5 Communication
111. Communication must be considered at all stages
of risk assessment and in response to emergencies. A fast moving
emergency exacerbates existing communication difficulties even
as it multiplies the need for fast and effective information for
responders and the public.
112. Previous crises such as the Bovine Spongiform
Encephalopathy (BSE) outbreak and foot and mouth disease have
highlighted the undisputable importance of good public communication,
particularly on risk. The Phillips inquiry into BSE highlighted
the following lessons on uncertainty and the communication of
- To establish credibility it
is necessary to generate trust.
- Trust can only be generated by openness.
- Openness requires recognition of uncertainty,
where it exists.
- The importance of precautionary measures should
not be played down on the grounds that the risk is unproved.
- The public should be trusted to respond rationally
to openness.
- Scientific investigation of risk should be open
and transparent.
- The advice and the reasoning of advisory committees
should be made public.
- The trust that the public has in Chief Medical
Officers (CMOs) is precious and should not be put at risk.
- Any advice given by a CMO or advisory committee
should be, and be seen to be, objective and independent of government.[121]
113. The Government and other organisations have
to strike a balance between confidentiality and disclosure when
preparing for, and responding to, emergencies: some information
may be considered too sensitive for the public domain. One example
is in the area of cyber security where specific vulnerabilities
are not made publicly known for fear that they would influence
the actions of attackers. The question of what information the
Government is entitled to keep from the public (and Parliament)
is, of course, much wider than our remit. However, we must point
out that the Government has a duty to give the public information
which they need to safeguard themselves, and in its policies and
actions, the Government must be accountable to the public and
to Parliament.
Principles of risk communication
to the public
114. When a public risk is not communicated effectively
by Government it can create mistrust and anxiety. As well as preventing
this and raising awareness, the Government and other public bodies
may also seek to encourage or discourage certain behaviours that
could affect the outcome of the emergency response.
115. There is no lack of guidance to Government Departments
on risk communication, including:
- Communicating Risk,[122]
a toolkit to help with planning communication strategies and developing
understanding of risk (Cabinet Office);
- Principles of Managing Risks to the public,[123]
outlining five key principles applying to the handling of
all types of risks to the public (Treasury);
- The Orange Book,[124]
which establishes the concept of risk management and provides
a basic introduction to the concepts, development and implementation
of risk management processes in government organisations (Treasury);
- Communicating about risks to public health:
pointers to good practice,[125]
designed to assist in the identification of public health
issues which may create difficulties in communicating health risks
and to provide guidance in risk strategies (Department of Health).
116. The Department of Health's guidance Communicating
about risks to public health: pointers to good practice is
useful in defining factors to consider when communicating risk,
many of which can be applied beyond public health risks. The guidance
makes the following points:
- Crisis conditionscombining
time pressure, unexpectedness, and high levels of threatalmost
always militate against effective decision-making. A key defence
against crisis is to spot possible difficulties in advance although
one can never hope to spot all the relevant issues in advance:
there will always be a need to "firefight".
- A difficulty in risk communication is the difference
between a "natural science" perspective and that typically
held by a lay audience. Overcoming this is not merely a matter
of explaining the science in lay termsimportant though
this is. An important difference is that scientists usually define
risk in terms of effects on populations, while the lay audience
is concerned with individuals. In addition, scientists usually
will accept the existence of a causal link only once there is
good evidence for it. Until then, links are "provisionally
rejected". The lay view is much more likely to entertain
a link that seems intuitively plausible, and only reject it if
there is strong evidence against.
- Public perceptions of risk are influenced by
"fright factors", meaning that some risks trigger more
alarm than others. For example, risks are more worrying if perceived
to be involuntary, arising from an unfamiliar or novel source,
poorly understood by science and/or subject to contradictory statements
from responsible sources (or worse, from the same source). However,
despite some common fright factors, "the public"
is not a single entity. It is essential to consider different
possible ways of seeing risks.
- The single most important factor in risk communication
is probably openness. This involves not only making information
available, but giving a candid account of the evidence underlying
decisions. If there are genuine reasons for non-disclosure of
data, the reasons need to be given both clearly and early on.
There should be a presumption in favour of disclosure.[126]
117. The Government has established the following
five principles of risk communication to the public:
i. Openness and transparency: Government
will be open and transparent about its understanding of the nature
of risks to
the public and about the process it is following in handling them;
ii. Involvement: Government will seek
wide involvement of those concerned in the decision process;
iii. Proportionality and consistency:
Government will act proportionately and consistently in dealing
with risks to the public;
iv. Evidence: Government will seek to
base decisions on all relevant evidence; and
v. Responsibility: Government will seek
to allocate responsibility for managing risks to those best placed
to control
118. We examine how the Government communicated risks
posed by the swine flu pandemic to the public, taking into account
the principles outlined above, in the next section. We also kept
the principles in mind when looking at the SAGEs set up for swine
flu and volcanic ash (chapter 6).
