5 Public Bills
Information and statistics relating to Public Bills.*
*For Bills to confirm Provisional Orders and Bills
to confirm Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland)
Act 1936 see Chapter 4 relating to Private Bills and Private Business.
A General Summary
Number of Bills which received the Royal Assent:
| |
started in the Commons
| 23 |
| 18 |
Private Members'
| 5 |
brought from the Lords
| 7 |
| 5 |
Private Members'
| 2 |
TOTAL: | 30
Number of Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent:
| |
Type of Bills
| |
started in the Commons
| 58 |
| 0 |
Private Members'
| 58 |
brought from the Lords
| 4 |
| 0 |
Private Members'
| 4 |
TOTAL: | 62
Progress of Bills
| |
introduced into, but not passed by, the Commons
| 57 |
passed by the Commons but not by the Lords
| 1 |
introduced in the Commons but proceedings suspended to next Session
| 0 |
passed by the Lords but not taken up by the Commons
| 2 |
passed by the Lords but not passed by the Commons
| 2 |
passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to
| 0 |
TOTAL: | 62
| |
Total number of Bills started in the Commons or brought from the Lords
| 92 |
B Bills which received the
Royal Assent
* denotes a Government Bill
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each printing
Anti-Slavery Day [20]
* Appropriation [86]
* Bribery [Lords] [69] [95]
* Child Poverty [10] [92]
* Children, Schools and Families [8] [61] [105]
* Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) [Lords]
* Consolidated Fund [12]
* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) [74]
* Constitutional Reform and Governance [4] [68] [106]
Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and
Credit Unions [Lords] [50]
* Corporation
Tax [1] [43]
* Crime
and Security [3] [73]
Debt Relief (Developing Countries) [17] [83]
* Digital Economy [Lords] [89]
* Energy [7] [104]
* Equality [5] [96]
* Finance [100]
* Financial Services [6] [49] [107]
* Fiscal
Responsibility [13]
* Flood
and Water Management [9] [53] [108]
Marriage (Wales) [Lords] [59]
Mortgage Repossession (Protection of Tenants etc.)
* Northern
Ireland Assembly Members [Lords] [75]
* Personal
Care at Home [11] [97]
Sunbeds (Regulation) [19]
Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) [21]
* Taxation
(International and Other Provisions) [2] [44]
* Terrorist Asset-Freezing
(Temporary Provisions) [62]
* Third Parties (Rights
Against Insurers) [Lords] [79]
* Video Recordings [14]
C Bills which did not receive
the Royal Assent
1. Bills which were passed by both Houses but
Amendments not agreed to
2. Bills which were passed by the Commons but
not by the Lords
Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) (No. 2) [34]
3. Bills introduced in the Commons but Proceedings
suspended to next Session
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
4. Bills which received a Second Reading
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
| Stage at which progress ended
Care Homes and Sheltered Accommodation (Domestic Pets) [27]
| Committed to a Public Bill Committee, prorogation
Grocery Market Ombudsman [18]
| Reported from the Public Bill Committee, prorogation
Local Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny) [16]
| Bill to be read a third time
| |
TOTAL: 3 |
5. Bills which did not receive a Second Reading
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
| Stage at which progress ended
Ambulance Response Times (Local Reporting) [55]
| prorogation |
British Museum Act 1963 (Amendment) [37]
| prorogation |
Climate Change (Sectoral Targets) [64]
| prorogation |
Compensation Act 2006 (Amendment) [58]
