FCO Performance and Finances - Foreign Affairs Committee Contents

Letter to the Committee Specialist from the Head of the Parliamentary Relations Team, Foreign and Commonwealth Office


In the memorandum which we sent to the Foreign Affairs Committee on 6 April we said that we would provide some further information on recommendations 36 and 46 in the FAC's Report of 21 March. I am pleased to enclose this information which I hope you will find useful.


We conclude that there appears to be significant scope for the FCO to improve its procurement practices. We recommend that in its response to this Report the FCO should update us on its progress in implementing its procurement improvement plan, and in particular set out whether all elements are now back on track for completion on time by February 2011. We further recommend that the FCO should provide its estimates for the savings achieved so far and likely to be achieved by the end of the project.

FCO response: Following the FCO's Procurement Capability Review (PCR) in September 2008, we recognised that the FCO had more opportunity to improve our procurement capability. In response to the PCR, a Procurement Improvement Plan (PIP) was agreed in February 2009. This set out a detailed range of activities and measures, with a clear set of milestones, to be overseen by a dedicated project manager, in order to address the issues identified and bring significant transformation to FCO's procurement, over a period up to February 2011. The milestones included the recruitment of a new Commercial Director, a new Commercial Strategy and changes to the FCO's procurement organisational structure.

In March 2010 the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) conducted a 12-month milestone (stock take) assessment that focused on the progress made by the FCO against both its original PCR and its PIP—basically a half-way point in the change programme. We received the draft of the Report at the end of March. It sets out a positive position, concluding that during the first year solid foundations have been laid on which the FCO can build and continue to make improvements to its commercial and procurement capabilities, and which indicates that the programme is generally on track.

The report highlights a number of particular points that demonstrate progress and development, the most notable of which are as follows:

  1. FCO Board has demonstrated support for the development of our procurement capability by endorsing a commercial strategy and supporting the appointment of a new Commercial Director, as well as through the establishment of a Commercial Board that sets out a clear governance structure to oversee FCO's procurement activities, to manage risk and to track progress against the commercial strategy. The recruitment of the new Commercial Director, supported by her senior team, has been instrumental in raising the profile of procurement and injecting vigour and pace in the implementation of the PIP with solid progress being made.
  2. The procurement team was restructured and organised around teams that focused upon the FCO categories of procurement spend, prioritising the key categories. This was a radical change. As such there is a Category Team specifically working on Estates Category of Spend, one dealing with Security Category of spend, Travel category of spend and so on. This means the teams are aligned to the relevant FCO Directorates and embedded into them. Category management means truly understanding the business needs, managing demand, selecting the appropriate procurement approaches and managing the markets and supplier base to best serve these needs.
  3. Improvements to the management and reporting of procurement performance and spend.

We currently estimate a cumulative saving, up to end of FY 09-10, of £15.3 million. We cannot at this stage provide a projected estimate up to the end of FY 10-11, but we keep the cumulative savings figure under regular review and shall therefore be able to update the Committee at a later date.


We recommend that in its response to this Report the FCO should provide a breakdown of its 2009 Staff Survey results between UK-based and locally-engaged staff, as it did for its 2008 Survey; or explain why this data was not produced, at a time when local staff morale is of particular importance. (Paragraph 206)

FCO response: We are happy to provide you with the attached spreadsheets which show a breakdown of the 2009 Staff Engagement Survey results for UK-based and locally-engaged staff for all survey questions (Annex A). There is guidance at the top of each spreadsheet on how the data should be interpreted. The FCO took part in the newly launched Civil Service wide staff survey in 2009.

The results are in the form of the percentage positive (strongly agree and agree), the percentage neutral (neither agree nor disagree) and negative responses (strongly disagree and disagree). For ease of interpretation, we have presented the findings (positive, neutral and negative) for UK-based staff separately from locally-engaged staff.

The FCO places a great deal of importance in the staff survey results and we demonstrate that we act on what our staff have said. We achieved a response rate of 85%, which was a great achievement for an organisation with staff located across a global network. We achieved an Employee Engagement Index of 69%, which placed the FCO above the Civil Service benchmark (58%), above the High Performance benchmark (63%) and first among large Government departments (of more than 10,000 staff). The Employee Engagement Index measures advocacy, motivation and commitment to the organisation. Our locally-engaged staff are slightly more engaged (70%) than our UK-based staff (67%). This demonstrates that our locally-engaged staff are highly motivated and committed to the organisation.

