European Scrutiny Committee - Ninth Report
Documents considered by the Committee on 24 November

Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 24 November 2010.


Terms of Reference

Documents for debate

1  DEFRA  (32117) Animal cloning for food production

2  HMT  (32095) Taxation and financial services

3  MOJ  (31834) Right to information in criminal proceedings

Documents not cleared

4  BIS  (31965) (31969) Radio Spectrum Policy and European Broadband

5  DFT  (29587) (31918) Road safety

6  HMT  (31644) (32214) Draft Budget 2011

7  HMT  (31816) (31836) Financial services

8  HMT  (31956) Financial services

9  HO  (32124) European disaster response: the role of civil protection and humanitarian assistance

10  MOJ  (31448) Sexual abuse and exploitation of children and child pornography

Documents cleared

11  BIS  (32067) Smart regulation in the European Union

12  BIS  (32073) Subsidiarity and Proportionality in 2009

13  BIS  (32092) Consumer Markets Scoreboard

14  BIS  (32128) Integrated industrial policy

15  DEFRA  (32069) Implementation of EU biodiversity action plan

16  FCO  (32147) ESDP: Piracy off the coast of Somalia

17  FCO  (32208) European Union Police Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina

18  HO  (31456) (32064) Agency for the management of databases in the area of freedom, security and justice

19  HO  (31801) (31802) Seasonal Workers and Intra-corporate Transfers

Documents not raising questions of sufficient legal or political importance to warrant a substantive report to the House

20  List of documents

Formal minutes

Standing order and membership

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