| dropped |
Contaminated Blood (Support for Infected and Bereaved Persons) [Lords] [54]
| prorogation |
Department for Work and Pensions (Electronic File Retention) [66]
| prorogation |
Desecration of War Memorials [60]
| prorogation |
Development on Flood Plains (Environment Agency Powers) [29]
| dropped |
Employers' Liability Insurance Bureau [35]
| prorogation |
European Union Membership (Referendum) [28]
| dropped |
Fire Safety (Schools) [93]
| prorogation |
Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning of Public Authority) [39]
| prorogation |
Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Sale) [40]
| prorogation |
Land Use (Gardens Protection Etc.) [36]
| prorogation |
Lisbon Treaty (Referendum) [24]
| dropped |
Live Music [Lords] [70]
| dropped |
Local Government (Infrastructure Requirement Plans) [30]
| dropped |
Major Capital Contracts (Skills Training Requirements) [80]
| dropped |
Marine Accident Investigation Branch (Reports) [31]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading
National Health Service Public Interest Disclosure Support [25]
| prorogation |
Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Non-Proliferation and Public Liability) [103]
| prorogation |
Pedicabs [33] | prorogation
Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 (Amendment) [78]
| prorogation |
Remembrance Sunday (Closure of Shops) [84]
| prorogation |
Representation of the People (Undue Influence) [85]
| prorogation |
School Admissions [57] |
dropped |
Sheltered Accommodation (Residents) [38]
| prorogation |
Sustainability of Livestock Farming and Food Production (Strategy) [94]
| prorogation |
Sustainable Energy (Local Action) [46]
| prorogation |
Tax and Financial Transparency [101]
| prorogation |
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Amendment) [26]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, prorogation
United Kingdom Parliamentary Sovereignty [48]
| prorogation |
Video Recordings (Exemption from Classification) [45]
| prorogation |
Warsaw Convention (Carrier Liability) [22]
| withdrawn |
Young People Leaving Care (Accommodation) [56]
| prorogation |
| |
TOTAL: | 35
| |
6. Bills presented, or brought from the Lords,
but not printed
Title of Bill |
Stage at which progress ended
Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day [42]
| prorogation |
Bilingual Juries (Wales) [76]
| prorogation |
Control of Dogs [99] |
prorogation |
Council Tax Benefit (Change of Name) [88]
| Order lapsed |
Dementia Strategy [90] |
prorogation |
Digital Heritage [52] |
Order lapsed |
Environmental Protection (Fly-Tipping Reporting) [65]
| prorogation |
Health and Safety (Company Director Liability) [51]
| prorogation |
Hydrofluorocarbons Limitation [81]
| prorogation |
Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Retail, Wholesale and Distribution) [87]
| prorogation |
Organ and Tissue Donation (Mandated Choice) [91]
| prorogation |
Powers of Entry etc. [Lords]
| prorogation |
Public Bodies (Procurement of Seafood) [72]
| Order lapsed |
Registration of Births and Deaths (Welsh Language) [77]
| prorogation |
Rehabilitation of Offenders (Amendment) [Lords]
| prorogation |
Rental Accommodation (Thermal Insulation Standards) [71]
| prorogation |
Safety and Conservation (Byelaws) [23]
| prorogation |
School Transport [32] |
Order lapsed |
Second Home Ownership (Regulation) [98]
| prorogation |
Torture (Damages) [41] |
prorogation |
Veterans' Welfare [47] |
Order lapsed |
Waste Recovery and Disposal Facilities (Public Consultation) [102]
| prorogation |
Water Tariffs [67] |
Order lapsed |
| |
TOTAL: | 23
