Written evidence from the National Audit
1. This briefing has been prepared for the Foreign
Affairs Select Committee (the Committee) to support its evidence
session on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (the Department)'s
Annual Accounts 2009-10.
2. The report draws on the Department's Annual Accounts
2009-10 and on the work of the National Audit Office (NAO), along
with other published material.
The Department's role
3. The Department is responsible for "promoting
British interests overseas and supporting our citizens and businesses
across the Globe".1
4. In 2007, the then Government introduced Departmental
Strategic Objectives (DSOs) to the performance framework, designed
to formulate and specifically measure departmental objectives.
During 2009-10 the Department had eight Departmental Strategic
Objectives: maintaining a global network; supporting the British
economy; supporting British nationals abroad; supporting managed
migration to Britain; countering terrorism and weapons proliferation;
preventing and resolving conflict; promoting a low carbon high
growth global economy; and develop effective international institutions
above all the United Nations and the European Union.
5. In May 2010, the new Foreign Secretary, Rt Hon
William Hague MP, announced that the Department's priorities would
be refined.2 He announced in a series of speeches on
foreign policy3 that the Department would focus on
supporting the British economy, protecting national security and
aiding British citizens abroad. He emphasised five themes:
- bringing strategic decision making about foreign
policy, security policy and development together in a National
Security Council;
- the transatlantic alliance and our engagement
in Afghanistan and Pakistan;
- building up British engagement beyond Europe
and North America;
- reform of international Institutions; and
- upholding the highest values of our society.
Overview of the department
6. For accounting purposes, the FCO Group consists
of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Wilton Park Executive
Agency.4 The Department also supports, via grant-in-aid,
the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission,5 the Westminster
Foundation for Democracy,6 the Great Britain China
Centre,7 the British Council8 and the BBC
World Service.9 It also holds a strategic investment
in FCO Services10 (formerly an executive agency of
the FCO). The Comptroller and Auditor General is the external
auditor of all these organisations with the exception of the BBC
World Service.
7. The FCO has close links with UK Trade and Investment
(UKTI). UKTI is the lead government organisation designed to support
UK businesses wishing to trade internationally and overseas enterprises
wishing to locate and trade in the UK. These services are delivered
through the British Embassies, Consulates and diplomatic missions.
8. The core of FCO's business is its global network
of posts and embassies and its central policy making function
in London. The ministerial structure as at October 2010 is shown
in Figure 1 overleaf.
Figure 1
Ministers and their responsibilities as at October 2010

Source: Who we are, Foreign and Commonwealth Of! ce website 2010
Key events since the Committee's hearing on the departmental Report 2009
9. Figure 2 outlines key events that have taken place affecting the Department since the Committee's last hearing on
the Annual Accounts in December 2009.11
Figure 2
Date | Key Event
March 2010 | The March Budget sets out the previous Government's approach to deficit reduction.
May 2010 | General Election held and a Coalition Government formed. Rt Hon William Hague MP appointed Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.
| Sir Peter Rickets moves from Permanent Under-Secretary at the Department to become the Prime Minister's National Security Advisor. Martin Donnelly replaces him as Acting Permanent Under-Secretary.
| William Hague announces the Foreign Office will focus on national security, economic growth and consular services.
June 2010 | Emergency Budget announced. In the House of Commons, Rt Hon William Hague announced a £55 million reduction in budgeted FCO expenditure for 2010-11, including an £18 million reduction in programme expenditure.
August 2010 | Appointment of Simon Fraser as Permanent Under-Secretary of State.
October 2010 | Announcementj of Government Spending Review, setting the Department's Buidget until 2014.
Source: National Audit Office Analysis
10. In 2009-10 the Department spent just under £2.7 billion
and received income of £0.3 billion.12 Figure
3 shows how this money was spend by the Department.
11. Part One of this Memorandum covers financial management and
provides a commentary on the financial highlights for 2009-10;
FCO's management of exchange rate risk; the Department's budget
for 2010-11; the impact of the October 2010 Spending Review; FCO's
Five Star Finance Programme; and Internal controls. Part Two of
this Memorandum covers performance and provides a commentary on
departmental performance; the new performance framework; Estates;
and FCO efficiencies.

