2 The effect of the Spending Review
on the performance of the FCO
FCO's budget
7. Compared to those of other departments, the
FCO's budget is distinctive in three respects. First, it is
small. The FCO Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) resource
budget of £2.35 billion represented 0.65% of all government
departments' combined resource DEL spending in 2009-10. The Foreign
Secretary, Rt Hon William Hague MP, told us in September 2010
that "the entire spending of the Foreign Office, including
the World Service, the British Council, international subscriptions
and everything else, is less than the spending of Kent County
Council".[6] By comparison,
the Department for International Development (DFID) took 1.65%
of the total, and the Ministry of Defence (MOD) 8.62% in 2009-10.
By 2014-15 it is expected that the FCO's share will fall to 0.36%,
while DFID's share will increase to 2.86%. This is illustrated
in the table below.[7]
Resource and
Capital DEL budgets as a percentage of total Government DEL, 2009-10
and 2014-15
| Resource DEL (excl. Depreciation)
| Capital DEL
| 2009-10
| 2014-15 | 2009-10
| 2014-15 |
FCO | 0.65%
| 0.36% | 0.35%
| 0.25% |
MOD | 8.62%
| 7.51% | 16.25%
| 21.64% |
DFID | 1.65%
| 2.86% | 2.30%
| 4.98% |
8. Secondly, a large proportion of the FCO's spending is
relatively inflexible, because it is committed to staff salaries
and buildings, rather than programmes. The FCO is also primarily
responsible for paying the UK's subscriptions and other dues to
international organisations such as the United Nations, which
are typically determined according to a set formula.[8]
Before the General Election the then Foreign Secretary, Rt Hon
David Miliband MP, estimated that in 2009-10, the total 'discretionary'
spending, i.e. excluding international subscriptions, peacekeeping
and conflict-related spending, and the ring-fenced funding for
the British Council and BBC World Service, was around £830
million, which represented 39% of the FCO's total budget.[9]
9. Thirdly, over half the FCO's budget is
spent in currencies other than Sterling.[10]
This is the highest proportion in Whitehall. As a result, the
FCO's budget has been particularly vulnerable to exchange-rate
Pressures on the budget
10. Even before the current round of spending
cuts, the FCO's budget has come under considerable pressure in
recent years. In 2009-10, the Department was obliged to take steps
which the then Permanent Under-Secretary, Sir Peter Ricketts,
described as "pretty drastic", in order to remain within
budget for the year. The measures involved short-time working
and unpaid leave for local staff, and cuts to programme spending
(including on counter-terrorism), health and safety, training,
travel and hospitality.[11]
Sir Peter told our predecessor Committee that if they continued,
such cuts would affect the FCO's effectiveness.[12]
In February 2010, the Treasury agreed to make up to an extra £50
million in budget relief available to the FCO for 2009-10, and
allowed the Department to keep extra funds from asset sales; funds
were also transferred to the FCO from the British Council and
BBC World Service budgets, which previously had been ring-fenced
once set for any year.[13]
The FCO ultimately brought its total 2009-10 spend in at
£2.35 billion, £22 million below budget (in 2008-09,
total FCO spend was £2.12 billion).[14]
11. The pressure on the FCO's budget has arisen
- Increased demandsprimarily
to increase the UK presence in locations which are dangerous and
thus expensive in which to operate, such as Kabul; and to enhance
the physical security of UK Posts overseas following the fatal
attack on the British Consulate in Istanbul in 2003.
- Rising UK subscriptions and other obligatory
dues to international organisations, which
are paid almost entirely from the FCO budget (£136.2 million
in 2007-08, £145.5 million in 2008-09 and £177.4 million
in 2009-10).[15]
- The impact of the fall of Sterling, given
the withdrawal of the Overseas Price Mechanism (OPM)
as part of the last (2007) spending review. Under the OPM, the
Treasury protected the FCO's local-currency purchasing power from
the effects of exchange-rate fluctuations. The FCO spends over
50% of its budget in non-Sterling currencies. In its last Report
on the FCO Departmental Annual Report, in March 2010, the previous
FAC concluded that the FCO had lost around 13% of the purchasing
power of its core 2009-10 budget as a result of the fall of Sterling;[16]
the FCO puts its loss in 2009-10 as a result of Sterling weakness
at £142 million.[17]
- Savings already implemented as part of the
previous Government's efficiency programme:
including the British Council and BBC World Service, the FCO was
required to find a cumulative £164 million in savings over
the 2007-08 - 2010-11 CSR07 period (an original target of £144
million, plus a further £20 million added in 2009-10). By
the end of 2009-10, the FCO had delivered £148 million and
was forecasting a total by the end of 2010-11 of £187 million.[18]
The FCO exceeded its target for efficiency savings in 2009-10
by £12 million.[19]
12. The 2004 and 2007 spending rounds resulted
in a "flat or less than flat" real terms budget for
the FCO.[20] This contrasted
with the increases enjoyed by some other departments and agencies.
