Mr Andrew Mackay and Ms Julie Kirkbride - Standards and Privileges Committee Contents

52.  Letter to the former Head of the Fees Office from the Commissioner, 2 September 2010

Thank you for your signed response of 29 August to my office's letter of 20 August with Mr Mackay's evidence to me about his telephone conversation with you in May 2009.

I have noted that you have accepted as accurate the statement that you told Mr Mackay that you had been told by the House authorities not to speak to Members, and that you could not recall what advice you had given Mr Mackay (presumably in 1997), although you would have made a file note of the conversation. I will, of course, reflect this conclusion to the evidence you have given me, since, while you have stated that you know what advice you would have given and that you would not have given Mr Mackay the advice he recalls, it seems clear that you are not able to recall the advice which in fact you gave him at the time.

As you know, your evidence will be included along with all the other evidence I have received in the course of my inquiries into this complaint, and you can expect it to be published. In the meantime, I will copy your latest response to Mr Mackay. Thank you again for your help. I hope I need not to trouble you further on this matter.

2 September 2010

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