Financial highlights 2009-10
Financial results
1.1 The Foreign and Commonwealth Office's 2009-10 Resource
Accounts were certified by the Comptroller and Auditor General
on 24 June with an unqualified audit opinion and were presented
to Parliament on 30 June 2010.
1.2 FCO remained within its overall Net Resource Outturn and
Net Cash Requirement for 2009-10. The Department reported a Net
Resource Outturn of £2,345 million, which was £22 million
below its £2,367 million budgeted figure or a 1% underspend.13
Its Net Cash Requirement outturn was £2,237 million against
an estimate of £2,262 million.
1.3 In March 2010, the Department sought additional resources
of some £134.6 million and cash of some £91.6 million
in the 2009-10 Spring Supplementary Estimates.14 In
advance of Parliamentary approval of these Estimates, the Department
drew some £90 million from the Contingencies Fund to meet
its urgent cash requirements.15 The funds drawn down
utilised some of the Department end year flexibility, transferred
funds between budget headings to reflect restructuring and mergers
within programmes, and recovery of income from and expenses incurred
on behalf of other government departments. The additional resources
sought were predominantly used for the following.16
- £44.5 million programme expenditure arising from the
International Organisation Subscriptions cost sharing agreement;
- £30 million in respect of impairments to cover impact
of adverse exchange rate movements;
- £25.1 million for Consular premiums collected by the
Home Office on behalf of the FCO;
- £16 million due to exchange rate pressures;
- £6 million for the administration costs of modernisation
of the FCO; and
- £5.5 million from the Department for International Development
(DfID) in respect of the Returns and Reintegration Fund.
The Department's Staff costs
1.4 The Annual Accounts shows that, in 2009-10, the FCO employed
over 13,500 permanent members of staff, of which 65% were located
overseas.17 Of the staff located overseas, some are
UK-based staff employed by FCO centrally and some are locally
recruited by each individual post to supplement the UK staff and
fill a variety of roles.
1.5 As part of its Corporate Services Programme, in 2009 the
FCO network identified 108 posts filled by UK-based staff overseas
that could be filled by local staff, leading to estimated savings
of some £8 million. During 2010, a further 25 Corporate Services
posts were identified for "localisation" by April 2012.
The move to the employment of more locally recruited staff should,
in time, reduce costs and the number of full-time equivalents
1.6 Despite this move towards localisation of posts, the number
of UK-based staff actually increased slightly in 2009-10. FCO
identified several reasons for what they describe as a temporary
increase including: the timings for staff change-over at overseas
Posts necessitated a period of hand-over; and the early departure
programmes running from December 2009 to March 2010 meant in some
positions the replacement staff member was employed prior to the
individual leaving.18
1.7 Figure 4 illustrates the movement in staff figures in
three categories; Locally Employed Staff, UK-based Staff and Other.
Other relates to the salaries and related costs of Ministers and
Special Advisors to the Department. The total number of local
staff outnumbers the total number of UK staff by a ratio of nearly
two to one. The drop in staff numbers between 2007-08 and 2008-09
was as a result of the transfer of the UK visas function from
FCO to the UK Border Agency (UKBA) with effect from 1 April 2008.
The Department's Administration costs
1.8 Administration costs reflect the costs of running the
FCO. The Department reported net administrative expenditure of
£446 million in 2009-10; around 37% of total expenditure.
Administrative expenditure is made up of Staff Costs of £461
million and Other Administration Costs of £89 million, offset
by £104 million of operating income, largely made up of fees
and charges received from other government departments occupying
FCO property.19
The Department's Programme costs
1.9 Programme costs reflect non-administration costs, including
payments of grants and other disbursements by the FCO, as well
as certain staff costs where they relate directly to service delivery.
Net programme expenditure for the Department was £1,899 million
in 2009-10, making up the remaining 63% of total expenditure.
Programme expenditure is made up of Programme Costs of £2,143
million, offset by £245 million of income made up of recharges
to UKBA (£174 million) and consular fees (£69 million).20

Management of Exchange Rate Risk
1.10 As noted in our briefing paper21 to the Committee
in December 2009, the withdrawal of the Overseas Pricing Mechanism
(OPM) in 2007 and the subsequent fall in the value of Sterling
has had a major impact on the Department's business worldwide
and placed a considerable strain on the budgets of the Department
and posts. After the abolition of OPM, the Department decided
it had to acquire certainty in its budgeting. In order to do this,
the Department bought forward contracts in dollars, euros and
yen. These contracts gave the Department the ability to purchase
the currencies a year in the future at the exchange rate on the
date of purchase. These purchases gave the Department certainty
when it came to budgeting, but they did not protect the Department
against gains and losses as such.
