Examination of Witnesses (Questions 1-72)
Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP and Sir Leigh Lewis
15 September 2010
Q1 Chair: It's very nice
to see such a full house. Can I welcome everyone, and in particular
the Secretary of State and the Permanent Secretary, to the first
oral formal evidence of the new Work and Pensions Select Committee.
We have quite a full agenda in front of us today so just a very
brief welcome to you both, and thanks very much for giving up
your time. Hopefully you will find the CommitteeI was going
to say "friendly", but I am not quite sure if that is
quite what you want from a Select Committee.
Mr Duncan Smith:
That worries me.
Q2 Chair: But certainly,
obviously part of our job is to make sure that the Department
for Work and Pensions gets its decisions right and we are part
of an important role in scrutiny in this place. So thank you very
much for coming along. To begin, there were quite a lot of questions
over the weekend about departmental spend and on one of the TV
channels last night you were denying that there had been a major
bust-up between yourself and the Chancellor, but, the way that
these things work, I know that there will have been some robust
discussions about the Departmental budget, so can I ask the question:
who won?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I think there is always a nature of robust discussions between
the Treasury and various Departments about the way to do things.
The fact is I came into Government only a few months ago and we
recognise that we face a significant problem. We have to get the
deficit down, so every Department has to play their part in that
and of course we have the extra issue of the scale of welfare
spending. Not all of it, as you will know, is in my Department.
It is often forgotten that some of these ones are within the Treasury
themselves or certainly at HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), coming
out of the Chancellor's own brief. So, tax credits and child benefits
that are often asked of me are the Chancellor's remit, not mine,
so while I may make suggestions to him he makes the final decisions
on those. The rest of the benefits area is mine. So I have to
look at the departmental spend and figure out whether or not what
we are spending is being effective, could it be more effectively
spent in different ways and is there any scope to reduce the expenditure
while at the same time improving outcomes. The reality for us
is that, within that problem of the very large deficit, we also
have a problem with a system that, I believe, on both sides of
the House, we now recognise has become so incredibly complicated
that the very people it serves quite often are ill-served by it.
That complication, particularly for people going back to work,
means they are often unable to understand quite how well offor
if they will be better off as they enter work. There are of course
issues for people who have various disabilities to know quite
what they should or should not be receiving. So there is a whole
scope of issues.
I must say, though, that within that context, I did
read some wonderfully exotic articles over the summer about these:
an official from the Treasury with a wonderfully exotic name and
secret meetings and various other bits and pieces. I don't recognise
all of that, to be fair. I'm sad that I don't but, nonetheless,
it made interesting reading and was fun to read, tooafter
all, we have to have something to look at in the summer. But my
only advice to the Committee is: you shouldn't always believe
everything that you read in the newspapers. I say that rather
carefully looking across to my right.
Q3 Chair: Perhaps, in
terms of what we read in the newspapers, you might be able to
clarify the figures because I am finding that quite confusing.
The figure of £11 billion savings from your Department has
been bandied about as being part of what was in the Budget and
then, over the weekend, there has been £4 billion and £2.5
billion. Are these additional? What is the figure with regard
to your own Department?
Mr Duncan Smith:
It breaks down into two parts: those things that are public, which
were in the Budget, and I think the £11 billion figure you
refer to refers to that. Of course, that you need to look at and
I am sure the Committee will know that £11 billion figure
relates to 2014-15 and is a cumulative figure. These figures are
in the public domain and are as a result of various changes that
were brought forward in the Emergency Budgetagain, not
all to do with my Department, a large chunk of that is due
Q4 Chair: What is the
time scale for that? Is that within the period of the Government
spending review?
Mr Duncan Smith:
It's within the Government spending review, and the point about
this is: we should see this in the round because we are in the
middle of the spending review right now. So any other figure that
references the spending review I obviously can't confirm becauseI
will be quite honest with the Committeewe haven't reached
any conclusions about this at all; not at all. I can't even whisper
something to the Committee. As regards figures like £4 billion,
I simply don't recognise that figure at all.
I also let the Committee know that I was away in
Oslo on Sunday attending an International Monetary Fund-International
Labour Organisation (IMF-ILO) conference, so I only picked up
the story that was in the Sunday papers at the last moment and
I think it was referring to a letter. First of all, I couldn't
remember the letter. It took me ages to find out what that letter
was but that letter had nothing to do with our present discussions
at all and should be disregarded. It was the viewif it
exists at allof an individual, but it didn't necessarily
refer to anything; in fact, it doesn't refer to anything that
we're doing at the moment.
Q5 Chair: But there is
no doubt that, over the period of the comprehensive spending review,
things are going to be very tight for your department and you
are one of the big spending departments in Government. So the
other thing was on Monday, during the Urgent Question, the Chancellor
was talking a lot about working-age benefits, but Incapacity Benefit
is only £13.6 billiononly; it is a huge amount of
money. But when you look at your own departmental budget, the
Chancellor is saying that one third of all Government spending
is on welfare, but well over half thatalmost two thirdsgoes
to people of pension age, not people of working age. So because
of the concentrationa lot of the stuff that has come from
your Department being mostly about working ageare you not
limiting your ability to make the kind of savings that you and
the Chancellor want?
Mr Duncan Smith:
We have to make savings. That is absolutely clear. But my view
about this over the period of the spending review is that we will
make savings by reforming the system. That is the critical part
of the whole of the area of discussions that we have, which is
that reform is the key way. I have witnessed too many Governments
come and go, Labour or Conservative or coalition now, that have
attempted to deal with the welfare bill by simply pressing down
from the top saying, "Well, we can just cut this"I
think the last Government attempted to do that at the timeand
each Government has seen them, by and large, balloon back up again.
So a lot of these savings end up being temporary savings and often
are not delivered. So my point about this is that reform is the
That we have to make savings I agree, and it is good
that you remind everybody that pensions are a very significant
part of the overall spend of the Department, and quite legitimately
so. We have a pensions reform programme, an agenda, which no doubt
you will want to talk about later on, but that of course arguably
has a bigger bearing on finances than anything we do on working-age
benefits. So I accept that but, yes, no one said this process
was easy at all. Anybody sitting in my position today would much
rather that they were sitting in the position 10 years ago when
we had time, scope and money to make reforms. I wish the last
Government had attempted that seriously and not left us with this
Q6 Chair: You are right,
we do have lots of questions about those reforms, but quite a
number of them will initially cost more money. In order to enact
reforms it will cost money, which you would hope to then recover
as savings further along the way. But that is not the basis of
your discussions and arguments with the Treasury because that
means pump-priming of some kind.
Mr Duncan Smith:
As I said last nightyou are referring to an interview I
gave on Skyif our roles were reversed I would be saying
exactly the same thing as the Chancellor says to me: quite rightly,
he wants me to be able to demonstrate that the reforms that I
propose work. I believe they do. I believe we can demonstrate
that, and that they will, ultimately, both save money and improve
the situation, in the sense that we have a better process of getting
people back to work.
After all, at the end of it, when we look at our
jointeveryone on this Committeecommitment to ending
child poverty by 2020, it is my strong view that we will not do
that while Britain remains one of the worst countries in Europe
for workless households and children born into workless households.
We have a staggering number; nearly 20% of all British households
are workless[1].
That is, no adult works in them, and about 16% to 17% of all children
born live in workless households. So the Government has spent
a lot of moneythe last Governmenton eradicating
child poverty and to some degree had some success. But what they
found is they hit the buffers because the persistent problems
with poverty lie in these workless households.
So the reforms I hope to be able to bring forward
will save money, I believe, because we will start to get at those
households where there is persistent worklessness.
Q7 Chair: But the most
recent figure suggests that there are more children living in
poverty in households where there is someone in work than there
are children living in poverty in workless households. Even getting
people into work is not going to solve some of that problem because
of low wages, so they still need the help from the Government
in terms of Housing Benefit, council tax rebate and tax credits.
So it is not an obvious complete saving over the whole welfare
Mr Duncan Smith:
For the reforms that I was talking aboutand I was not going
to go into detail now because of your specific questions about
these discussionsthe reality is that part of that process
is to make work pay. That is critical and that is your best way
of eradicating child poverty.
Chair: I am sure my colleagues
will come back to you on that. We have some questions now on the
subject of your document, "21st Century Welfare", and
the proposals for a single working-age benefit. Sajid Javid?
Q8 Sajid Javid: Yes,
good morning. The stakeholders have broadly welcomed the document,
"21st Century Welfare", but it is fair to say there
is some concern about the time scale of delivery of some of the
thoughts in here and the process for implementing the change.
Can we just ask: what are your plans once the consultation closes
for taking this forward? Do you plan to produce a White Paper
or a draft Bill or do you think it will go straight to a final
Bill at the start of the new year?
Mr Duncan Smith:
No, the plan is that we will complete this early consultation
and we have had a lot of submissions from politicians as well
as from think tanks, and from the media toothey do not
make official submissions but they have certainly made commentary.
So a number of groups, different groups as well as various poverty
groups, et cetera, have made responses. We have talked to the
trade unions; we have had pretty wide consultation. That will
be reflected in the next phase, which is to go to a White Paper
in the autumn that will bring together those consultations and
flesh out a bit more of the detail about how we intend to implement
To be fair, this document you have in front of you
is some way behind where we are in the Department. I want to say
something early on about this, if I could use this opportunity:
the Department has been excellent since I arrived, the way they
have grabbed this issue and run with it. I am full of praise for
their focus. Quite often civil servants get blamed at the moment
and attacked, so I want to put it on record that I think the Department's
officials have been second to none in their determination to make
some of these reforms work and, to that extent, they are working
very hard at the moment on the White Paper.
Chair: Richard?
Q9 Richard Graham: Thank
you, Chairman. Good morning, Secretary of State. I appreciate
what you said, that the outline approach in the "21st Century
Welfare" document is some way behind where you all are in
the Department in working out different options. One of the most
striking things in the meetings that we have had so far is that
everybody buys into the direction of the journey that the Department
wants to go on. But within this document, obviously, there is
very little that sheds much light on the different costs of the
options that you are looking at. Is it possible to share with
us today some of the different costs likely to be involved in
looking at things like Universal Credit and the Single Unified
Taper, and what sort of estimates you have submitted to the Treasury
in terms of what this is likely to cost? Especially at the beginning
of the programme where the cost will be up front and the benefits,
the savings, are likely to come through later.
Mr Duncan Smith:
I cannot specify today the costs because, as we work through this
and make some advances in the modellingand the modelling
is quite extensive nowwe are finding, by and large, that
the original estimates of costs are falling. One of the things
it is doing for us quite well is to help us understand the nature
of who is not claiming benefits and why. That understanding has
been very poor up until now. In fact, a by-product of it is to
understand these groups far better and, as we understand them
far better, we understand some of their rationale for why they
have not been claiming, so that is becoming much clearer to us
and that will become clearer in the White Paper.
The cost issues: if you do not mind I will slightly
bypass those because a lot of the figures being bandied around
in the media are by and large incorrect. Some of them are based
on the original Centre for Social Justice paper. Things have moved
on some distance from there and we are much clearer about take-up
rates and things like that, and that is becoming clearer all the
time. So if I was to put a figure out now the chances are that
within a month or two that would be wrong. Rather than putting
out wrong figures, I will wait until the White Paper before
I can give you a proper set and a proper analysis.
Our general, absolute clear belief is that what this
system will do, most certainly, is to save money in one area,
which is to do with overpayments and fraud, particularly, in the
tax credit area, which has been bad and poor since tax credits
were brought in, whereas DWP has borne down on its fraud area.
There is still work to be done and we are going toas you
saw in the Budgetmaximise our efforts in that area. We
are going to bring in some more fraud inspectors, et cetera, and
we believe we can make a better fist of that. We know the tax
credit area has always struggled and the HMRC will be the first
to tell you that. So we think this system coming together like
this will have a major bearing on that wasted money, which could
be better spent and costs an awful lot to manage.
Q10 Richard Graham: But
in general, of the areas where the Department is hoping to generate
the £4.7 billion savings that you have said you will achieve
by 2014-15, presumably if you have arrived at that figure there
is some breakdown between what you hope to save from reducing
fraud, what you hope to gain by simplifying the system and what
you hope to gain from reducing the numbers of people, for example,
on Incapacity Benefit? There must be some form of breakdown of
the savings areas from which you hope to generate them?
Mr Duncan Smith:
There are two areas: first of all, I have made no commitment to
savings in the spending round yet, because that is a matter of
discussion between myself, Treasury and Downing Street, generally.
So I do not accept any particular figures in the run-up to October
20thfor obvious reasonswhen these matters are being
Of course the Universal Credit idea, plus any of
the others, is part of that mix because of course it will start,
and the idea will be brought in within the time scale of the review.