D House's Consideration of the several
stages of Public Bills
Title of Bill and Bill No. at each printing
| Date of 1st reading | Date of Second Reading
| Committed to | Date reported from committee
| Date(s) considered | Date of 3rd reading
| Date(s) Lords Amendments considered
| Date Royal Assent given | Notes
A Ambulance Response Times (Local Reporting) [55]
| 26 January 2010 |
| prorogation |
B Anti-Slavery Day [20] |
16 December 2009 | 5 February 2010
| CWH |
5 February 2010
| 5 February 2010
| 8 April 2010
* Appropriation [86] | 7 April 2010
| 7 April 2010 |
| 7 April 2010
| 8 April 2010
| Received Royal Assent as the Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2010
* Bribery [Lords] [69] [95] | 9 February 2010
| 3 March 2010 | PBC
| 23 March 2010
| 7 April 2010
| 7 April 2010
| 8 April 2010
| prorogation |
C British Museum Act 1963 (Amendment) [37]
| 6 January 2010 |
| prorogation |
B Care Homes and Sheltered
Accommodation (Domestic Pets) [27]
| 16 December 2009 | 5 March 2010
| PBC |
prorogation |
* E Child Poverty [10] [92]
| 19 November 2009 | 19 November 2009
| 9 December 2009
| 9 December 2009
| 22 March 2010
| 25 March 2010
| carried over Bill; amended in the Public Bill Committee in the previous session
* Children, Schools and Families [8] [61] [105]
| 19 November 2009 | 11 January 2009
| PBC |
5 February 2010
| 23 February 2010
| 23 February 2010
| 8 April 2010
| 8 April 2010
C Climate Change (Sectoral Targets) [64]
| 9 February 2010 |
| prorogation |
* Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) [Lords] [63]
| 8 February 2010 | 17 March 2010
| CWH |
23 March 2010
| 23 March 2010
| 25 March 2010
A Compensation Act 2006 (Amendment) [58]
| 2 February 2010 |
| dropped
* Consolidated Fund [12] | 10 December 2009
| 14 December 2009 |
| 14 December 2009
| 16 December 2009
* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) [74] |
10 March 2010 | 11 March 2010
| 11 March 2010
| 18 March 2010
| Received Royal Assent as the Appropriation Act 2010
* E Constitutional Reform and Governance [4] [68] [106]
| 19 November 2009 | 19 November 2009
| CWH |
9 February 2010
| 2 March 2010
| 2 March 2010
| 8 April 2010
| 8 April 2010
| carried over Bill; amended in Committee in the previous session
D Contaminated Blood (Support for Infected
and Bereaved Persons) [Lords] [54]
| 21 January 2010 |
| prorogation |
D Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Credit Unions [Lords] [50]
| 14 January 2010 | 29 January 2010
| PBC |
3 March 2010
| 12 March 2010
| 12 March 2010
| 18 March 2010
* Corporation Tax [1] [43] | 19 November 2009
| 15 December 2009 (2R Committee)
5 January 2010
| Joint Committee on Tax Law Rewrite Bills
| 11 January 2010
| 4 February 2010
| 4 February 2010
| 3 March 2010
* Crime and Security [3] [73] | 19 November 2009
| 18 January 2010 | PBC
| 23 February 2010
| 8 March 2010
| 8 March 2010
| 8 April 2010
C Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions)
(No. 2) [34]
| 6 January 2010 | 5 February 2010
| CWH |
5 February 2010
| 5 February 2010
| prorogation |
B Debt Relief (Developing Countries) [17]
| 16 December 2009 | 26 February 2010
| PBC |
9 March 2010
| 7 April 2010
| 7 April 2010
| 8 April 2010
| prorogation
C Department for Work and Pensions
(Electronic File Retention) [66]
| 10 February 2010 |
| prorogation |
A Desecration of War Memorials [60]
| 3 February 2010 |
| prorogation |
B Development on Flood Plains (Environment Agency Powers) [29]
| 16 December 2009 |
| dropped
* Digital Economy [Lords] [89]
| 16 March 2010 | 6 April 2010
| CWH |
7 April 2010
| 7 April 2010
| 8 April 2010
C Employers' Liability Insurance Bureau
