4 National Risk Assessment
46. What is risk? The Royal Society of Chemistry
distinguished between hazards and risks and provided a simple
definition, which we adopted for this inquiry. It stated that:
Hazard is an intrinsic property of a substance or
situation. Risk differs from hazard, as it involves a consideration
of the probability or likelihood of a consequence occurring as
well as what the consequence might be.[40]
47. While the Cabinet Office looks after risk assessment
in the context of emergencies, it is the Treasury that aims to
improve government's capability to handle risk and uncertainty
more widely.[41] The
Treasury provides the following definition of risk which makes
it clear that risk is not seen as inherently good or bad. Rather,
it is about uncertainty:
Risk is most commonly held to mean "hazard"
and something to be avoided. But it has another facethat
of opportunity. Improving public services requires innovationseizing
new opportunities and managing the risks involved. In this context
risk is defined as uncertainty of outcome, whether positive opportunity
or negative threat, of actions and events. It is the combination
of likelihood and impact, including perceived importance.[42]
48. The key process by which risks to the UK are
evaluated is the classified National Risk Assessment (NRA), led
by the Cabinet Office. This is a comprehensive, classified assessment
of the most significant emergencies (malicious and non-malicious)
that the UK could face over the next five years. Most types of
risk are reviewed every year, but some are reviewed at longer
intervals. There are three stages to the assessment: the identification
of hazards; assessment of the risks and their impacts; and comparison
of the risks.[43] We
examine these stages later in this chapter.
49. Since 2008, an unclassified version of the National
Risk Assessment, the National Risk Register (NRR) has been produced
to assist individuals and communities interested in improving
their own preparedness for emergencies. Unlike the NRA, the NRR
is publicly available and provides an indication of the types
of risks the UK faces and an indication of what the Government
is doing to prepare for them. [44]
The role of the GCSA
50. We would expect the NRA to be strongly informed
by scientific evidence in all three stages of assessment. It is
easy to see why this should be so: scientists and engineers are
involved in the prediction of terrestrial and solar weather, the
design of cyber systems, modelling disease outbreak patterns and
understanding volcanic activity. Indeed there are few emergency
risks that do not have a scientific dimension. The Government
appeared to confirm this view in its written submission:
The National Risk Assessment and Register, and the
crisis management response, are all underpinned by scientific
advice coordinated by the Government Office for Science (GO-Science),
under the Government Chief Scientific Adviser. [This includes
advice on social sciences, engineering and technology.][45]
The Government Office for Science website states:
Contingency planning includes monitoring and assessing
threats/hazards (e.g. terrorism, pandemic disease), planning to
mitigate the risk, carrying out research and evaluation to ensure
that the plans are suitably robust, and exercising and training
to ensure implementation of the plans. The work of the GCSA and
GO-Science is to ensure that all these stages are underpinned
across Government by strong sciencewhether research or
51. We wanted more detail on how GO Science and the
GCSA underpinned the NRA and NRR. However, when Sir John Beddington,
the GCSA, appeared before us, the following exchange occurred:
Stephen Metcalfe:
[...] are you saying that you hadn't, until the volcanic ash incident,
been involved in setting up the national risk assessments?
Sir John Beddington:
No, not directly.
Stephen Metcalfe: You
weren't having an input into that at all?
Sir John Beddington:
I had not had it initially, no.
Stephen Metcalfe: Who
would now make the final decision? You now having become involved
and made recommendations, who is going to make the final decision
about what makes it on to the national risk assessment?
Sir John Beddington:
I really don't know, I'm afraid, Mr Metcalfe. The discussions
are at the Secretariat level. If there was any debate about that
issue, quite how that would be resolved I couldn't say at the
moment [...] It may be that the National Security Council would
make the final decision, and I input into that through the Senior
Officials Group.[47]
52. When asked whether he was surprised that he did
not know who made the final decisions about the NRA, Sir John
said "yes" and continued:
I suppose what I am thinking [...] is that by and
large you would expect a consensus to go forward, so it would
be a decision by them with a consensus coming in from the scientific
advice. In the event of some disagreement about what might constitute
a risk, I would obviously have to get involved, although I have
not encountered such an event.[48]
The thing is that the Cabinet Office own the National
Risk Register and the National Risk Assessment. It is their responsibility,
so I should imagine that Sir Gus O'Donnell would be the person
who ultimately might have the final say, but obviously Ministers
would need to endorse that.[49]
53. We pushed this issue with Rt Hon Baroness Neville-Jones,
Minister for Security, who told us:
The Cabinet Office takes charge of the regular updating
of the National Risk Assessment and that is done by a team in
the Civil Contingencies Secretariat, who have a structured relationship
with the scientific advice available to Government through the
Government Office for Science and particularly Sir John Beddington.