17 May 2010

Annex A
Notes:These results show the percentage of people who responded positively, negatively or neutrally to the questions among UK based staff.
Most questions were asked on a five point scale (strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree)
Please note that L01 and L03 are negatively worded questions.
Please note that the neutral scores for L01 and L03 are for responses of "prefer not to say"; for P10 neutral scores are for responses of "Don't know".
The employee engagement index represents the level of engagement among staff and is made up of five questions (J50-J54).
Employee Engagement Index 67%

Line Management
A01My manager motivates me to be more effective in my job 672013
A02My manager is considerate of my life outside work 77158
A03My manager is open to my ideas 84106
A04My manager helps me to understand how I contribute to the FCO/Post's objectives 642511
A05Overall, I have confidence in the decisions made by my manager 75169
A06My manager recognises when I have done my job well 81127
A07I receive regular feedback on my performance 622117
A08The feedback I receive helps me to improve my performance 642510
A09I think that my performance is evaluated fairly 682210
A10Poor performance is dealt with effectively in my team 483417
Leadership and managing change
B11I feel the FCO/Post as a whole is managed well 502525
B12Senior managers in the FCO/Post are sufficiently visible 601921
B13I believe the actions of senior managers are consistent with the FCO/Post's values 562716
B14I believe the FCO Board has a clear vision for the future of the FCO/Post 363727
B15Overall, I have confidence in the decisions made by the FCO/Post's senior managers 463123
B16I feel that change is managed well in the FCO/Post 373033
B17When changes are made in the FCO/Post they are usually for the better 333730
B18The FCO/Post keeps me informed about matters that affect me 652213
B19I have the opportunity to contribute my views before decisions are made that affect me 412831
B20I think it is safe to challenge the way things are done in the FCO/Post 532323
My work
C21I am interested in my work 9352
C22I am sufficiently challenged by my work 81109
C23My work gives me a sense of personal accomplishment 79129
C24I feel involved in decisions that affect my work 681715
C25I have a choice in deciding how I do my work 79138
Resources and workload
D26In my job, I am clear what is expected of me 8496
D27I get the information I need to do my job well 701811
D28I have clear work objectives 79138
D29I have the skills I need to do my job effectively 8795
D30I have the tools I need to do my job effectively 701614
D31I have an acceptable workload 581824
D32I achieve a good balance between my work life and my private life 611722
Organisational objectives and purpose
E33I have a clear understanding of the FCO/Post's purpose 8884
E34I have a clear understanding of the FCO/Post's objectives 83125
E35I understand how my work contributes to the FCO/Post's objectives 86104
Pay and benefits
F36I feel that my pay adequately reflects my performance 302149
F37I am satisfied with the total benefits package 382538
F38Compared to people doing a similar job in other organisations I feel my pay is reasonable 211861
My team
G39The people in my team can be relied upon to help when things get difficult in my job 85115
G40The people in my team work together to find ways to improve the service we provide 83125
G41The people in my team are encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things 81145
Learning and development
H42I am able to access the right learning and development opportunities when I need to 671914
H43Learning and development activities I have completed in the past 12 months have helped to improve my performance 63279
H44There are opportunities for me to develop my career in the FCO/Post 562321
H45Learning and development activities I have completed while working for the FCO/Post are helping me to develop my career 582714
Inclusion and fair treatment
I46I am treated fairly at work 8596
I47I am treated with respect by the people I work with 8884
I48I feel valued for the work I do 701713
I49I think that the FCO/Post respects individual differences (eg cultures, working styles, backgrounds, ideas etc) 741610
J50I am proud when I tell others I am part of the FCO/Post 80174
J51I would recommend the FCO/Post as a great place to work 572617
J52I feel a strong personal attachment to the FCO/Post 632413
J53The FCO/Post inspires me to do the best in my job 572914
J54The FCO/Post motivates me to help it achieve its objectives 533215
Taking action
K55I believe that senior managers in the FCO/Post will take action on the results from this survey 542521
K56I believe that managers where I work will take action on the results from this survey 612316
Discrimination, harassment and bullying
L01During the past 12 months, have you personally experienced discrimination at work? 83611
L03During the past 12 months, have you personally experienced bullying or harassment at work? 84512
Data security
M05I know where to go to find out about how to handle personal and sensitive information 8884
M06In the past 12 months, have you received training on handling data and procedures to protect personal and sensitive information? 84na16
The Civil Service Code
N07Are you aware of the Civil Service Code? 80na20
N08Are you aware of how to raise a concern under the Civil Service Code? 43na57
N09Are you confident that if you raised a concern under the Civil Service Code in the FCO/Post it would be investigated properly? 60na40
Foreign and Commonwealth Office questions
P01I would feel able to report any discrimination, bullying or harassment without worrying that it would have a negative impact on me 661518
P02I believe the process of filling vacancies within the FCO/Post is fair 432631
P03Promotion within the FCO/Post is based on merit 402832
P04My line manager supports flexible working 78166
P05The FCO/Post fosters a culture where different ways of working (e.g. part-time working, flexible working, job sharing) can be openly talked about and supported 78166
P06I feel safe and secure at work 83116
P07I understand why the FCO is changing 77167
P08UK-based and Local Staff work as "One Team" 413425
P09Staff from the FCO and other UK Government departments work as "One Team" 363133
P10[Answer this only if you have a UK-based line manager: they can tell you whether they have passed an ADC] My UK-based line manager has passed an Assessment and Development Centre 283240

Notes:These results show the percentage of people who responded positively, negatively or neutrally to the questions among locally engaged staff.
Most questions were asked on a five point scale (strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree)
Please note that L01 and L03 are negatively worded questions.
Please note that the neutral scores for L01 and L03 are for responses of "prefer not to say"; for P10 neutral scores are for responses of "Don't know".
The employee engagement index represents the level of engagement among staff and is made up of five questions (J50-J54).
Employee Engagement index 70%

