Transport Committee - Unprinted Written Evidence [Back to Report]
Drink and drug driving law

Here you can browse the Unprinted Written Evidence ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 12 October 2010.

Transport Committee

Written evidence


Written evidence from Steve Wilson (DDD 01)

Memorandum from The Royal Standard of England (DDD 02)

Memorandum from The Richardsons Group (DDD 03)

Memorandum from Joseph Holt Limited (DDD 04)

Memorandum from Mike Rawson (DDD 06)

Memorandum from The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) (DDD 07)

Memorandum from the Gin and Vodka Association (GVA) (DDD 08)

Memorandum from Claire and Denise McCutcheon (DDD 10)

Memorandum from the Police Federation of England and Wales (DDD 13)

Memorandum from the British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) (DDD 14)

Memorandum from the Road Haulage Association (RHA) (DDD 18)

Memorandum from Mr Philip Hayton (DDD 20)

Memorandum from RoadPeace (DDD 22)

Memorandum from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) (DDD 23)

Memorandum from Living Streets (DDD 24)

Memorandum from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) (DDD 25)

Memorandum from Jack Brownhill (DDD 26)

Memorandum from Addapt (Association of Approved Providers of Drink Drive Rehabilitation Courses) (DDD 27)

Memorandum from TTC 2000 (DDD 28)

Memorandum from the Magistrates' Association (DDD 30)

Memorandum from VMCL Ltd (DDD 31)

Memorandum from The Wine and Spirit Trade Association (DDD 33)

Further Memorandum from The Wine and Spirit Trade Association (DDD 33a)

Memorandum from Draeger Safety UK Ltd (DDD 35)

Memorandum from the Chronic Pain Policy Coalition (CPPC) (DDD 38)

Memorandum from Professor Nutt, Chair, Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (ISCD) (DDD 40)

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Prepared 2 December 2010