Scientific advice and, indeed, help in the definition of what
constitutes the risk, particularly both likelihood and impact,
is fed in from the very start. I wouldn't say that there is any
stage at which scientific advice is not available or, indeed,
not actively involved in the process of consideration.[50]
When pressed further on who provides scientific advice
to the NRA, the Minister told us that "there are a whole
series of committees [that] exist in relation to different sorts
of advice that the Government need".[51]
54. We
are surprised and concerned that the Government Chief Scientific
Adviser (GCSA) had no direct involvement with the National Risk
Assessment (NRA) process until recently. In addition, we are concerned
that the GCSA's oral evidence appears to be at odds with the Government
on an issue that is a matter of facteither GO Science and
the GCSA are involved with the NRA process or they are not. We
consider that science should be at the heart of the NRA process
and ask the Government and the GCSA to clarify this matter.
55. Another situation illustrated the GCSA's detachment
from the NRA. During the course of our inquiry, severe winter
weather in the form of heavy snow and ice was causing disruption
across the UK, particularly to road, rail and air transport. In
this respect, we noted similarities to the disruption to aviation
caused by volcanic ash during April 2010. On 19 December 2010,
the Transport Secretary, Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, announced that
the Government had asked the Government Chief Scientific Adviser
"to give us a report on future weather planning assumptions",
that is, whether the Government should be planning for more severe
winters in future.[52]
Severe weather is already
included as a risk on the National Risk Register. We are disappointed
that it appears, from the Secretary of State for Transport's comments,
that the GCSA had little or no input to the risk assessments that
must have taken place on severe weather.
56. The National Risk Assessment should be based
on the best available evidence from a range of relevant sources.
The Cabinet Office may receive advice from committees, presumably
including scientific advisory committees, but this is not enough.
The Government Office for
Science, working with the Cabinet Office, should be involved at
all stages in the NRA. We recommend that the GCSA should be formally
involved in the NRA process at a high level. The NRA should not
be signed off until the GCSA is satisfied that all risks requiring
scientific input and judgements have been properly considered.
57. The need for a close relationship between GO
Science, headed by the GCSA, and the Cabinet Office is fundamentally
important in ensuring risk assessment and planning is underpinned
by the best available scientific evidence. Our predecessor Science
and Technology Committees evaluated the benefits of co-locating
GO Science within the Cabinet Office and recommended co-location
on several occasions. For example, the 2006 report Scientific
Advice, Risk and Evidence-Based Policy-Making considered that
"the Cabinet
Office [...] would in many respects be a natural location for
the GCSA, reflecting his role as CSA to the Cabinet and Prime
Minister, his cross-departmental remit and his independence".
Having considered the "strong arguments for and against"
relocation the Committee stated
"on balance, we recommend the relocation of the GCSA's office
to the Cabinet Office".[53]
More recently, the 2009 report Engineering: turning ideas into
reality recommended that the GCSA should be renamed the Government
Chief Scientific and Engineering Adviser (GCSEA) and should head
up the Government Office for Science and Engineering, which should
be placed in the Cabinet Office.[54]
The Government's responses to both recommendations stated that
"the location and responsibilities of Ministerial and GCSA
posts are a matter for the Prime Minister and will be kept under
58. Considering the relationship between the Cabinet
Office and GO Science afresh while looking at emergencies led
us to consider the location of GO Science too. When we asked the
GCSA for his views on the matter, he responded:
there are advantages and disadvantages. In particular,
the major advantage is the close proximity of the Government Office
for Science with both the Science Minister and also Adrian Smith's
[the Director General for Knowledge and Innovation at the Department
for Business, Innovation and Skills] team [...] We are co-located.
My office is about 50 metres from Adrian Smith's, and I think
that is a very substantial advantage of getting joined-up Government.
In terms of access to the Cabinet Office, my reporting line is
to Sir Gus O'Donnell and we do link in on a very regular basis
with his office, the Civil Contingencies Secretariat and so on.
On balance, I would say the location, in proximity with Adrian
and his team and David Willetts, probably outweighs the advantages
of contiguity with the Cabinet Office.[56]
59. The view of Rt Hon David Willetts MP, Minister
for Universities and Science, was that:
[GO Science] has been located in various places over
the years. I don't think there is any ideal location. All I can
say is that we are very comfortable with the current arrangement.
The Prime Minister took a very clear view when the coalition Government
came into office that he wasn't going to divert his energies into
reorganising Whitehall.[57]
60. The argument for co-location goes both ways:
closer proximity to the Cabinet Office and Prime Minister, the
key recipients of the GCSA's advice, could provide substantial
advantages too. The Cabinet Office has "an overarching purpose
of making government work better", supporting the Prime Minister
and the Cabinet and "helping to ensure effective development,
coordination and implementation of policy and operations across
all government departments".[58]
This complements the role of the GCSA and GO Science, which is
to ensure that all levels of government, including the Prime Minister
and Cabinet, receive the best scientific advice possible, and
to enable Departments across government to create policies that
are supported by strong evidence.[59]
Both the Cabinet Office and GO Science have cross-departmental
remits and a shared aim of helping departments improve their policy
processes. There are compelling arguments for bringing the two
61. We are fully aware that changes to the machinery
of Government must be given a great deal of consideration, particularly
in the current economic climate. However, there is rarely an ideal
time to reorganise Government Departments. We
recommend that the Government Office for Science, while remaining
a semi-autonomous body, be located within the Cabinet Office.