Whether it is all within that time scale or not is a matter, as
I say, for further discussion and will be the subject of the White
Paper. That is why it is very difficult to say at this point,
specifically, to what degree it will have a bearing or not on
those spending figuresnot those figures but the figures
we will eventually arrive at.
Q11 Richard Graham: So
how was the figure of £4.7 billion, which I think was in
the Department's briefing, arrived at?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I am talking about the overall inclusive budget and spending review
figures, which will become clear on the 20th. So, the Universal
Credit will have a bearing on that overall figure. I am not hanging
on to £4.7 billion, but the reality of what we say, going
ahead over the whole spending review, will be the Department's
budget. So it is probably better to wait for that point, then
we can get a much clearer sight of how that works.
Q12 Richard Graham: The
Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) comes before the White Paper,
does it?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Yes, absolutely. The White Paper will be in the autumn but, for
obvious reasons, it is better to come after the spending review
because then you are dealing with facts rather than a negotiation.
Q13 Richard Graham: So,
to what extent will the recommendations in the White Paper alter
according to the amount of money that is made available in the
CSR? For example, is there a department plan A, in terms of what
you would do on Single Unified Tapers if the results from the
Treasury is X, and if you get rather less money then there is
a plan B which has a different approach to the taper?
Mr Duncan Smith:
No, there is only one plan, which is that, after discussion and
analysis of the various options, we will agree which is the best
option. That of course will also be agreed as to whether that
has any costsit may or may notand if it does what
those are and how that will be funded, and then we will take that
forward. There will be no point in leaving options out there:
what will come forward in the White Paper will be our preferred
position on this and the figures around that will be quite clear.
Q14 Richard Graham: There
is not a particular option at the moment that the Department has
already modelled, which shows that it is easier to access, simpler
to administer and likely to produce better results over the next
period, which you would advocate?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Well, I can only personally go back to the position that I originally
took: I think the Universal Credit is the best way forward but
we are dependent on the consultation and the discussions with
others. The Universal Credit was the thing that I came to the
Department with, essentially, and the Department has worked hugely
on it, but there are other options, and we are looking at them
all and proving them or disproving them, as the case may be.
Q15 Richard Graham: What
will be the impact if the Universal Credit were to go ahead? What
would be the impact in terms of IT systems that will need to be
developed by the Department? How confident would the Department
be that there could be an IT system robust enough to make that
work, bearing in mind all the various other IT hazards we have
seen over the years?
Mr Duncan Smith:
This Department, historically, under the last Government as well,
has a pretty good record about managing and installing IT systems,
so of all the Departments out thereI say this with reference
to my Permanent Secretary who I am sure will be happy to take
you through some of their success stories, if you wish us to do
thatthe reality is the Department is accepted in the Treasury,
HMRC and everywhere else as being probably the best department
for implementing IT programmes.
The second thing is that I do not believe that there
is the necessity for a major IT programme associated with this.
I will not explain to you today about that because that will become
clear when we do the White Paper. But, should we go to the Universal
Credit, I believe it is a middling sort of IT change that is required,
some of which was already anticipated, both in the HMRC and in
the Department before I arrivednot on the basis of this
but in further changes that will be made. For example, the discussions
you have heard about changes to PAYE and various othersthese
all become part of the same. So I do not think it is on the grand
collapse scale that we have seen in the past, far from it, it
is well below that. Given the history and nature of the Department
in handling that sort of scale, which is medium-size and probably
lesslower IT projectsI have huge confidence that
we will be able to get this done. There would not be a lot of
risk, in fact there is very little risk attached to it.
Q16 Richard Graham: All
the costs of that are already built into budget proposals?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Absolutely. By the time the White Paper comes forward they will
be clear and built into it.
Richard Graham: Thank
Chair: I will not mention
the Child Support Agency (CSA) and computers, although I have
to say the Pension Service was very good. I am going to bring
in Karen and Sajid very quickly and then Harriett.
Q17 Karen Buck: Secretary
of State, if I understood you rightly, you were implying that
the main savings you would expect from Universal Credit would
come from fraud and overpayments in the current tax credit system?
Mr Duncan Smith:
No, I did not say "main". I said an illustrative area
of saving that we believe will come from this change will be in
that area, which has been very difficult to control over the last
10 years.
Q18 Karen Buck: Have
you reached an agreement then with the Treasury, that any savings
that you would make, which would be made from fraud and overpayments
in tax credits, would be counted against savings in the DWP budget?
Mr Duncan Smith:
We are discussing all of that right now.
Chair: That is the robust
discussion. Sajid?
Q19 Sajid Javid: My question
was pretty much on the same lines: clearly, if these proposals
are implemented the more people are going to work and the less
state dependency, and there will be savings across Government
in many Departments, not just with what my colleague, Karen, mentioned
but maybe in health, education and so forth. Is there a general
recognition of that within Government among your colleagues that
your Department can generate savings for them all, and in that
case is there any less of a silo approach in looking at that?
Mr Duncan Smith:
These are discussions and debates that have to be held within
Departments. It has to be said that these sorts of savings are
always divided into hard and soft savings. Hard savings are the
ones that you can recognise within the time scale of a spending
review, and those that are tangible: fraud, error, getting people
back to work, taking people off benefit. Those are very clear
savings that are likely to be made in the course of what I call
"hard savings".
The savings that I believe also come directly as
a result, and I think are accepted across the piece now among
think tanks and others who look at this, are the other connections.
One of the points that we have always made is this: if you want
to know where some of the greatest call on the health service
is, go to the areas of highest unemployment, with lower life expectancy
and problems there, and you see the connection between workless
households and health problems, depression and things like that.
So we believe that the system will be more effective in getting
people back to work, maintaining them in work, allowing the worker
essentially to be clear that it pays and that it does pay. I am
pretty certain that that will have an effect in the longer term
on things like health problems and various other issues around
it. However, I am not advancing that right now here, I am simply
saying that, in the shorter term, we believe the system will be
better at affecting the benefit system by getting people back
to work and by improving the way the system works right now, which
almost every official in the Department has told me they believe
is close to being broken. It is difficult to maintain.
In fact, I wonder if I might just ask the Permanent
Secretary to relate one story: we do this "Back to the Floor"
where officials go to Jobcentres and other locations and work
for a week and the Permanent Secretary came back from one a week
or two ago. I just wonder if he could relate that because it is
illustrative of what the problems are here.
Sir Leigh Lewis:
It was really interesting. I was at a Jobcentre in East Anglia
and sitting alongside a lone parent adviser. She met and talked
to one of her customers who knew her well and had come in to ask
for advice. This was a very experienced member of staff; this
was not a new member of staff having to work it all out on day
one. The circumstances were quite interesting: this was a single
parent with four children, I think from somewhere around the ages
of six up to about 12, and one of the children was disabled. She
was a carer of course for all the children but especially for
that child.
Her question was a very simple one: she was already
doing some part-time work as a school dinner lady in the school
that two of her children went to, and the school had asked her
to increase her hours at the start of the new term. Her question
very simply to the adviser was, "Will I be better off? If
I do that and get this money what will happen to my benefits?
Will I end up better off?" It took the adviser three quarters
of an hour, even with the technology that they have on their desktop,
to go through the "better off in work" calculations.
It took the adviser three quarters of an hour to arrive at the
conclusion that she would be better off. But it was immensely
complicated and it brought home to me just how complex this system
has become.
Chair: Harriett?
Q20 Harriett Baldwin:
Thank you. The paper outlines the two major problems that you
are focusing on at the moment: the complexity and the work incentives.
One other aspect of the system that is often mentioned as a problem
is the fact that it creates disincentives for couples to bring
up children together. I just wondered, which of the proposals
you think would have an impact on that?
Mr Duncan Smith:
It is always difficult to project forward in that area about the
people bringing up children together or apart. I think that it
is accepted now. I think Frank Field was the first to raise this,
that there is a problem within the benefit system, in the sense
that because of the focusand some would say legitimate
focuson trying to eradicate child poverty by focusing on
lone parents who were in the worst situation, it is accepted,
the by-product of that, not intended I'm sure, is that there has
become a differential on benefits between couples bringing up
children and lone parents bringing up children.
Trying to eradicate that without damaging the work
that has been done on lone parents is important. I think the system
as people go back into work would help that. I think it would
help eradicate that by essentially making work pay for whatever
relationship was bringing up those children, and I think that
would help. What does that mean? That simply means that people
will make the choices that they make. It is not the job of the
Government to go dictating to them in any way at all. But providing
the Government does not skew that process in one direction, then
my general view about it is that people will make those decisions
in the most positive way they can for the raising of their children.
Certainly, being together will take more pressure off the lone
parent but that is a decision that they will have to make on balance
of their situation.
Q21 Harriett Baldwin:
So will an outcome of these potential changes be that you will
no longer feel that you are better off apart?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I think the best way to answer the question is: will it go towards
restabilising and equalising that process? I think it gives us
the opportunity to do that; how far we wish to go on that is dependent
on finances and discussions within Government, but the bringing
together and creating of a single benefit allows you to manage
that in an easier way while sustaining your support for those
who genuinely need it.
Harriett Baldwin: Thank
Chair: Kate, very quickly.
Q22 Kate Green: Yes,
I just wanted to follow that line of thought a little further,
because I think the evidence is that, in terms of material deprivation,
single parent families still suffer more. So I was reassured,
I think I heard you say, Secretary of State, that it was not about
skewing the system one way or another.
Mr Duncan Smith:
Not at all.
Kate Green: In terms of
your thinking about supporting couples to bring up children together,
are you particularly thinking about situations where couples may
not have both members of the partnership working? Is that a priority
for you or are you looking at some sort of evening out of the
premium for hours worked for couples?
Mr Duncan Smith:
This particular reform is aimed at the process of taking people
from where they are through to work, so work is critical within
that process. So obviously making work pay for lone parents or
couples is quite critical for the household. The one thing about
the Universal Credit, which is why this makes it slightly easier
if we were to go thereI say "if" and obviously
that is still a matter for discussionis that the Universal
Credit allows us to look at household income in a way that the
present system does not, so that we can understand better what
is happening within a household rather than just focusing on an
individual. That allows us therefore to understand the totality
of what is going on in that household: who is working, who is
not working and what effect that has on their income. So it will
allow us to understand better, I think, what is happening to households
that are out of work and to what degree that income, or lack of
income but income through benefits, affects their lives. So I
think the idea of the Universal Credit allows us to understand
that better.
At the moment the tendency is to make assumptions
that there is no other income coming into the family. Sometimes
there is, that household income works and other cases there is
not and that income is too low. So the Universal Credit I think
will allow us to analyse what is going on in a household far better
than we do at the moment. I think it will have a positive effectthat
is what I am sayingboth for lone parents and couples.
Chair: Did you want to
come back, Harriett? No? Stephen Lloyd?
Q23 Stephen Lloyd: Thank
you, Secretary of State. As you have already alluded to a number
of times on the Universal Credit and the single payment system,
I am sure you will be unsurprised to learn that we have had representation
from a number of different groups representing people who are
in a disadvantaged situation. Although broadly they can see the
advantages of a single payment system, there are elements of concern
that it will not be flexible enough to cope with some of the chaotic
and very changeable situations that do apply to people in that
position. Are you confident yourself, if we do end up with a universal
payment system, that it will be able to cope with that potentially
chaotic group?
Mr Duncan Smith:
What I am confident of right now is that the present system does
not. It is one of its biggest problems. The reason why HMRC and
others have this terrible level of overpayments is because, in
attempting to forecast a stable period for somebody, we find people
on low incomes will often rotate in and out of work, they have
difficulties, they have problems, particularly lone parents get
into difficulties. The present system is set up so that there
is a constancy over a period of a year and it assumes that; therefore,
that is why when you pay someone you are constantly trying to
get money back from people. That is also not fair because once
you have paid somebody money, trying to get it back off people
on low incomes is both difficult and becomes quite oppressive.
You can recognise why we have to try and get the money back but
it does not make life easy because, as you know, people on low
incomes, when you pay them money like this, tend to spend it.
You can argue that is the biggest form of money going into the
economy because it is spent almost immediately, for obvious reasons,
because it is enough to live but it is not enough to save.
So what I believe the present system will do in two
areas, is to try and create a real- time system which will allow
us, therefore, to stop this process of trying to forecast over
a long period but to understand, in reality, what is happening
over, say, a period of one month. This will allow us to pay a
figure of money to somebody for that month, knowing that the next
month things may have changed and so that figure may change as
well. That, I think, will hugely improve the quality of life for
people on low incomes because, for once, given the nature of often
quite fractured processes in their lives, we will be able to track
it and understand it better, and it will also allow us to work
on something elsewhich we have not talked about yetwhich
is the new Work Programme. The unified Work Programme we are bringing
in has a very tailored concept of support and help; it has to
be. The two would go very well together because now we will understand
financially what has happened to somebody. Also it allows the
Jobcentres to spot this and get people into the Work Programme
at key moments, knowing what is happening to their lives through
that finance, rather than waiting for long periods until we figure
out that some family is in difficulty. So I think the two would
come together and should be a positive reform, particularly for
people on low income: it has to be said they are the people who
will be most positively affected by this.