1.11 In its Financial Review for 2009-10,22 the
Department estimated that the in-year loss of purchasing power
due to exchange rate fluctuations amounted to some £142 million
as a result of Sterling's weakening. The FCO partially offset
some of this loss of purchasing power through its ongoing strategy
of forward purchasing of foreign currency. The Accounts disclose
that during 2009-10 the Department bought 610 million of US dollars,
103 million of euros and 1,115 million of yen.23 These
purchases covered up to 90% of the Department's exposure in these
currencies. Due to the weakening of Sterling over the course of
the year, the FCO made a realised gain of some £33 million24
on forward contracts maturing in 2009-10 (2008-09: £43.6
million). The Operating Cost Statement was credited with an overall
gain of some £31.1 million (2008-09 £40.8 million) after
taking account of gains and losses on other currencies.25
1.12 The Accounts also show forecast unrealised gains of £36.7
million and unrealised losses of £14.2 million26
on forward purchases maturing after the balance sheet date during
2010-11 and 2011-12, based on the actual exchange rates as at
31 March 2010.
1.13 We noted in our briefing paper for the Committee in December
2009 that falls in the value of Sterling were leading to Posts
reducing the working week to four days, asking locally employed
staff to take compulsory unpaid leave, staff redundancies, reducing
spend on security and reducing provision for health and safety
overseas. To stay within budget the Department reported that it
had been forced to "rein back or delay delivery of planned
programme spend including Counter Narcotics, Stabilisation Unit
and Strategic and Bilateral Programmes, and cut back on operational
1.14 In February 2010, the Department announced in a written
ministerial statement that it had agreed with HM Treasury to a
number of further measures to manage the pressures resulting from
fluctuation in the exchange rate which included: recycling an
additional £25 million for asset sales into the FCO budget
and receiving an additional £50 million from the Treasury.
Taken together with contributions from other parts of the FCO
family: including the British Council; BBC World Service; and
FCO Services Trading Fund, these measures enabled FCO to remain
within its overall budget for 2009-10.28
1.15 For 2010-11, FCO has introduced new measures to control
the exchange rate risk,including setting all Post budgets in local
currency and introducing a system to manage foreign exchange risk
centrally.29 As part of the Spending Review in October
2010, covering the four years from April 2011, the Treasury announced
that a new Foreign Currency Mechanism will be introduced to enable
the FCO to better manage exchange rate pressures and allow for
better planning.30 Under this system, the FCO will
be compensated for falls in the value of Sterling, but will return
money to the Treasury when the value of Sterling rises, giving
the Department certainty over the value of its budget.31
The creation of this new Foreign Currency Mechanism replaces the
old Overseas Pricing Mechanism.
The Department's 2010-11 budget
1.16 Following the Emergency Budget in June 2010, the Department
announced that it would make £55 million in-year savings
in 2010-11. The initial £18 million of savings identified
included the following:32
- decreasing the programme of scholarships to bring future decision
takers to the UK by £10 million;
- cutting spend on Low Carbon High Growth programme by approximately
£3 million in the 2010-11 financial year;
- reducing by £1.6 million in 2010-11 expenditure on public
diplomacy programmes;decreasing spend on Drugs and Crime programme
by £1 million in the 2010-11 financial year;
- £630,000 reduction in support to Overseas Territories;
- £560,000 reduction on programmes on Human Rights and
Democracy, Reuniting Europe and Westminster Foundation for Democracy;
- £300,000 cut on support of Counter Proliferation; and
- adjusting spend on international institutions to save £250,000
in 2010-11.
1.17 The remaining £37 million of savings to be made
in 2010-11 are from reduced or cancelled spend on advertising,
consultancy, procurement and capital items, cuts in spending by
the British Council and the BBC World Service, and income from
assets sales.
Impact of the Spending Review
1.18 The Departmental budget for 2011-12 to 2014-15 was announced
in the Spending Review on 20 October 2010. It is outlined below
in Figure 5.
