6 Delegated Legislation and Legislative
Reform Orders
Information and statistics relating to delegated
legislation and Draft Legislative Reform Orders.
A Instruments laid before
the House
Instruments subject to different forms of parliamentary
Procedure applicable to Instruments
| Laid before the House |
Instruments subject to affirmative procedure
| |
Made1 | 13 |
Draft2 | 164
Northern Ireland | 2 |
Instruments subject to negative procedure
| |
Made | 603 |
Draft3 | 3 |
Northern Ireland | 25 |
Number prayed against | 8
Instruments subject in part to affirmative and in part to negative procedure
| 1 |
Instruments not subject to parliamentary proceedings laid before Parliament
| |
Made4 | 10 |
Special Procedure Orders | 0
Bills or Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly
| 2 |
| |
1 of which 1 was withdrawn
2 of which 27 were withdrawn
3 of which 1 was withdrawn
4 of which 1 was withdrawn
B Instruments considered by the Joint
and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments
The number of instruments subject to different forms of parliamentary
procedure (numbers show totals considered by the Joint and Select
Committees on Statutory Instruments in Session 2008-09 and may
not reflect the total numbers laid before the House in that session).
Procedure applicable to Instruments
| Joint Committee
| Select
Instruments subject to affirmative procedure
| | |
Made | 24 | 0
Draft | 190 | 25
Instruments subject to negative procedure
| | |
1Made | 843 |
86 |
Draft | 2 | 0
2Northern Ireland | 48
| 0 |
Instruments not subject to parliamentary proceedings laid before Parliament
| | |
Made | 30 | 0
Instruments not laid before Parliament |
197 | 0 |
Special Procedure Orders | 1
| 0 |
TOTAL: | 1335
| 111
1 of which 83 were identified as having derived from
EU obligations
2 of which 1 was identified as having derived from
EU obligations
The number of instruments to which the special attention of
the House has been drawn
Ground upon which special attention was invited3
| Joint
| Select
Defective drafting | 23
| 0 |
Elucidation required | 1
| 1 |
Doubtful vires | 3
| 0 |
Unusual or unexpected or use of powers
| 3 | 1
Failure to observe proper practice
| 9 | 0
Other grounds | 2
| 0 |
TOTAL: | 47
| 2 |
3 An instrument may be reported on more than one
C Consideration in the House and in Delegated
Legislation Committee
Applicable procedure | No. laid before the House
| No. considered in the House | No. considered in DL Committee
| No. considered in Scottish or NI Grand Committee
| No. on which Question put forthwith in the House
Affirmative | 179 |
111 | 1532 |
0 | 154 |
Negative | 626 | 0
| 6 | 0 | 0 |
Other | 133
| 13 | 1 | 0
| 0 |
1 of which 2 were House of Commons Papers subject to
approval rather than instruments
2 of which 3 were not laid as instruments but were
ordered by the House to be treated as such
3of which 1 was subject to both negative and affirmative
Instruments considered in the House
Motion | Title of Instrument
| Date | Result |
Approval (Instrument subject in part to affirmative and in part to negative procedure)
| Census (England and Wales) Order 2009[2]
| 1 December 2010 | Amendment to motion proposed; negatived on division
(Ayes 49, Noes 261)
Motion agreed on division
(Ayes 298, Noes 127)
Approval | Draft National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Welsh Language) Order 2009
| 15 December 2010 | Agreed |
Approval | Local Government Finance Report (England) 2010-11 (HC 280)
| 3 February 2010 | Agreed |
Approval | Police Grant Report (England and Wales) for 2010-11 (HC 278)
| 3 February 2010 | Agreed |
Approval | Draft Council Tax Limitation (Maximum Amounts) (England) Order 2010
| 3 February 2010 | Agreed |
Approval | Draft Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (Continuance in Force of Sections 1 to 9) Order 2010
| 1 March 2010 | Agreed on division
(Ayes 206, Noes 85)
Approval | Draft Social Security Benefits Up-rating Order 2010
| 1 March 2010 | Agreed on division (deferred)
(Ayes 404, Noes 53)
Approval | Draft Terrorism Act 2000 (Proscribed Organisations) (Amendment) Order 2010
| 4 March 2010 | Agreed |
Approval | Draft Northern Ireland Court Service (Abolition and Transfer of Functions) Order (Northern Ireland) 2010
| 22 March 2010 | Agreed |
Approval | Draft Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Devolution of Policing and Justice Functions) Order 2010
| 22 March 2010 | Agreed |
Approval | Draft Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Amendment of Schedule 3) Order 2010
| 22 March 2010 | Agreed |
Approval | Draft Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Amendment) Order 2010