Q24 Stephen Lloyd: I
would agree. To make that work, though, we are back to the IT,
in the sense that you have already alluded to the fact that you
are reasonably confident that the level and complexity of the
IT needs for this would be manageable. I also accept that in many
ways the DWP have handled IT fairly well over the last 20 years,
compared to the tax authorities. But, like everyone else around
the table, I have had numerous casework from numerous constituents
in this area and it can vary or the circumstances can change,
literally within a couple of weeks, and that change can be catastrophic
because individuals or families in that situation are right on
the edge. So I just want to seek further confirmation that, in
your view and in the Department's view, this level of IT, as far
as you are concerned, is very manageable?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I can only give you my view and I will ask the Permanent Secretary
to tell you what he thinks from an official standpoint. That might
help you a bit better.
My view about this process is that I would not engage
on it if I felt in any way that it wouldn't. The key thing, as
I keep coming back to with this, is that right now the present
system is appallingly bad at helping people who have these very
changeable arrangements in their lives. If someone goes into work
for a month or two and it does not work out or they crash out
for a while, they have trouble getting their Housing Benefit back.
We know what goes on. I mean we have all had the endless stream
of people coming in saying, "Going to work is a process that
makes you worse off if it goes wrong, so I never want to do it
again". That is what stands between people then trying one
more time. It also means that their income falls before coming
back up. So the system itself right now has a major problem, in
the sense that for the very worst off it often can affect them
rather badly.
So changing this I believecoming to a real-time
processwill allow us to radically change that process.
I believe, therefore, that the system is manageable and I also
believe that the principle of the system allows us to focus in
on those very changeable processes in somebody's life, someone
who is at the bottom end of the income scale trying to get into
work, particularly, in this case, lone parents. I think they are
one of the groups that often find it difficult to sustain work,
for reasons to do with care and responsibility and we will understand
that far better.
Stephen Lloyd: I certainly
wish you every success with that becauselike youI
share a complete conviction that that approach is probably the
only way that we can move forward with this. Where I am a little
more anxious, perhaps, is whether the IT can cope.
Mr Duncan Smith:
Perhaps I could ask the Permanent Secretary, rather than hear
from me. I am a politician.
Sir Leigh Lewis:
Well, simply to say, no Permanent Secretary, I do not think, would
ever regard significant IT change lightly, because with any IT
change there is always a degree of risk. That is in the nature
of the IT business. But we do have a strong record in the Department
of introducing major IT change. For example, the introduction
of the Employment and Support Allowance required a massive IT
re-engineering in the Department, which went successfully. As
the Secretary of State has said, if we move to a Universal Credit
system, the IT changes are significantly smaller in scale and
complexity than that. We do have nowin a way that neither
my Department nor, I think, any part of Whitehall had a decade
agosome very professional IT specialists, both inside the
Department and in our supplier community. So you never take these
things lightly, you never say there is no risk. You plan, you
check, you test, you probe. But we do have a very strong IT record
and we do believe this is absolutely doable.
Q25 Stephen Lloyd: I
certainly wish you good fortune with that, Permanent Secretary.
Another issue that again is something that affects
my postbag considerably since the coalition Government was put
togetherI am sure the same is true for all my colleagues
round the tableis that there are always going to be a number
of people, including vulnerable groups, such as disabled people,
who may never be able to work. How can you ensure that they are
not disadvantaged under a system that focuses inevitably on incentivising
people to work, and can you guarantee that they will continue
to receive benefits at an adequate level in the long term?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I think the simple answer to that is, I believe, yes. The reason
for that is the way in which we remain committed to the process
of support for the disabled, Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
and others, and I am sure we will come to that later on in the
processes today. But there are also the Work Capability Assessment
that we are shaping up at the moment and the Employment and Support
Allowance as shaped and as inherited from the last Government.
The way we are looking at that will ensure that, rather than simply
writing off people on to Incapacity Benefit and then never seeing
them, which was hugely the case in the past: people just did not
get seenI think something like nearly 50% of those on Incapacity
Benefit had not been asked to be seen by anybody for over six
years. Many of them could have been helped by those sorts of interviews.
So with moving people onto ESA, Employment and Support
Allowance, knowing that it has these two particular categories,
that of support and that of work-related groups, the support group
obviously will have to have strong support because they are not
capable of work, will not be deemed capable of work but need to
be supported and helped. Then the other group of course is the
work-related group, which it is believed might be able to do some
work. Some of them may be transitory; people, for example, undergoing
chemotherapy or whatever, and they may be seen later on as being
able to go on to Jobseeker's Allowance. It gives us the flexibility
with the Employment and Support Allowance of defining people properly
and moving with them as their circumstances change, which is important,
I think, even in our general view.
So it is a commitment of oursI think the Chancellor
made it again the other day when he was in the House, but certainly
a commitment I would back upthat what we want to be able
to do is this: for those who have the greatest difficulty we should
support them in the greatest way that we possibly can because
these choices are not open to them. So while we are after getting
people into work, we are not after getting people into work who
genuinely cannot work and that is a matter that will be defined,
endlessly and constantly, as we review the process.
Q26 Stephen Lloyd: Presumably,
a core part of the Department's thinking will be factoring in
the additional living costs of disabled people, which are still
going to have to be met from the Universal Credit system?
Mr Duncan Smith:
The reality is, things like DLA, they will continue. There is
not going to be a change to that, in the sense that DLA is not
an employment-related support. DLA is a lifestyle-related support.
It is because people, both in work and out of work, need that
support to be able to conduct their lives. I think that is accepted
by every politician. I think it is an excellent concept and it
deals with those particular areas. That is accepted. So it is
not part of that process, in so far as this is about getting people
Universal Credit or one of the others.
Q27 Stephen Lloyd: So
that would include, Secretary of State, things like Access to
Mr Duncan Smith:
Yes, all of that of course must be reflected in the nature of
what we are trying to reform.
Stephen Lloyd: Right,
okay. Thank you.
Chair: Margaret, very
Q28 Margaret Curran:
Can I just ask: are you required to undertake an equality impact
assessment for these proposals and are you going to do that?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I could not hear you, sorry.
Margaret Curran: Sorry,
are you required to undertake an equality impact assessment as
part of these proposals and, if so, will they be published at
the time of the White Paper?
Mr Duncan Smith:
We certainly are, yes. I will have to have a discussion to see
how far advanced we are on it, but at some point it will be published,
whether it is right at the time or will come out during the process
of the White Paper. But you will forgive me if I come back and
answer that directly.
Chair: We will move on
to questions on the labour market and work incentives. Oliver
Q29 Oliver Heald: On
the face of it, it is quite encouraging. We had 184,000 more people
in work in the last quarter, the best result for 20 years. The
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development say that in the
south-east, the east, the midlands and London there are very strong
recruitment intentions by personnel directors. Are you satisfied
that there will be plenty of jobs for people to go to, as you
try to move people from Incapacity Benefit and from long-term
worklessness into work?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Mr Heald, I will give you a heads-up on the figures that were
published at 9.30am this morning. You may not have seen them but
they are quite interesting. So perhaps I could start the answer
to this by reading out some of the figures, which I think are
quite fascinating. The figures for the last quarter show that
employment has risen by 286,000, which I think is the largest
rise since 1971. So, this morning's figures are quite startling.
Unemployment is down by about 8,000 in the latest figures, but
what is interesting is the claimant count is up by about 2,300.
The vacancies are around about 470,000. It has gone down a tiny
amount but it is, give or take, within the area that it was when
you last looked at these figures.
In essence, what is going on here right now is it's
a sign that even at the time of coming out of recession, at the
beginnings of this, there are still a number of jobs available.
It has to be borne in mind those are advertised vacancies at the
Jobcentre over the period. It, of course, doesn't take into account
the jobs that were advertised and have been taken, nor does it
take into consideration the fact that there are plenty of jobs
out there that are not advertised with the Jobcentre and are informally
advertised and taken up without any involvement of the Jobcentre.
While I am not saying this is a great situation to be in, my general
view is that it's at least a reasonable position to be in.
What I do say is that the number of people going
back into work is surprising in the sense it's the largest since
1989. We think that is hugely to do with a lot of younger people,
students, et cetera, now moving into work directly. It is not,
by the way, predominantly women. Immediately people might think
that this is a lot of women as second earners in households moving
in, but the majority are men and we think, therefore, it is a
lot of people who weren't originally on that charge. We think,
therefore, that the situation, while not being brilliant, is moving
in the right direction. I think that there are jobs available
and I believe that the private sector will provide those jobs.
As you will recall, the forecast from the Office for Budget Responsibility
(OBR) was, including any forecast shake-out in the public sector,
that there would be a net increase of jobs in the private sector
thus leading to lower levels of unemployment. In answer to that
question, my view is that that is the casethat those jobs
will be created.
Q30 Oliver Heald: You
have visited disadvantaged areas, I would imagine, more than any
person coming into office as a Secretary of State. In fact, you
even persuaded me to go and work in a homeless hostel for a week
up north. Do you accept that there is a problem that many of the
people that you're trying to help are in parts of the country
where the labour market is traditionally quite difficult, where
successive Governments have moved public sector jobs into those
areas in order to provide some employment? As we come to the necessary
reductions in the public sector, are you going to face a problem
in providing the jobs in those areas?
Mr Duncan Smith:
It is not my responsibility to provide the jobs in the specific
areas, or provide the jobs. I don't create jobs; the private sector
will create the jobs. The public sector does provide jobs but,
by and large, the growth we have forecast, and the OBR has forecast,
is that the private sector will create those jobs. The key question
is: why would they create jobs in these areas? When I was looking
down the vacancies last night what I was interested in was that,
even now, the spread of vacancies from the Jobcentres is pretty
even. There is a slight small change between, say, the north-east
and other parts but by and large they are pretty much the same.
Those jobs that I referred tothose 470,000 jobs or soare
spread pretty evenly around most of the regions, so those vacancies
are there. My anticipation is that as more jobs are created those
vacancies will be spread in much the same way.
This is what the Work Programme is all about. My
responsibility is to make sure that as far as possible my Department
can help people be ready for work, ready to take that work, and
then ensure that they do take that work. What has happened too
much in the past is that people have been written off and forgotten
about and left on the side. I think the important thing about
the Work Programme that will help with this is that in areas that
have traditionally had difficulty, the Work Programme, with its
very tailored support, should be able to help get people through
their problemsit can be literacy, it can be drugs, alcohol
abusethe beauty of the sort of black box programming of
the Work Programme that allows these private and voluntary sector
organisations to do whatever is necessary to get somebody ready
for work. That is the key bit. Too often in some of these areas
people have been out of work for a long time, they've lost confidence,
they've lost courage, they've lost any sense of self-worth. What
the Work Programme I hope will do will be to tackle that and start
to bring them back to the work force and thus we'll be able to
make sure that those areas see their employment levels rise, which
I anticipate.
Q31 Oliver Heald: One
of the concerns about the vacanciesand this is a long-standing
problemhas been that many of them are in areas where the
skills are not readily available in the work force and so you
have jobs that are hard to place because the skills just aren't
there. Are you working closely with the Department for Business,
Innovation and Skills (BIS) team, and others, to ensure that the
potential work force has the skills for the jobs that are out
there and which the companies want done?
Mr Duncan Smith:
The answer to that is that we are, but I'm always a little bit
sceptical about this. There is a tendency for people to say that
the problem is the jobs that are coming up are mostly skilled
jobs and people don't have the skills. Actually, they're pretty
evenly spread and my view, when I look at the jobcentres, is that
there are fewer skilled jobs available in those jobcentres as
well. Quite often it has been difficult to get people to come
and take those jobs. That has been our bigger problem; not so
much training them up for this. I know this is anecdotal, but
we're human beings and anecdotes sometimes work. The reality is
I did an interview last night on Sky and the reason I did it was
because it was a follow-up to a programme that Sky had done on
Merthyr Tydfil. It was quite an interesting programme, where they
were talking to two employers in that area who had both said that
they were ready to employ people from the local area in their
businesses. One was an open-cast coal mine where he was bringing
forward programmes to develop young people into the business and
they just couldn't get people to come and apply for those jobs.
In the end, they cancelled the programmes.