| 6 January 2010 |
| prorogation |
* Energy [7] [104] | 19 November 2009
| 7 December 2009 | PBC
| 21 January 2010
| 24 February 2010
| 24 February 2010
| 8 April 2010
| 8 April 2010
* E Equality [5] [96] |
19 November 2009 | 19 November 2009
| 2 December 2009
| 2 December 2009
| 6 April 2010
| 8 April 2010
| carried over Bill; amended in the Public Bill Committee in the previous session
B European Union Membership
(Referendum) [28]
| 16 December 2009 |
| dropped
* Finance [100] | 30 March 2010
| 7 April 2010 | CWH
| 7 April 2010
| 7 April 2010
| 8 April 2010
* Financial Services [6] [49] [107] |
19 November 2009 | 30 November 2009
| PBC |
14 January 2010
| 25 January 2010
| 25 January 2010
| 8 April 2010
| 8 April 2010
A Fire Safety (Schools) [93]
| 23 March 2010 |
| prorogation |
* Fiscal Responsibility [13] | 9 December 2009
| 5 January 2010 | CWH
| 20 January 2010
| 20 January 2010
| 10 February 2010
* Flood and Water Management [9] [53] [108]
| 19 November 2009 | 15 December 2009
| PBC |
21 January 2010
| 2 February 2010
| 2 February 2010
| 8 April 2010
| 8 April 2010
B Grocery Market Ombudsman [18]
| 16 December 2009 | 5 March 2010
| PBC |
30 March 2010
| prorogation |
C Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning of
Public Authority) [39]
| 6 January 2010 |
| prorogation |
C Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Sale) [40]
| 6 January 2010 |
| prorogation |
C Land Use (Gardens Protection Etc) [36]
| 6 January 2010 |
| prorogation |
B Lisbon Treaty (Referendum) [24]
| 16 December 2009 |
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
D Live Music [Lords] [70]
| 9 February 2010 |
| dropped
B Local Authorities (Overview and
Scrutiny) [16]
| 16 December 2009 | 5 February 2010
| PBC |
3 March 2010
| 12 March 2010
| dropped
B Local Government (Infrastructure Requirement Plans) [30]
| 16 December 2009 |
| dropped
A Major Capital Contracts (Skills Training Requirements) [80]
| 2 March 2010 |
| dropped
B Marine Accident Investigation Branch
(Reports) [31]
| 16 December 2009 |
| adjourned debate on Second Reading
D Marriage (Wales) [Lords] [59]
| 27 January 2010 | 5 February 2010
| PBC |
24 February 2010
| 12 March 2010
| 12 March 2010
| 18 March 2010
B Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants etc.) [15]
| 16 December 2009 | 29 January 2010
| PBC |
10 February 2010
| 26 February 2010
| 26 February 2010
| 8 April 2010
B National Health Service Public Interest
Disclosure Support [25]
| 16 December 2009 |
| prorogation |
* Northern Ireland Assembly Members [Lords] [75]
| 24 February 2010 | 11 March 2010
| CWH |
7 April 2010
| 7 April 2010
| 8 April 2010
A Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Non-Proliferation and Public Liability) [103]
| 7 April 2010 |
| prorogation |
C Pedicabs [33] | 18 January 2010
| prorogation |
* Personal Care at Home [11] [97] |
25 November 2009 | 14 December 2009
| CWH |
12 January 2010
| 12 January 2010
| 30 March 2010
| 8 April 2010
C Prosecution of Offences Act 1985
(Amendment) [78]
| 1 March 2010 |
| prorogation |
A Remembrance Sunday
(Closure of Shops) [84]
| 10 March 2010 |
| prorogation |
C Representation of the People (Undue Influence) [85]
| 10 March 2010 |
| prorogation |
C School Admissions [57] |
27 January 2010 |
| dropped
C Sheltered Accommodation (Residents) [38]
| 6 January 2010 |
| prorogation |
B Sunbeds (Regulation) [19]
| 16 December 2009 | 29 January 2010
| PBC |
10 February 2010
| 12 March 2010
| 12 March 2010
| 8 April 2010
C Sustainability of Livestock Farming and Food Production (Strategy) [94]
| 23 March 2010 |
| prorogation |
B Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) [21]
| 16 December 2009 | 26 February 2010
| PBC |
9 March 2010
| 8 April 2010
| 8 April 2010
| 8 April 2010
C Sustainable Energy
(Local Action) [46]
| 12 January 2010 |
| prorogation |
C Tax and Financial Transparency [101]
| 30 March 2010 |
| prorogation |
* Taxation (International and Other Provisions) [2] [44]
| 19 November 2009 | 15 December 2009 (2R Committee)
5 January 2010
| Joint Committee on Tax Law Rewrite Bills
| 11 January 2010
| 4 February 2010
| 4 February 2010
| 18 March 2010
* Terrorist Asset-Freezing (Temporary
Provisions) [62]
| 5 February 2010 | 8 February 2010
| CWH |
8 February 2010
| 8 February 2010
| 10 February 2010
* Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Bill
[Lords] [79]
| 1 March 2010 | 9 March 2010 (2R Committee)
| PBC |
16 March 2010
| 23 March 2010
| 23 March 2010
| 25 March 2010
B Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Amendment) [26]
| 16 December 2009 |
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, prorogation
C United Kingdom Parliamentary Sovereignty [48]
| 13 January 2010 |
| prorogation |
* Video Recordings [14] | 15 December 2009
| 6 January 2010 | CWH
| 6 January 2010
| 21 January 2010
| 21 January 2010
A Video Recordings (Exemption from
Classification) [45]
| 12 January 2010 |
| prorogation |
B Warsaw Convention (Carrier Liability)
| 16 December 2009 |
| withdrawn
A Young People Leaving Care (Accommodation)
| 27 January 2010 |
| prorogation |
* denotes a Government Bill
denotes a Bill brought in under Standing Order No. 23(1) ('ten
minute rule bills')
denotes a Bill brought in under Standing Order No. 14(6) ('ballot
denotes a Private Member's Bill introduced under Standing Order
No. 57
denotes a Private Members' Bill originating in the House of Lords
denotes a bill carried over from the previous Session, in accordance
with Standing Order No. 80A (Carry-over of Bills)
1 Public
Bill Committee
Committee of the whole House
This table lists those bills which were printed.
For bills not printed, see table 5.C.6. above.
E Consideration of Bills
in Committee of the whole House
Title of Bill
| Date(s) on which considered
* Video Recordings [14]
| 6 January 2010
* Personal Care at Home [11]
| 12 January 2010
* Constitutional Reform and Governance [4] [68]
| 19 and 26 January and 1 and 9 February 2010
* Fiscal Responsibility [13]
| 20 January 2010
Anti-Slavery Day [20] |
5 February 2010
Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions)
(No. 2) [34]
| 5 February 2010
* Terrorist Asset-Freezing (Temporary
Provisions) [62]
| 8 February 2010
* Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) [Lords] [63]
| 23 March 2010
* Northern Ireland Assembly Members [Lords] [75]
| 7 April 2010
* Finance [100]
| 7 April 2010
* Digital Economy [Lords] [89]
| 7 April 2010
F Consideration of Bills in General Committees
Total number of Bills: 17
Total number of sittings at which Bills were considered: 77
Total number of oral evidence sessions: 18
Total number of written submissions received: 109
Public bill committees considering Bills which are the subject
of programme orders have power to send for persons, papers and
records (Standing Order No. 84A). On 1 November 2006, the House
agreed that powers to take oral evidence would be the normal practice
for committees which considered programmed government bills starting
in the Commons.
The numbers given in brackets after each Member's name indicate
respectively the number of meetings of the Committee in respect
of the Bill which that Member attended and the number to which
that Member was summoned.
