59. Summary of Ms Julie Kirkbride's
ACA/PAAE claims 2004-05 to 2008-09 (figures from the Member)
Year | Mortgage Interest (£)
| Other items (£)
| Total (£) |
2004-05 | 8,988
| 11,684 | 20,672
2005-06 | 9,288
| 12,175 | 21,463
2006-07 | 10,121
| 11,543 | 21,664
2007-08 | 12,030
| 11,100 | 23,130
2008-09 | 13,917
| 9,271 | 23,188
Source: Letter to the
Commissioner from Ms Julie Kirkbride, 21 January 2010.[198]
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