Session 2010-12
Publications on the internet
Weekly Information Bulletin

Weekly Information Bulletin: 27th November 2010

Select Committees

Select Committees are set up to examine the work of Government Departments, and now constitute the main investigatory system by which the House overseas the exercise of Government responsibilities and the development of public policy and expenditure.

The following information on Select Committees is available on the Parliament website:

Select Committee membership:

Links to Select Committee home pages containing information on the work of the Select Committee and its publications:

For further information on Select Committees see HCIO Factsheet P2 produced by the House of Commons Information Office, available in hardcopy on request or to download from the Parliament website.

Membership announcements and changes:

Administration: Mr Tom Harris and Mrs Sian C. James discharged and Mr John Spellar and Mr Dave Watts added

House of Commons Commission: Sir Stuart Bell discharged and Mr Frank Doran added

Standards and Privileges: Mr Jim Cunningham discharged and Tom Blenkinsop added

Welsh Affairs: Nia Griffith discharged and Mrs Sian C. James added

Select Committee Meetings

22 – 26 November 2010

Monday 22 November

Back Bench Business
Subject: Proposals for backbench debates
Witnesses: Members of Parliament

European Scrutiny
Subject: European Union Bill
Witnesses: Professor Paul Craig, Professor in English Law, St John’s College, Oxford; Professor Trevor Hartley, London School of Economics (at 5.10pm)

Communities and Local Government
Subject: The Abolition of Regional Spatial Strategies
Witnesses: Councillor Harker, East Midlands Council, Councillor Ken Thornber, Leader, Hampshire County Council, Councillor Symon Fraser, Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, and Councillor Derek Antrobus, Chair of the Planning and Housing Commission, Association of Greater Manchester Authorities; Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP, Secretary of State, Department for Communities and Local Government (at 5.15pm)

Subject: Catering Services in the House of Commons
Witnesses: Parliamentary Press Gallery; Unite, Parliamentary Staff Branch (at 5.30pm)

Tuesday 23 November

Subject: Spending Review Settlement for the Department for Education
Witnesses: Children’s Services Department, East Sussex County Council, and Children and Young People’s Services Department, Lambeth Borough Council; Barnardos, Berkshire Association of Clubs for Young People, Thomas Coram Children’s Centre (at 10.15 a.m.); Martin Tune, Head, Bonner Primary School, Tony Withell, Head, Wootton Upper School, Sally Coates, Head, Burlington Danes Academy, and Dave Linnell OBE, Chief Executive and Principal, Cornwall College (at 11.00am)

Subject: (i) Financial Regulation (ii) Competition and choice in the banking sector
Witnesses: Lord Turner of Ecchinswell, Chairman, and Hector Sants, Chief Executive, Financial Services Authority

Standards & Privileges
Subject: Matter relating to privilege referred on 9 September: Hacking of Members’ mobile phones
Witnesses: Dr Malcolm Jack, Clerk of the House of Commons

Subject: (i) Post-legislative scrutiny of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (ii) Draft sentencing guidelines on Assault
Witnesses: (ii) John Thornhill, Chairman, Magistrates’ Association, Diana Barran, Chief Executive, Coordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse, and Javed Khan, Chief Executive, Victim Support (at 11.30am)

Public Administration
Subject: Smaller Government: What do Ministers do?, Smaller Government: Shrinking the Quango State
Witnesses: (i) Lord Norton of Louth, University of Hull, Rt Hon Peter Riddell, IfG, and Professor Robert Hazell CBE, Constitution Unit, UCL (ii) TaxPayers’ Alliance, and Centre for Policy Studies (at 11.15am)

Subject: Public Expenditure
Witnesses: Rt Hon Andrew Lansley CBE MP, Secretary of State, Richard Douglas CB, Director General, Policy, Strategy and Finance, Department of Health, and Sir David Nicholson KCB, Chief Executive, National Health Service

International Development
Subject: The World Bank
Witnesses: Rt Hon Alan Duncan MP, Minister of State, Department for International Development and officials

Business, Innovation and Skills
Subject: Government Assistance to Industry
Witnesses: Forum of Private Business, Federation of Small Businesses, and CBI

Public Accounts
Subject: Educating the next generation of scientists
Witnesses: David Bell, Permanent Secretary, and Jon Coles, Director General, Education Standards Directorate, Department for Education

Home Affairs
Subject: The Comprehensive Spending Review
Witnesses: Sir David Normington, Permanent Secretary, Home Office