| 7 April 2010 | Agreed |
Instruments considered in Committees on Delegated Legislation
Title of instrument
| Date considered
Draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Stabilisation and Association Agreement) (Republic of Montenegro) Order 2009
| 30 November
Draft Criminal Defence Service (Representation Orders) (Amendment) Regulations 2009
| 30 November
Draft Criminal Defence Service (Contribution Orders) Regulations 2009
| 30 November
Draft Criminal Defence Service (Representation Orders: Appeals Etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2009
| 30 November
Draft Census (England and Wales) Order 2009
| 30 November
Draft Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2009
| 1 December
Draft Legal Services Act 2007 (Functions of an Approved Regulator) Order 2009
| 1 December
Draft Legal Services Act 2007 (Consequential Amendments) Order 2009
| 1 December
Draft Distribution (Excluded Companies) Regulations 2009
| 2 December
Draft Tax Credits (Excluded Companies) Regulations 2009
| 2 December
Draft Social Security (Contributions Credits for Parents and Carers) Regulations 2009
| 2 December
Draft Health Professions (Hearing Aid Dispensers) Order 2009
| 3 December
Draft Real Estate Investment Trusts (Prescribed Arrangements) Regulations 2009
| 7 December
Draft Immigration (Biometric Registration) (Amendment No.2 ) Regulations 2009
| 8 December
Non-Domestic Rating (Deferred Payments) (England) Regulations 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 1597)
| 8 December
Draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (1996 Hague Convention on Protection of Children Etc.) Order 2009
| 8 December
Draft Corporation Tax (Exclusion from Short-Term Loan Relationships) Regulations 2009
| 8 December
Business Rate Supplements (Rateable Value Condition) (England) Regulations 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 2542)
| 8 December
Draft Climate Change Levy (Solid Fuel) (Revocation) Regulations 2009
| 9 December
Motion in the name of Ms Harriet Harman relating to the House of Commons Members Fund
| 9 December
Motion in the name of Ms Harriet Harman relating to the Electoral Commission
| 14 December
Draft Non-Domestic Rating (Chargeable Amounts) (England) Regulations 2009
| 14 December
Draft Crime (International Co-operation) Act 2003 (Designation of Participating Countries) (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) (No. 3) Order 2009
| 15 December
Draft Amendment to Schedule 6 to the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 Order 2009
| 15 December
Draft Transfer of Functions of the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal Order 2009
| 15 December
Draft Transfer of Tribunal Functions Order 2009
| 15 December
Draft Banking Act 2009 (Exclusion of Insurers) Order 2009
| 15 December
Merchant Shipping (Light Dues) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 1371)
| 15 December
Draft Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Libya) Order 2009
| 11 January
Draft Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Luxembourg) Order 2009
| 11 January
Draft Double Taxation Relief and International Tax Enforcement (Qatar) Order 2009
| 11 January
Draft General and Specialist Medical Practice (Education, Training and Qualifications) Order 2010
| 11 January
Draft Asian Development Bank (Further Payments to Capital Stock) Order 2009
| 11 January
Draft Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009 (Consequential Modifications) Order 2009
| 12 January
Draft Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Mandatory Life Sentence: Determination of Minimum Term) Order 2009
| 12 January
Draft Community Radio (Amendment) Order 2010
| 12 January
Costs in Criminal Cases (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 2720)
| 12 January
Draft State Pension Credit (Disclosure of Information) (Electricity Suppliers) Regulations 2010
| 13 January
Draft Pharmacy Order 2010
| 13 January
Draft Enactment of Extra-Statutory Concessions (No. 2) Order 2009
| 18 January
Major Accident Off-Site Emergency Plan (Management of Waste from Extractive Industries) (England and Wales) Regulations 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 1927)
| 18 January
Draft Consumer Credit Act 1974 (Fees) Order 2010
| 19 January
Draft National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Environment) Order 2010
| 19 January
Draft Charities Act 2006 (Changes in Exempt Charities) Order 2009
| 19 January
Draft Charities Act 2006 (Principal Regulators of Exempt Charities) Regulations 2009
| 19 January
Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Conditional Cautions: Financial Penalties) Order 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 2773)
| 20 January
Draft Representation of the People (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Regulations 2010
| 20 January
Draft Asylum (Designated States) Order 2010
| 25 January
Draft National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Health and Health Services and Social Welfare) Order 2010
| 25 January
Draft Overhead Lines (Exempt Installations) Order 2010
| 26 January
Draft Motor Vehicles (International Circulation) (Amendment) Order 2010
| 26 January
Draft Infrastructure Planning (Decisions) Regulations 2010
| 27 January
Draft Jobseeker's Allowance (Skills Training Conditionality Pilot) Regulations 2010
| 27 January
Draft Communications Act 2003 (Disclosure of Information) Order 2010
| 27 January
Draft Gambling Act 2005 (Operating Licence Conditions) (Amendment) Regulations 2010
| 1 February
Draft Passengers' Council (Non-Railway Functions) Order 2010
| 1 February
Draft Electronic Commerce Directive (Hatred Against Persons on Religious Grounds or the Grounds of Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2010
| 2 February
Draft Employment Relations Act 1999 (Blacklists) Regulations 2010
| 8 February
Draft Rail Vehicle Accessibility (London Underground Metropolitan Line S8 Vehicles) Exemption Order 2010
| 8 February
Draft Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Communications Data) Order 2010
| 8 February
Draft Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Directed Surveillance and Covert Human Intelligence Sources) Order 2010
| 8 February
Draft Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications and Deemed Applications) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2010
| 9 February
Draft Welfare of Racing Greyhounds Regulations 2010
| 9 February
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) Order 2010 (S.I., 2010, No. 86)
| 9 February
Draft Data Protection (Monetary Penalties) Order 2010
| 9 February
Draft Personal Accounts Delivery Authority Winding Up Order 2010
| 9 February
Draft National Employment Savings Trust Order 2010
| 9 February
Draft Child Trust Funds (Amendment) Regulations 2010
| 10 February
Draft Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Covert Human Intelligence Sources: Code of Practice) Order 2010
| 10 February
Draft Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Covert Surveillance and Property Interference: Code of Practice) Order 2010
| 10 February
Draft Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Extension of Authorisation Provisions: Legal Consultations) Order 2010
| 10 February
Draft Occupational Pension Schemes (Levy Ceiling) Order 2010
| 10 February
Draft Pension Protection Fund (Pension Compensation Cap) Order 2010
| 10 February
Draft Representation of the People (Scotland) (Amendment) Regulations 2010
| 23 February
Draft CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme Order 2010
| 23 February
Draft Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010
| 23 February
Draft Jobseeker's Allowance (Lone Parents) (Availability for Work) Regulations 2010
| 23 February
Draft Representation of the People (Scotland) (Amendment) Regulations 2010
| 23 February
Draft Health Protection (Part 2A Orders) Regulations 2010
| 23 February
Draft Health Protection (Local Authority Powers) Regulations 2010
| 23 February
Draft Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Consequential Amendments) Order 2010
| 23 February
Draft Access to the Countryside (Coastal Margin) (England) Order 2010
| 23 February
Draft Special Annual Allowance Charge (Variation of Rate) Order 2010
| 24 February
Draft Social Security (Loss of Benefit) Amendment Regulations 2010
| 24 February
Draft Immigration and Nationality (Fees) Regulations 2010
| 24 February
Draft Immigration (Leave to Enter and Remain) (Amendment) Order 2010
| 24 February
Draft Field Allowance for New Oil Fields Order 2010
| 1 March
Code of Audit Practice 2010 for Local NHS Bodies
| 1 March
Code of Audit Practice 2010 for Local Government Bodies
| 1 March
Draft Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2010
| 1 March
Draft Competition Act 1998 (Land Agreements Exclusion Revocation) Order 2010
| 2 March
Draft European Union (Definition of Treaties) (Stabilisation and Association Agreement) (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Order 2010
| 2 March
Local Government Finance (England) Special Grant Report (No. 130)
| 2 March
Draft Service Voters' Registration Period Order 2010
