Wednesday 13 October 2010 Page
Michael Semple, Fellow, Harvard University
| Ev 88 |
James Fergusson, Author and Journalist, Jolyon Leslie, Independent Analyst, and Matt Waldman, Independent Analyst
| Ev 93 |
Wednesday 20 October 2010
Dr Sajjan Gohel, International Security Director, Asia-Pacific Foundation, Dr Farzana Shaikh, Associate Fellow, Asia Programme, Chatham House, and Sir Hilary Synnott KCMG, Consulting Senior Fellow for South Asia and the Gulf, International Institute of Strategic Studies
| Ev 106 |
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles KCMG LVO, former HM Ambassador to Kabul, and former Special Representative of the Foreign Secretary for Afghanistan and Pakistan
| Ev 120 |
Gilles Dorronsoro, Visiting Scholar, South Asia Program, Carnegie Endowment and Gerard Russell MBE, Afghan specialist, Carr Center, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
| Ev 126 |
Monday 15 November 2010
Rt Hon William Hague MP, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and First Secretary of State, and Karen Pierce CMG, Director South Asia and Afghanistan, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
| Ev 132 |