For example, the average real-term reduction in the FCO's budget
under the CSR07, of 0.2% a year, contrasted with an average real
increase for other departments of 2.1%.[21]
13. Giving oral evidence to us on 8 September
2010, the present Foreign Secretary (Rt Hon William Hague MP)
said that as a result of these increased pressures, the FCO's
discretionary spending had been cut by 17% in two years.[22]
14. The scale of the earlier cutbacks implemented
by the FCO gained widespread attention in January 2010, when then
FCO Minister Baroness Kinnock told the House of Lords that FCO
budget constraints had led to "staff redundancies, cuts to
travel and training, and reduced programme funding including our
work on counter-terrorism and climate change". Baroness Kinnock
went on to say that:
We have had staff redundancies in Argentina, Japan
and across the United States. Counter-narcotics programmes in
Afghanistan, capacity building to help conflict prevention in
Africa, and counterterrorism and counter-radicalisation in Pakistan
have all been cut; the list goes on.[23]
15. In its March 2010 Report on the FCO's 2008-09
Annual Report, our predecessor Committee concluded that some of
the cuts which the FCO was making were "unacceptably disrupting
and curtailing" the Department's work, and represented a
threat to its effectiveness.[24]
Our predecessors drew attention to the consistent trend over the
previous two spending rounds for the FCO to lose out relative
to other departments and agencies in the allocation of government
spending. For instance, in real terms the FCO's Total Departmental
Spending excluding conflict prevention (in Sterling terms) was
expected to be around 3% above the 2004-05 baseline in 2009-10
and 0% above the same baseline in 2010-11, whereas the figures
for DFID, for example, were around 50% and 70% higher, respectively.[25]
16. Following the General Election, the Coalition
Government passed its Emergency Budget in June 2010. The FCO subsequently
announced that it would make a further £55 million in-year
savings in 2010-11. At the time this represented 2.5% of the FCO's
budget. £18 million worth of these savings were announced
by the Foreign Secretary at the end of June 2010. These included:
- Cutting spending on the FCO's
"low-carbon growth" programme by around £3 million;
- Cutting programme spending on drugs and crime
by £1 million;
- Cutting public diplomacy programmes by £1.6
- Reducing funding for scholarships by £10
- Reducing by 10% (£630,000) the Department's
spending in support of the overseas territories;
- Reducing by 10% (£300,000) spending in support
of counter-proliferation; and
- Reducing by 10% (£1.3 million) spending
on the FCO's programmes on human rights and democracy (including
the Westminster Foundation for Democracy).[26]
In its Main Estimate 2010-11 Memorandum, the Department
stated that it still did not know precisely where the remaining
£37 million of savings could be found, but suggested that
it might involve the cancellation of spending on items such as
advertising, consultancy, procurement and capital items, asset
sales, and cuts to spending on the British Council and the BBC
World Service.[27]
Key features of the Spending Review
17. On 20 October 2010, the Chancellor of the
Exchequer announced the outcome of the Spending Review (SR2010)
which set departmental spending limits for the expected remainder
of the Parliament. On the same day, the Foreign Secretary announced
that the Foreign Office would see a 24% real terms reduction in
the resource budget, and a 55% real terms reduction in capital
spending over the four-year Spending Review period. The Department's
administration budget would be reduced by 33%. However, he added
that once the additional resources from the BBC were taken into
account, the rest of the FCO budget would only fall by 10% over
the Spending Review period.[28]
The Daily Telegraph reported that the FCO had suffered
some of the "biggest cuts" of any department in the
Spending Review.[29]
Meanwhile, the MOD faces a 7.5% cut while DFID's resource budget
will increase by 37%.[30]
18. The table below analyses the SR2010 settlement
for core FCO funding, when funding for the BBC World Service and
the British Council has been removed from the calculation.Resource
DEL budgets for FCO, 2010-11 to 2014-15
| Total FCO Budget
| Combined British Council & BBC WS budgets
| Net FCO Budget
| Net FCO Budget in 2010-11 prices
| Percentage change for FCO compared to 2010-11 baseline
2010-11 | 1391
| 410 | 981
| 981 | |
2011-12 | 1497
| 404 | 1093
| 1072 | +9%
2012-13 | 1461
| 391 | 1070
| 1026 | +5%
2013-14 | 1427
| 379 | 1048
| 979 | 0%
2014-15 | 1165
| 149 | 1016
| 925 | -6%
19. Writing to us immediately following the Spending Review
announcement on 21 October, the Foreign Secretary described the
SR2010 settlement as a "good" settlement for the FCO
"in the circumstances", but also described it as a "tough"
The Permanent Under Secretary of State at the FCO, Simon Fraser,
later wrote to us, on 12 November, to highlight key elements of
the settlement for the Department:
- For the core FCO it is a 10% real cut over the four-year SR
period, with a 33% administration cut target;
- The creation of a new Foreign Currency Mechanism,
which will restore some protection to FCO purchasing power overseas
following the abolition of the Overseas Price Movements mechanism
in 2007;
- The peacekeeping budget has moved off the FCO
- The contribution of the 'FCO family'[32]
to UK Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) spending has increased
to £273 million per year;
- The Capital budget for the FCO family will reduce
by around half immediately, with provision for recycling some
asset disposal receipts; and
- BBC World Service funding will be transferred
from the FCO to the Licence Fee from financial year 2014-15.[33]
Over the four-year Spending Review period, the World Service
will suffer a real cut, allowing for inflation, of 16%, and the
British Council of around 25%.
20. The Foreign Secretary welcomed the fact that
the Spending Review settlement had resulted in greater "budget
certainty" as a result of the introduction of a new Foreign
Currency Mechanism (FCM), and stated that the settlement enabled
the FCO to maintain the global reach of the UK's diplomatic network.
However, at the same time, he cautioned that while the FCO would
not need to undertake "drastic urgent restructuring",
it would need to make "real choices" about what it did,
to reduce the overall size of the workforce, to streamline structures
and working methods, and to pursue rigorous efficiencies and better
value for money.[34]
21. Giving oral evidence on 24 November, Simon
Fraser provided us with more information on the exact breakdown
of the financial settlement. He repeated that "the settlement
is flat cash over the four-year period. We will get the same in
cash terms over the four year period as we have now [...] That
flat cash translates to about a 10% real cut over the four-year
period." When we asked Mr Fraser to explain the apparent
discrepancy between the figure of a 6% cut to the net FCO budget
over four years set out in our table above and the equivalent
figure of 10% put forward by his Department, he responded that,
"24% is the figure for the overall cut for the FCO family
[...] The 24% figure was the figure the Chancellor himself used
on the day", while "the figure of 10% is the real cut
at the end of four years for the FCO family which will then be
the FCO and the British Council".[35]
22. Mr Fraser subsequently supplied further comments
on this issue in writing. In a letter dated 13 December 2010,
he stated that the FCO would move from a core resources budget
in the present financial year of £981 million to a core budget
in 2014-15 of £1,016 million, and he accepted that this was
"a mathematical real terms cut of around 6%".[36]
However, he added that:
these figures give only part of the picture [...]