1. Bribery Bill [Lords]
Committed: 3 March 2010 | Reported (with Amendments): 23 March 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 2
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 5
Chairs: Sir Nicholas Winterton and Joan Walley
Members and attendance: Mr William Bain (5/5), Mrs Ann
Cryer (4/5), Mr Jonathan Djanogly (5/5), Dr Evan Harris (1/5),
Mr Oliver Heald (5/5), Keith Hill (4/5), David Howarth (5/5),
John Howell (5/5), Helen Jones (5/5), Mr Peter Kilfoyle (5/5),
Tom Levitt (5/5), Mr Robert Syms (5/5), Kitty Ussher (5/5), Claire
Ward (5/5), Mr Michael Wills (4/5), Jeremy Wright (5/5)
1. Children, Schools and Families Bill
Committed: 11 January 2010 | Reported (with an Amendment): 5 February 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 48
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 12
Chairs: Mr David Amess, Janet Anderson and Mr Clive Betts
Members and attendance: Annette Brooke (12/12), Mr Vernon
Coaker (12/12), Mrs Ann Cryer (12/12), Caroline Flint (12/12),
Mr Nick Gibb (12/12), Ms Diana R Johnson (12/12), Mr David Laws
(11/12), Martin Linton (11/12), Tim Loughton (12/12), Kerry McCarthy
(12/12), Bridget Prentice (12/12), Mr Ken Purchase (8/12), Mr
Graham Stuart (9/12), Mr Edward Timpson (12/12), Lynda Waltho
(5/12), Bill Wiggin (9/12)
1. Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Credit Unions Bill [Lords]
Committed: 29 January 2010 | Reported (without Amendment): 3 March 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Sir Nicholas Winterton |
Members and attendance: Mr Adrian Bailey (1/1), Mr William
Bain (0/1), Mr Brian Binley (0/1), Mr Tim Boswell (0/1), Mr Mark
Hoban (0/1), Mark Lazarowicz (1/1), Mr Andrew Love (1/1), Sarah
McCarthy-Fry (1/1), Alun Michael (1/1), Meg Munn (1/1), Robert
Neill (0/1), Richard Ottaway (0/1), Dr Nick Palmer (1/1), Mr Andrew
Pelling (1/1), Dr John Pugh (0/1), Malcolm Wicks (1/1)
1. Crime and Security Bill
Committed: 18 January 2010 | Reported (with Amendments): 23 February 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 5
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 12
Chairs: Sir Nicholas Winterton and Frank Cook
Members and attendance: Tony Baldry (9/12), Tom Brake (10/12),
James Brokenshire (10/12), Mr Simon Burns (12/12), Mr Alan Campbell
(12/12), Jim Dobbin (6/12), Mr Robert Flello (12/12), Mr David
Hanson (12/12), Mr Douglas Hogg (10/12), Dr Brian Iddon (10/12),
Siobhain McDonagh (7/12), Shona McIsaac (12/12), Mr Mark Oaten
(4/12), Andrew Rosindell (12/12), Alison Seabeck (11/12), Mr Dave
Watts (12/12)
1. Debt Relief (Developing Countries) Bill
Committed: 26 February 2010 | Reported (with an Amendment): 9 March 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Christopher Chope |
Members and attendance: Tony Baldry (1/1), Mr Brian Binley
(1/1), Mr Tim Boswell (1/1), Peter Bottomley (1/1), Mr Tom Clarke
(1/1), Michael Connarty (1/1), Frank Cook (0/1), Mr David Gauke
(1/1), John Hemming (1/1), Sir Gerald Kaufman (1/1), Ms Sally
Keeble (1/1), Mr Andrew Love (1/1), Judy Mallaber (1/1), Stephen
Pound (1/1), Mr Stephen Timms (1/1), Mr Roger Williams (0/1)
1. Energy Bill |
Committed: 7 December 2009 | Reported (without Amendment): 21 January 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 13
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 12
Chairs: Mr Peter Atkinson and Hugh Bayley
Members and attendance: Mr Brian Binley (12/12), Mr Tobias
Ellwood (8/12), Natascha Engel (11/12), Charles Hendry (12/12),
Simon Hughes (12/12), Mr David Kidney (12/12), Steve McCabe (11/12),
Anne Main (6/12), Judy Mallaber (10/12), John Robertson (10/12),