Swine flu
119. Of the four case studies we explored, the swine
flu pandemic posed the most interesting example of risk communication
to the public. The complex and constantly evolving situation posed
a number of challenges for Government, particularly communicating
scenarios and projections. After explaining the reasonable worst
case scenario (covered in chapter 4), Professor Neil Ferguson,
Director of the MRC Centre for Outbreak analysis and Modelling,
we went from using, right at the beginning of the
pandemic, that pre-existing reasonable worst case, to giving,
effectively, what was an upper statistical confidence bound on
our assessment of what the severity of the current pandemic was.
That did not, perhaps, communicate as clearly as it should have
done [...], particularly to the NHS. Those estimates got revised
really quite rapidly, so within a month we were down from about
that 2% level closer to 0.4% case fatality. Six weeks later it
was down to below 0.1%-one in a thousand case fatality. So the
estimates went downwards over time. [...] that posed significant
communication challenges for the Department of Health, the Chief
Medical Officer and the NHS.[128]
In addition to the difficulties of communicating
changing scenarios, Professor Ferguson noted:
A further problem was that there was about a three
to four week lag between the group I was involved in coming up
with new reasonable worst cases, and then coming into the public
domain in terms of getting through the DH and Cabinet Office approval
process. So what was in the public domain as a reasonable worst
case was already behind the evidence, given how fast the evidence
was building up.[129]
120. On 16 July 2009, the Chief Medical Officer,
Sir Liam Donaldson, held a press briefing that led to media reports
suggesting up to 65,000 people in the UK could die from swine
flu in a worst case scenario.[130]
At that time, the number of actual deaths stood at around 30,[131]
and by the time the pandemic was over in April 2010, the total
number of UK deaths was 460. Dr Justin McCracken, Chief Executive
of the Health Protection Agency (HPA), commented that:
it shows how difficult communication is because it
was not just the reasonable worst case scenario that was communicated
to the press. It was, actually, the range of both the best and
the worst. But, inevitably, I think the figure that the press
focused on was the worst case scenario.[132]
121. We asked Dr McCracken if, in future, he would
recommend giving a mid-range figure instead of a range including
extreme scenarios. He replied that "the difficulty of giving
even a mid-range figure is the degree of uncertainty that is associated
with it, but I think there probably is a case for that".
He continued: "I don't think you can escape from communicating
a reasonable worst case scenario that you are going to use for
your planning in your health care system, but I do think that
more emphasis needs to be given to what I would call the more
likely expectation."[133]
We discussed the press briefing with Sir Liam, who told us:
I spent a long time in that particular press briefing
with the journalists, slightly short of pleading with them not
to put out misleading information. Apart from one correspondent,
they didn't contextualise the figure at all.
The modelling scientists would always say, "Well,
even the 65,000 figure or figures like that held scientific water
because those were the inputs that we had at the time", and
then as they got more and more data, their number would come down
and down and down. Unfortunately, that doesn't have much credibility
with the public. They can't relate to that at all, understandably.
So I think a great deal of care needs to be taken about the use
of figures. I certainly felt that at the time. Even a back of
the envelope calculation that I did suggested to me that we would
get no more than a thousand deaths, but that was not the scientifically
agreed figure. So I could hardly dissent from the bigger figure.[134]
122. There are three issues of concern here. First,
it appears that, while scenarios were constantly being revised
as more data became available, the communication of these updates
were subject to delays, resulting in outdated information being
provided to the public via government channels. Second, sensationalised
media reporting may not simply be due to the press focusing on
the worst case; we have misgivings about how clear the concept
of the reasonable worst case scenario actually is, particularly
as it does not emphasise the most likely situation. Third, the
Chief Medical Officer, acting as "the messenger for the 65,000
figure which came from the scientific modellers"[135]
was not confident in the figures he was communicating yet felt
unable to dissent.
123. If, following
the GCSA's Blackett Review, the concept of a reasonable worst
case scenario is retained, we recommend that the Government must
make continual efforts to establish the concept of "most
probable scenarios" with the public. While the Government
should be open about the worst case scenarios being used by emergency
responders, it should use the experience of the 2009 pandemic
to emphasise the range and likelihood of various possibilities.
While we do not expect this
to remove all the problems associated with communicating risk
and uncertainty, we consider that it may provide the public with
a better sense of the likely risks.