Figure 5
£ billion
| 2010-11 | 2011-12
| 2012-13 | 2013-14
| 2014-15 |
Resource DEL | 1.4 | 1.5
| 1.5 | 1.4 | 1.2
Capital DEL | 0.2 | 0.1
| 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1
Total DEL | 1.6
| 1.6 | 1.6 |
1.5 | 1.3 |
1 Resource Departments Expenditure Limite (DEL) excludes
Source: Spending Review, October 2010, CM 7942
1.19 These figures represent a reduction of 24% in real terms
in the resource budget, and a 55% real terms reduction in capital
spending. The Department's budget for administrative expenditure
will be reduced by 33%. The key implications of the FCO's Spending
Review settlement are that:
- the FCO will increase its focus on championing British companies
to win exports and secure jobs at home, working closely with UKTI
to increase business links and market information for UK exporters
and to attract significant investment into the UK;
- FCO's contribution to UK Overseas Development Assistance (ODA)
spending is currently around 2% of ODA and will remain around
this figure for the period of Spending Review 2010;
- moving the Peacekeeping budget from the FCO baseline removes
a substantial risk for the FCO budget;
- as part of the capital settlement, the Treasury has given
FCO authority to recycle, in any one year, up to some £100
million from FCO's own assets; and
- the British Council and BBC World Service will make savings
by finding greater efficiencies and enhancing the commercialisation
of their operations. The grant given to the British Council will
reduce by 25% in real terms over the next four years, which reflects
the Council's projected doubling of income by 2014-15. There will
be a 16% real terms cut in the FCO's grant to the World Service
for financial years 2011-12 to 2013-14. From April 2014, responsibility
for funding the BBC World Service will transfer to the BBC as
part of the licence fee, but the Foreign Secretary will retain
his veto over any decision to curtail language services. This
transfer accounts for some 14% of FCO's total 24% resource budget
reduction in real terms over the Spending Review period.
1.20 The FCO aims to manage these reductions by:
- continuing to simplify, standardise and streamline support
and corporate functions to reduce the burden on frontline activities,
through increased outsourcing, an increase in tasks carried out
by local staff, and a consolidation of financial, human resources,
procurement and other activities regionally or within the UK;
- as part of its current Workforce Strategy, continuing to reduce
the overall size of the workforce by a reduction of UK-based headcount
of 10% over five years;
- reducing the cost of the Overseas Estate and looking for opportunities
to reduce the estate in London, including looking to co-locate
and rationalise the Government's different operations overseas;
- looking for savings through improved procurement practice
including, where appropriate, co-procuring with other Departments
and greater use of central framework contracts; and
- reviewing the FCO's global and programme expenditure to ensure
it is in line with the Foreign Secretary's three priorities of
safeguarding Britain's national security, Building Britain's prosperity
and Supporting British nationals around the world. We understand
that this includes undertaking a zero-based review of the FCO's
global network.33
1.21 A separate settlement has been reached for the Conflict
Pool, a tri-Departmental fund with the Department for International
Development and the Ministry of Defence, to help prevent conflict
and support post-conflict stabilisation, which will grow to £309
million in 2014-15 from £229 million in 2010-11. The peacekeeping
budget, which pays the UK contribution to multilateral actions
abroad, will continue to receive funding centrally from the Treasury.
FCO Five star Finance Programme
1.22 In our Financial Management Review34 in 2009
we found that the Department had done well in developing its capability,
showing strong leadership in raising the profile of good financial
management across the organisation. The Department introduced
its Five Star Finance Programme in 2007 to improve processes,
IT systems, management information and financial skills for staff.
The project has been the basis for the significant improvement
which the Department has made in managing resources. Whilst recognising
the progress made, we also pointed out that more needed to be
done across a range of areas in order to embed strong financial
management and build upon the progress already made.
1.23 We noted that the Department rated itself at three and
a half of the maximum five stars in August 2008. We concluded
in our review that this was a reasonable assessment against the
targets set within the original project plan. The Department has
since, in December 2009, assessed itself at four stars and aimed
to achieve four and a half by July 2010.