within them there is an amount of ring-fenced HMT money to fund
the costs of the UK's International Organisations membership subscriptions
and a cost sharing agreement for additional costs. When this formula,
and the best forecast of costs in the final year, are taken into
account the predicted core FCO cut is a shade under 10%.[37]
23. Mr Fraser elaborated on why there were differences
between the scale of the cuts to the core FCO budget and to the
budgets of the British Council and BBC World Service. He told
us that this had been a decision by the Foreign Secretary "designed
to ensure long-term proportionality and fairness across the whole
FCO family". In particular, he wrote that Mr Hague had taken
into account the following factors:
- The British Council, and to
a lesser extent, the World Service can supplement the FCO's Grant-in-Aid
with commercial activities, while the FCO cannot;
- The FCO is the 'lead department' on the UK's
global presencethe British Council and World Service depend
on it in the first instance;
- The FCO has borne the brunt of previous funding
reductions, particularly with regards to reduced capital spending
and consequences of the removal of the Overseas Pricing Mechanism;
- The FCO core budget in previous years has declined
as a proportion of the overall FCO family budget as a result of
ring-fencing of the World Service and British Council budgets.
24. We conclude that the FCO
is one of the major departmental losers in the Spending Review,
certainly compared to the MOD and DFID, although we note that
the 'core FCO' function has to some degree been shielded from
the full ferocity of the cuts falling on the overall 'FCO family'
budget, with a greater share of the pain being borne by the other
'family' members, the British Council and the BBC World Service.
While it is not realistic to suppose that the FCO can be insulated
from the need to scale back its spending and activities, in the
context of the spending cuts being imposed across the entire public
sector, we have particular concerns about its Spending Review
25. We conclude that reductions
in spending on the FCO, if they result in shortfalls in skilled
personnel and technical support in key countries and regions,
can have a serious effect in terms of the UK's relations with
other countries, out of all proportion to the amounts of money
involved, especially in relation to the UK's security and that
of its Overseas Territories. It follows that cuts to the core
FCO budget even of 10% may have a very damaging effect on the
Department's ability to promote UK interests overseas, given that
these will come on top of previous cuts to the FCO's budget in
the very recent past, which our predecessor Committee described,
as recently as March 2010, as "unacceptably disrupting and
curtailing" the Department's work and representing a threat
to its effectiveness. We further conclude that the Spending Review
settlement will accentuate the regrettable long-term trend for
the FCO to lose out relative to other departments and agencies
in the allocation of government spending.
26. We conclude that the 25%
and 16% real-terms cuts to the budgets of the British Council
and BBC World Service respectively will pose severe challenges
to those two organisations. We note the FCO's arguments for redressing
the balance of spending between the core FCO and the rest of the
FCO family, in favour of the former, but we share the concerns
that are likely to be felt in both the British Council and the
World Service about the implications of the decision. We
will examine those implications in respect of the British Council
in more detail later in this Report. As we mentioned in paragraph
6 above, we propose to conduct a further inquiry into the implications
of the Spending Review for the World Service, in the light of
the cuts to its operations announced on 26 January 2011, and will
issue a separate Report on this matter in due course.
Managing the settlement
27. In a press notice published on 21 October,
the FCO indicated that it would aim to manage the reductions in
expenditure identified in the Spending Review by:
- Continuing to simplify, standardise
and streamline support and corporate functions to reduce the burden
on front line activities, through increased outsourcing, an increase
in tasks carried out by local staff and a consolidation of financial,
human resources, procurement and other activities regionally or
within the UK;
- As part of its current Workforce Strategy, continuing
to reduce the overall size of the workforce by a reduction of
UK based headcount of 10% over five years;
- Reducing the cost of the Overseas Estate and
looking for opportunities to reduce the estate in London, including
looking to co-locate and rationalise the Government's different
operations overseas;
- Looking for savings through improved procurement
practice including, where appropriate, co-procuring with other
departments and greater use of central framework contracts; and
- Reviewing the FCO's global and programme expenditure
to ensure it is in line with the Foreign Secretary's three priorities
of safeguarding Britain's national security, building Britain's
prosperity and supporting British nationals around the world.
We understand that this includes undertaking a zero-based review
of the FCO's global network.[38]
28. In his memorandum to the Committee, Simon
Fraser said that the FCO would take
the opportunity to "reshape the organisation." He continued:
we do not intend simply to replicate past spending
patterns, but to make some clear choices: this will mean achieving
further savings, continue to reduce its headcount and streamline
its structures. The FCO Board intends to reach agreement on allocations
for the FCO as a whole by December, so that we can allocate resources
to our Directorates and Posts, including our programme allocations,
early in 2011, and finalise business plans well before 1 April
(the start of the SR10 period).[39]
Reductions in the capital budget
29. The table below shows that in real terms
the FCO's Capital budget will halve in real terms over the Spending
Review period.Capital
DEL budgets for FCO, 2010-11 to 2014-15
| Total FCO Budget
| Combined British Council & BBC WS budgets
| Net FCO Budget
| Net FCO Budget in 2010-11 prices
| Percentage change for FCO compared to 2010-11 baseline
2010-11 | 200
| 32 | 168
| 168 | |
2011-12 | 107
| 29 | 78
| 77 | -54%
2012-13 | 102
| 22 | 80
| 77 | -54%
2013-14 | 102
| 21 | 81
| 76 | -55%
2014-15 | 98
| 5 | 93
| 85 | -50%
30. We asked the FCO what impact reductions on this scale
are likely to have, and what plans would be curtailed as a result.
James Bevan, Director General Change and Delivery, told us that
the settlement granted the FCO "an average of about £100
million capital every year." He said that this was "a
significant drop [and] ... the bottom line is that it will be
a tight four years in terms of capital allocation". Mr Bevan
said that "I think there are going to be quite a lot of buildings
that we would have wanted to build or acquire, but which we will
not".[40] However,
he was keen to highlight that capital gained through "recycled
assets" (i.e. money raised from selling buildings) could
be kept by the FCO under agreement with the Treasury. He suggested
that this would also contribute around £50 million per year
to the Department's capital budget, although he conceded that
this would be an "ambitious" target.[41]
31. Despite the anticipated increased budget
from recycled assets, the FCO's capital budget remains "tight".
