infrastructure (EN-5), para 2.8.5 Back
Ev 47 Back