List of additional written evidence
(published in Volume II on the Committee's website
1 PEX 02 Royal College of Speech and Language
2 PEX 03 Professor Nick Bosanquet
3 PEX 04 Research in Motion
4 PEX 05 Optical Confederation
5 PEX 06 LighterLife
6 PEX 07 Vodafone UK
7 PEX 09 Help the Hospices
8 PEX 10 Cambridge Weight Plan
9 PEX 11 Genetic Alliance UK
10 PEX 14 The Stillbirth and neonatal death charity
11 PEX 15 Manchester Joint Health Unit
12 PEX 16 Royal College of Physicians
13 PEX 17 Changing Faces
14 PEX 21 Royal College of General Practitioners
15 PEX 22 Mencap
16 PEX 23 Southern Cross Healthcare Group Plc
17 PEX 24 Philip J Burgan, Maria Mallaband Care
Group Limited
18 PEX 25 Skills for Care
19 PEX 27 The Royal College of Radiologists