Much of the FCO's capital
allocation is spent on overseas security: "constructing or
protecting the buildings in which staff operate, the vehicles
in which they travel, or other hardware to protect staff from
the high terrorist threat that many face daily".[42]
We queried whether the reduction in planned
capital spending would lead to the security of buildings and staff
being compromised. We were assured by Mr Bevan that this would
not be the case and that the FCO's "top priority in allocating
not only capital, but other resources, will always be the safety
and security of our staff [...] If we were to conclude that we
could not adequately protect the safety and security of staff
[...] we would recommend that we withdrew those people."
He stressed that priority would be given to capital investment
in areas "where we need to protect our staff" and named
Sana'a in Yemen and Jakarta in Indonesia as particular areas where
security upgrades were needed. Overall, Mr Bevan characterised
the settlement as meaning that the Department did not have "all
the capital we want, [but] all the capital we need".[43]
32. Following the evidence session, Simon Fraser
wrote to us with further information on the security upgrades
planned in Indonesia and Yemen. The Treasury has given approval
for new Embassy buildings in Jakarta and Tel Aviv, estimated to
cost £29.5 million and £19 million respectively.[44]
Mr Fraser's letter emphasised that this purchase was "security
driven". In addition, in the light of the terrorist threat
in Yemen, the Post in Sana'a will receive £2 million of security
upgrades funded from a re-prioritisation of the capital budget.
A "project to house staff securely in the longer term"
will be looked at "urgently".[45]
33. Both our predecessor Committee and the NAO
have criticised past examples of poor estates management by the
FCO.[46] Simon Fraser
acknowledged that "it is probably true that the estates management
record of the Foreign Office over quite a long period of time
may have left something to be desired", but he insisted that
the Department "have introduced a number of measures to improve
our performance". Mr Fraser also told us that while "I
absolutely take the point about the desire not to sell off valuable
properties [...] we need an ambition for efficiency [and] modernity
[...] so we have to get the right balance in managing the estate".[47]
James Bevan insisted that the FCO was not going to achieve its
recycled assets target by "sell[ing] off the icons".
He said that "the embassy in Paris is a classic example of
a building that pays its way because it is so effective as a representational
tool". However, he continued:
there are [...] a bunch of other buildings across
the world that are neither iconic, nor fit for purposein
some cases they aren't even safe. Those are precisely the kind
of buildings that we want to get out of and downsize into more
modern, appropriate accommodation.[48]
34. We conclude that cuts of
50% in the FCO's capital spending will severely impact on the
Department's estates management. As priority for the remaining
money will quite rightly be given to much-needed improvements
to overseas security, the likelihood is that 'routine' modernisation
and upgrading to Embassy premises will largely be put on hold
for the four years of the Spending Review period.
35. We further conclude that
the target of raising about £50 million per year for the
capital budget through selling existing buildings may be difficult
to achieve, and may not secure savings in the long-term. This
target may create an unwelcome incentive to sell historic or prestigious
buildings which have a potential long-term value to the FCO greater
than any immediate monetary benefit likely to accrue from their
36. We recommend that the FCO,
in its response to this Report, should supply us with a list of
overseas properties which it proposes either to modernise or sell,
updated to reflect the changed circumstances following the SR2010
Staff reductions and the 'localisation'
37. Announcing the Spending Review to the House,
the Chancellor of the Exchequer said:
Savings of 24% in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
budget will be achieved over the review period by a sharp reduction
in the number of Whitehall-based diplomats and back office functions.[49]
38. In 2009-10, the FCO employed over 13,500
permanent members of staff, of which 65% were located overseas.[50]
These staff comprise:
- UK-based staff, who are recruited
in the UK for potentially complete careers, during which they
will typically serve in a variety of positions, both in the UK
and overseas, and who are paid throughout in Sterling; and
- Locally engaged (LE) staff, who are recruited
in-country for specific jobs in particular overseas missions,
and employed by the mission concerned rather than the FCO 'proper'.
LE staff are usually nationals of the country where they are employed,
although not necessarily; increasing numbers of LE staff are British,
especially in citiessuch as in continental Europewhere
there may be a significant pool of resident British potential
employees. As non-permanent staff who do not sign up to the global
mobility obligation of UK-based staff, LE staff do not have the
same terms and conditions as their UK-based counterparts. LE staff
are paid in local currency. Around two-thirds of overseas positions
are filled by LE staff.[51]
39. The Permanent Under-Secretary at the FCO,
Simon Fraser, informed us that before the Spending Review announcement,
the FCO "planned to reduce numbers of UK staff by 10% [...]
a 2% year on year reduction," through its Strategic Workforce
Plan. He explained that this plan will be revised to cover the
Spending Review period. He stated that:
The flat cash settlement equates to around a 2.5%
per year real terms budget reduction and we expect the UK-based
workforce to shrink at about this rate, making use of natural
wastage, early retirement and voluntary redundancy as far as possible,
including the recent autumn early retirement exercise, under which
around one hundred staff left.[52]
40. On 21 October, The Times reported
that the FCO will lose at least 430 of its 4,300 British employees,
and that most of the economies will "take place at the expense
of diplomats based in London and administrative staff, with cuts
concentrated on the diplomatic and cultural aspects of the FCO's
41. For some years the proportion of locally
engaged staff employed by the FCO has been rising: from 59% of
staff in 2003 to 66% in 2009.[54]
As a consequence of the Spending Review the policy of 'localisation'
of posts will continue; as Simon Fraser told us, "it is in
most cases cheaper to do that".[55]
He added, however, that saving money was not the only consideration:
"sometimes you can attract highly qualified people with strong
local contacts and experience who actually add to our ability
to perform".[56]
42. The localisation policy entails certain risks,
notably that of diminishing the opportunities for more junior
UK-based staff to gain experience of overseas postings. Arguably,
this leads in due course to reduced levels of diplomatic experience
among senior staff (including language skills and experience of
other countries' political culture), and a consequential impact
on morale and effectiveness. In addition, the reduced number of
UK-based staff within each post may have to devote a greater proportion
of their time to managing the LE staff, and may therefore have
less time available to devote to their core functions as diplomats.