| 2 March
Draft Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Disclosure of Information for Research Purposes) Regulations 2010
| 2 March
Draft Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Parental Orders) Regulations 2010
| 2 March
Draft Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Parental Orders) (Consequential, Transitional and Saving Provisions) Order 2010
| 2 March
Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure (HC 207)
| 2 March
Crown Benefices (Parish Representatives) Measure (HC 209)
| 2 March
Vacancies in Suffragan Sees and Other Ecclesiastical Offices Measure (HC 208)
| 2 March
Draft Welsh Zone (Boundaries and Transfer of Functions) Order 2010
| 3 March
Draft Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Automatic Enrolment) Regulations 2010
| 3 March
Draft Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000 (Renewal of Temporary Provisions) Order 2010
| 3 March
Draft Social Security (Contributions) (Amendment) Regulations 2010
| 8 March
Draft Protection from Tobacco (Sales from Vending Machines) (England) (Regulations) 2010
| 8 March
Draft Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (Display of Prices) (England) Regulations 2010
| 8 March
Draft Renewables Obligation (Amendment) Order 2010
| 8 March
Draft Employee Study and Training (Qualifying Period of Employment) Regulations 2010
| 9 March
Draft Pneumoconiosis Etc. (Workers' Compensation) (Payment of Claims) (Amendment) Regulations 2010
| 9 March
Draft Mesothelioma Lump Sum Payments (Conditions and Amounts) (Amendment) Regulations 2010
| 9 March
Draft Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010
| 9 March
Draft Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Consequential Amendments No. 2) Order 2010
| 9 March
Draft Extradition Act 2003 (Amendment to Designations) Order 2010
| 9 March
Draft Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 (Consequential Provisions) Order 2010
| 10 March
Draft Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 (Registration of Local Authorities) Order 2010
| 10 March
Draft Representation of the People (Timing of the Canvass) (Northern Ireland) Order 2010
| 15 March
Draft European Parliamentary Elections (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Regulations 2010
| 15 March
Draft Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1962 (Amendment) Order 2010
| 15 March
Draft Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (Regulated Activity Devolution and Miscellaneous Provisions) Order 2010
| 15 March
Draft Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (Controlled Activity and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2010
| 15 March
Draft Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Order 2010
| 15 March
Draft Commons Councils (Standard Constitution) (England) Regulations 2010
| 15 March
Draft Concessionary Bus Travel Act 2007 (Variation of Reimbursement and Other Administrative Arrangements) Order 2010
| 16 March
Draft Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010
| 16 March
Draft National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Housing) (Fire Safety) Order 2010
| 16 March
Draft Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 (Code of Practice for Interviews of Witnesses Notified by Accused) Order 2010
| 16 March
Draft Environmental Civil Sanctions (England) Order 2010
| 16 March
Draft Environmental Civil Sanctions (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2010
| 16 March
Draft Child Benefit Up-Rating Order 2010
| 17 March
Draft Guardian's Allowance Up-Rating (Northern Ireland) Order 2010
| 17 March
Draft Guardian's Allowance Up-Rating Order 2010
| 17 March
Draft Tax Credits Up-Rating Regulations 2010
| 17 March
Draft Additional Paternity Leave (Adoptions from Overseas) Regulations 2010
| 17 March
Draft Additional Statutory Paternity Pay (Weekly Rates) Regulations 2010
| 17 March
Draft Additional Statutory Paternity Pay (General) Regulations 2010
| 17 March
Draft Additional Statutory Paternity Pay (Adoptions from Overseas) Regulations 2010
| 17 March
Draft Additional Paternity Leave Regulations 2010
| 17 March
Draft Employment Rights Act (Application of Section 80BB to Adoptions from Overseas) Regulations 2010
| 17 March
Draft Criminal Defence Service (Representation Orders: Appeals, Etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2010
| 17 March
Draft Criminal Defence Service (Information Requests) (Amendment) Regulations 2010
| 17 March
Draft Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 (Consequential Amendments) (England and Wales) Order 2010
| 22 March