I'm not saying that proves anything particularly
but it does suggest to meand again I come back to the Work
Programmeif we get this right, and I believe we will, the
Work Programme allows us to ensure that people are ready. By ready
I mean, as I said earlier, sometimes personal issues and problems
can stop them; a lack of the right culture to go into work. Some
of these kids are growing up in households where no one has had
work for a generation or two generations, so you can understand
culturally: why would you work? Nobody else works around you,
you have no work support. So, dealing with that is critical and
the Work Programme should be able to do that. The second part
I think it's very important that the Work Programme must be able
to do is to get people, as it were, tidied up ready to take work.
Sometimes particularly young people will go to interviews without
any sense of what is expected of them and therefore do not respond
well and employers won't take them. So, getting that sorted is
arguably the most important feature.
Generally, serious detailed training should happen
once in work for jobs and there I think Government has a role
to try and encourage and support industry to get that done quickly
so that then their training takes them through into work. While
you can train people for specifics outside of work, too often
what has happened in the past is organisations have trained people
in one area to be, specifically, carpenters, or whatever it happens
to be, only to find subsequently there are no job vacancies or
anything that needs that skill and so they're back to square one.
Their expectations were raised but they can't find it. So the
key thing is: making people job-ready is an important process
that the Work Programme will do. So my sense of this is if the
Work Programme we're doing is tied directly to the changes to
the benefit system, those two together will make it work. One
without the other will make it more difficult.
Q32 Oliver Heald: One
of the problems is that traditionally employers have been rather
reluctant to employ people who have been off work for a long time.
Is there any work that you're doing, or any reassurance you can
give, that somehow it will be possible to persuade employers to
take somebody who has been out of work for a long time or who
has had a disability? It is a cultural change that is needed,
isn't it?
Mr Duncan Smith:
It is, and I believe employers have to ante up to this as well.
I was in the private sector and know what goes through your head
when you see somebody who has not been employed for a while and
you question whether they're going to be as focused in work. That,
I think, again, is where the combination of the Jobcentres picking
the right people and the Work Programme cutting in for the longer
term is the point about the Work Programme; it picks up the people
by and large beyond a year unemployed, and then can assure the
businesses that what they're seeing in front of them is now the
product of serious, detailed work to help that individual get
back their self-confidence and their purpose and their focus.
That is the key: that we should be able to reassure those businesses
and talk to them.
After all, the deliverers of thisI am sure
you want to ask more questions about this later onwill
themselves be private sector and voluntary sector organisations.
If we use, as I expect we will, community and voluntary sector
groups in the local areas to deliver a lot of this they themselves
know the businesses in those local areas. I would expect them
to be able to say to businesses, "Yes, this individual has
been unemployed for a while but I can promise you the work we've
done has restored their sense of themselves, their faith and their
confidence, and you will get a very good deal if you take this
individual on". So the reassurance at a local level is what
is critical rather than from a Whitehall-based individual. Permanent
Secretary, do you want to say something on that?
Sir Leigh Lewis:
Yes. Could I just add one thing, which is that a programme that
is perhaps slightly less well known than it ought to be, is already
on offer, can support both Jobcentres and private and third sector
providers, and has been there for many years under successive
administrations? That is the Work Trial programme, under which
an employer can take on someone who is unemployed for a period
of some weeks without any obligation on the part of the employer
or the individual. That gives the employer a kind of risk-free
period. It has very high success rates in terms of the proportion
of people who start on that programme who then are hired by the
Mr Duncan Smith:
Which will remain.
Q33 Oliver Heald: That
is a very good scheme, yes. Finally, on barriers to achieving
your aims, one of the things that has been suggested is that if
we were to change the arrangements about security of tenure in
public sector housing that might be a perverse incentive, that
people who were on benefits might not want to get into work and
get off benefits because it might put their house at risk in some
way. Are you able to give any assurance on that point?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I know this because I initiated a little bit of this debate a
few months ago. I didn't necessarily plan to initiate it but none
the less I did, I recognise that. In the time that I was at the
Centre for Social Justice and we set that up and did a lot of
work and went round many of the different communities, it became
obvious to us that the UK is quite unique, or it's close to being
unique, and has this incredibly large number of workless households:
as a proportion of all households, close on 20%, which is significant.
One of the issues and problems when you talk to people in those
areas is that often estates were set up in areas where there used
to be a lot of work. In my own area, the other side of Barking,
you find the Lee Valley was a thriving area of manufacture: a
lot of innovation like the light bulb was basically invented there;
a huge, tremendous aircraft industry; Ford was up there doing
a lot of manufacture. There was secondary manufacture that followed
on from big manufacturing plants with people doing die casting
with 20 or 30 people in a small factory. A lot of that over the
years has gone as more and more of that manufacturing has moved
out or gone abroad.
So the problem for many people living in an area
like that is that the jobs that their grandparents used to do
are no longer available to them in that sense, and while other
work has come injust going back to the training pointthey
may not be necessarily ready for that. The second thing is, there
may be jobs elsewhere that require them to travel some distance
to work and they're put off because they think that the amount
of money they get going into work doesn't cover the travel-to-work
costs, so that's an issue. The second area is where they find
there are areas where they may have some skills and they could
meet those even further afield, they might like to move to, and
they'll often say, "Why would I take that chance because
my family and I have got a house here? I can't do anything about
that". I know that the Department of Communities and Local
Government (DCLG) is looking at all of this to figure out how
we can help and assist people who may want to do that. I don't
say everybody will, but I say that the problem at the moment is,
because of the way we run all these things, they run together,
they mean that people often find themselves locked in against
their own interest into areas where they might want to be more
flexible about moving. Clearly, it's important for us to try and
get work into those areas at the same time but to give people
the sort of choice that people on higher incomes have is critical.
People further up the income scale think nothing, sometimes, of
moving to different areas because, of course, their housing is
portable. They can either rent some other place or sell a house
or rent it out or whatever, so they're not locked into an area,
which allows them to move to adjust their income and to change
their job prospects. We need to think more laterally about trying
to find ways of doing that for others.
Q34 Oliver Heald: I'm
not supposed to ask another question but you've encouraged me.
One of the things that does seem daft about our country is that
you have something like the creative industries where it's doing
very well, and it's expanding, and yet there are skill shortages
for the technical back-up jobs that are needed in that industry.
You get the situation where there are all these potential vacancies,
but they are in the skill shortage category. I do think that as
a new coalition Government coming in, trying to solve some of
the problems, getting this issue about training the right skills
is pretty important.
Mr Duncan Smith:
As you know, the coalition made a big commitment to that and there
are 50,000 extra places on apprenticeships and more. I think the
key is to encourage young people to take up the skills in an area
that needs those particular skills. So I was over the moon when
the coalition wrote it into their plan that they would increase
those at the same time by 50,000. That is a good start.
Oliver Heald: Thanks very
Chair: I think Harriett
wants to come in.
Q35 Harriett Baldwin:
I wanted to slightly change tack on this transition into work
topic and talk about, effectively, the behavioural aspects of
the current benefit system. You outline in the document about
the 96% effective marginal tax rate that someone faces in some
circumstances going into work and what a disincentive that is.
The document talks about a 75% benefit withdrawal rate, or a clear
rate effectively of increase in income that someone would have
overall from extra hours of work. I wanted to hear a little bit
more about the modelling that you have been doing at a 75% effective
marginal tax rate. How much does that increase the behavioural
incentive to work and how sensitive is the assumption around that
rate to the success of encouraging people, giving a behavioural
signal for people to go into work?
Mr Duncan Smith:
The principle behind this idea of the single benefit with what
we would call the single taper rate is at the moment what happens
is you have a number of different benefits, between 30 and 50;
it depends whether you count supplements or not. The official
one is around 30 but there are additional ones. Often many of
them are tapered away at completely different rates. For example,
Housing Benefit is tapered away at 100%, so for every £1
you earn you take away £1 of Housing Benefit. Others are
tapered away at maybe 70% or 80%, some at 90%. The first problem
this would eradicate is that, as the Permanent Secretary said
earlier on, an unemployed individual, possibly a lone parent,
sits down to look at the prospect of doing anything other than
16 hours16 hours will be clear to them in a sense because
it is particularly influenced by the amount of money that goes
in at that point but behind 16 hours and above 16 hours
there are major cliffs of earnings that you have an awful lot
taken away for each hour. So it is very difficult for them to
figure out whether or not, if they go on to work extra hours or
work slightly fewer hours, if there was a job for 10 hours or
12 hours, it would be worth their while doing it because of all
these different rates of withdrawal that make it difficult and
complicated for them.
I think the first thing that happens is that in simplifying
that process you make it much easier for the individual to understand.
The Permanent Secretary told us a true anecdote about a lone parent
coming in front of this person at the Jobcentre, but for every
one lone parent that had the courage to do that there will be
many more who simply make an assumption that it's just not worth
doing that because it doesn't work out. So there is a big problem
in knowing that people won't always go in front of an official,
because they might be slightly concerned about what an official
might ask them and all the rest of it, so they may not go. For
them they will just make an assumption that it didn't work, too
difficult to calculate, can't think it will work and won't do
it. So the first thing that simplifying it does, just by the very
act of simplifying it, is it allows them to make that very simple
calculation, "I know they're going to take 75% of what I
earn away, this how much I'm going to earn". That simplification
helps and that acts as a bonus for them to say, "I can take
that decision about taking that work myself and if it's set at
that rate I can figure out whether it's worthwhile".
Then you're into the issue about where you set the
taper and that, of course, at the end of the day is a political
decision. That is a decision made by a Government that decides
the balance between making work pay and getting an earlier return
for the Exchequer on the money that you already pay somebody on
benefit. That is a legitimate debate. I'm not going to give you
the optimum rate at the moment, because the White Paper will make
that clearer, but that is simply the debate. Obviously the lower
the taper, the more somebody retains of their earnings, you could
argue there is a point where there is a greater financial incentive.
The key question here, that I keep dealing with and people need
to understand, is somebody needs to be able to make the decision
that going to work is better for them than being out of work,
if they can do it, to make that choice. People say they should
go to work because it's rightof course, people should go
to work because being in work is better than notbut you
can't moralise for people who have perhaps come from a background
where no one has ever worked because it doesn't mean anything
to them. What they think is being out of work is just the way
that things are and getting to work may be difficult and a problem.
So we have to say, "There is a good reason for being in work.
It's because you earn more and you have a chance to change your
life and improve it". It seems like that's a logic and I
think, by and largeand I may be a bit of an optimistmy
view about human nature is that people will always take the decision
that works out best for them and their families. If that's the
case, if we make that decision a bit easier then they'll take
that decision. So we think there's a dynamic effect that takes
place once people can see clearly that that change will affect
their lives, and the level of that taper is the key.
Q36 Harriett Baldwin:
The document mentioned 75%. That would be a pretty big deterrent
to most of us, I think, in terms of a marginal tax rate.
Mr Duncan Smith:
But even now that would be less than the marginal tax rate for
many of them. A lone parent, at 16 hours, can be facing withdrawal
rates on average close on 95%, so even that would be less, although
there may be an argument for a lower one.
Q37 Harriett Baldwin:
How dynamic is your modelling work in taking into account that
behavioural shift at different levels?
Mr Duncan Smith:
As far as I believe and what I understand, and the modelling that
we've doneand by the way, I'm very happy to give the Select
Committee a proper view and a presentation with all the modelling
to show you how it works. You can test it with questions and we
can try and give you some answers about what happens to different
groups. We are developing it all the time, but it's pretty much
taking most of that into consideration.
Chair: Karen, would you
like to come in?
Q38 Karen Buck:
I have a quick question. I think we're all completely convinced
by the argument that increasing work incentives through reducing
marginal rates of deduction is sensible, but how does this square
with the fact that the Budget, according to Red Book calculations,
significantly increases the number of households who will be subject
to the highest level of marginal rates of deduction?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Without the Universal Credit, you could argue that would be the
case. That is why, in the process of the spending review, my argument,
my debate, my discussions, conversations, have made the point
that the Universal Credit or the taper, or whatever it happens
to be that we decide on, has a massive importance within this.
Without it you could end up in a different situation where you
are going in the opposite direction. So it will allow you to spread
this much easier.
Q39 Karen Buck: It is
fair to say, as you have made clear to us already this morning,
you haven't completed those negotiations. You don't have yet the
money or the commitment on that credit. Do you not accept that
it seems a little bit perverse to be having a Budget that takes
you backwards while claiming that your whole principle is to move
forward on this?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Well, Ms Buck, to be fair, I didn't design the position that we're
in right now, which is that we have a deficit reduction programme
on. Of course I, hands up, would love to be in the situation in
1997-98 when the incoming Labour Government did not have this
problem. We have a problem; I have a commitment. We have a wider
commitment to the taxpayer, as you know, to rebalance the economy
and we're trying to do that. What I have made a commitment to
do, overall, is to try and make sure that whatever changes I make,
as they stand within the spending cycle, do not materially affect
or hurt the worst off in society. I would urge you to look across
the balance of the spending review and the Budget. So that's why
we're sort of halfway through the process. Most of these measures
haven't come in yet and won't come in for a while. That's why
it's important for us to get to the 20th of October
and see the whole thing in the round. I certainly did not come
to this job to see the worst-off suffer more. That's the key.