Welsh Affairs
Subject: S4C
Witnesses: Ian Hargreaves, Broadcasting Expert, Geraint Talfan Davies, Broadcasting Expert, and Ron Jones, Chair, Creative Industry Group

Wednesday 24 November

Science and Technology
Subject: Spending Review 2010
Witnesses: Rt Hon David Willetts MP, Minister of State for Universities and Science, and Professor Adrian Smith, Director General, Science and Research, Department of Business, Innovation and Skills

Subject: The role and performance of Ofsted
Witnesses: Association of Colleges, Professor Nick Foskett, Vice-Chancellor, Keele University, Professor Chris Husbands, Institute of Education, and Asha Khemka OBE, Principal and Chief Executive, West Nottinghamshire College; Civitas, Independent Schools Inspectorate, Professor Chris Chapman, University of Manchester, and Dr John Dunford (at 10.30am)

Foreign Affairs
Subject: FCO Performance and Finances
Witnesses: Simon Fraser CMG, Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Keith Luck, Director, General Finance, and James Bevan, Director, General Change and Delivery, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Environmental Audit
Subject: Green Investment Bank
Witnesses: Bob Wigley, Chairman, Green Investment Bank Commission, and James Cameron, Vice Chairman, Climate Change Capital

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Subject: Marine Policy Statement
Witnesses: Richard Benyon MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Natural Environment and Fisheries, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Northern Ireland Affairs
Subject: Corporation Tax
Witnesses: NYSE Technologies; John Simpson, Economics Journalist (at 3.45pm)

Subject: Transport and the outcome of the Comprehensive Spending Review
Witnesses: Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, Secretary of State, Department for Transport

Energy and Climate Change
Subject: The Comprehensive Spending Review and DECC
Witnesses: Moira Wallace, Permanent Secretary, Department of Energy and Climate Change, and officials

Public Accounts
Subject: PFI housing and hospitals
Witnesses: Sir Bob Kerslake, Permanent Secretary, Department for Communities and Local Government, and Peter Coates, Director of Capital and Investments, HM Treasury

Thursday 25 November

Political and Constitutional Reform
Subject: Prospects for codifying the relationship between central and local government
Witnesses: Tony Travers, and Sir Simon Jenkins

Subject: (i) Bank of England November 2010 Inflation Report (ii) Financial Regulation
Witnesses: (i) Mervyn King, Governor, Paul Tucker, Deputy Governor, Spencer Dale, Executive Director, Dr Adam Posen and Dr Andrew Sentance, External members of the Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England; (ii) Mervyn King, Governor, Paul Tucker, Deputy Governor, Andrew Bailey, Executive Director and Chief Cashier, and Andrew Haldane, Executive Director, Bank of England (at 11.00am)

European Scrutiny
Subject: European Union Bill
Witnesses: Professor Trevor Allan, Professor of Public Law and Jurisprudence, Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, and Professor Anthony Bradley, Research Fellow, Institute of European and Comparative Law, University of Oxford; Professor Adam Tomkins, Chair of Public Law, University of Glasgow (at 11.20am)

Friday 26 November


[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice]

All public select committee meetings are webcast
Select committees marked with * will be taken by BBC Parliament
Recorded information about forthcoming select and standing committee meetings over the next two sitting days is available on:[Tel 020 7219 2033]. Please note: The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded, and the place altered without notice and Committees which sit at short notice may not be included in this list.

Forthcoming Select Committee Meetings
29 November – 3 December 2010

Monday 29 November

Backbench Business
Subject: Proposals for backbench debates
Witnesses: Members of Parliament


Committee Room 8, Palace of Westminster

Backbench Business
Subject: Localism
Witnesses: National Council of Voluntary Organisations, and Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations; Federation of Small Businesses, British Retail Consortium, and British Council of Shopping Centres (at 5.15pm)


The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

Subject: Catering Services in the House of Commons
Witnesses: Sue Harrison, Director of Catering and Retail Services, House of Commons


Committee Room 16, Palace of Westminster

Tuesday 30 November

Subject: Competition and Choice in Banking; Financial Regulation
Witnesses: Sir Donald Cruickshank; Mark Hoban MP, Financial Secretary, HM Treasury (at 10.45am)


The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House

Subject: Transport and the economy
Witnesses: CBI, Federation of Small Businesses, Unite - the Union, and VisitBritain; Transport for London, The Northern Way, London Borough of Newham and HS2 Ltd (at 10.50am); Campaign for Better Transport, Transport Planning Society, Directors of Public Health for the West of England Partnership Area and Stop HS2 (at 11.40am)


