European Scrutiny Committee Contents

14 EU law and the Sovereign Base Areas



COM(10) 155

Commission Report: implementation of the provisions of Protocol No.3 to the 2003 Act of Accession on the Sovereign Base Areas of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Cyprus

Legal base
DepartmentForeign and Commonwealth Office
Basis of considerationMinister's letter 1 October 2010
Previous Committee ReportHC 428-ii (2010-11), chapter 8 (15 September 2010)
To be discussed in CouncilTo be determined
Committee's assessmentPolitically important
Committee's decisionCleared


14.1 The Sovereign Base Areas (SBA) — the Akrotiri Base (Western SBA) and the Dhekelia Base (Eastern SBA) — cover approximately 98 square miles in the south coast of Cyprus. WSBA abuts the Republic of Cyprus, whereas ESBA additionally abuts the Turkish Controlled area and the United Nations buffer zone. Republic of Cyprus territory separates the two divisions. SBA residents total approximately 15,700: 7,700 Cypriots, 3,900 Service and UKBC personnel, of whom 3,600 live in the SBAs, and nearly 5,000 dependants, of whom over 4,400 live in the SBAs. There are also nearly 2,700 locally employed civilians.[54]

The Commission Report

14.2 This is the Commission's first report on the implementation of Protocol 3 to the 2003 Act of Accession on the SBAs. The Protocol determines which provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Community and related European Union law apply to the SBAs. It came into force on 1 May 2004, on the same day that the Republic of Cyprus acceded to the EU. The report covers the period from then to 30 April 2009.

14.3 The SBAs have the status of a British Overseas Territory, having been retained by the UK when the Republic of Cyprus became independent in 1960. They do not form part of EU territory, as stipulated in the UK's 1972 Treaty of Accession. However, Protocol 3 puts in place special arrangements for the SBAs regarding certain provisions of the treaties and related EU law. The purpose is to ensure that Cypriots within the SBAs enjoy the same EU benefits as those resident in the Republic.

14.4 In his Explanatory Memorandum of 20 May 2010, the Minister for Europe (David Lidington) described the Commission's assessment of the implementation of Protocol 3 as broadly positive. He noted that:

—  the report had not identified any irregularities or complaints on phytosanitary and veterinary issues, social security or Justice and Home Affairs;

—  in relation to Common Agricultural Policy, the report identified minor problems in handling applications and executing on-the-spot controls, which were reported by the Republic of Cyprus;

—  the report did note, however, risks in relation to reliefs and exemptions from duties and taxes on supplies to UK forces and associated personnel, and in the extension of these exemptions to their dependants;

—  the SBA Administration was committed to working with the Commission and the Republic of Cyprus to address these issues.

14.5 The Minister considered that the SBA Administration was implementing the provisions of Protocol 3 satisfactorily, and said that the Government "remains committed to ensuring that these provisions continue to be applied and the Commission's concerns addressed, so that Cypriots within the SBAs enjoy the same EU benefits as those resident in the Republic." He continued his comments as follows:

"The SBA Administration believes that there are effective control systems in place in relation to the Commission's comments on taxation that do not extend the exemptions wider than necessary, and there are local procedures in place which control the quantity and frequency of the availability of goods.

"Some confusion regarding the tax-free purchase of goods for personal rather than official use has been brought to the attention of private companies and the practice has been revoked. In relation to the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy, the SBA Administration intends to consider its position on leases for agricultural areas in light of the Commission's comments."

Our assessment

14.6 We noted that there are no plans for the Council to respond to the Commission report, and that the Minister appeared to regard addressing the issues raised by the Commission as unlikely to cause any future difficulties.

14.7 Nonetheless, we asked the Minister to confirm that, regarding the Government's and the SBA Administration's commitments referred to above, Cypriots within the SBAs do indeed enjoy the same EU benefits as those resident in the Republic and that addressing the issues raised by the Commission will not affect this in any way.

The Minister's letter of 1 October 2010

14.8 The Minister begins his letter by referring to the Commission's overriding conclusion: that Protocol 3 provided an effective way of applying certain provisions of European Union law to the SBAs, and that the implementation of all aspects of the Protocol was satisfactory.

14.9 He continues as follows:

"In relation to Common Agricultural Policy, the report identified minor problems in handling applications, such as measuring areas of land and the fact that the SBA Administration had traditionally only provided short leases to tenants where EU guidelines suggest terms of five years should be awarded. The SBA Administration has not experienced problems over the measurement of land, but in light of the Commission's report they have now fallen into line with the tenure of leases.

"The report also highlighted risks in relation to reliefs and exemptions from duties and taxes on supplies to UK forces and associated personnel. As noted in my explanatory memorandum, the SBA Administration has investigated this and believes that the scope of exemptions received by UK personnel and their dependants is not extended too broadly. Confusion was caused in part due to the European Commission's interpretation of conditions applying to the SBAs, which did not take into account the duty free concessions allowed to the dependants of Forces personnel by the 1960 Treaty of Establishment. I am satisfied that the Commission's concerns have been fully investigated and addressed.

"The Commission monitors the implementation of Protocol 3 precisely in order to ensure that Cypriots living in both the SBAs and the Republic of Cyprus do enjoy the same EU benefits. The UK fully supports this goal and welcomes the Commission's conclusion that implementation of the Protocol is satisfactory. I am confident that addressing the issues raised by the Commission will cause no detriment to Cypriots."


14.10 We thank the Minister for his response, and now clear the document.

54   See for further information on the SBA. Back

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