Identifying risks
62. The first stage of the NRA process is to identify
risks. According to the Government's written submission:
Risks are identified by consulting, through Government
departments, a wide range of experts who are able to take an informed
view of the seriousness of the risks according to the criteria
in the Civil Contingencies Act. After initial scrutiny, most proposals
are taken forward into a detailed assessment phase; some may be
kept under review.[60]
63. Of our four case studies, two are on the current
NRA: pandemic flu and cyber attacks. The risk of disruption caused
by volcanic ash was not. We were informed by the Government that:
For national emergency planning purposes, the risk
of disruption to aviation caused by a natural disaster occurring
overseas was kept under review annually for the National Risk
Assessment (NRA), from 2005 to 2008. No review was undertaken
in 2009.[61]
64. No explanation was provided for why the risk
of disruption to aviation caused by a natural disaster was dropped
from the NRA process. Clearly not all identified risks can be
taken forward for further assessment and inclusion on the NRA.
However, we consider that there should be a well-reasoned justification
for excluding an identified risk, backed up by evidence. Therefore
we were concerned by the comments made by Dr Sue Loughlin, Head
of Volcanology at the British Geological Survey, who told us that
"it wasn't particularly a surprise to the volcanology community
that something like this would happen, but somehow that message
hadn't got through to Government."[62]
The Royal Geological Society also stated that:
some Earth scientists report that they have been
warning Government and others of the potential for major disruption
due to Icelandic eruptions for a number of years, but feel that
little notice has been taken of these warnings.[63]
65. We
recommend that the Government clarify why no review of the risk
of disruption to aviation caused by a natural disaster, including
volcanic eruptions, was undertaken in 2009; and provide the evidence
behind the decision.
66. It appears
that there may have been a breakdown of communication between
the earth sciences community and Government. We recommend that
the GCSA assess whether this was the case and improve the mechanisms
by which scientists can engage with the Cabinet Office.
67. The other case study not on the NRA was space
weather. When we announced our inquiry and the terms of reference
in July 2010, we noticed that space weather was gaining prominence
in political discourse. In the light of the 1989 CME event that
affected Quebec's grid, the National Grid was of concern to us.
The Minister for Security told us that although "every country
[...] is specific in this" and "there are no generalisations",
she believed that "there must be some risk" to the National
Grid.[64] In September
2010 the Cabinet Office held a workshop on severe space weather
with representatives from across government, the scientific community
and the energy, communications and transport sectors. The purpose
of this workshop "was to hold an initial exchange of views
on the likelihood of severe space weather and possible impacts"
which would "contribute to the process Government uses to
understand risks in this area".[65]
The Government is currently conducting a space weather risk assessment
for the next NRA and NRR.[66]
This represents progression on the Government's position as stated
by the Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change (then Rt
Hon Joan Ruddock MP) on 9 June 2009:
although solar storms are not included specifically
in the National Risk Register, the resilience measures place to
deal with the risk I have mentioned [complete outage of electricity
supplies] would be equally applicable to the effects of solar
68. We were curious why space weather was being assessed
for the 2011 NRA, given that space weather has been known about
since the Carrington event which occurred around 150 years ago.
We were told by Professor Mike Hapgood, on behalf of the Royal
Astronomical Society, that:
We have been talking about this for a long time.
I have been involved in these activities for 15 years or so. We
had a lot of discussion around the previous solar maximum, as
we call it, 11 years ago. But then interest decays away. [...]
Because the cycle is so long, unless you are an expert and very
deeply involved in it, most organisations tend to forget it during
the quiet years of the solar minimum. [...] Now solar activity
is rising again. We can see it coming over the horizon. It is
helping to focus things. It is also the way the science and our
understanding of the engineering impacts has grown hugely in the
last decade. I think it is just a critical mass. We've reached
that critical mass now.[68]
69. We
are pleased that the Government is assessing the risks posed by
space weather ahead of the next solar maximum. This is vital given
that the Government believes the National Grid could be at risk.
The Government should take all possible action to put in place
and coordinate resilience measures across different sectors.
70. As well as getting input from external experts,
Government Departments and agencies can identify potential risks
and threats through horizon scanning. There are various horizon
scanning mechanisms in Government Departments and agencies. The
Foresight team within GO Science produces in-depth studies looking
at major issues 20-80 years into the future. The Horizon Scanning
Centre (HSC) within Foresight carries out shorter projects looking
10-15 years ahead.[69]
In addition, Scientific Advisory Committees might conduct horizon
71. Of key interest to our inquiry was the Cabinet
Office's Domestic Horizon Scanning Committee. This committee aims
to give Government Departments a "heads up on approaching
potential disruptive challenges up to 12 months ahead".[70]
It appears to be the primary horizon scanning body informing the
Cabinet Office's risk assessment. We were therefore interested
in how the Domestic Horizon Scanning Committee's work is assessed
scientifically and asked Sir John Beddington whether he assessed
its quality. He told us, rather disappointingly, "we are
getting involved in that; in terms of assessing the quality of
it, no."[71] We
are disappointed that the GCSA has little involvement with the
Domestic Horizon Scanning Committee in the Cabinet Office. We
recommend that GO Science and the GCSA consider ways of assessing
the quality of the Domestic Horizon Scanning Committee's work.