43. Our predecessor Committee, in its Report
into the FCO's 2008-09 annual report, commented:
We conclude that locally engaged staff make an important
contribution to the work of the FCO, and bring considerable value
to the organisation. However, we also conclude that their use
in a growing range of jobs, some at an increasingly senior level,
carries risks for the Department. We would be concerned if the
localisation of FCO jobs were being driven purely by cost considerations.
[...] We further conclude that the localisation process requires
careful management in terms of its impact on UK-based staff.[57]
44. The Public and Commercial Services Union
(PCS) wrote to us, expressing concerns among its members:
We also have a situation now where more junior posts
overseas are fast disappearing. Traditionally this was a good
method to allow younger recruits to get some experience of living
and working overseas before going onto more senior postings. Increasingly
the first posting for staff is now at a more senior level without
having first gained the valuable experience of an overseas posting
at a more junior level.[58]
The PCS notes that not only does this policy reduce
the number of staff posted overseas, but those who remain take
on a higher workload as certain tasks can only be performed by
UK staff for security reasons. The PCS goes on to doubt the cost
savings that such a policy can bring, telling us that:
we are not even sure localisation saves as much money
as the FCO claim. Two years ago they said it would save £14
million a year, last year that was down to £12.5 million
a year and the figure now quoted is around £10 million.[59]
45. In our evidence session with departmental
officials, we raised these concerns. Simon Fraser agreed that
greater localisation would have structural implications for the
Department and that at junior levels it led to fewer opportunities
for UK-based staff to go overseas.[60]
James Bevan, FCO Director General Change and Delivery, spelled
out the consequences: "even five years ago, if you were a
junior UK Foreign Office employee, you could expect to spend two
successive postings abroad and one posting back in London. The
ratio is now one abroad to one in London."[61]
In supplementary written evidence to us, Simon Fraser stated that
the "localisation initiative is forecast to save approximately
£12 million annually from 2012-13 [while] also delivering
other benefits through recruitment of talented local staff".[62]
46. We note that two-thirds of staff in the FCO's
network of overseas posts are locally engaged, and that it is
likely that the proportion will increase further as a consequence
of the FCO's intention, following the Spending Review, to reduce
its UK-based workforce by about 2.5% per year.
We conclude that the FCO's 'localisation' policy has brought benefits,
but we do not believe that it is capable of indefinite extension.
A further reduction in the opportunities for more junior UK-based
staff to serve in overseas posts, and a consequent diminishing
of experience and morale among FCO employees, will over time have
a damaging effect on the quality of British diplomacy and the
effectiveness of the FCO.
47. We recommend that in its
response to this Report, the FCO should supply updated information
on its localisation policy. This should include a list of all
overseas Posts, giving in each case the ratio of UK-based staff
to locally engaged staff as it (a) was five years ago, (b) is
currently, and (c) is expected to be in any future years for which
projections have been made. We further recommend that the FCO
should explain how decisions to localise jobs are made in individual
cases, and what steps are taken to ensure that these individual
decisions reflect the FCO's overall strategic need to retain a
suitably sized pool of staff with overseas experience.
Overseas Posts
48. The FCO operates a network of over 250 Posts
in over 170 countries. These Posts comprise sovereign Embassies,
High Commissions (to Commonwealth countries) and Missions, Delegations
and Permanent Representations to international organisations;
and subordinate ones, comprising consulates and trade and other
representative offices. There is also a network of Posts in 12
of the 14 Overseas Territories (OTs).[63]
49. Both before and after the 2010 General Election,
there had been speculation that the FCO would be obliged to close
Embassies or other overseas Posts in order to make savings. FCO
officials and documents had previously indicated that Post closures
would be unavoidable without some relief for the Department's
budget.[64] In July 2010,
The Times reported that plans had been drawn up to close
several Consulates, and Embassies in South America, West Africa
and Europe.[65]
50. Since taking office, the present Foreign
Secretary has consistently said that he will give a high priority
to avoiding Post closures. Mr Hague told the Financial Times
in July 2010 that "you have to have a presence in most countries
in order to be able to assist British business".[66]
In September, he told us that "the FCO network is an essential
part of the infrastructure of this country for economic recovery".[67]
However, he added that the network was not "ring-fenced"
and that there was "scope for adjustment here and there".[68]
51. Mr Hague commented that the FCO's network
represents good value for money. For example, he compared the
cost of the network with that of the French diplomatic service:
"France, with a budget of nearly £4 billion, has 279
missions overseas. We have 261 [...] We have a little over half
of France's budget with which to maintain almost the same number
of missions."[69]
Anticipating the scale of cuts likely to be required by the Spending
Review, Mr Hague expressed doubt as to whether significant savings
could be made from the closure of Posts. He said:
if you closed the 40 cheapest postswe have
261 postsyou would save only £2.5 million. That is
why, whatever we have to do with our budget, it is quite unlikely
that one would choose the option of closing dozens of posts. We
are not engaged in some large reduction of our international network.
I hope that that trade-off between those large and
small posts will not have to be made; it is certainly not one
I am intending to make. Closing the small missions around the
world is a false economy on the whole. That is not to say that
they cannot sometimes be rationalised or that two countries cannot
be well served together from one central point. I think in general,
however, that the reduction and withdrawal of this country's diplomatic
presencesomething that we know has taken place in large
parts of Africais a mistake. With all these budgetary restrictions,
I cannot reverse what has happened in the past, but I am not looking
at making serious further reductions in the size of that network,
and I think that it would be a major national error to do so.[70]
In written evidence dated 12 November 2010, Simon
Fraser stated that the Spending Review settlement would impact
on the overseas network and that "savings" would come
from spending less on upgrading embassies and from selling off
some property abroad. He also stated that the FCO would have to
make "strategic decisions" on "what we do, and
how we do it" and "whether our existing network of Posts
adequately meets the new realities". He commented that:
The Foreign Secretary is clear that Britain will
continue to need a global diplomatic network, not least to promote
our commercial interests to help bring the UK economy back to
long-term health. We have no plansand in the light of SR10
no needfor widespread post closures. We will report any
major decisions to Parliament.[71]
52. In oral evidence, Mr Fraser told us that
maintaining a "global network of diplomatic posts" is
a "top priority", but he added that "the Foreign
Secretary's view does not mean that we have to stick with the
network we have [...] For example, we may want to open some new
posts and we may want to close some other posts to fund that".[72]
Mr Fraser told us that some posts will close to fund new sites
in "emerging marketsthose areas where economic growth
and greater political weight are shifting in the world".[73]
53. A further development which may have an impact
on the FCO's staffing policies in its overseas posts is the creation
of the European External Action Service (EEAS), which was instituted
on 1 January 2011. Under the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty,
the EEAS is being set up as a new, single service bringing together
departments and officials currently in the European Commission,
departments and officials currently in the Council Secretariat,
and seconded national diplomats, under the authority of the new
EU Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (Baroness
Ashton). Over 130 EU Delegations have been established in third
countries, by converting the previous European Commission Delegations.