124. It is equally, if not more, important for central
Government to communicate effectively with emergency responders.
In the case of the swine flu pandemic we were alerted to the frustrations
of clinicians by the British Medical Association (BMA), which
stated that:
Doctors felt overwhelmed by the volume of information
about the H1N1 pandemic issued by various bodies [including Government].
Key advice was lost within the large quantity of emails received,
which often duplicated information.[136]
125. Dr Peter Holden, giving evidence on behalf of
the BMA, told us that the four key sources of information; the
Royal College of General Practitioners, the British Medical Association,
the Health Protection Agency and Department of Health, cross-linked
their websites, but he considered that:
we came unstuck because we were so keen to be up-to-date
and offer timely advice, and it was a fast moving scene [...]
I think what we should learn from this is that there is a review
date on this advice, and you accept that the advice that may be
on the website could be a few hours out of date in pure science
126. When communicating information in this situation,
the organisations providing information to clinicians clearly
had to walk a tight line between under-informing and over-informing
clinicians. With hindsight, it is apparent that attempts to provide
information in a timely manner were in fact overwhelming to doctors
and insufficiently coordinated. We put the issue to the Sir Liam
Donaldson, former Chief Medical Officer, who responded:
I think [the BMA] are a little unfair. [...] We also
had regular contact with the BMA GP committee. [...] I think the
idea that we over-communicated with them is a little unfair because,
really, at other times they were saying to us, informally, "We
need to know more".[138]
127. We consider that the risk of over-information
could be mitigated by a single online portal of information. For
example, in the USA, the flu.gov website provides comprehensive
government-wide information for members of the public and professionals
on seasonal, H1N1 (swine), H5N1 (avian) and pandemic influenza.[139]
It also includes links to specific information for families, businesses,
and schools.
128. We recommend
that there should be a single portal of information for every
emergency, along the lines of flu.gov in the USA. This should
be of use to members of the public as well as emergency responders
and should be the primary source of all information, linking to
other websites as necessary. We consider that maintaining this
portal should be the responsibility of the Lead Government Department,
and should be located within its departmental website.
129. In paragraph 13 we mentioned the resurgence
of swine flu virus during the 2010-11 wintercommonly the
season for fluand that the Government's vaccination strategy
differed from when the virus first emerged in the UK. However,
even during the pandemic the vaccination strategy changed. The
initial strategy, in August 2009, was to vaccinate priority groups
including pregnant women, frontline health and social care workers
and people in at-risk groups over six months. In November 2009,
phase two of the vaccination programme began and expanded to include
children over six months and under five years. Professor Neil
Ferguson, told us that:
if you have vaccine available really quite early
in an epidemic, then targeting the people who transmit the disease,
and in this case had we been able to target all school-aged children,
for instance, all the way back in August, then we probably wouldn't
have had an autumn wave to this epidemic. We would have stopped
On the decision to expand the vaccination programme,
he stated:
I have to say that I was, perhaps, a little surprised
by that. That was not something that went to the committee that
I sat on, the SAGE Committee. It may have been discussed by other
advisory groups in the Department of Health, but it was always
going to be of marginal impact given that the epidemic was already
largely over. I worried myself that it would lose credibilitythat
people would already view this not as a threat, so what was the
justification for doing it?[141]
130. During the 2010-11 flu season, swine flu was
being treated as a seasonal, rather than pandemic flu virus. There
was particular media attention on the decision in 2010-11 not
to vaccinate healthy children.[142]
The Government received advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination
and Immunisation (JCVI). On 30 December 2010 the JCVI met to review
its advice on seasonal influenza vaccination. It produced the
following statement:
JCVI was presented with data on the current seasonal
influenza epidemiology, seroepidemological data collected during
the 2009-10 pandemic, modelling of the impact of vaccination strategies
during the pandemic, data on the effectiveness of influenza vaccines
in the young and vaccine uptake and safety data.
JCVI noted that a large proportion of those individuals
with severe disease are in recognised risk groups for influenza
but were not vaccinated. JVCI re-iterated its previous advice
that all individuals in risk groups should be vaccinated as soon
as possible, particularly those aged less than 65 years.
The [JCVI] considered the issue of offering vaccination
to healthy children either 0-4 years and/or 5-15 years of age.
However, although there is a high incidence of influenza-like
illness currently in these age groups, a significant proportion
of this is due to other viruses such Respiratory Syncytial Virus.