72. Before the SAGE mechanism, there existed a Scientific
Advisory Panel on Emergency Response (SAPER), which was an informal
expert committee designed to provide independent scientific advice
to the GCSA (then Sir David King) on resilience and counter-terrorism
issues. SAPER was also tasked to conduct independent, classified
studies when required.[72]
Rather than being an ad-hoc advisory group put together in an
emergency, it was a standing committee. Membership and activities
of SAPER were classified.[73]
According to Professor Peter Sommer, Visiting Professor at the
London School of Economics:
SAPER was set up by Professor David King when he
was GCSA to support his role in COBR. [
] The essential idea
was that the GCSA needed to have a wide variety of sources to
inform his advice. A number of scientists from the ministries,
agencies and wider academia would be briefed about government
plans for addressing emergencies both in terms of structure for
decision-making and underlying analyses.[74]
73. It is unclear to us when and why SAPER was abolished.
A SAGE is put together to provide scientific advice to Government
once an emergency has occurred, that is, from the response phase
onwards. SAPER, on the other hand, appears to have been a committee
involved in resilience and preparation for emergencies. We
recommend that, in replying to this report, the GCSA clarify why
SAPER was abolished and to what extent its functions, particularly
in planning for emergencies, have been retained and by whom.
74. We consider
that the NRA would benefit from more scientific scrutiny. We recommend
that a new independent scientific advisory committee be set up
to advise the Cabinet Office on risk assessment. This committee
should review the NRA, setting up temporary sub-committees as
appropriate. Having an independent scientific advisory committee
for risk assessment to review the NRA would improve public and
parliamentary confidence in a necessarily unpublished document.
The committee should inform the judgement of the GCSA in ensuring
that all risks requiring scientific input and judgements have
been properly considered in the NRA and support his greater involvement
with the Domestic Horizon Scanning Committee.
Reasonable worst case scenario
75. The second stage of the NRA process is assessing
risks and their impacts. Risks are assessed using available historical,
statistical and scientific data. Where possible, the assessment
should take account of probable developments over the next five
years.[75] Impacts are
assessed against five main criteria:
- the numbers of fatalities that
are likely to be directly attributable to the emergency;
- the extent of human illnesses or injury over
a period following the onset of an emergency;
- social disruption;
- economic damage; and
- the potential for significant outrage and anxiety
to be caused to communities.[76]
76. The assessment leads to the development of a
"reasonable worst case scenario" for every risk. The
reasonable worst case scenario is "designed to exclude theoretically
possible scenarios which have so little probability of occurring
that planning for them would be likely to lead to disproportionate
use of resources."[77]
The Government stated that:
They are not predictions of what will happen but
of the worst that might realistically happen, and therefore we
would expect most pandemics to be less severe and less widespread
than the reasonable worst case. By planning for the reasonable
worst case planners are assured that they have a high probability
of meeting the demands posed by the hazard should it occur.[78]
77. We discuss the communication of the reasonable
worst case scenario to the public and emergency responders in
chapter 5.
78. Reasonable worst case scenarios existed for two
of our case studies: the swine flu pandemic and cyber attacks.
Because the specific vulnerabilities of critical cyber infrastructure
tend to be kept out of the public domain, we have focused on the
reasonable worst case scenario for swine flu.
79. The UK has been preparing for an influenza pandemic
for years, having experienced three pandemics in the 20th century.
In January 2002, the Chief Medical Officer for England published
Getting ahead of the Curve: A strategy for combating infectious
diseases, which identified a new pandemic as a particular
disease threat.[79] Human
pandemic influenza has been on the NRA since the first version
was produced in 2005 and during annual reviews of the NRA it has
been consistently identified as among the highest risks, when
both likelihood and impact are taken into account.[80]
The emergence of the highly infectious H5N1 strain of avian influenza
in 2003 caused a great deal of concern, with fears that the H5N1
strain may undergo genetic changes enabling human to human transmission.