The new Delegations will be given upgraded powers: for instance,
Heads of Delegation will be authorised to speak publicly in the
name of the EU (on the basis of statements pre-approved by all
27 Member States). It is likely that further EU Delegations will
be established in new locations, and some existing Delegations,
such as that to the United Nations in New York, may be significantly
54. In March 2010 the then Permanent Under-Secretary
at the FCO, Sir Peter Ricketts, told the Public Accounts Committee
that the opening of EU Delegations around the world could see
the FCO sharing space in Posts with EU representatives or even
"putting one British diplomat or two British diplomats in
to a wider [EU] operation [...] I think over time we will move
in that direction".[75]
However, in its response to our predecessor Committee's Report,
the previous Government gave an assurance that "the establishment
of the EEAS will not lead to our Embassies being replaced with
Union Delegations [...] They will complement, not replace national
diplomatic networks".[76]
55. We recommend that, in its
response to this Report, the Government should supply us with
an assessment of how the future development of the European External
Action Service is likely to impact on the work of the UK's global
network of Posts. We further recommend that the Government should
reconfirm the undertaking given by the previous Government to
our predecessor Committee in April 2010 that "the establishment
of the EEAS will not lead to our Embassies being replaced with
Union Delegations".
Foreign Currency Mechanism
56. One of the key areas of the FCO's financial
settlement is the "creation of a new Foreign Currency Mechanism
[which] will restore some protection for FCO purchasing power
overseas".[77] A
previous scheme, the Overseas Price Mechanism (OPM), was withdrawn
in 2007. The OPM gave the Department's spending in foreign currency
some protection against exchange-rate fluctuations and thereby
maintained the purchasing power of its budget in local currencies.
Under the OPM, every six months the Department calculated the
net effect of exchange-rate fluctuations and differential inflation
rates on its overall purchasing power overseas. When Sterling
had strengthened, increasing the FCO's purchasing power, it returned
money to the Treasury. When the FCO lost out because Sterling
had weakened, the Treasury made up the shortfall.
57. In order to offset some of the effects of
fluctuations in foreign exchange rates and to aid budget stability,
the FCO reacted to the removal of the OPM by beginning a programme
of forward purchasing of foreign currency. During 2009-10 the
Department bought £610 million of US Dollars, £103 million
of Euros and £1,115 million of Yen under long-term contracts.
This spending covered around 90% of its spending in foreign currencies.
These contracts gave a degree of budget certainty but did not
protect the Department against gains and losses. In 2009-10, the
FCO estimated that in the absence of the OPM it had lost around
£142 million to exchange-rate fluctuations caused by the
weakening of Sterling.[78]
Our predecessor Committee criticised the removal of the OPM and
the process by which it was withdrawn.[79]
58. The Spending Review announced the creation
of a Foreign Currency Mechanism (FCM) which would cover exchange-rate
fluctuations but not differential inflation ratesthe impact
on purchasing power of different overseas inflation rates. In
a note to us, the NAO explained that under the new system the
FCO would be compensated for any falls in the value of Sterling
below the baseline rate (as set in October 2010). Any strengthening
of Sterling above this rate will see funding returned to the Treasury.
The Foreign Secretary has praised this system as being "less
bureaucratic" and "more transparent" than the previous
OPM.[80] The Permanent
Under-Secretary, Simon Fraser, elaborated on the remit of the
new FCM, confirming to us that it will extend not only to Post
budgets, but also to foreign currency movements in estates, security,
capital and programme expenditure.[81]
59. James Bevan told us that the new scheme would
protect a greater part of the FCO's budget against foreign exchange
fluctuations than the OPM and was therefore a "significant
improvement". However, he conceded that the absence of protection
against differential inflation rates would leave the Department
prey to higher inflation rates, particularly in fast-growing,
increasingly important, countries such as Turkey, Brazil or India,
and that this would make "dealing with the [overall] budget
more challenging than it might appear."[82]
He also noted that the new arrangements in place would not cover
the spending in foreign currencies under the peacekeeping budget
which would remain the responsibility of the MOD.[83]
60. We conclude that the introduction
of the Foreign Pricing Mechanism is a welcome step. However, we
are concerned that the new mechanism does not make allowance for
differential inflation rates and may leave the FCO's budgets prey
to steep inflation in other countries. We recommend that the FCO
keep the operation of the new system under close review, and that
if differential exchange rates entail significant losses to its
budget, it should seek to reopen negotiations with the Treasury
over amending the FPM to include some degree of compensation for
Overseas Development Assistance
61. The Coalition Government has re-affirmed
the UK's long-standing commitment to the United Nations target
of spending 0.7% of its gross national income (GNI) on Overseas
Development Assistance (ODA). DFID estimate that this target will
be met in 2013 when the total spend on ODA is expected to have
risen to around £12 billion. The FCO currently contributes
around 2% of the total UK spend on ODA. This is projected to increase
to around 2.4% in 2011-12.[84]
62. ODA is classed by the OECD as a "financial
transfer from an official agency to a developing country or multilateral
institution which has the economic development and welfare of
developing countries as its main objective". Under this definition,
the FCO defines three aspects of its spending as ODA:
- Some Strategic Programme Funds,
including those supporting action on climate change, governance
and human rights capacity building;
- A proportion of the UK's contributions to the
UN regular budget, and to the Commonwealth Fund and Commonwealth
Small States Fund; and
- A proportion of the FCO's Grant-in-Aid to the
British Council.