1.24 At Annex C to the 2009-10 Resource Accounts, the Department
provides a status report setting out the progress made in implementing
the Committee of Public Accounts' recommendations arising from
the NAO Financial Management Review. The Department notes that
it has introduced a raft of measures to improve financial management
processes and practices which include:
- improving financial skills with a marked increase in qualified
accountants, trainee accountants and widespread financial training
within and outside the UK;
- introducing new Financial Management information tools in
the UK and extending them to the overseas network;
- examining a more workable costing system that includes use
of objectives to make informed decisions about operational priorities
in a tight fiscal environment; and
- improving Management Information data on management support
costs on behalf of Partners Across Government (PAGs), which will
lead to a charging framework in line with Treasury guidance, as
well as providing value for money to PAGs.35
1.25 We have agreed with the Department that we will assess
whether it is operating at the four and a half star level, and
report our findings to the Department by the end of 2010. The
Department intends to design the next phase of financial management
improvements on the basis of its own assessment findings and our
Internal Controls
1.26 Statements on Internal Control (SICs) are an important
accountability document, but they often fail to provide a transparent
and accountable report of the control issues and risks faced by
central government organisations. To promote greater accountability
and transparency the NAO reviewed a wide range of central government
bodies to establish the assurances supporting the Accounting Officer's
assessment of the effectiveness of internal controls and the processes
and governance arrangements underlying the production of SICs.36
1.27 As part of this exercise across central government, in
spring 2010, we reviewed the FCO's arrangements underlying the
production of its SIC. We concluded that the FCO had a solid framework
in place to oversee the production of the SIC, but we made some
recommendations to strengthen the governance arrangements. We
also recommended that steps were taken to ensure that the risk
management process is further embedded within all levels of FCO.
The Department is continuing to review its risk management framework.
We concluded that the FCO SIC was honest and transparent and,
although we identified some areas where processes could be improved,
we concluded overall that the SIC is supported by evidence-based
assurances and provides a full and open account of the system
of internal control.
1.28 The Accounting Officer's 2009-10 Statement on Internal
set out the approach to managing security risk, including physical
security measures, information security and financial risk, and
included an update on progress towards the Five Star Finance programme
and handling foreign currency risk. The Accounting Officer made
reference to several areas where the FCO needed to improve its
compliance with established procedures, specifically:
- Passport stock control and Health and Safety;Estate
Management; andIT related risks, including controls surrounding
satellite phones.
Departmental Performance
2.1 The Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 established
the priority outcomes of the previous Government over the period
2008-09 to 2010-11 in the form of Public Service Agreements (PSAs).
The Department had lead responsibility for one Public Service
Agreement, PSA 30 - Reduce the Impact of Conflict.38
FCO reported on performance against this PSA in the Core Tables
published with the Resource Accounts.39 Our June 2010
report on the data and systems underlying reporting of performance
against the PSA rated all four data systems as Green. Further
details, including definitions of NAO traffic light ratings used,
are at Appendix 1.40
2.2 For 2009-10, the Department agreed with the
Treasury eight Departmental Strategic Objectives (DSO). Figure
6 sets out the amounts spent against these objectives in 2009-10,
along with the number of staff devoted to each objective.
Figure 6
Departmental Strategic Objectives
| Gross expenditure
£m | Total staff
DSO 1 | A flexible global network serving the whole of the British Government
| 1,054 | 4,941 |
DSO2 | Supporting the British economy
| 209 | 3,025 |
DSO 3 | Supporting British Nationals abroad
| 145 | 2,392 |
DSO 4 | Supporting Managed Migration for Britain
| | |
DSO 5 | Countering Terrorism, Weapons Proliferation and their causes
| 142 | 878 |
DSO 6 | Preventing and Resolving Conflict
| 621 | 937 |
DSO 7 | Promoting a low carbon high growth global economy
| 155 | 1,067 |
DSO 8 | Developing effective international institutions above all the UN and EU
| 291 | 924 |
Source: Resource Accounts 2009-10
New Performance Framework
2.3 The Coalition Government has signalled that for the Spending
Review period 2011-12 to 2014-15, new measures of performance
will be established. Future departmental business plans are to
include data that the public can use to hold departments to account.
The FCO has agreed the following new Foreign Policy Priorities:
- safeguard Britain's national securityby countering
terrorism and weapons proliferation, and working to reduce conflict;
- build Britain's prosperityby increasing exports and investment,
opening markets, ensuring access to resources, and promoting sustainable
global growth; and
- support British nationals around
the world through modern and efficient consular
2.4 The Department's Business Plan and Structural
Reform Plan was published on8 November 2010.