Fortunately, this possibility did not materialise (the UK has
been officially free from avian influenza since November 2008).[81]
Following the emergence of the avian influenza virus, the World
Health Organisation (WHO) raised concerns about the likelihood
of another pandemic, which led to active preparations for a pandemic
across many countries.[82]
80. The Department of Health (DH) is the LGD, responsible
for identifying and assessing the risks, and for determining policy
in preparing for a pandemic. Following the publication of the
UK influenza pandemic contingency plan in 2005, a Scientific Advisory
Group on Pandemic Influenza (SAG) was set up to advise UK health
departments on the scientific evidence base for health-related
pandemic influenza policies. In 2007, the role of the SAG was
reviewed and membership of the group was expanded to include a
wider range of scientific disciplines, including traditional infectious
diseases-related sciences such as virology and immunology, and
also sciences such as risk management, behavioural sciences and
diagnostics. The group became known as the Scientific Pandemic
Influenza Advisory Committee (SPI).[83]
In 2007 the Department of Health and the Cabinet Office
jointly published Pandemic Flu: A national framework for responding
to a pandemic.[84]
This refined earlier planning and formed the basis for the 2009
pandemic response.[85]
81. The result of much risk assessment and planning
for pandemic influenza is a reasonable worst case scenario that
- up to 50% of the population
would become ill (with infection attack rates up to 80-85%), of
which 10% to 25% are expected to have complications, half of these
- there would be peak illness rates (measured in
new clinical cases per week as a proportion of the population)
of around 10-12% in each of the weeks in the peak fortnight;
- absence rates for illness would reach 15-20%
in the peak weeks;
- case hospitalisation demand rates would be up
to 4% with an average six day length of stay; and
- there would be case fatality ratios (the ratio
of deaths within the population infected with influenza, over
a given period of time) of up to 2.5%.[86]
82. We questioned the concept of a reasonable worst
case scenario, with the expectation that it would be, as the Government
told us, "the worst that might realistically happen".[87]
Therefore we were concerned when Professor Neil Ferguson, Director
of the Medical Research Council (MRC) Centre for Outbreak Analysis
and Modelling, told us:
That reasonable worst case scenario was based on
the mortality we saw during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemicnamely
a 2% case fatality rate [...] Now, the term "a reasonable
worst case" is, by definition, not an objectively definable
term; it is a subjective term. One could take the other extreme,
and I remember David King and Sir John Beddington challenging
what we were doing by saying, "Well, if you look at bird
flu, that has a 60% case fatality rate", so the reasonable
worst case is, of course, that bird flu becomes transmissible
and we get a 60% case fatality rate. That was felt certainly to
be a worst case but almost unpreparable for. So from the point
of view of something reasonable for the NHS to plan for and reasonable
in terms of cost, that is why the Spanish flu example was used.[88]
83. An independent review of the UK response to the
2009 influenza pandemic, chaired by Dame Deirdre Hine, noted that
"there was some unease about how reasonable the 'reasonable
worst case' scenarios were".[89]
The review also stated that "there was general agreement
that the term was unhelpful" because it implied that the
scenario was likely to occur.[90]
A key recommendation was that "the GCSA should convene a
working group to review the calculation and presentation of worst-case
84. We asked the GCSA whether reasonable worst case
scenarios were evidence-based and Sir John responded:
To the extent it is partially evidence based, it
is quite difficult to come in any particular scenario to what
is a reasonable worst case because in fact the very word "reasonable"
implies there is something that is going beyond what would be
pure analytic judgment. Following the swine flu outbreak and the
inquiry by Dame Deirdre Hine, I have been charged with developing
ideas on how we could calculate the reasonable worst case scenarios
in a variety of situations. The Blackett group [...] is working
on that at the moment and I have a couple of people who have made
comments on what was the reasonable worst case scenario in the
case of swine flu, but that is very much work in progress.[92]
85. The GCSA told us that the Blackett Group "is
a set of groups that I bring together to look at particular aspects
of scientific advice, bringing in and tapping in the academic
and industry communities on a variety of areas".[93]
The aim of Blackett Reviews is to go "beyond what might be
termed more conventional thinking [...] bringing in completely
different people [...] who have hitherto not been involved in
these particular areas".[94]
He clarified that, although members of the Blackett Group would
be briefed in the public domain, "the application of [findings]
and the individual ways that they might work through Government
would be subject to some degree of confidentiality".[95]
86. We asked Rt Hon Andy Burnham MP, the former Secretary
of State for Health during the swine flu pandemic, whether he
perceived there to be an alternative to the reasonable worst case
scenario and he responded "I don't actually, no".[96]
87. We are concerned
that the word "reasonable" appears to be influenced
by the need to find a reasonable level of public expenditure for
contingency planning rather than outlining the worst scenario
that might realistically happen, based on the best available evidence.
88. We welcome
the fact that the GCSA is reviewing the concept of a reasonable
worst case scenario. We request that, if possible, the results
of this review are sent to us and published before any policy
change is adopted.
89. We consider the communication of the reasonable
worst case scenario in chapter 5.
The National Risk Register
90. The final stage in the NRA process is the comparison
of risks. On the National Risk Registerthe unclassified
version of the NRA designed to assist communities and the publicthe
risks are summarised on a matrix of relative likelihood versus
relative impact.