63. In his memorandum of 12 November, Simon Fraser
was keen to highlight that "the FCO family's contribution
to UK Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) spending has increased
to £273 million per year". He did not yet know precisely
how this increased funding would be spent, but suggested that
it would be through a continuation of current work and the introduction
of new ODA-eligible activities. He also noted that the FCO would
look closely at "reclassification" as:
in the past we did not score some FCO activities
which could count as ODA. In a tight public expenditure environment,
it's only fair to taxpayers that all eligible expenditure is counted.
So we will ensure, working with the OECD and DFID, that all FCO
work which should legitimately be scored as ODA in areas such
as stopping conflict, promoting good governance, capacity building
and supporting economic development.[85]
64. In our oral evidence session with Mr Fraser,
he again stressed the increased FCO spend on ODA. James Bevan
provided us with more details:
The Foreign Office core, outwith the British Council
and the World Service, has to go from our current ODA spend of
about £90 million this year, to about £150 million ODA
spend, starting next financial year, and maintain that for the
four years of the Spending Review [...] the way we are going to
do that is partly by maintaining existing Foreign Office activities
that already count as ODA, of which the main one is our programme
activity [...] We will maintain those programmes, with some adjustments,
and we will do some additional ODA activity that we have not done
previously, which will probably include some more programme activity.
There will be a proportion, which we have not yet finalised, where
we will reclassify as ODA activity that we have not previously
scored as ODA.[86]
65. This process of reclassification is under
way in the British Council. On 27 October 2010, the Foreign Secretary
wrote to us:
I am asking the [British] Council to devote a proportion
of new surpluses to activities in support of their charitable
objects and the FCO's international priorities in order to maintain
their reach and impact. I am also asking the Council to meet an
ambitious ODA target, and I expect to start a strategic dialogue
with the Council quickly to agree how best to maintain the Council's
significant global impact, and target it to greatest effect in
these new circumstances.[87]
66. Giving evidence to us on 3 November, Vernon
Ellis, Chair of the British Council, said that, at present, £40
million of British Council grant was classified as ODA, but that
this could be increased "still further". Martin Davidson,
Chief Executive, identified "English for development, the
development of higher education and education [...] and the work
of arts within development" as areas of the Council's work
that fell within the OECD definition of ODA.[88]
He explained that British Council activity totalling £40
million had "traditionally always fallen within the ODA definition,
because that part of the grant was given to us from DFID about
10 years ago". However, he estimated that "double that
figure could possibly be submitted".[89]
67. We pursued the question of reclassification
with the Department. We were curious as to why reclassification
was needed and why it would therefore appear that ODA had not
been categorised accurately in the past. We were given two main
reasons for this. James Bevan told us that the FCO did not contribute
much to the UK's overall ODA-spend, suggesting that, until the
recent Spending Review, the Department had not looked closely
at its ODA-spending. Mr Bevan also argued that compared to some
other countries, the UK had "always had a pretty restrictive
definition" of what could be classed as ODA.[90]
68. We conclude that, while
the Government's commitment to meet the long-standing international
obligation to spend 0.7% of gross national income on Overseas
Development Assistance is welcome, there is a danger that 'reclassification'
provides a cover for meeting the 0.7% of GNI target without increasing
the money actually spent on ODA.
69. We recommend that, in its
response to this Report, the FCO should give us a detailed breakdown
of items of Departmental expenditure which it is proposed to reclassify
as ODA, indicating in each case why they were not previously so
classified, and noting whether the OECD and DFID have approved
the reclassification.
The Conflict Prevention Pool
70. The Spending Review settlement covers both
Assessed (or obligatory) Peacekeeping costs and the Conflict Pool
which funds discretionary activity aimed at preventing and resolving
conflict. The Treasury will continue to provide £374 million
annually from its Reserve, as in the previous spending round,
for the Assessed Costs of peacekeeping. The Government states
that "we expect the actual costs of our international peacekeeping
obligations to be more than £374 million in each year of
the Review period", and therefore "money from the Conflict
Pool will need to be used, as at present, as the first port of
call to top up the peacekeeping budget".[91]
71. The Conflict Pool is co-managed between the
FCO, DFID and the MOD to support conflict prevention in many countries.
Funding is channelled to the other two Departments through DFID.
The Pool funds five programmes dealing with: Wider Europe, Africa,
Middle East, South Asia and Strategic Support to International
Organisations. The tri-departmental Stabilisation Unit is also
funded from the Pool. Conflict Pool allocations for 2011-12 to
the individual Departments are expected to be announced to Parliament
shortly.[92] The budget
for the Conflict Pool in 2010-11 is £229 million, which will
increase to around £309 million in 2014-15.[93]
72. The Spending Review settlement separates
funding for the Government's international peacekeeping responsibilities
and the financial risks that accompany them from the FCO's baseline.
However, the FCO will continue to report this expenditure to Parliament.[94]
Keith Luck, FCO Director General Finance, told us that this "significant
change [...] will reduce the exposure and the risk that the Foreign
Office is open to in terms of managing its budget".[95]
73. We conclude that the removal
of the funding of peacekeeping operations from the FCO's baseline
is a welcome development, one which will reduce the overall financial
risks faced by the Department. We recommend that in its response
to this Report, the FCO should supply a detailed breakdown of
the FCO's latest allocation from the Conflict Pool and the uses
to which it will be put; and that it should also supply us with
its latest estimate of the extent to which the budget for peacekeeping
operations will need to be 'topped up' from the Conflict Pool.