Chair: We still have lots
of different areas to cover. We now have some questions on the
Work Programme. I think you've already covered some of it, but
I think Shabana has different things to draw out from that.
Q40 Shabana Mahmood:
Thank you, Chair. Secretary of State, you have already talked
a bit about the Work Programme. Before we get on to the specifics
of the framework, can you talk us through how it's going to be
Mr Duncan Smith:
The Work Programme will be funded through the Department but at
the same time recognising, of course, the purpose of the Work
Programme is to deliver more people in work and so as we deliver
more people in work there is a benefit saving. This is the origins
of the notion of the Departmental Expenditure Limit-Annually Managed
Expenditure (DEL-AME) switch, which confuses people quite a lot.
They think it's a sort of electronic implement; it's not. The
DEL-AME switch is that process in which you spend to save and
as you spend a certain sum of money you save an awful lot more
in return, and that's the key.
Q41 Shabana Mahmood:
How is the DEL-AME, or AME-DEL, I'm not sure of the correct form
Mr Duncan Smith:
Shabana Mahmood: How is that switch going
to work in practice, in terms of this concept of investing to
save? How confident are you that that is conceptually as well
as practically sound, that it will deliver all it is supposed
Mr Duncan Smith:
That is at the moment part of the discussions that we have with
the Treasury who will quite legitimately ask us to be able to
prove that concept to them, and once we've done that then these
things will eventually be agreed. The reality for us is that the
Work Programme is about that, because if there isn't this switch
then it just becomes an expenditure item that saves nothing. In
other words, if the Work Programme doesn't get people back to
work then it becomes a net expenditure and we won't have succeeded.
Q42 Shabana Mahmood:
How advanced is your modelling on this?
Mr Duncan Smith:
It's pretty advanced. The question is: whether we accept over
the period of the Work Programme that the forecasts for that are
correct, and you will see those reflected in the Autumn Statement.
You'll forgive me again, as often in the course of these questions
I'm not able to give you any detail because I am right in the
middle of it right now and I don't want to see it on the front
pages of the newspapers, not that they would do that.
Q43 Shabana Mahmood:
No one's watching. If we move on from that then, what do you see
as the role of Jobcentre Plus in the new Work Programme world
of getting people off welfare and into work?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Jobcentre Plus remains the workhorse of government to get the
vast majority of people back to work. That's what it does and
it will continue to do that. We will, of course, look for better
ways to do it, new technology, everything. It's constantly changing.
Within the spending review of course it's changing, but it's changing
all the time because we find better ways and better ways with
technology to get people to work. There was a time when you had
to go in and interview, you had to sit down with somebody, you
had to discuss the card that was on the board. Now, of course,
you can go into a jobcentre, there's a screen there, you can dial
up on the screen, find the job. You don't have to talk to anybody
if you see a job you want. It's possible to go to your computer
at home, to interrogate it, and that is the whole idea. So, the
more you do that the less contact time is available and people
can find their own jobs on the basis of the jobcentre. So, Jobcentre
Plus remains the workhorse for getting people back to work.
They will also be the gatekeepers to the Work Programme.
It's Jobcentre Plus that, by and large, decides who should go
across to the Work Programme and at what point, because we do
not want to start a Work Programme on somebody who is going to
be getting back to work anyway or that Jobcentre Plus can deal
with and get them back to work. By and large, most people won't
go to the Work Programme until they have been out of work for
about a year. Some might go earlier. You might be dealing with
ex-offenders who have particular problems; maybe young people,
People not in education, employment or training (NEETs), who might
go earlier if the Jobcentre Plus thinks that they are relevant.
We believe quite a lot of discretion should be built in for Jobcentre
Plus but the majority of people won't break through until a year.
They might go through a year if the Jobcentre Plus thinks they're
in the middle of something that may yield them a job, and they
feel confident of that, and I think it's right to give them the
discretion to say, "No, they don't need to go on the Work
Programme at this point, but these ones do". So that's how
it will work with Jobcentre Plus.
Q44 Shabana Mahmood:
Jobcentre Plus clearly has a lot of expertise in getting harder-to-help
groups back into work. I'm thinking, in particular, of the findings
of the National Audit Office and the Public Accounts Committee
report into the Pathways programme, where Jobcentre Plus did a
hell of a lot better than its private sector counterparts. You
talked about Jobcentre Plus still being the gatekeeper. I'm just
conscious, though, in the way that the new Work Programme is constructed,
that Jobcentre Plus is still able to give that better valueformoney
service that it's proven to have given with
Mr Duncan Smith:
Two things about the Pathways programme that the media reported
and I think some of it they had slightly wrong. Almost the first
thing we did when we came in was to say that we would stop the
Pathways programme because we'd already seen the National Audit
Office's reports on it and we'd reached the conclusion that it
didn't work. The second thing about the Pathways programme was
that, remember, it was focused particularly on Incapacity Benefit,
it wasn't in the same area that much of the Work Programme is.
There are two or three other interesting bits about it that are
quite important.
What we're doing with Incapacity Benefit, a thing
we inherited from the last Government that I wholly agreed with
by the way, was the migration process to Employment and Support
Allowance. For the most partwell, in fact it hasn't at
allit hadn't started on the stock of those people. So Pathways
was trying to figure out who, from that more difficult group,
would it be able to get into work without that migration process
and assessment taking place. So, also, the reason why I think
Pathways failed was it was rather rigid. You had six interviews.
They didn't have a lot of scopethe people doing itto
do very much with you, other than to interview you in a very linear
way and not to be able to look at you in a wider sense and figure
out what you need.
The last part about it was the payment to Pathways.
It was about 30% paid as a statutory payment for doing the work.
If you look at the figures for that, about 75% of all the monies
received by those organisations taking it on were as a result
of the 30% payment, not the remaining 70% that would have been
for success: payment by results. So, understanding all of that,
the Work Programme, first of all, doesn't deal just with people
coming off Incapacity Benefit, although it will deal with those
coming in from the new assessments on the migration programme,
the Work Capability Assessment. By the way, they're the one group
that will be seen immediately by the Work Programme. They won't
go through a Jobcentre. They will go straight to the Work Programme
because they will be seen as having particular problems from the
But then two other things will be important that
allow us to not repeat the mistakes of Pathways, which is quite
important. As I understand it, first of all, we will pay them
a fee at the beginning, which is a cash-flow fee for taking on
this particular individual. Then there's a time lag of at least
13 weeks before they will receive another payment. That's for
two good reasons: one is that if people rotate in and out of work,
as they might do, then there's no point in paying them money for
something that simply didn't work. Secondly, I can't go into too
much detail about the contractual arrangements that we've slightly
varied, but it allows us to adjust, within those contractual arrangements,
whether we think these people might have made work or not. It
also allows us to set differentials and they didn't have this
for Pathways. For more difficult people, you should receive more
money for getting them into work.
And the last bit, which is very important, is that
we are going to pay them to keep people in work for three months,
six months, nine months, a year. We're still working out how that's
done but the reality is it's very important. To me that is almost
the most important bit, which is to sustain people in work over
a long period, not just get them into work. We've tended to say,
"Into work, great; no problems", turn away and do something
else. Not good. Into work for people who haven't had work for
a long time; you've got to stay with them and we know that from
Tomorrow's People, and others, who mentor people into work. They
have fantastic results for the more difficult to get into work.
So that's basically what the Work Programme will do on the back
of the Work Capability Assessment, and this is where Pathways,
I think, early on, whilst well-intentioned, we've learned a lot
from it.
Q45 Shabana Mahmood:
I'll come on to the differential payments in a minute but I'm
just conscious that, as you're creating this framework for the
Work Programme, it's going to be important. I don't want to rehearse
the arguments of the Public Accounts Committee report but basically
it's going to be important to make sure that you have a proper
sustainable balance between public providers, private sector and
voluntary as well. That's the only way, over the longer term,
you're going to be able to see whether it's giving you good value
for money and compare performance across the different sectors.
So how are you going to make sure that you do have that balance?
Mr Duncan Smith:
It's inscribed inside me that the voluntary sector, the community
sector, will play a very significant part in this and I will simply
not allow that this Work Programme goes aheadand I can
give that guarantee to the Committeeif I think that is
not going to be the case. So we need to look at ways in which
we can ensure this; for good reasons, not just because we want
to be generous to the voluntary sector. That's not the point.
The real point is I genuinely believe that the more local you
are the more you're going to be able to understand: what's happening
in the local business area; and what's happening to the individual.
That's why all the experience I've had at The Centre for Social
Justice (CSJ) and everything else, talking to people in every
area, tells me that we need to lock into that local intelligence
and understand it.
Of course, Jobcentres are local but it's important
that when we contract with the larger companies, which may well
be the case, we localise them through that process. So it's going
to be very important for them to have within their consortium,
as it were, very clear references to those individuals locked
into that process. I can't give you the exact contractual details,
because we're still discussing those, but I can guarantee to Miss
Begg that I will make sure that it's clear to them and maybe the
Minister for Employment will be able to come forward on this one
as well. But my point is: it's very important that we deliver
that way because it will improve the delivery process and will
not repeat the mistakes that the Pathways programme had.
Q46 Shabana Mahmood:
My impression of the approach so far was that your relationship,
and the way the Department views its relationship, is very much
with the prime providers and it doesn't go beyond that. So you've
had very little to do with the subcontractors who tend to be the
local small organisations that do the delivery, especially with
the harder-to-help groups. They're the ones that have the coal-face
experience. So are you going to be much more proactive then, in
terms of your involvement with the subcontractors and your expectations
of the primes, and how they're going to work with the subcontractors
and how the financial risk is going to be balanced and all the
contract bits?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Obviously this is a very serious concern of yours, and quite legitimate.
I just want to bring the Permanent Secretary in, because he can
tell you a little bit more about some of that negotiation and
discussion, but just let me assure you that I have already spoken
to the Minister responsible for this and I have made absolutely
clear to himand he agrees with methat this is the
case. Why is this an issue at the moment? Well, because at the
moment we're dealing with those who have the capacity to take
on the contract and, whilst there may be voluntary sector providers
or a consortium of voluntary sector providers that may want to
do that, by and large my sense is that they may not be of a scale
big enough to be able to do that. But that doesn't mean they can't
play an absolutely valuable part in it. So at the moment we're
talking about the top-level lot but there may be others.
Do you want to say anything further?
Sir Leigh Lewis:
Just a couple of things: one is to say that we do and have had
a great deal of direct contact with not only organisations, like
Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO),
who are representing third sector partners and providers but with
many third sector providers. So we do have a continuing and ongoing
dialogue. The second is that we already have in place something
called the Merlin Standard. Incidentally, I can't quite findeven
as Permanent Secretaryanybody in the Department who knows
why we called it "the Merlin Standard", but it is there
to set out precisely a code of practice; setting out our expectations
of how not only we but prime providers ought to work with the
third and voluntary sector.
Chair: I am going to try
and move on quickly but I'll bring Kate and Stephen in. Did you
want to come back with something else?
Shabana Mahmood: I just
had an issue about the harder-to-help groups and differential
Chair: Right. I'll bring
Kate in and then I'll come back.
Q47 Kate Green: Mine
is just a very quick question. Given that a very much larger and
mixed client group will be on Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) in the
future and then potentially moving into the Work Programme, including
lone parents and people who have perhaps undertaken the Work Capability
Assessment and been unsuccessful, can we check out whether in
the IT system we will be able to flag the way in which people
arrived into the programme? It will be important to know how well
it delivers, for example, for lone parents or for people who have
some level of health problems, albeit not sufficient to get them
into JSA in the future.
Mr Duncan Smith:
Yes. Two things about that: the first is, of course, just to restate
it again, those who have been migrated to the Work Capability
Assessment out of Incapacity Benefit into JSA, they will pretty
well automatically go on to the Work Programme.
Kate Green: And will we
flag them? We will know who they are?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Absolutely. I'll go back and check and I will give you an assurance
of that. My understanding is that's the case but I will absolutely
check on that.
