The EU Bill and Parliamentary Sovereignty - European Scrutiny Committee Contents

List of written evidence


1  Professor Adam Tomkins, University of Glasgow  Ev 1

2  Professor Philip Allott, University of Cambridge  Ev 7

3  Professor Trevor Hartley, London School of Economics  Ev 9

4  Professor Michael Dougan, University of Liverpool  Ev 11; Ev 32

5  Professor Paul Craig, University of Oxford  Ev 13

6  Andrew Duff MEP  Ev 21

7  Professor Anthony Bradley, University of Oxford  Ev 24

8  Professor Trevor Allan, University of Cambridge  Ev 26

9  Professor Vernon Bogdanor, University of Oxford  Ev 28

10  Martin Howe QC  Ev 29

11  Professor Jeffrey Goldsworthy, Monash University, Australia  Ev 31

12  Jean-Claude Piris, Legal Counsel of the European Council  Ev 39

13  Foreign and Commonwealth Office  Ev 40

14  Professor Richard Rose, University of Aberdeen  Ev 43

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