6 Foreign Affairs Committee, Oral evidence transcript,
Developments in UK Foreign Policy, 8 September 2010, H438-i,
Q 15 Back
Analysis provided by the House of Commons Scrutiny Unit. Back
According to the FCO's 2009-10 Resource Accounts, subscriptions
to international organisations were £177,412,000 out of Net
Operating Cost of £2,345,107,000 (7.6%). Back
Q 9; Foreign Affairs Committee, Developments in the European
Union, Oral and written evidence, 9 December 2009, HC (2009-10)
144, Q 4 [David Miliband]; HL Deb, 20 January 2010, col 993; HC
Deb, 21 January 2010, col 439; the budget referred to is the DEL
budget. Back
Q 9; HC Deb, 8 December 2009, col 240-1W; HC Deb, 21 January 2010,
col 439 Back
See also, Oral evidence transcript, Developments in UK Foreign
Policy, 8 September 2010. Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Fifth Report of Session 2009-10, Foreign
and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2008-09, HC 145, paras
51-57; FCO, FCO Resource Accounts 2009-10, HC 74, 30 June 2010,
p 3 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Annual Report 2008-09, para 132 Back
FCO, FCO Resource Accounts 2009-10, pp 4 and 28 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Annual Report 2008-09, para 40; FCO, FCO Resource Accounts
2009-10, p 41 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Fifth Report of Session 2009-10,Foreign
and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2008-09, para 35 Back
FCO, FCO Resource Accounts 2009-10, p 3 Back
FCO, Annexes to the FCO Resource Accounts 2009-10 Back
FCO, FCO Resource Accounts 2009-10, p 3 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Fifth Report of Session 2009-10, Foreign
and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2008-09, para
139 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, First Report of Session 2007-08, Foreign
and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2006-07, HC 50, paras
18-21 Back
Oral evidence transcript, Developments in UK Foreign Policy,
8 September 2010, HC 438-i, Q 5 Back
HL Deb, 20 January 2010, col 992 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Annual Report 2008-09, para 67 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Annual Report 2008-09, para 142 Back
HC Deb, 29 June 2010, col 36WS Back
UKFP 01, Q6; HC Deb, 7 June 2010, col 23-4WS Back
"Foreign Office Spending Review settlement ensures UK maintains
its global reach", 20 October 2010, available at www.fco.gov.uk Back
"Britain-based diplomats face the axe", The Daily
Telegraph, 21 October 2010 Back
Real-term change in Resource budgets by 2014-15, compared to 2010-11
baseline. Analysis provided by the House of Commons Scrutiny Unit. Back
Ev 35 [William Hague] Back
The 'FCO family' is taken to include the British Council and BBC
World Service as well as 'core FCO' diplomatic and administrative
functions. Back
Ev 42 [Simon Fraser] Back
Ev 35 [William Hague] Back
Q 114, Q 118 Back
Ev 47 [Simon Fraser] Back
Ev 47 [Simon Fraser] Back
FCO Press Notice on the Spending Review October 2010, Spending
Review 2010 press notices Back
Ev 39 [Simon Fraser] Back
Q 185 Back
Q 183 Back
HM Treasury, Spending Review 2010 (Cm 7942), para 2.93 Back
Qq 181-184 Back
In addition, a new Embassy will be built in Tel Aviv, Israel,
at an estimated cost of £19 million. Back
Ev 62 [Simon Fraser] Back
See: National Audit Office, Adapting the Foreign and Commonwealth's
global estate to the modern world, HC 295, 11 February 2010,
and Foreign Affairs Committee, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Annual Report 2007-08, HC 195, para 100. Back
Q 186 Back
Q 186 Back
HC Deb, 20 October 2010, col 954 Back
FCO, FCO Resource Accounts 2009-10, Note 5 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Fifth Report of Session 2009-10, Foreign
and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2008-09, HC 145, para
194 Back
Ev 39 [Simon Fraser] Back
"Bigger aid budget to stop war and terror", The Times,
21 October 2010 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Fifth Report of Session 2009-10, Foreign
and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2008-09, HC 145, para
195 Back
Q 199 Back
Ibid. Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Fifth Report of Session 2009-10, Foreign
and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2008-09, HC 145, para
203 Back
Ev 83 [PCS] Back
Ibid. Back
Qq 199-202 Back
Q 202 Back
Ev 47 [Simon Fraser] Back
See Foreign Affairs Committee, Seventh Report of Session 2007-08,
Overseas Territories, HC 147-I, para 9. Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Annual Report 2008-09, para 74 Back
"Spending axe falls on British embassies", The Times,
15 July 2010 Back
"Hague defends embassies amid drive for cuts", Financial
Times, 14 July 2010; see also UKFP 01, Q 6. Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Oral evidence transcript, Developments
in UK Foreign Policy, 8 September 2010, HC 438, Q 6 Back
Ibid. Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Developments in UK Foreign Policy,
Oral evidence transcript, 8 September 2010, Q 15 Back
Ibid. Back
Ev 39 [Simon Fraser] Back
Q 207-08 Back
Q 207 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Fifth Report of Session 2009-10, Foreign
and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2008-09, HC 145, paras
92-97 and 231-41 Back
Committee of Public Accounts, Twenty-fifth Report of Session 2009-10,
Adapting the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's global estate
to the modern world, HC 417, Q 65 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Fourth Special Report of Session 2009-10,
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2008-09: Government
Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2009-10,
HC 538, page 8 Back
Ev 39 [Simon Fraser] Back
National Audit Office, Memorandum to the Foreign Affairs Select
Committee, November 2010; http://www.nao.org.uk/publications/1011/foreign_affairs_committee.aspx Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Fifth Report of Session 2009-10, Foreign
and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2008-09, HC 145, para
29 Back
Ev 35 [William Hague] Back
Ev 40 [Simon Fraser] Back
Qq 120-121 Back
Q 126 Back
"Foreign Office Spending Review settlement ensures UK maintains
its global reach", 20 October 2010, http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/news/latest-news/?view=News&id=23068038 Back
Ev 40 [Simon Fraser] Back
Q 139 Back
Ev 36 [William Hague] Back
Q 10 Back
Q 12 Back
Qq 141-47 Back
Ev 47 [Simon Fraser] Back
Ev 47 [Simon Fraser] Back
HM Treasury, Spending Review 2010 (Cm 7942), para 2.94 Back
Ev 35 [William Hague] Back
Q 150 Back