Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
COM(11) 49
+ ADD 1
| Draft Council Decision on the signing of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
COM(10) 780
| Draft Council Decision concerning the position of the European Union within the Association Council on the implementation of Article 98 of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, of the other part.
| Council Decision amending Decision 2010/145/CFSP renewing measures in support of the effective implementation of the mandate of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
| Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EU) No.1284/2009 imposing certain specific restrictive measures in respect of the Republic of Guinea.
| Council Decision amending Council Decision 2010/330/CFSP on the European Union Integrated Rule of Law mission for Iraq, EUJUST LEX IRAQ.
Home Office
COM(11) 2
| Draft Commission Report on the results achieved and on qualitative and quantitative aspects of implementation of the European Refugee Fund for the period 2005-2007.
HM Treasury |
+ ADD 1
COM(10) 804
| Draft Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council providing further macro-financial assistance to Georgia.
COM(11) 23
| Recommendation for a Council Decision on arrangements for the renegotiation of the Monetary Agreement with the Principality of Monaco.
COM(11) 34
| Draft Decision concerning the subscription by the European Union to additional shares in the capital of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) as a result of the decision to increase this capital.