In addition, only a very small proportion of those with severe
disease are in these age groups. Based on previous seasonal influenza
epidemiology it would be hoped that influenza circulation will
have subsided within a month. We do not believe that seasonal
or pandemic vaccine should be used for these or other healthy
person groups. The greatest gain will be achieved in increasing
vaccine uptake in the clinical risk groups.[143]
The Government also stated that:
No projections have been made of the number of deaths
from swine influenza infection that may be prevented during the
current influenza season by the current vaccination policy or
an extension of that policy to include children under five years
of age or other healthy age groups. Such projections, if conducted,
would be highly uncertain as they would depend on a number of
factors that are unknown or uncertain including, the existing
immunity to swine influenza infection in different age groups
of the population, the vaccination coverage in different groups
of the population and how quickly immunity would accrue in these
groups, and the effectiveness of vaccination.
As with all vaccination programmes, JCVI will keep
this matter under review.[144]
However, the JCVI also noted that the size of the
current outbreak was inconsistent with the level of population
immunity that had been suggested by research done during the 2009
pandemic, implying that the immunity levels of young children
were lower that had been anticipated.[145]
131. In response to criticism about the lack of a
national advertising campaign, Rt Hon Andrew Lansley MP, Secretary
of State for Health, stated:
We decided not to institute an autumn mass advertising
campaign to encourage flu vaccination, because this would have
wastefully focused on the entire population when only at-risk
groups are being invited for vaccination. This does not mean that
there was no campaign; GPs have been inviting those at-risk groups
to receive the flu vaccine since October, and the lack of an advertising
campaign this year has had no discernible impact on uptake of
flu vaccine.[146]
132. Although
the Government response to seasonal flu goes beyond our inquiry,
we were interested in the ongoing public concern over the risks
of swine flu as part of the seasonal flu outbreak. This is unsurprising,
given the fresh public memory of the pandemic and the Government's
2009-10 pandemic communication programme, as well as the absence
of a seasonal flu information campaign in 2010-11. The Government
should carefully consider the public's assumptions about swine
flu (or any new flu strain) when communicating the risks of that
strain in the context of seasonal, rather than pandemic, outbreak.
133. We have concerns about the evidence on which
the JVCI has based its advice to Government in relation to the
2010-11 seasonal flu vaccination programme. There is evidence
that vaccinating children creates herd immunity[147]
and it appears that in 2010-2011 the immunity levels of young
children may not have been as high as originally anticipated.
However, we accept that the evidence may not be clear-cut and
that factors such as the efficacy of the vaccine in children and
cost effectiveness must also be taken into consideration. We
recommend that the JCVI conduct a comprehensive review of the
benefits and risks of extending influenza vaccination programmes
to all children under five, drawing on the experiences of countries,
such as the USA, that already have policies of vaccinating under
121 The BSE Inquiry: Findings and conclusions,
October 2000, Volume 1, Chapter 14, section 1301; see also para
137. Back
Cabinet Office, UK Resilience: Communicating risk, www.cabinetoffice,gov.uk Back
HM Treasury and Cabinet Office, Principles of Managing Risks
to the public, www.hm-treasury.gov.uk Back
HM Treasury, Orange Book: Management of Risks - Principles
and Concepts, October 2004 Back
Department of Health, Communicating about risks to public health:
pointers to good practice, January 1997 Back
Department of Health, Communicating about risks to public health:
pointers to good practice, January 1997 Back
HM Treasury and Cabinet Office, Principles of Managing Risks
to the Public, www.hm-treasury.gov.uk Back
Q 5 Back
As above Back
For example, "Swine flu could kill 65,000 in UK, warns chief
medical officer", The Guardian, 16 July 2009, www.guardian.co.uk
"Swine flu could kill 65,000 in UK, warns chief medical officer",
The Guardian, 16 July 2009, www.guardian.co.uk Back
Q 8 Back
Q 9 Back
Q 40 Back
As above Back
Ev 143, para 25 Back
Q 13 Back
Q 53 Back
"About us", Flu.gov, www.flu.gov/about Back
Q 16 Back
As above Back
"Birmingham girl aged three dies from swine flu", BBC
News Online, 12 January 2011, news.bbc.co.uk Back
HC Deb, 20 January 2011, col 969W (Anne Milton MP, Parliamentary
Under Secretary of State for Public Health) Back
HC Deb, 20 January 2011, col 970W (Anne Milton MP, Parliamentary
Under Secretary of State for Public Health) Back
Ev 164 Back
"Most pregnant women have not had flu jab, Andrew Lansley
admits", Guardian Online, 15 January 2011, www.guardian.co.uk Back
For example, Loeb and others, "Effect of influenza
vaccination of children on infection rates in Hutterite communities:
a randomized trial", Journal of the American Medical Association,
vol 303 (2010), pp 943-50 Back