Monday 13 December 2011
Rob Parker, Head of Policy and Advocacy, Saferworld, Oliver Sprague, Programme Director, Military Security and Police, Amnesty, and Martin Butcher, Oxfam GB
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Mr David Hayes, Chairman, Export Group for Aerospace and Defence, David Hayes Export, Controls, Mr David Wilson, Vice-Chairman, Export Group for Aerospace and Defence, Hewlett Packard, Enterprise Services, Mr Brinley Salzmann, Secretary, Export Group for Aerospace and Defence, AeroSpace, Defence and Security Group, and Mr Barry Fletcher, Executive Committee Member, Export Group for Aerospace and Defence, Fletcher International Export Consultancy
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Monday 24 January 2011
Mr Mark Prisk MP, Minister for Business and Enterprise, Chris Chew, Head of Policy, Export Control Organisation, and Tom Smith, Head of Export Control Organisation
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Alistair Burt MP, Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, David Hall, Deputy Head, Counter Proliferation Department (Strategic Export Controls), and David Vincent, Head of Arms Trade Unit, Counter Proliferation Department,
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