Nadine Dorries - Standards and Privileges Committee Contents

44.  Letter to Ms Nadine Dorries MP from the Commissioner, 18 May 2010

Now that the new Parliament has assembled, I am writing to confirm that I am resuming my inquiries into this complaint.

I am grateful for your e-mail reply of 16 May to my letter of 25 March. I should be grateful if you would confirm two matters for me. First, I shall assume from what you have told me that you spent almost all your nights in September 2008 in your main home (Stratford-upon-Avon address 2), although you may have spent the "odd night" in your constituency home [first constituency address]. It would be helpful if you would confirm that my understanding is correct.

Secondly, I am grateful for your description of your current main home in [second village in Gloucestershire]. I asked if you could let me know whether the property shown in the Daily Telegraph photograph of 19 March was of your main home, or of your constituency property (as you suggested in your letter to me of 1 March). I take it that it was of your current main home in [Gloucestershire]. I assume that your estimate that it "sleeps six comfortably" is achieved by using various rooms currently used for other purposes. But, as you say, I understand that you moved into this property in September 2009, after the period covered by this inquiry. I shall not, therefore, be pursuing further your use of this property.

Thirdly I asked if you could let me have the names and addresses of your neighbours in the Cotswolds. While I am grateful for the offer of contact details for the neighbour in [second village in Gloucestershire] who is also an employee, I do not think I need to trouble you for her details. As you surmised, I am looking for neighbours who could provide me with witness evidence of your pattern of overnight stays in your main homes before you moved to [second Gloucestershire address]. Drawing on your letter to me of 11 November 2009, these homes were your homes in Stratford-upon-Avon: [address 1], from January 2007 to January 2008; [address 2], from January 2008 to January 2009; and [address 3] from January 2009 until you moved to [your second Gloucestershire address]. It would be most helpful if you could provide me with the details of any neighbours or other witnesses who might be in a position to provide me with this evidence.

I should be most grateful for your responses on the points raised in this letter by the end of this month. As you know, I wrote in March to the Department of Resources for their advice and expect to have received their final response before too long. I will write to you again when I receive this letter.[232]

Thank you for your help.

18 May 2010

232   WE 42, received after this letter was sent.  Back

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