2.5 The FCO has an estate that accounts for 84%
of its assets.41 The current overseas estate consists
of some 5,000 properties including embassy buildings, individual
and family accommodation, along with other facilities. Approximately
55% of properties are leased and 45% are owned.42
2.6 The overseas estate accommodates FCO staff,
staff from other government departments and staff from public
sector organisations. Figure 7 shows the categories and value
of assets held by the FCO as at 31 March 2010. Total fixed assets
(also known as Non-Current Assets) for 2009-10 were valued at
£2.3 billion.43
2.7 In February 2010, we published our report
on the Department's Estate entitled "Adapting the Foreign
and Commonwealth Office's Global Estate to the Modern World".
Our review noted that 59% of Posts reported unused office space
and 121 posts had more space per person than would be expected
in UK government offices. We recommended that the Department could
encourage more co-location with other departments, and noted that
there were "gaps and weaknesses in estate information"
which "hinder the FCO's ability to assess estate efficiency
and effectiveness accurately".44

2.8 Following the recommendations from the NAO
report and subsequent Committee of Public Accounts report,45
the Department has:
- reprioritised estates expenditure;
- developed and estates strategy;
- recruited more qualified estates specialists;
- improved processes around management information
and risk assessment;
- developed a new charging framework for other
government departments;
- strengthened the Major Projects team with more
rigorous controls;
- introduced new working practices; and
- recruited a specialist with experience of construction
to lead the team.46
2.0 As part of the Spending Review announcement
in October 2010, the Government announced that FCO's approach
to managing the reductions in its budget would include looking
to co-locate and rationalise the Government's different operations
Working with other Government Departments
2.10 There are 91 organisations that use or operate
from FCO accommodation overseas47 covering approximately
1,450 individuals. Some of the organisations that the FCO shares
its office space with are the British Council, HM Revenue and
Customs, the Serious Organised Crime Agency, and UKTI. Our report
noted that other government organisations do not always make full
use of FCO accommodation.
2.11 Use of the FCO estate may not always be
appropriate for other organisations, for example, an environment
suitable for diplomatic functions may not provide appropriate
facilities or the secure environment may not provide the public
accessibility required48.
Where other government organisations do occupy FCO property overseas,
over one-third of these stakeholders reported that they were dissatisfied
with charging arrangements because using FCO property was costly,
there was poor communication of these arrangements and a lack
of understanding of the recharge process.49
2.12 In its subsequent report, the Committee
of Public Accounts noted that, to reflect Treasury
requirements, the Department charges other users of its estate
full costs even when space would otherwise remain empty and this
deters other potential users, some of whom find it prohibitively
expensive to use the Department's office accommodation. In its
response, the Department reported that officials have been working
with Treasury and other government departments to improve the
method of charging to ensure a fairer reflection of the actual
cost to the Department to provide an overseas platform for the
2.13 Having completed its initial consultations
with stakeholders, the Department has selected a preferred option
for the new charging framework and is consulting with government
departments. The proposed revised charging framework will be based
on a fair and proportionate share of relevant fixed costs of occupying
property overseas, such as rent and utilities.50
Losses and the Estate
2.14 Figure 8 shows the total departmental losses
disclosed by the FCO in its accounts from 2005 to 2010. In 2009-10
the Department incurred losses of some £11.5 million, mostly
due to the abandonment of an Embassy building project in Damascus
(£10.4 million in total, comprising project write-off of
£7.1 million and dilapidations of £3.3 million). The
Department cancelled the Damascus project due to security concerns,
the relocation of the proposed diplomatic enclave by Syria, and
prospects of a better value for money site becoming available.51

2.15 In March 2010, the Permanent Under-Secretary
wrote to the Chairman of the Committee of Public Accounts outlining
in more detail the reasons for the abandonment of the Damascus
project and the action taken by the FCO to prevent a re-occurrence.
The FCO Financial Compliance Unit investigated the project and
identified a series of failures with the management of the project,
centring on the failure by FCO's employees to comply with FCO
procedures. The FCO took this seriously and has taken appropriate
disciplinary action.52
2.16 In its Report, the Committee of Public Accounts
concluded that the Department was not taking sufficient account
of particular difficulties when undertaking projects overseas.