Figure 2: An illustration of the high consequence risks facing the United Kingdom[
91. The NRR matrix is an attempt "to illustrate
the breadth of the high-consequence risks we face"[98]
although it excludes some risks that are classified for reasons
of national security. We wanted to know whether the matrix, which
simplifies a great deal of information on risk, was useful to
communities and the public. On the one hand, it could be a valuable
way to summarise complex risks in an accessible manner. On the
other, it may be little more than an attractive diagram. The matrix
is also currently being reviewed as part of the Blackett Group
set up by the GCSA.[99]
We asked the GCSA for his views on the usefulness of the matrix
and he responded:
I think it is a useful tool, but there are some issues
with it. [...] you have a point on that matrix. These are logarithmic
scales so they are fairly robust to having a point, but, if you
think about a number of events, the ones with less impact are
likely to be more frequent. If you think about it, the reality
is probably that you have something shaped a bit like a banana
for any individual eventa banana sloping downwards.[100]
92. The reasonable worst case scenario provides an
indication of relative risk. As we have outlined before, risk
is a combination of potential impactthe hazardand
the likelihood of the impact occurring. Rather confusingly, the
Government stated that the reasonable worst case scenario for
swine flu was assessed to have a "medium high likelihood
of occurring over the next five years".[101]
When we asked witnesses for their views on what this meant, Professor
Neil Ferguson commented that it was "questionable".[102]
93. Problematic risk comparisons within government
have been identified before. In 2006, the former Science and Technology
Committee's report on Scientific Advice, Risk and Evidence-Based
Policy-Making found that:
There is no process in place to ensure that if one
department describes the risk of an event happening as "very
small", the probability involved is broadly similar to that
of a different risk described as "very small" by another
department. Nor is there any explanation or guidance available
for the public on what a "very small" risk actually
meansone in a thousand or one in a million?or what
sort of other known risks might be similarly described.[103]
94. The Committee recommended that "the Government
build on existing work to develop, subject to academic peer review,
a scale of risks for use by all departments, as appropriate, when
communicating levels of risks to the public".[104]
In its response to the report, the Government stated:
Just as the Government has not developed a standardised
table of risks, as risks mean different things to different people,
it does not agree that a common terminology or scale of risks
would be helpful to [...] the public. [...]
The Government does however adopt a common methodology
and scale in specific areas where the advantages outweigh the
disadvantages, for example in assessing disruptive challenges
to the UK. There is a duty on Category 1 responders (those organisations
at the core of the response to most emergencies, e.g. emergency
services, local authorities, NHS bodies), under the Civil Contingencies
Act 2004, to assess risk in their area and communicate those risks
by publishing a community risk register. The Civil Contingencies
Secretariat in the Cabinet Office provides these responders with
guidance on which risks to consider, a common methodology and
a common scale for assessing the likelihood of those risks to
ensure that there is some consistency between the assessments
95. The high consequence risks summarised on the
NRR risk matrix are broad in scope, encompassing accidents, deliberate
attacks and natural phenomena with impacts ranging across health,
infrastructure and the environment. However, terms such as "medium-high",
used to describe the likelihood of the reasonable worst case scenario
for pandemic influenza occurring,[106]
are vague and unquantified. We
conclude that it should be clear what criteria are used in developing
risk comparisons, particularly when they cut across Government
Departmental responsibilities. We recommend that the Government
clarify the common methodology and scale for assessing the likelihood
of risks that are used in developing the NRA and NRR.
96. Local authorities are key recipients of information
in the NRR and the risks identified in the NRR should inform the
development of Regional Risk Registers (RRRs). The process is
two-way: the risks identified in RRRs and Community Risk Registers
(CRRs) should be fed back into the classified NRA.[107]
This two-way communication between central government and local
authorities is essential to planningthe vast majority of
emergencies are local, and every national emergency affects local
communities. In addition, there is significant expertise among
local authorities, police forces and fire authorities where COMAH[108]
sites exist. We requested written information from the Local Government
Association (LGA), which has over 400 member authorities in England
and Wales, on the relationship between local authorities and central
government on the NRR and wider sharing of information. It stated:
In theory the development of the NRR is a two way
process. [...] In practice the process is very top-down and provides
very little opportunity for local authorities to input. [...]
the NRR is rarely informed by issues identified at the sub-regional
and regional level.[109]
97. We
are concerned that the development of the NRA and NRR appears
to be a "top-down" process hindering the involvement
and influence of local authorities. This situation is unsatisfactory.
We recommend that the Cabinet Office review its procedures to
ensure that the input of local authorities is given full consideration
and appropriate weight.
98. The LGA also expressed concerns about access
to the classified NRA:
There is [...] concern and frustration amongst local
authorities that officers with security clearance do not have
access to the classified information in the National Risk Assessment,
which makes it difficult to assess how the threats identified
in the National Risk Register will impact on local areas and how
local authorities should manage these through their emergency
planning arrangements.[110]
We took this to the Minister for Security, who told
us that "the classified document is available to those who
have the right clearance to see it".[111]
There are two issues here. First, that the NRR may provide insufficient
information if access to the classified NRA is necessary for local
authorities to plan for emergencies, and, second, that security-cleared
officers have difficulties accessing the NRA. If
it is the case that access to the NRR alone is insufficient to
allow local authorities to assess the potential impacts of risks
to local areas, and access to the classified NRA is necessary,
then we question the operational value of the NRR.
We recommend
that the Government conduct a consultation with Category 1 emergency
responders, including local authorities, to evaluate how useful
the information on the NRR is for risk assessment and emergency
99. We
recommend that the Government review whether those with appropriate
security clearance outside of Central Government have difficulties
accessing the NRA, and put in measures to resolve the problem.
Behavioural sciences
100. Emergencies do not happen in a vacuum and the
Government must consider the influence of human behaviour on the
outcomes of an emergency. Human behaviours are particularly critical
to a public health emergency that will rely on promoting compliance
to recommended public health measures, including the uptake of
vaccines. In the case of swine flu, the SAGE used the Behaviour
and Communication subgroup of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza
Advisory Committee (SPI) to address behavioural components of
the Government's response.