The Wilson Room, Portcullis House

Welsh Affairs
Subject: S4C
Witnesses: Ofcom and TAC; NUJ and BECTU (at 11.00am); The Welsh Language Board and Welsh Language Society (at 11.25am)


Committee Room 8, Palace of Westminster

Public Accounts
Subject: Comprehensive Spending Review: Session: Analysis of Departmental Business Plans
Witnesses: Martin Donnelly, Permanent Secretary, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Sir David Normington KCB, Permanent Secretary, Home Office, Ray Shostak, Director General, Performance Management, HM Treasury, and Kris Murrin, Director, Implementation Unit, Downing Street


Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster

International Development
Subject: World Bank/ The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Witnesses: Ed Hedger, Fellow, Overseas Development Institute and Adviser to the All Party Group on Overseas Development, Peter Young, Adam Smith International, and Jesse Griffiths, Bretton Woods Project


Committee Room 5, Palace of Westminster

Business, Innovation and Skills
Subject: Government Assistance to Industry
Witnesses: UK Music, PACT; Environmental Industries Commission and Renewable UK (at 11.15am); EEF (the manufacturers’ organisation) and Engineering and Machinery Alliance (at 12 noon)


Committee Room 16, Palace of Westminster

Subject: Commissioning
Witnesses: Cumbria PBC Consortium, Torbay Care Trust, NHS Confederation, and East of England SHA; John Seddon, Vanguard Consulting, Kingsley Manning,

Tribal, and Alan Downey, KPMG (at 11.45am)


Committee Room 6, Palace of Westminster

Home Affairs
Subject: Extradition
Witnesses: Rt Hon David Blunkett MP; Jago Russell, Fair Trials International (at approx. 11.30 am); and Mrs Janis Sharp, and Shami Chakrabarti, Director, Liberty (at approx. 12 noon)


The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

Home Affairs
Subject: Lessons from the American experience of policing
Witnesses: Bill Bratton CBE, former chief of police, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD)


The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

Energy and Climate Change
Subject: The Revised Draft National Policy Statements on Energy
Witnesses: Charles Hendry MP, Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change, and officials.


The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

Subject: The work of the Legal Services Commission
Witnesses: Sir Bill Callaghan, Chair, Carolyn Downs, Chief Executive, Andrew Emmett, Finance Director, Ruth Wayte, Legal Director, and Helen Riley, Director of Case Management, Legal Services Commission


The Wilson Room, Portcullis House

Wednesday 1 December

Science and Technology
Subject: Scientific advice and evidence in emergencies
Witnesses: Professor Sir John Beddington, Government Chief Scientific Adviser; Lord Adonis and Rt Hon Andy Burnham MP (at 10.00am); Rt Hon Baroness Neville Jones, Minister of State for Security, and Rt Hon David Willetts MP, Minister of State for Universities and Science (at 10.30am)


The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House

Culture, Media and Sport
Subject: Funding of the arts and heritage
Witnesses: Ed Vaizey MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Culture, Media and Sport; Rosalind Riley, The Brook Trust, and Dame Vivien Duffield DBE, Chair of the Clore Duffield Foundation (at 11.45am)


The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

Scottish Affairs
Subject: Supporting Scotland's Economy
Witnesses: CBI Scotland, Federation of Small Businesses, Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, UK Trade and Investment


The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House

Environmental Audit
Subject: Green Investment Bank
Witnesses: National Association of Pension Funds, Ernst & Young, and E3G


Committee Room 16, Palace of Westminster

Public Accounts
Subject: M25 Widening PFI contract
Witnesses: Martin Capstick, Director, Strategic Roads and National Networks, Department for Transport, and Graham Dalton, Chief Executive, Highways Agency


Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster

Thursday 2 December

Political and Constitutional Reform
Subject: Prospects for codifying the relationship between central and local government
Witnesses: Local Government Association, Sir Merrick Cockell, Leader, Kensington and Chelsea Council, Jules Pipe, Mayor of Hackney and Lord Michael Bichard


The Wilson Room, Portcullis House

Subject: European Financial Regulation

Witnesses: Representatives from financial institutions


The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House

Friday 3 December


[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice]

All public select committee meetings are webcast
Select committees marked with * will be taken by BBC Parliament
Recorded information about forthcoming select and standing committee meetings over the next two sitting days is available on:[Tel 020 7219 2033]. Please note: The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded, and the place altered without notice and Committees which sit at short notice may not be included in this list.