Joan Ruddock (12/12), Emily Thornberry (11/12), Paddy Tipping
(8/12), Derek Twigg (11/12), Mr Mike Weir (12/12), Dr Alan Whitehead
(10/12), Bill Wiggin (12/12) Phil Willis (11/12)
1. Financial Services Bill
Committed: 30 November 2009 | Reported (with Amendments): 14 January 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 19
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 14
Chairs: Mr Roger Gale and Mr Joe Benton
Members and attendance: Mr William Bain (13/14), Ms Celia
Barlow (10/14), Mr Colin Breed (14/14), Dr Vincent Cable (0/14),
James Duddridge (11/14), Mr Mark Hoban (14/14), John Howell (14/14),
Mr Andrew Love (14/14), Rob Marris (11/14), Mr George Mudie (14/14),
Ian Pearson (11/14), Mr Frank Roy (10/14), Mr Mark Todd (10/14),
Mr Andrew Tyrie (7/14), Mr Charles Walker (10/14), Mr Tom Watson
1. Flood and Water Management Bill
Committed: 15 December 2009 | Reported (with Amendments): 21 January 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 | Number of written submissions received: 22
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 10
Chairs: Mr Christopher Chope, Mr Eric Martlew and Ann Winterton
Members and attendance: Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods (10/10),
Mr David Drew (9/10), Nia Griffith (9/10), Mr John Grogan (9/10),
Martin Horwood (10/10), Huw Irranca-Davies (9/10), Dr Ashok Kumar
(8/10), Miss Anne McIntosh (10/10), Jessica Morden (8/10), Mr
Jamie Reed (10/10), Mr Laurence Robertson (10/10), Chloe Smith
(10/10), Mr Andrew Turner (10/10), Angela Watkinson (10/10), Mr
Roger Williams (8/10), David Wright (10/10)
1. Grocery Market Ombudsman Bill
Committed: 5 March 2010 | Reported (without Amendment): 30 March 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Edward O'Hara |
Members and attendance: Peter Bottomley (1/1), Kevin Brennan
(1/1), Mr David Drew (1/1), Mr Nigel Evans (1/1), Barry Gardiner
(0/1), Andrew George (1/1), Nia Griffith (1/1), Mr Lindsay Hoyle
(1/1), Daniel Kawczynski (0/1), Rob Marris (0/1), Alun Michael
(1/1), Albert Owen (1/1), Mr James Paice (1/1), Chris Ruane (0/1),
Mr Edward Timpson (1/1), Mark Williams (1/1)
1. Local Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny) Bill
Committed: 5 February 2010 | Reported (without Amendment): 3 March 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mrs Joan Humble |
Members and attendance: Mr Brian Binley (1/1), Harry Cohen
(1/1), Jeremy Corbyn (1/1), Mr David Curry (1/1), Mr David Drew
(1/1), Barbara Follett (1/1), Julia Goldsworthy (1/1), Mr Paul
Goodman (0/1), Dr Brian Iddon (1/1), Mrs Jacqui Lait (1/1), Mr
Nick Raynsford (1/1), Alison Seabeck (1/1), Mr Robert Syms (1/1),
Mr Neil Turner (1/1), Malcolm Wicks (0/1), Richard Younger-Ross
1. Marriage (Wales) Bill [Lords]
Committed: 5 February 2010 | Reported (without Amendment): 24 February 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Mike Hancock |
Members and attendance: Nick Ainger (0/1), Mr Stephen Crabb
(1/1), David T C Davies (Monmouth) (1/1), Mr Philip Dunne
(1/1), Nia Griffith (0/1), Mr David Jones (1/1), Alun Michael
(1/1), Jessica Morden (1/1), Julie Morgan (0/1), Albert Owen (1/1),
Bridget Prentice (1/1), Chris Ruane (1/1), Mrs Betty Williams
(1/1), Hywel Williams (1/1), Mark Williams (1/1), Jenny Willott
1. Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants etc.) Bill
Committed: 29 January 2010 | Reported (without Amendment): 10 February 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Dr William McCrea |
Members and attendance: John Austin (1/1), Peter Bottomley
(1/1), Ms Karen Buck (1/1), Mr David Curry (1/1), James Duddridge