The second thing about lone parents is that, whilst
we've lowered the age of expectation for lone parents to school
ageapproximately age fiveI have, however, said that
absolutely Jobcentre Plus officials retain the flexibility to
make sure that what they ask them to do fits within their caring
responsibilities. As you may remember, Jobcentre Plus has that
but they will retain that. So you will be able to track that anyway
as well. So the key thing is, yes, you're right, there'll be a
more mixed group in there. But we'll certainly want to track how
that mixed group works, particularly as the one group is going
off to the Work Programme straightaway.
Chair: Stephen?
Q48 Stephen Lloyd: Secretary
of State, I would also like to seek reassurance that, as well
as having some provision specifically for the larger suppliers,
to include the voluntary sector, the small and medium enterprises
(SME) training companies and employability companies in that area,
who also don't have the scale to bid for the large projects but
in my experience can make a tremendous difference at delivering,
are also part of your thinking, because I wouldn't want them to
miss out.
Mr Duncan Smith:
It is, unless the Permanent Secretary contradicts me.
Chair: That's a nice short
answer. So I'll come back to Shabana.
Q49 Shabana Mahmood:
Just a final point on the third-sector smaller organisations.
Would the differential payment system and the payment by outcomesobviously
there's going to be a much longer time frame over which the different
providers will be paid and money will filter through down to their
subcontractors. So some of the much smaller organisations will
obviously struggle with the longer time scale for payment, apart
from groups, for example, that provide psychiatry services where
they expect up-front payment. How are you going to try and protect
those and make sure that they're able to operate effectively?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Ms Mahmood, you've hit on a very important point. You've obviously
been doing your homework on this, and I would also invite you
to come and see the Minister to discuss it with him, because it
is an area that we are, at the moment, working out. There are
two issues we have to recognise: we have to recognise a return
for the taxpayer within this but we also have to recognise the
incentive to the company. The third area, of course, is recognising
also that there is a cash flow issue for companies and for private
sector and voluntary sector small organisations.
So those three things come together. I know, having
been on the board of companies, how important cash flow is. Some
say cash flow is more important than anything else in the management
of a company. Cash flow means payments at times over set periods
and early periods. So this is still, at the moment, being discussed
and figured out. The balance for us has to be that we get the
taxpayer and we get the incentives right, but also that they have
something that allows them to be able to say, "Well, we can
run this and run it well".
One important point is that where there is a larger
company that has taken this on we don't want them to try and pass
on dramatic amounts of risk down to the lower groups. So that's
an area that we are conscious of and we will try and work out
within the contract. So it's a complicated process.
Permanent Secretary, have I missed anything out on
Sir Leigh Lewis:
No. The only thing I'd add is that will be absolutely one of the
criteria that we will be taking into account when we get to the
point of selecting the large prime providers: what they propose,
what they put forward, what assurances they give in relation to
the chain of providers below them.
Mr Duncan Smith:
Do come in; I'll tell the Minister. And for that matter I say
to anybodyif you've got a thought or an idea on it, we're
open to it.
Q50 Chair: I think today
we're not going to get through half of your remit. So we might
be inviting you back here as well for some of these things. I'll
try and be very quick. I was glad to hear you say that those who
were migrating from Incapacity Benefit (IB) on to Employment and
Support Allowance (ESA) will go straight into the Work Programme.
But, of course, there's a group of people who won't go on to the
Work Programme.
Mr Duncan Smith:
Chair: JSA, sorry. Yes,
who fail to get on to ESA and end up on JSA.
Mr Duncan Smith:
Chair: But there's a group
of people for whom that will not happen and they are my constituents.
They will start to get the letters next month to invite them in
because the test of that migration from IB to ESA will happen
in Aberdeen and, of course, the Work Programme won't be up until
a few months after that whole process has been completed. So I
suppose the question I am asking is: have you done any work on
the numbers you think will fail the Work Capability Assessment,
that will end up on JSA and, therefore, on to the Work Programme
from the IB cohort? Now, that's going to be totally different
from the ones who fail the Work Capability Assessment, who are
new claimants, because these people will have already been through
a gateway. Do you have you a figure in mind? As you're looking
for that, the other thing that worries me is you are only starting
in Aberdeen and Burnley next month. Probably it will be November
before any assessments are done but you are going to roll it out
nationwide by spring 2011. Is that long enough to learn the lessons?
Mr Duncan Smith:
First of all, I recognise that particular issue and problem. It's
something that I will ask the Minister, Chris Grayling, to talk
to you about a little bit more and see whether or not there are
interim measures we can take. Of course, as you know, we are trialling
Aberdeen and Burnley, two very different cities with very different
prospects for many of them. So we should get a very strong early
steer about how this is going to work from that but I'll certainly
Q51 Chair: So you can't
quantify how many are going to fail Work Capability Assessment?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Well, I'll give you some figures on this, where we estimate things
to be, and I'll just remind everybody where we were. I have the
figures in front of me now. Of those who are assessed through
the WCA on the flowand this is the flow on the new group,
I agree with you; it isn't an absolute indication68% have
been deemed fit for work, some 23% have gone to the work-related
activity group and 9% have gone to the support group.
Now, to be fair, that's the flow, and the flow is
an easier group to look at. Of our estimations of where we are,
first of all we're going to be trying to get through around about
10,000 a week when it starts. The predicted figures for migration
flow are in the order of 23% fit for workso slightly different
from the previous one58% will move to the work-related
activity group and about 19% will head to the support group, so
lesser numbers going but still significant numbers across.
These are estimates that are conservative, I think,
in the sense that we won't know whether they're a bit too conservative
until we start to see what's happening in those two cities.
Q52 Chair: Because obviously
the crucial thing is the gateway to get on to ESA, which is the
Work Capability Assessment. We have had lots of complaints about
Atos Healthcare and how they carry out their assessments. Is Atos
going to carry on? Is the contract a long one? Are you in negotiation
with them to look again? Lots of complaints about the rigidity
of the medical assessment and how it doesn't take into account
things like fluctuating conditions, mental health and all of that.
Mr Duncan Smith:
I agree. We've already made changes, as you know. We have an external
independent review and I can give you the names of the people
that are on the scrutiny group, and the Permanent Secretary may
want to say a little more about this: Paul Farmer, Chief Executive,
Mind; Professor David Haslam, National Clinical Adviser, Care
Quality Commission; Dr Olivia Carlton, Head of Occupational Health,
Transport for London; and Neil Lennox, Head of Health, Safety
and Fire at Sainsbury's. They will be acting as a scrutiny group
to Professor Malcolm Harrington, Professor Emeritus at the University
of Birmingham, and he will lead the independent review. So they
will act as a scrutiny group to him.
They've already recommended some changes that are
quite important and we've implemented some of these and plan to
do that. First of all, to ensure that individuals awaiting chemotherapy
are treated in the same way as those already receiving it, and
you'll know that we announced that we'd make that change; expand
the support group to cover more people with communication problems
and severe disabilities due to mental health conditions; take
account of someone's adaptation to a condition of disability and
simplify the language of the descriptors. Most of all, basically,
try and make the system more responsive to the fact that some
people will come in front of the assessors and be different a
day later, and to understand more what's in their medical records.
I think that's reflected in this but that's the nature of it.
Do you want to add anything to that or have I missed
Sir Leigh Lewis:
No, not at all. The only thing perhaps I'd add is that we do,
as we do with all of our providers, maintain a very, very active
dialogue with Atos Healthcare. We take up individual cases where
we have any reason, ourselves, to believe that there's something,
prima facie, odd about the decision. One issue that I'm sure every
Member of Parliament will know from their own postbag is that,
in a sense, we perhaps need to do more to explain to people that
the nature of the assessment is not whether Mr or Mrs or Ms Smith
has this condition. It is whether that condition prevents them
from undertaking some or any work.
So some of the cases that cross my deskas
I'm sure they'll cross the desks of Membersare where, in
a sense, there are two different issues. The individual is saying,
"But I have this condition; here's the evidence from my doctor,
my GP, my consultant", et cetera. But the capability assessment,
of course, is not disputing that the individual has that condition.
It's trying to assess, with that, what is that individual's capability
for work.
Chair: Karen?
Q53 Karen Bradley: Thank
you, Chair.
We have received representations and briefings from
various charities and lobby groups that represent disabled people
and people with mental health issues, and one of the firm recommendations
that has come from those groups was that, to help people with
disabilities and mental health issues back into work, they would
like to see the involvement of their health care specialists,
not just the Jobcentre Plus and the Work Programme specialists.
And I wondered, first of all, whether that had come through to
you in the consultation and also what discussions you've had with
the Department of Health on that matter.
Mr Duncan Smith:
Again, the Permanent Secretary may want to add to this slightly
but, as far as I understand it, there have been ongoing discussions
with the Health Department over this. As I made clear, they're
looking again very much at the structure of the way that this
is assessed to see whether or not there is scope to improve that.
Generally, though, the consensus amongst most of them so far has
been that this is a reasonable process; that it's not a process
that is by and large unfair or unbalanced.
I recognise that occupational health people sometimes
are better at assessing people than pure medical people, in the
sense that they have a better sense of what their requirements
are. So, understanding all of that, the assurance I suppose I
can give you is that we will continue to keep that under review
and whether or not this becomes a requirement, and if it's one
that we can demonstrate would actively improve the system, then
we would be wanting to accept it.
I don't know if you want to
Sir Leigh Lewis:
Only to add a little. One thing that was in place under the previous
Administration and that the present Government is continuing is
the appointment of Dame Carol Black who is one of the most eminent
occupational health practitioners in the country, who interestingly
has a responsibility to both our Department and to the Department
of Health. She reports jointly to both and has been instrumental
in creating a change of climate, a change of mind almost; not
just within parts of Government but with parts of the medical
There has been a lot of workI'm sure you're
aware of some of thiswith, in particular, the general practitioners
and the Royal College of General Practitioners; looking towards
their role in the system, which can be absolutely critical in
terms of how a general practitioner responds when someone walks
through their surgery and says, "Doctor, I'm under stress",
can send someone one way in a rather helpful way or another way
in a less helpful way. So all I can say is, certainly, in my time
as Permanent Secretary I've not seen greater co-operation than
we have today with the Health Department. It's very close.
Q54 Chair: Just very
quickly before we leave this, is the Atos contract up for renewal
any time soon?
Sir Leigh Lewis:
I haven't got that date in my head. So let us write to you.
Mr Duncan Smith:
It will be up for renewal but I can't give you the date.
Sir Leigh Lewis:
I don't think it's immediately up for renewal, but let us write
to you.[2]
Chair: Okay. I'm going
to have to invoke this: short questions, short answers, perhaps
just to move things along sooner. But Margaret has some questions.
Q55 Margaret Curran:
I will be well behaved, Chair. I'll try.
Secretary of State, you have genuinely worked very
hard, I think, to tackle poverty and you've got a commitment to
that which I think is respected across the political field. Are
you worried that that might have been undermined by the Budget
and reactions to the Budget? Now, I know what you said to Karen
Buck and, of course, none of us want to cut expenditure and you
feel obliged that you have to do that. We could argue about that:
I'm not going to go into that. None the less, the very reputed
organisation, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), has said
the point about the Budget was that it wasn't fair and that it
disproportionately affected people in poverty more. Now, doesn't
that worry you, particularly, given your energy in this field?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Of course it would worry me except that I would, again, come back
to a previous answer that I gave, which is to try and see the
whole process in the round. That is to say, we haven't quite finished
yet. So overall to see the spending review completes the process.
Usually you would say the Budget but, as we know, we have the
spending review following and the emergency Budget. I think, given
the fact that we'll have only been in for a few months, I think
you need to see all of that and then we can make a proper judgment.
I have seen the IFS figures. I do recognise that. I'm not sure
I altogether agree with the IFS because they are making some quite
big assumptions in here about areas that they, themselves, admit
are quite difficult to calculate and we think, on balance, that
they've veered on to the side of being critical for that.
We did put a lot of money into the child tax credit,
to alleviate any idea that what we were doing in the Budget would
have been in any way damaging to our child poverty targets, and
there was a lot of money pushed through on that score. So there's
been a constant reminder that we're trying throughout to protect
the most vulnerable. I recognise there are some issues around
one or two areas but my point is: let's complete this process
on 20 October and then I think we can take a much better view.
Clearly, I want to protect the most vulnerable within this process
because they're the ones that have to, at the end of the day,
be best served by this because, at the end, that's what this system
is all about; to help the worst off in society, improve the quality
of their life and, where possible, to get back to work.