The Committee recommended that the Department should implement
rigorous risk assessment when planning such projects so that it
sets more realistic timetables and budgets and makes more systematic
use of post-project reviews to learn lessons for the future53.
The Department agreed with the Committee's conclusion and the
need to improve delivery of construction projects overseas.
2.17 In July 2010, the Department reported that
its Estates Committee had been charged with exercising greater
rigour in the area of risk assessment. It now reviews on a regular
basis all active projects to check that they are on schedule and
on budget and has promulgated new terms of reference for Senior
Responsible Owners and Project Sponsors. The Estates Committee
was to carry out an assessment of post-project reviews in September
2010. The Department has improved how budgetary information is
presented to the Estates Committee to ensure proper oversight
of budgets and deadlines.54
FCO efficiencies
2.18 The Treasury's Value for Money savings programme
aimed to achieve government-wide annual savings of £35 billion
from 2008-09 to 2010-11. In July 2010 the NAO published a report
on the progress with VFM savings across Government and concluded
that it was unlikely that departments would achieve the government-wide
target of £35 billion annual savings, which fully meet the
Comprehensive Spending Review criteria, in 2010-11. To date the
NAO has reviewed reported savings amounting to £2.8 billion
from five major departments, which are to deliver around 40% of
the government-wide total. We concluded that 38% fairly represented
sustainable savings; 44% may represent savings but with some uncertainty;
and 18% do not represent, or significantly overstate, savings.55
2.19 The Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 set
FCO a target equivalent to £144 million cash-releasing savings
by 2010-11. An additional saving of £20 million was required
in 2010-11 for the Operational Efficiency Programme. We do not
plan to review FCO's savings as its target represents less than
one per cent of the cross-government target. The core tables published
alongside the Resource Accounts show that FCO have reported actual
savings of £148.23 million by the end of 2009-10 and they
forecast that total savings will reach £186.72 by the end
of 2010-11.56

AU Africa Union
DSO Departmental Strategic Objective
EU European Union
FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office
NAO National Audit Office
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
ODA Overseas Development Assistance
OPM Overseas Pricing Mechanism
PAG Partners Across Government
PSA Public Service Agreements
SIC Statement on Internal Control
UKBA UK Border Agency
UKTI UK Trade and Industry
UN United Nations
1 Who we are,
FCO Website 2010, http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/about-us/who-we-are/
2 Foreign Secretary
sets out 'distinctive' foreign policy in the Queen's Speech debate,
FCO Website 2010, http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/news/latest-news/?view=News&id=22289126
3 Britain in a
Networked World Speeches - 1 July 2010, 15 July 2010 and 15 September
2010, FCO Website 2010, http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/news/latest-news/?view=Speech&id=22472881,
4 Wilton Park
is "one of the world's leading conference centres for discussion
of key international policy challenges". About Us, Wilton
Park Website 2010, http://www.wiltonpark.co.uk/index.aspx
5 Marshall Aid
Commemoration Commission is a scholarship fund for young Americans
to study for a post-graduate degree in the United Kingdom. Who
we are, Marshall Scholarships website 2010, http://www.marshallscholarship.org/about/who_we_are
6 Westminster
Foundation for Democracy is an organisation designed to support
the "consolidation of democratic practices and institutions
in developing democracies". Who we are, Westminster Foundation
for Democracy website 2010, http://www.wfd.org/pages/standard.aspx?i_PageID=111
7 Great Britain
China Centre is an organisation who promotes understanding between
China and the UK through facilitating communications with the
"Chinese government, society and business". About Us,
Great Britain China Centre 2010, http://www.gbcc.org.uk/about-us.aspx
8 The British
Council is the "UK's international cultural relations body".
About Us, British Council website 2010, http://www.britishcouncil.org/new/about-us/
9 BBC World Service
is the "world' leading international broadcaster providing
programmes and content for radio, television, online and mobile
phones in English and 31 other languages. About Us, BBC World
Service website 2010, http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/specialreports/000000_aboutus.shtml
10 FCO Services is
a partner to government to help with the security required to
protect people, information and their workplaces when overseas,
FCO Services website 2010,
11 Foreign Affairs
Committee, Evidence Session corrected transcript of oral evidence
given by Sir Peter Ricketts KCMG, James Bevan and Keith Luck,
December 2009, HC 398-i.