(1/1), Clive Efford (0/1), Barbara Follett (1/1), Mr Neil Gerrard
(1/1), Dr Brian Iddon (1/1), Mr Stewart Jackson (1/1), Mr Edward
Leigh (1/1), Chris McCafferty (0/1), Rob Marris (1/1), Bob Russell
(1/1), Matthew Taylor (0/1), Mr Neil Turner (0/1)
1. Sunbeds (Regulation) Bill
Committed: 29 January 2010 | Reported (without Amendment): 10 February 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Clive Betts |
Members and attendance: Mr Brian Binley (0/1), Peter Bottomley
(1/1), Ann Clwyd (1/1), Mr Nigel Evans (1/1), Mr Bruce George
(1/1), Sandra Gidley (0/1), Nia Griffith (1/1), Mrs Siân
C. James (1/1), Miss Julie Kirkbride (1/1), Gillian Merron (1/1),
Jessica Morden (1/1), Julie Morgan (1/1), Mr Mike O'Brien (0/1),
Mark Simmonds (1/1), Mrs Betty Williams (1/1), Hywel Williams
1. Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill
Committed: 26 February 2010 | Reported (with an Amendment): 9 March 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Roger Gale |
Members and attendance: John Battle (1/1), Alistair Burt
(1/1), Mr David Curry (1/1), Mr David Drew (1/1), Clive Efford
(0/1), Barbara Follett (1/1), Julia Goldsworthy (0/1), Mr Adam
Holloway (1/1), Mr Nick Hurd (1/1), Dr Brian Iddon (1/1), Tom
Levitt (1/1), Chris McCafferty (1/1), Mr Gordon Marsden (1/1),
Robert Neill (0/1), Gwyn Prosser (0/1), Dan Rogerson (0/1)
1. Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Bill [Lords]
Committed: 10 March 2010 | Reported (without Amendment): 16 March 2010
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Roger Gale |
Members and attendance: Margaret Beckett (0/1), Mr Henry
Bellingham (1/1), Mr Bob Blizzard (1/1), Mr Peter Bone (0/1),
David Cairns (1/1), Mr David Heath (1/1), Mr Douglas Hogg (0/1),
David Howarth (0/1), Bridget Prentice (1/1), Alan Simpson (1/1),
Mr Dennis Skinner (1/1), Mr Andy Slaughter (1/1), Derek Twigg
(1/1), Mr Charles Walker (1/1), Mr Tom Watson (1/1), Jeremy Wright
1. Corporation Tax Bill |
Referred (Standing Order No. 60): 26 November 2009
Reported: 15 December 2009 |
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Clive Betts |
Members and attendance: Mr David Anderson (1/1), Charlotte
Atkins (1/1), Lyn Brown (1/1), Richard Burden (1/1), Dr Vincent
Cable (0/1), Mr Geoffrey Cox (0/1), Mrs Ann Cryer (1/1), Frank
Dobson (1/1), Mr Mark Field (0/1), Mr David Gauke (1/1), Mr Oliver
Heald (0/1), David Lepper (1/1), Mr Brooks Newmark (1/1), Dr John
Pugh (0/1), Mr Andy Slaughter (1/1), Mr Stephen Timms (1/1)
2. Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Bill
Referred (Standing Order No. 60): 26 November 2009
Reported: 15 December 2009 |
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Gary Streeter |
Members and attendance: Mr Peter Ainsworth (1/1), Mr Graham
Allen (0/1), Mr Richard Bacon (0/1), Lorely Burt (1/1), Dr Vincent
Cable (0/1), Mr Jim Devine (0/1), Paul Flynn (1/1), Mr David Gauke
(1/1), Kerry McCarthy (1/1), Mr Paul Murphy (1/1), Mr Brooks Newmark
(1/1), Mr Gordon Prentice (1/1), John Reid (1/1), Chris Ruane
(1/1), Chloe Smith (0/1), Mr Stephen Timms (1/1)
3. Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Bill [Lords]
Referred (Standing Order No. 59): 1 March 2010
Reported: 9 March 2010 | |
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Joan Walley |
Members and attendance: Mr Henry Bellingham (1/1), Mr Peter
Bone (0/1), Mr David Heath (0/1), Mr Douglas Hogg (0/1), Paul
Holmes (0/1), Helen Jones (1/1), Alan Keen (1/1), Martin Linton
(1/1), Mr Jim McGovern (1/1), Laura Moffatt (1/1), Albert Owen
(0/1), Bridget Prentice (1/1), Helen Southworth (1/1), Graham
Stringer (1/1), Mr Charles Walker (1/1), Jeremy Wright (1/1)