101. For some risks, an understanding of behaviour
should contribute to risk assessment. We considered this to be
particularly true of cyber attacks for two reasons: (i) because
attacks are launched by people; and (ii) the public have a role
to play in maintaining cyber security. The first is beyond the
reach of our inquiry, but we did consider the role of the public.
102. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are carried
out using the computers of unwitting members of the public. For
a computer to be compromised it must run a malicious program,
hence cyber security advice is to ensure that computers are capable
of recognising malicious programs by using up-to-date anti-virus
programs and ensuring there are no unpatched security holes (that
is, the machine's software is being updated on a regular basis).
103. We came across some disagreement over what expectations
could be placed on the public in maintaining cyber defences. For
example, Professor Ross Anderson, Professor of Security Engineering
at Cambridge University, told us that "people aren't going
to do stuff. People have busy lives. People buy computers and
they expect them to work".[112]
Malcolm Hutty, Head of Public Affairs at the London Internet Exchange
(LINX), disagreed:
I wouldn't be dismissive about the importance of
encouraging the public to raise their own level of protection.
I accept that this does not fix the problem, but this kind of
problem is not fixed: it is managed. [...] The public is better
protected when the public helps to protect themselves. Therefore,
they should be encouraged to do so.[113]
104. There is little that automated defences can
do when the user unwisely overrides the system's protection mechanisms.
For example, criminals can spread their malware over instant messaging
(chat) systems by arranging for all of the chat "buddies"
to receive a message such as "is this your photo?" followed
by a link. When the link, which leads to the malware, is clicked
upon, the computer operating system will put up a warning about
the risks. However, a great many users ignore this warning because
they trust their buddy, and so will become infected and then,
in turn, they send out misleading messages to spread the malware
to all of their buddies. These novel types of attack and the general
problem of how diligent people are in protecting their machines
raised the question of whether the Government incorporates social
and behavioural sciences in its risk assessments around cyber
attacks. Professor Peter Sommer, Visiting Professor at the London
School of Economics (LSE), stated:
The temptation is to think that with cyber security
what we want is better encryption and better intrusion detection
systems. All of those things are important. The social science
aspect of it, criminology, human motivation and the economics
[...] all of these are important research areas in understanding
the nature of the problem and how you are going to manage it.[114]
105. We took this issue to Dr Steve Marsh, Deputy
Director of the Office of Cyber Security and Information Assurance
(OCSIA), who admitted:
To be honest, we have not done enough on behavioural
science so far. Over the years people have concentrated on the
technical response. We have been trying over the last three or
four years through the Technology Strategy Board and elsewhere
to bring in this broader range of issues. [...] we need to do
more on behavioural science, we need to do more on the economics,
we need to do more on forming relationships and so on. We absolutely
need to bring in this broader scientific base, not just the technical
response around the machines or networks themselves.[115]
106. A behavioural insight team was recently set
up in the Cabinet Office "to help the UK Government develop
and apply lessons from behavioural economics and behavioural science
to public policy making".[116]
The team is composed of "a small group of civil servants,
drawing on academic and empirical evidence from the world's leading
behavioural economists and behavioural scientists".[117]
To date, it has produced one discussion paper; Applying behavioural
insight to health, published in December 2010, which aims
to promote debate.[118]
107. The GCSA recently admitted to us that an area
where GO Science could do better was in "making certain that
we link in better with the social science analysis community",
adding that "social science needs to be built up more and
I think on that I could have done better".[119]
The former Chief Scientific Adviser to the Home Office, Professor
Paul Wiles, had an important additional role as the Government
Chief Social Scientist (GCSS). Upon his retirement in early 2010,
a new CSA to the Home Office was appointed, but the role of GCSS
remains vacant, although we note that the GCSS's function as head
of the social science profession within the civil service is being
covered by two civil servants.[120]
108. We consider that an understanding of human behaviour
is essential in risk assessment, contingency planning and emergency
response. We are disappointed
at the lack of focus on social and behavioural sciences in Government
to date. We expect the newly established Cabinet Office Behavioural
Insight team to provide input to risk assessment for emergencies.
109. We may return to the topic of social science
in Government in future. In the meantime, we
would like to know whether and when a Government Chief Social
Scientist will be appointed to replace Professor Wiles.
110. Risk
assessment underpins preparedness. In turn, risk assessment should
be underpinned by the best available evidence. We were very disappointed
to learn that the GCSA has had little involvement with what is
a cross-Government process. It appears that, for both the volcanic
ash emergency and the recent severe winter weather, the GCSA had
been asked to provide advice after the emergency had happened,
although we note with interest that the severe winter weather
was not deemed an emergency. This is simply not good enough: scientific
advice and evidence should be integrated into risk assessment
from the start.