Q56 Margaret Curran:
Absolutely. I appreciate that and I do think that some of the
organisations are saying that they recognise your commitment to
that. It's the practice at the end of the day that we have to
examine. I know the Chancellor quoted the Institute for Fiscal
Studies when that point was made to him in the House the other
day, but unfortunately he only quoted half the sentence that IFS
said. He didn't quote the other half which went on to say that
most of the losses for the upper halfhe quoted saying the
upper half had had a hit as well, but most of the losses for the
upper half result from pre-announced measures, measures that were
introduced by the last Government. So if you just look solely
at what your Government has done, the conclusions irrevocably
are that it's hit the poorest harder and that's what the IFS would
stand with. You're telling me that will be settled when we see
the spending review; you'll make up for it in the spending review?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Well, two things I would argue with that. First of all, I don't
know that it is quite legitimate to separate overall activity
in reducing the deficit. So even if the last Government did some
workI mean, to be fair, the key thing is what is the sum
outcome at the end of it; not, "If you take this away from
that, where does that leave you?" Because I know you can
look at things in isolation but the reality for us has to be that
when we get to the end of the October process, on balance, across
all the work that was done, have we protected the most vulnerable?
I believe we will. That's what I'm in the middle of discussions
about at the moment and we hope to complete that process and that's
where we are.
I mean, after all, your own party in government had
plans itself to reduce spending by some 40%. So I think there
is a big issue here about where those would have fallen as well.
We have choices to make. These are not choices any one of us has
relished on arrival in government. I didn't arrive and rub my
hands and say, "Whoopee, I can now make some good decisions
about cutting some of these benefits". My point is: I've
tried to take those decisions on balance to make sure that they
protect the worst off and, bear in mind, some of these decisions
are, anyway, not within my Department.
Q57 Margaret Curran:
Yes, I accept that. But the core test is whether or not it's a
fair Budget, irrespective about the
Mr Duncan Smith:
I accept that.
Margaret Curran: Can we
assume from your answer, therefore, that the spending review will
be fair and will not disproportionately affect disadvantaged groups,
from your perspective?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Yes, I believe that to be the case. I answer for what I propose
and I believe that is in the heart and mind of the Prime Minister,
the Deputy Prime Minister and the Chancellor as well. How we achieve
that, of course, is the discussion, pleasant conversations, that
we have been having over the last few weeks.
Q58 Margaret Curran:
To be continued, I think, is probably fair. Can I ask one other
question, if that's okay, and that was about the switch to Consumer
Price Index (CPI) for the uprating of benefits. You will know
that IFS, Joseph Rowntree and many other organisations are very
concerned about this. I think Citizen's Advice said it results
in a 1% real terms reduction in the value of benefits. Now, if
you go to places and say, "We want to tackle poverty",
but one of your first acts in government is to, de facto, create
a 1% real terms reduction in the value of benefits, doesn't that
undermine that?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Well, it depends which way, I guess, you look at this. I mean
it's possible to look at what we did and just say, "Well,
projecting ahead, this means that there is a loss". But the
question is: what is that loss? The key point about the differenceand
this is where I reached this conclusion when I was presented with
the factwas that, whilst we have been uprating in line
with Retail Price Index (RPI), the question is: what does RPI
represent in terms of the way that we calculate benefits? There
are two areas in RPI. The first is that RPI has in it, which is
what makes it so volatile, a dramatic amount of mortgage-based
housing costs. Well, first of all, most of the recipients, most
of the claimants, most of the people involved in the benefit structure,
don't have that as a major issue for them at all. Even when you
deal with pensioners, they either, by this stage, own their own
homes outright or they're on some form of Housing Benefit. So
the housing costs, such as Housing Benefit, in a sense separate
housing from the uprating.
The second part, which is important, which I didn't
realise, was that I think the interesting thing about RPI was
it does not take into account pensioners who receive 75% or more
of their income from the state; in other words, in support. It
doesn't take any account of that and inside its basket of commodities
that they use and calculate what inflation is, they were never
in that mix at all. So it wasn't great for pensioners, by and
There's a third area too, and I know this may be
seen by some as exceptional, but it was only a year ago that RPI
plunged below zero. Had we absolutely followed RPI down we would
have reduced and literally cut benefits to reflect where RPI was.
I've more and more come to the consideration that RPI is a sort
of peculiar British measure, that because we have such a housing
issue in the way we calculate it, it distorts things. In actual
fact, CPI is used by the Bank of England, and more and more in
government. I think also, I understand through casual conversations
with some of your colleagues in the last Labour Government, that
there was a lot of discussion about moving eventually to CPI because
there's less distortion and it's clearer, it's international.
The basket of items does not change in the way that they do with
RPI where they come and go, they change them quite quickly. With
CPI it's a much more steady basket, that a Government can't simply
say, "We're going to pluck something out and put something
in", because being international it therefore is a much more
stable version.
So I recognise that when you just look ahead on a
projection against that or in some cases Rossi, some groups will
look like they're losing money. But, in fact, the question to
ask is: at cost of living are they losing? And the answer is:
I don't think they are because I think CPI calculates that in
a much more reasonable way.
Q59 Margaret Curran:
But do you think that shift to CPI will affect the poverty levels?
Do you think poverty numbers will increase because of that decision?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I don't think that will be the case because, as I said, the benchmark
here is: had we lowered it below cost of living then the answer
would have been yes, but we're not. What we're doing is we're
trying to figure out what is the cost of living. I know the argument
will go, "You should have stayed with RPI because they'll
get more money", and in a perfect world you might have said,
"Yes, you can afford to do this".
Margaret Curran: But they
are losing money. People are actually losing money.
Mr Duncan Smith:
Looking ahead, are they losing money or are they settled on what
is essentially cost of living? My view is: we have to make choices
and my choices were that keeping them on a proper measure of cost
of living would be the right way of what inflation really is.
That, to my mind, is CPI not RPI. I keep coming back to the fact
that we have to make choices and the choice that says, "Do
you go by a scale that is based on housing costs that aren't,
in reality, relevant and does not include pensioner costs for
those who are the worst off pensioners?" I think it's a pretty
flawed process and whilst a direct calculation will, of course,
allow you to make that very simple statement that there is a reduction,
my sense is: a reduction against what? And the real calculation
that CPI offers us, which I think more and more government generally
will move to, is, I think, a reasonable measure.
Q60 Margaret Curran:
My final question, Chair, I promise; do you think at the end of
the spending review people who are currently on benefits, generally
speaking, their benefits won't be going down, it'll be at the
same value, if not increasing?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I can't guarantee they'll be the same value in the sense thatthe
key question I want to ask is, are the benefits that we pay people,
and I'm not reducing the overall amount that people are paid in
benefits; my job is to try and make sure that people who need
benefits and support get the relevant benefits and support that
allow them to live a life which is supported. Hopefully they can
help and change those circumstances and move out of that. That's
the key. So, overall, the only guarantee I give is that we will
do our absolute level best to protect the worst-off and make sure
they don't suffer in the process of this need to find savings.
Chair: I want to try and
get some questions on pensions, and we're not going to get to
other things, and I am going to try and finish. It might be after
half-past, I hope that's all right, Secretary of State, but first
I want to bring Karen Buck in.
Q61 Karen Buck: Secretary
of State, you referred earlier to some of the areas of what we
understand is welfare but aren't actually within your budget,
particularly child benefit. Would you be making representation
to the Treasury not to, for example, reduce the maximum age at
which child benefit is paid to 16, as is being speculated today?
Mr Duncan Smith:
It is incredibly tempting to answer that question, but I hope
you will understand that tempting as it is to watch you ask that
question I will have to, I hope with the acceptance of the Chair,
duck my shoulders on that one.
Karen Buck: You don't
have a view on it?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I have a view but the view is a private view.
Karen Buck: Private view
as an individual or private view as Secretary of State?
Mr Duncan Smith:
It may become more public later but it is certainly private at
the moment.
Karen Buck: But not a
private view as a Secretary of State?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I'm in a process at the moment that is discussing and negotiating
where we go on these things, and I simply say that I can neither
stand up or stand down things that I see in the newspapers today
or yesterday or the day before, in that process. I think it's
only fair to say: it's not far to go until 20 October, when we
will see what we actually decide rather than what may well or
may not be
Karen Buck: I'm simply
asking you what your view was and whether you would make representations
to the Treasury or had made representations to the Treasury.
Mr Duncan Smith:
I would love to have a view in this Committee that I would be
free to express at this point, but I think, to be fair, my view
and the reality of what we do are one and the same.
Q62 Karen Buck: The Chancellor
of the Exchequer's view, expressed on the BBC, was that an additional
£4 billion would be removed from the Department for Work
and Pensions' budget. You said that you didn't recognise that
figure and the Chancellor wouldn't be drawn on that on Monday,
but he did use that figure.
Mr Duncan Smith:
As I understand it, at the interview he didn't give a figure.
That somehow this other figure crept into the mediaI cannot
confirm how that happened but it didhe himself did not
actually quote that figure. So the figure itself is not a figure
that he has stood up at any stage and, as I said earlier on, we're
in the middle of this process so I don't recognise any figures
that get into the newspapers, much as it might be interesting.
Q63 Karen Buck: Can I
just ask you one or two questions quickly about Housing Benefit,
which is an area of enormous concern to me, amongst others. You
were saying earlierand it's a perfectly valid argumentthat
it's difficult for people in social housing to move to different
parts of the country to find work, and it is a genuine dilemma
about how one resolves that. But, people in the private rented
sector on Housing Benefitthere are 220,000 extra claimants
on Housing Benefit in the private rented sector in work in the
last two years. Your Budget proposals will for almost all, possibly
all of those claimants, make it impossible for them to remain
in their homes or leave them substantially worse off. The theory
behind this is to make them move to find cheaper accommodation.
What is the logic of asking almost 250,000 working claimants on
Housing Benefit to move to find cheaper accommodation, but people
in cheaper accommodation in other parts of the country are being
asked to move to more expensive accommodation to find work?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I can understand the concern about the Housing Benefit changes
but I think, if you don't mind me saying so, we have to understand
the nature of the problem that I faced on arrival, which is that
we have a Housing Benefit budget that had ballooned over the last
five yearsliterally rising pretty much close on £1
billion a year and set to rise at an even more accelerated rate.
The problem we have within the Local Housing Allowance area of
it, was a lot of that's driven by rent rises.
Now, it may be questionable as to what the purpose
of the people that own the properties is by pushing up the rents
and whether they take into consideration that for them it seemed
to be an open-ended prospect with those who were being paid through
the Local Housing Allowancethey would simply have to meet
that ever extending level of rent.
So the first thing is we have to try and get it under
control. The main point to make isI understand it's not
easyI am not cutting these benefit rates, I am simply bringing
the level at which they increase down. They're still increasing.
I have been attacked by somebody for not cutting Housing Benefit.
What I've done, if you look at the graphs, you will see that it's
going at that rate and we're bringing it down to that rate. So
we are, of course, planning to save some money on that.
How will that affect people? Well, I recognise there
is an effect, which is why I put another £40 million, I think
it was, into the
Karen Buck: That's nothing.
Mr Duncan Smith:
We will keep this under review. The £40 million makes it
a total of £60 million available now to local authorities
for transitional relief, and I am prepared to continue to review
that, depending on how we discuss that with local authorities.
But the reality for us is, we have looked at this and tried to
figure out where this would affect people. Obviously, within London
there will be a particular and greater effect because of course
the rental levels are higher and particularly so in central parts
of London. But there is another aspect which says, "Look,
also, the levels of some of these rents being paid to people act
as a major disincentive for them to take work because once they
take work and start to lose their Housing Benefit, or support,
they simply wouldn't be able to afford the property they're in
anyway and would probably have to move". There's a second
aspect, too, which is: for those who are on a lower income who
could never even begin to afford houses in this category who are
working, many of them feel it's deeply unfair that they are expected
to travel to work, to commute to work, to live in accommodation
that is tailored to their own employment levels and the amount
they earn, that to them seems deeply unfair.
I recognise there will be some problems and we're
asking councils to look at this early and to discuss with us what
those problems are, and we'll try and have some sort of remedial
process in that. But the reality for us is the last Governmentyour
party in governmentI know was looking at this area and
there was deep concern in Downing Street, under the then Prime
Minister, that these figures were rising at the rate they were
rising. Even some of your colleagues, ex-Ministers, told me privately
that this is an area they would have had to have moved on anyway.
We have to find a way of bringing it back under control, and I'm
afraid I've done just that.
