Implications of BBC World Service Cuts - Foreign Affairs Committee Contents

Written evidence from Ben Hartshorn



  • BBC World Service promotes the UK to the world and these proposals threaten that position.
  • Will open up overseas 'markets' to other media sources, likely to be less positive about the UK.


Trained as a teacher, spent 20 years working in global education in the UK, in the voluntary sector, for a major international charity and for DFID. Several visits to poor countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.


The BBC World Service is an effective (and cheap) ambassador for the UK and one that is unique to this country. The World Service has been making efficiency savings year on year, leading to significant losses. There is no fat left to cut - further cuts will have a disproportionately large impact on what the service does.

Pound for pound, BBC World Service is one of the most effective arms of government spending. The BBC is facing drastic cuts that have been drawn up all too hastily and I ask that they be reconsidered.

11 February 2011

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