40 Ev w15, para 1 Back
"Governance and risk management", The Treasury,
www.hm-treasury.gov.uk Back
"Risk management: definitions", The Treasury,
www.hm-treasury.gov.uk Back
Ev 94 [Government Office for Science and Cabinet Office] Back
Cabinet Office, National Risk Register of Civil Emergencies,
2010 edition Back
Ev 94 Back
"Civil Contingencies", Government Office for Science,
www.bis.gov.uk/go-science Back
Qq 329-31 Back
Q 332 Back
Q 333 Back
Q 383 Back
Q 384 Back
"Government seeks severe winter advice", BBC News
Online, 19 December 2010, news.bbc.co.uk Back
Science and Technology Committee, Seventh Report of Session 2005-06,
Scientific Advice, Risk and Evidence Based Policy-making,
HC 900-1, paras 24-25 Back
Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills Committee, Fourth
Report of Session 2008-09, Engineering: turning ideas into
reality, HC 50-I, para 313 Back
Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills Committee, Fifth
Special Report of Session 2008-09, Engineering: turning ideas
into reality: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report,
HC 759, p 22; Science and Technology Committee, First Special
Report of Session 2006-07, Scientific Advice, Risk and Evidence
Based Policy Making: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh
Report of Session 2005-06, HC 307, p 3 Back
Q 326 Back
Q 411 Back
"About the Cabinet Office", Cabinet Office, www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk Back
"About us", Government Office for Science, www.bis.gov.uk/go-science Back
Ev 95 Back
Ev 100 Back
Q 60 Back
Ev w54, para 3 Back
Q 397 Back
Ev 109 [Government Office for Science and Cabinet Office] Back
Ev 102 [Government Office for Science and Cabinet Office] Back
HC Deb, 9 June 2009, col 211WH (Rt Hon Joan Ruddock MP, Minister
of State for Energy and Climate Change) Back
Q 166 Back
"Horizon Scanning Centre", Government Office for
Science, www.bis.gov.uk/foresight Back
"UK Government", Cabinet Office, cabinetoffice.gov.uk/ukresilience Back
Q 325 Back
"Civil Contingencies" webpage dated 7 January 2008,
The National Archive: web archiving, webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/+/http://www.berr.gov.uk/science/science-in-govt/st_policy_issues/civil_con/page24457.html Back
Science and Technology Committee, Eighth Report of Session 2002-03,
The Scientific Response to Terrorism, HC 415-1, para 21 Back
Ev 128, para 4 Back
Ev 95 [Government Office for Science and Cabinet Office] Back
As above Back
As above Back
As above Back
Department of Health, Getting ahead of the curve: a strategy
for combating infectious diseases, January 2001 Back
Ev 96 [Government Office for Science and Cabinet Office] Back
"Avian flu", NHS Choices, 14 October 2009, www.nhs.uk Back
Cabinet Office, The 2009 Influenza Pandemic: An independent
review of the UK response to the 2009 influenza pandemic,
July 2010, para 1.6 Back
Ev 97 [Government Office for Science and Cabinet Office] Back
Department of Health, Pandemic flu: a national framework for
responding to an influenza pandemic, November 2007 Back
Cabinet Office, The 2009 Influenza Pandemic: An independent
review of the UK response to the 2009 influenza pandemic,
July 2010, para 1.13 Back
Ev 104 [Government Office for Science and Cabinet Office], Appendix
A Back
As above Back
Q 5 Back
Cabinet Office, The 2009 Influenza Pandemic: An independent
review of the UK response to the 2009 influenza pandemic,
July 2010, p 8 Back
Cabinet Office, The 2009 Influenza Pandemic: An independent
review of the UK response to the 2009 influenza pandemic,
July 2010, para 4.51 Back
Cabinet Office, The 2009 Influenza Pandemic: An independent
review of the UK response to the 2009 influenza pandemic,
July 2010, para 4.74 Back
Q 339 Back
Q 325 Back
Q 355 Back
As above Back
Q 361 Back
Cabinet Office, National Risk Register of Civil Emergencies,
2010 edition, p 5 Back
Cabinet Office, National Risk Register of Civil Emergencies,
2010 edition , para 1.6 Back
Q 337 Back
As above Back
Ev 96 Back
Q 12 Back
Science and Technology Committee, Seventh Report of Session 2005-06,
Scientific Advice, Risk and Evidence Based Policy-making,
HC 900-1, para 187 Back
Science and Technology Committee, Seventh Report of Session 2005-06,
Scientific Advice, Risk and Evidence Based Policy-making,
HC 900-1, para 194 Back
Science and Technology Committee, First Special Report of Session
2006-07, Scientific Advice, Risk and Evidence Based Policy
Making: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report
of Session 2005-06, HC 307, p 29 Back
Ev 96 [Government Office for Science and Cabinet Office] Back
Ev w70 [Local Government Association], para 3.1 Back
Control of Major Accident Hazards Back
Ev w70, paras 3.1-3.2 Back
Ev w70, para 3.3 Back
Q 387 Back
Q 280 Back
As above Back
Q 281 Back
Q 323 Back
"Applying behavioural insight to health", Cabinet Office,
webpage updated 31 December 2010, www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk Back
As above Back
As above Back
Science and Technology Committee, The Government Office for
Science Annual Review 2009 , HC (2010-11) 546-i, Q 4 Back
Science and Technology Committee, The Government Office for
Science Annual Review 2009 , HC (2010-11) 546-i, Q 4 Back