Q64 Karen Buck: Last
question, I don't think any of us would be happy to defend the
extent to which private landlords have enjoyed something of a
bonanza over the long term. The question is how you achieve a
desirable end without penalising claimants. You didn't, with respect,
answer my question about 250,000 working households on housing
benefit who are going to be, for the most part, slaughtered by
this. But how you do this without a great deal of disruption and
hardship, and the primary driver of the increase in Housing Benefit
expenditure in recent years has been the shift in numbers from
social tenures to private tenures; 100,000 people in the last
year alone placed there by local authorities. Almost all those
people are going to have a legitimate claim as homeless to their
local authorities next year, thereby saving nothing. What discussions
are you having with DCLG about what impact this is going to have
on homelessness and, indeed, whether those savings are simply
going to be false economies, because it's simply going to have
to be picked up by another department?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I accept all that and that's what we've been looking at, except
in the sense that we have to discuss it with DCLG. We're deep
in discussions with them, and also individual councils too. We've
encouraged them to discuss their issues and their problems with
us. I just come back to the simple point, which is: we simply
have to find a way of getting this back under control because
it is not feasible for any Government now to spend at the rate
that we were spending and to watch the explosion. I accept, and
you are right, that some of this has been driven by the numbers
moving into Local Housing Allowance, who might in the past have
been expected to be in social housing where the average rent is
lower, although there has been under the last Government a desire
to push the rents up in social housing. But we thought and believed,
after all the work that we did looking at thisI asked questions
in Parliament about what was the best way for us to try and bring
it under control to put pressure on the fewest and smallest number
of people and find some remedial way in which we can help them
Karen Buck: I'm sure we
will have further discussions about that.
Mr Duncan Smith:
I accept that, but I can say honestly, having been in opposition,
sat on the Back Benches, of course it's legitimate to complain
about this and say this is wrong. The only question I ask is:
where else would we have gone to find a way of reducing this and
bringing it back under control in the time scales necessary? And
that's the real key question. If there's a better idea I'm open
to suggestion.
Chair: The Committee will
be looking at this as part of its first proper inquiry so we will
be, I'm sure, returning to it, although I suspect it will be your
junior Minister that will be in the chair rather than yourself
in that case. But I do want to get to questions on pensions because
it obviously is a large part of your responsibilities in the Department.
I hope you're all okay to stay for an extra 10-15 minutes, if
that's in order?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I'm in your hands.
Chair: You will be out
of the door, certainly, before Prime Minister's questions. Karen
Q65 Karen Bradley: Thank
you, Chair. Secretary of State, you've already touched on the
fact that the state pension is a very large proportion of the
AME budget of the Department. One of the approaches to dealing
with that massive part of the budget is to increase the state
pension age. So on that topic, first of all, I know there's been
a review: the simple question is when are you likely to be announcing
the results of that review?
Mr Duncan Smith:
We're not yet. But we will when we complete it, which I think
is later in October, if I remember off the top of my head. So
we will certainly draw you all in, particularly obviously the
Select Committee. Can I just say, I think this is an important
debate for two good reasons: the first is that I wish politicians
in the pastand I don't mean any particular political party,
but all of ushad tackled this earlier, in the sense of
trying to get a national debate going about at what age do we
think is the age at which people should officially be ready for
retirement. After all, when we set this back in 1926, I think
it was, I think men never made the retirement age on average and
women made it to 70 or 71 on average. Born today the life expectancy
of an average male would be 89 years and an average female 92
years. I think one in four males born today will live to be 100
and one in three females will live to be 100. So you can see that
there is a dramatic effect. So at the moment, if we don't change
anything, you can expect to live about one third of your life
in retirement.
Two things are important about that. I don't want
to be mean about this and say you have no right to enjoy your
retirement, but the reality is we have a smaller number of people
in work projected forward that will have to support those who
are retired, and that's how it works. So that burden grows on
them: in effect, earlier and earlier retirement, de facto. So
we have to bear that in mind. My children and grandchildren, as
they come forward, won't thank people like me for not taking this
decision early.
The second point is, I think more and more people
reaching retirement age now are choosing to work because they
don't feel like they should simply stop work at 60 or 65. As you
know, we are equalising the retirement age by 2020 and then moving
to 66. The key point here is that they do want to work and so
working is an option we want to give them. Of course one of the
key things was to get rid of the default retirement age, which
I was pleased that we've agreed to finally get rid of that. I
know some businesses, big companies, don't like us for doing that
but, frankly, I think many of them have been quite slack about
doing this and waited for somebody to reach 65 and chuck them
out. My answer is, you now need to figure out the last 10 years
of someone's working life and how best to make the most of their
In Germany I see they lock new entrants into work
with older people and they get the best out of both of them. They
get improvements from them. So it's time for us in Britain to
start being a little more flexible and relevant and not just to
lose all that talent and intellect that exists at 60 or 65.
Q66 Karen Bradley: You
talked about 2020, and I know 2016 has been mooted as the date
at which the retirement age may go up to 66. There are bodies
that believe that six years is not long enough for people to make
plans for the increase in the retirement age, and I just wondered
if you could give some comments on that?
Mr Duncan Smith:
First of all it's a "not before", by the wayit's
not before 2016. I understand the concerns and they've been part
of the review generally. At the moment I can't tell you how that
review will affect us, but I can say that, so far the balance
seems to be that it is workable but it may be that I am not seeing
all the responses to the review. So yes, you can argue it's a
short enough time, but I think generally most people are beginning
to accept that that is a process they're engaged in, started by
the last Government obviously, which you've accepted. Further
than that, the question is: how far do you go beyond 66 and that's
part of the whole discussion, which I think is relevant.
It is interesting of course. Somebody retiring, every
effective year that they defer their pension, their pension increases
by between about 6% to 10%, and each additional effective year
that people work is worth about 1% in GDP, some £13 billion
more in national output. You talk a lot about the benefits, but
these are much bigger numbers than anything we discussed with
working-age benefits.
Q67 Karen Bradley: Just
a final point on the increase in the state pension age, and you
have spoken about the statistical life expectancy, but there is
a demographic that doesn't have that life expectancy and perhaps
won't even expect to reach state pension age, and certainly not
get many years after that. I just wondered if there was going
to be anything in the review or anything in the proposals that
would help that demographic?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Absolutely right. There are pockets around Britainin deference
to Margaret Curran on this one, I think it was Calton in Glasgow
where life expectancy was about 55 or something, appalling really.
But they're not alone. There are pockets all round the rest of
the UK. It's very difficult sometimes to exactly understand quite
how those figures are. It's very difficult. I think what we have
to do is make policy for the majority with regards to retirement
because it is the vast majority that we project to live much further
forward. What we do about those pockets of deep entrenched poverty,
ill-health, are issues that my Department has to face up to and
try and change that. But we shouldn't set the pension age around
those pockets. What we have to do is try and figure out how we
change that with the Health Department and ourselves. They have
been pretty resistant over the years to work, but I guess we have
to do a lot more. I think getting people active, into work, dealing
with their health issues and problems is all part of that process,
but they're a focus that's separate from the pensionable age,
I recognise that. Do you want to answer?
Sir Leigh Lewis:
Can I just add one almost small footnote? Of course, as a Department,
we're a huge employer as well as, of course, a major strategic
and policy Department, and we were the first Department to remove
any upper retirement age for our own employees. That's now standard
right across the civil service, but we were the first. So now
our staff can go on working to any age as long as they're competent
to do the job and there's a job for them to do.
At the time when we were discussing this and introduced
that, there were real concerns around my top team table as to
whether this was going to build in inflexibility, whether we were
going to be able to reduce numbers, which we were at the time.
There aren't any more. We have around 1,000 people now working
on beyond 65 and universally they do a good job, and it has not
led to any of the inflexibilities that people were worried about
at the time. Interestingly they're very often working on a part-week,
part-time basis. They bring a lot of maturity and experience to
the people around them and it's been wholly beneficial for us.
Chair: Kate Green.
Q68 Kate Green: I just
wondered if you could say something about what you perceive to
be the potential implications for occupational pension schemes,
of increasing this state retirement age, or removing the defaults
for retirement age?
Mr Duncan Smith:
We don't think that there will be a major problem for those pensions.
We think, by and large, in our discussions, that they haven't
raised major issues surrounding that. There will be issues to
be settled about it. Many of them have been financing very early
retirement in some of those cases, and I think all of us recognise
that the days for those very early retirements has gone and one
of the reasons why some of the deficits are in place is because
people have been funded for earlier retirement, which is simply
not affordable. But the discussion so far, there hasn't been a
major complaint that we're heading in the wrong direction from
them, as I understand it, but again, when we have the review and
publish the results, you'll definitely see whether they're complaining
about that.
Q69 Kate Green: Do you
think there has been any modelling of what different scenarios
might result, either by the industry or by you, and will that
be revealed in the review?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Definitely there's modelling going on, and it might be better
for us to try and show you some of our stuff.
Chair: It looks like we're
going to have a day doing modelling, we're coming to have a look
at your modelling.
Mr Duncan Smith:
We can show you all our models.
Chair: Not that kind of
modelling. Richard?
Q70 Richard Graham: Thank
you. Secretary of State, auto-enrolment and the National Employment
Savings Trust, or NEST, firstly what's your view on auto-enrolment
and, in particular, does it make sense to introduce it while there
are still means-tested pensions?
Mr Duncan Smith:
The first thing is that we are, as a coalition, committed factually
to the idea of auto-enrolment, so that's written into the face
of the agreement, so we will go down that road and make sure we
find a way to ensure that it works. We have a review on at the
moment, as you know. I can't give you the results of that yet,
although they are going to be available pretty soon, I hope. I
won't break into what the results of those are, but the key issue
is that I can understand the problem the last Government tried
to tackle, and I think they were heading in the right direction
over this, which is that some 7 million people have absolutely
no provision, whatsoever, for their retirement. I recognise, of
course, that many of them are on low incomes and, therefore, putting
money into a pension long term means, in some sense, them losing
some of their spending capacity. So these are issues we have to
come to terms with as well, while we're looking at it.
Part of the review is to look at the way it's delivered,
which is why we're reviewing whether NEST is the right device
to do it, and we will come forward with our findings on that.
I think, all in all, the only way I can say this to you is I think,
by and large, I can't project forward as to what changes we might
make or not make within the pension provision, but even were the
present situation to exist my answer to your question is, yes,
I do think that on balance it's better to try and encourage as
many people to save something towards their retirement, but obviously
incumbent on us is to look at pension provision from the state
standpoint. That's why I'm enormously pleased that we've re-linked
pensions to earnings. I know the last Government talked about
it, and we're going to do it now, and locking in with a triple
guarantee, so never less than 2.5%.
Q71 Richard Graham: On
auto-enrolment, I'm sure we all welcome the triple guarantee and
the changes made there in state pensions. But just on auto-enrolment,
can I ask: the review will look hard at whether it's going to
be compatible with a current system that provides a disincentive
to save for lower-paid workers?
Mr Duncan Smith:
Clearly, obviously, that is what we have to deal with, with auto-enrolment.
But I can't go much further than that because the review itself
is looking at how best it's implemented, so that it doesn't damage
people's prospects on low earnings but, at the same time, does
make sure that we keep that process of people on lower earnings
saving money.
I remind you of the three that are on it: Paul Johnson
from Frontier Economics; David Yeandle, Engineering Employers
Federation; Adrian Boulding from Legal and General. They are rooted
in the private sector and in business, so if there is one thing
they will be looking at it is the balance that you describe.
Q72 Richard Graham: On
NEST, two questions: firstly, do you think it's right that Government
try and design and run savings funds and, if you do, what track
record is there, especially in this country, of that being done
successfully? Secondly, if you don't think that that's an activity
the Government should be directly doing, and that it should be
outsourced to the private sector, how can the Department help
keep it low-cost and, above all, simple so that the primary target
market of the lower paid will be able to understand it and benefit
from it?
Mr Duncan Smith:
I think the best way for me to answer that question, given that
the review is looking at all of that anyway, isto use a
double negativeI don't not think that governments should
not be in the arena. If you can work that out you're okay, but
the reality is I don't sit here in front of you today with a fixed
opinion about that because that was the whole point of setting
up the review, is what I was saying: whether we have a government-based
one or not.
There is some good evidence from other countries
who have set this up before, this process of auto-enrolment. There
are issues. I mean some argue that only government can do it because
the returns are not good enough for companies to do it, but they
will also play a part in it, but it needs to be underwritten by
government otherwise the risks are too great. Others argue that,
as you just pointed out, government normally isn't good in these
areas. So we have to get the balance right as to how we do this.
But certainly that's what they were doing when they went out to
take this review, and we will look at what they come back with
and we will make a decision on that basis. So I, again, retain
no public view on the matter whatsoever.
Chair: Thank you. Unless
any of my colleagues have any final questions? We did have questions
on child maintenance and health and safety but we will leave that
for another day. Thank you very much for coming along this morning
and thanks for answering our questions. A lot of these things
will continue as we investigate, particularly, the youth unemployment
areas and Housing Benefit and, indeed, the Work Programme obviously
as it develops. So, thank you again, to you, and thanks to my
colleagues, and thanks to the Permanent Secretary for coming along.
1 Note by witness: This figure refers to all British
households with at least one person of working age (16-65). Back
See Letter to the Chair from the Secretary of State, 28 September
2010, Ev 23. Back