Documents considered by the Committee on 19 January 2011 - European Scrutiny Committee Contents

Formal minutes

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Members present:

Mr William Cash, in the Chair
Mr James Clappison

Michael Connarty

Jim Dobbin

Julie Elliott

Nia Griffith

Chris Heaton-Harris

Kelvin Hopkins

Chris Kelly

Stephen Phillips

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Henry Smith

1. Scrutiny of Documents

The Committee deliberated.

Draft Report, proposed by the Chair, brought up and read.

Ordered, That the draft Report be read a second time, paragraph by paragraph.

Headnote read, amended and agreed to.

Paragraphs 1.1 to 1.29 read and agreed to.

Paragraph 1.30 read, amended and agreed to.

Paragraphs 2.0 to 19 read and agreed to.

Resolved, That the Report be the Fourteenth Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the Chair make the Report to the House.

2. Scrutiny of a Pre-Council Written Ministerial Statement

The Committee considered a Pre-Ministerial Statement.


[Adjourned till Wednesday 26 January at 2.00 pm.

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