12 Consolidated Operating
Cost Statement, Resource Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
13 Note 2, Resource
Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
14 Section 2: Foreign
and Commonwealth Office, Central Government Supply Estimates 2009-10:
Spring Supplementary Estimates for the year ending 31 March 2010,
HC 257, Session 2010.
15 Consolidated Statement
of Cash Flows, Resource Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
16 Memorandum on DR
376: Foreign and Commonwealth Office Spring Supplementary Estimate
2009-10 by Keith Luck, 10 February 2010,
17 Note 5, Resource
Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
18 Paragraph 1.5 of
the Management Commentary, Resource Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session
19 Consolidated Operating
Cost Statement, Resource Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
20 Consolidated Operating
Cost Statement, Resource Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
21 NAO Briefing paper
for the Foreign Affairs Committee: Management of Exchange Rate
Risk by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, December 2009,
22 Paragraph 1.5 Management
Commentary, Resource Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
23 Note 12, Resource
Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
24 Paragraph 1.5,
Management Commentary, Resource Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session
25 Note 6 and 8, Resource
Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
26 Note 12.2, Resource
Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
27 Paragraph 1.5 Management
Commentary, Resource Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
28 Written ministerial
statement 10 February 2010: Foreign & Commonwealth Office
29 Paragraph 5.6 of
the Statement on Internal Control, Resource Accounts 2009-10,
HC 74 Session 2009-10.
30 Spending Review,
October 2010, CM 7942.
31 FCO Press Notice
on the Spending Review October 2010, HM Treasury Spending Review
2010 press notices,
32 Foreign Secretary's
statement on Foreign and Commonwealth Office's programmes spending,
FCO Website 2010,
33 FCO Press Notice
on the Spending Review October 2010, HM Treasury Spending Review
2010 press notices, http://cdn.hm-treasury.gov.uk/sr2010_pressnotices.pdf
34 Financial Management
in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, HC 289 Session 2008-09.
35 Annex C to Resource
Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
36 A Good Practice
Guide to the Statement on Internal Control, National Audit Office
37 Paragraphs 5.5
to 5.10, Statement on Internal Control, Resource Accounts 2009-10,
HC 74 Session 2009-10.
38 Paragraph 1.4 Management
Commentary, Resource Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
39 Annex B to Resource
Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
40 Review of the data
systems for PSA 30 led by the FCO: "To reduce the impact
of conflict through enhanced UK and international efforts"
National Audit Office, June 2010.
41 Consolidated Statement
of Financial Position, Resource Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session
42 Note 9 and Note
10, Resource Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
43 Note 9 and Note
10, Resource Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
44 Paragraph 3.2,
Adapting the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's Global Estate
to the Modern World, HC 295 Session 2009-10.
45 Treasury Minute
response to the Twenty fifth report from the Committee for Public
Accounts Session 2009-10, HC 417.
46 Paragraph 17, Treasury
Minutes on the Tenth to the Eleventh and the Fourteenth to the
Thirty Second Report from the Committee of Public Accounts Session
2009-10, CM 7885.
47 Paragraph 5.1,
Adapting the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's Global Estate
to the Modern World, HC 295 Session 2009-10.
48 Paragraph 5.6,
Adapting the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's Global Estate
to the Modern World, HC 295 Session 2009-10.
49 Paragraph 5.9 and
5.10, Adapting the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's Global
Estate to the Modern World, HC 295 Session 2009-10.
50 Treasury Minute
response to the Twenty fifth report from the Committee for Public
Accounts Session 2009-10, PAC Conclusion (8) and paragraphs 18
and 19, HC 417.
51 Note 27, Resource
Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.
52 Letter from Sir
Peter Ricketts to Chairman of Public Accounts Committee 30 March
2010, copied to Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee and Comptroller
and Auditor General, National Audit Office.
53 Treasury Minute
response to the Twenty fifth report from the Committee for Public
Accounts Session 2009-10, PAC Conclusion (6), HC 417.
54 Paragraph 16, Treasury
Minute response to the Twenty fifth report from the Committee
for Public Accounts Session 2009-10, HC 417.
55 HM Treasury: Progress
with VfM savings and lessons for cost reduction programmes,
HC 291, 20 July 2010.
56 Annex B to Resource
Accounts 2009-10, HC 74 Session 2009-10.