Line Management
A01My manager motivates me to be more effective in my job 721612
A02My manager is considerate of my life outside work 652015
A03My manager is open to my ideas 751510
A04My manager helps me to understand how I contribute to the FCO/Post's objectives 662212
A05Overall, I have confidence in the decisions made by my manager 691912
A06My manager recognises when I have done my job well 80128
A07I receive regular feedback on my performance 681914
A08The feedback I receive helps me to improve my performance 73189
A09I think that my performance is evaluated fairly 662014
A10Poor performance is dealt with effectively in my team 552817
Leadership and managing change
B11I feel the FCO/Post as a whole is managed well 632414
B12Senior managers in the FCO/Post are sufficiently visible 672112
B13I believe the actions of senior managers are consistent with the FCO/Post's values 612712
B14I believe the FCO Board has a clear vision for the future of the FCO/Post 563310
B15Overall, I have confidence in the decisions made by the FCO/Post's senior managers 562914
B16I feel that change is managed well in the FCO/Post 533017
B17When changes are made in the FCO/Post they are usually for the better 453718
B18The FCO/Post keeps me informed about matters that affect me 652312
B19I have the opportunity to contribute my views before decisions are made that affect me 453125
B20I think it is safe to challenge the way things are done in the FCO/Post 463222
My work
C21I am interested in my work 9542
C22I am sufficiently challenged by my work 82107
C23My work gives me a sense of personal accomplishment 82126
C24I feel involved in decisions that affect my work 642017
C25I have a choice in deciding how I do my work 691714
Resources and workload
D26In my job, I am clear what is expected of me 8974
D27I get the information I need to do my job well 75168
D28I have clear work objectives 85105
D29I have the skills I need to do my job effectively 9262
D30I have the tools I need to do my job effectively 761410
D31I have an acceptable workload 741412
D32I achieve a good balance between my work life and my private life 77149
Organisational objectives and purpose
E33I have a clear understanding of the FCO/Post's purpose 81145
E34I have a clear understanding of the FCO/Post's objectives 78166
E35I understand how my work contributes to the FCO/Post's objectives 85114
Pay and benefits
F36I feel that my pay adequately reflects my performance 392338
F37I am satisfied with the total benefits package 392635
F38Compared to people doing a similar job in other organisations I feel my pay is reasonable 342442
My team
G39The people in my team can be relied upon to help when things get difficult in my job 81127
G40The people in my team work together to find ways to improve the service we provide 81136
G41The people in my team are encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things 76168
Learning and development
H42I am able to access the right learning and development opportunities when I need to 672013
H43Learning and development activities I have completed in the past 12 months have helped to improve my performance 702010
H44There are opportunities for me to develop my career in the FCO/Post 412632
H45Learning and development activities I have completed while working for the FCO/Post are helping me to develop my career 592516
Inclusion and fair treatment
I46I am treated fairly at work 761311
I47I am treated with respect by the people I work with 84106
I48I feel valued for the work I do 731610
I49I think that the FCO/Post respects individual differences (eg cultures, working styles, backgrounds, ideas etc) 74179
J50I am proud when I tell others I am part of the FCO/Post 79165
J51I would recommend the FCO/Post as a great place to work 662410
J52I feel a strong personal attachment to the FCO/Post 652510
J53The FCO/Post inspires me to do the best in my job 662410
J54The FCO/Post motivates me to help it achieve its objectives 622711
Taking action
K55I believe that senior managers in the FCO/Post will take action on the results from this survey 612513
K56I believe that managers where I work will take action on the results from this survey 602614
Discrimination, harassment and bullying
L01During the past 12 months, have you personally experienced discrimination at work? 701218
L03During the past 12 months, have you personally experienced bullying or harassment at work? 74917
Data security
M05I know where to go to find out about how to handle personal and sensitive information 741510
M06In the past 12 months, have you received training on handling data and procedures to protect personal and sensitive information? 67na33
The Civil Service Code
N07Are you aware of the Civil Service Code? 22na78
N08Are you aware of how to raise a concern under the Civil Service Code? 19na81
N09Are you confident that if you raised a concern under the Civil Service Code in the FCO/Post it would be investigated properly? 35na65
Foreign and Commonwealth Office questions
P01I would feel able to report any discrimination, bullying or harassment without worrying that it would have a negative impact on me 602119
P02I believe the process of filling vacancies within the FCO/Post is fair 542719
P03Promotion within the FCO/Post is based on merit 423622
P04My line manager supports flexible working 721711
P05The FCO/Post fosters a culture where different ways of working (e.g. part-time working, flexible working, job sharing) can be openly talked about and supported 652312
P06I feel safe and secure at work 731511
P07I understand why the FCO is changing 67249
P08UK-based and Local Staff work as "One Team" 512524
P09Staff from the FCO and other UK Government departments work as "One Team" 463816
P10[Answer this only if you have a UK-based line manager: they can tell you whether they have passed an ADC] My UK-based line manager has passed an Assessment and Development Centre 166916

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