Draft Local Education Authorities and Children's Services Authorities (Integration of Functions) Order 2010
| 22 March
Value Added Tax (Buildings and Land) Order 2010 (S.I., 2010, No. 485)
| 22 March
Draft Charities (Disclosure of Revenue and Customs Information to the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland) Regulations 2010
| 23 March
Draft Jobseeker's Allowance (Work for Your Benefit Pilot Scheme) Regulations 2010
| 23 March
Draft Building Societies (Insolvency and Special Administration) (Amendment) Order 2010
| 23 March
Draft Building Societies (Financial Assistance) Order 2010
| 23 March
Draft National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Local Government) Order 2010
| 23 March
Draft National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Culture and Other Fields) Order 2010
| 23 March
Draft National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Education) Order 2010
| 23 March
Legal Services Commission Funding Code: Criteria and Procedures
| 24 March
Draft Financial Assistance Scheme (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2010
| 24 March
Motion in the Name of Mr Pat McFadden Relating to Financial Assistance to Industry
| 29 March
Draft Children Act 2004 Information Database (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2010
| 29 March
Draft National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Transport) Order 2010
| 30 March
Draft Al-Qaida and Taliban (Asset-Freezing) Regulations 2010
| 30 March
Draft Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Amendments to Part 18A Etc.) Regulations 2010
| 30 March
Draft Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Liability of Issuers) Regulations 2010
| 30 March
Draft Damages-Based Agreements Regulations 2010
| 30 March
Draft Conditional Fee Agreements (Amendment) Order 2010
| 30 March
Total number of instruments considered: 158
Total number of meetings: 114
D Chairs and Members of Committees on
Delegated Legislation
Chairs (appointment): The following members of the Panel
of Chairs were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of Delegated
Legislation Standing Committees:
Mr David Amess (3), Janet Anderson (4), Mr Peter Atkinson (1),
Hugh Bayley (1), Miss Anne Begg (4), Mr Joe Benton (4), Mr Clive
Betts (4), Mr Graham Brady (3), Mr Martin Caton (3), Mr Christopher
Chope (1), John Cummings (6), Mrs Janet Dean (3), Mr Nigel Evans
(6), Mr Roger Gale (2), Mr Mike Hancock (1), Mr Jim Hood (3),
Mr George Howarth (6), Mrs Joan Humble (4), Mr Eric Illsley (1),
Mr Martyn Jones (4), Robert Key (3), Dr William McCrea (5), Mr
Eric Martlew (1), Mr Edward O'Hara (4), Mr Bill Olner (3), Mr
Greg Pope (5), Bob Russell (4), Jim Sheridan (4), Mr Gary Streeter
(5), David Taylor (1), Joan Walley (2), Mr Mike Weir (1), Hywel
Williams (3), Mr David Wilshire (2), Ann Winterton (5), Sir Nicholas
Winterton (3).
Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members
were appointed by the Committee of Selection to Delegated Legislation
Standing Committees:
Ms Diane Abbott (2/5), Nick Ainger (6/6), Mr Peter Ainsworth (3/7),
Mr Graham Allen (2/3), Mr Michael Ancram (1/6), Hilary Armstrong
(0/1), Charlotte Atkins (5/6), Mr Ian Austin (3/3), John Austin
(4/4), Mr Richard Bacon (1/6), Mr Adrian Bailey (11/12), Mr William
Bain (8/10), Norman Baker (1/1), Tony Baldry (2/6), Gordon Banks
(1/1), Gregory Barker (1/1), Ms Celia Barlow (2/2), Mr John Baron
(11/12), John Barrett (1/2), Mr Kevin Barron (1/1), John Battle
(3/3), Margaret Beckett (5/5), Sir Stuart Bell (1/1), Mr Henry
Bellingham (10/10), Mr Richard Benyon (1/1), Sir Paul Beresford
(2/6), Mr Brian Binley (0/4), Liz Blackman (7/7), Hazel Blears
(3/3), Mr Bob Blizzard (8/8), Mr David Blunkett (5/5), Mr Crispin
Blunt (4/4), Mr Peter Bone (0/2), Mr David S. Borrow (6/8), Mr
Tim Boswell (5/5), Peter Bottomley (9/9), Tom Brake (2/2), Mr
Julian Brazier (1/1), Mr Colin Breed (6/8), Kevin Brennan (4/4),
Annette Brooke (3/4), Lyn Brown (12/12), Mr Russell Brown (2/2),
Des Browne (3/3), Mr Jeremy Browne (5/7), Chris Bryant (2/2),
Ms Karen Buck (4/5), Richard Burden (3/3), Colin Burgon (5/6),
Mr Simon Burns (6/6), Mr David Burrowes (2/2), Mr Paul Burstow
(0/1), Alistair Burt (1/1), Lorely Burt (3/5), Dr Vincent Cable
(0/12), Mr Richard Caborn (4/4), David Cairns (5/5), Mr Alan Campbell
(1/1), Mr Ronnie Campbell (3/5), Mr Alistair Carmichael (2/3),
Mr Douglas Carswell (6/6), Mr Ian Cawsey (6/7), Colin Challen
(3/4), Ben Chapman (3/3), Mr David Chaytor (1/3), Mr Michael Clapham
(4/6), Mr James Clappison (3/3), Ms Katy Clark (3/5), Paul Clark
(2/2), Mr Charles Clarke (4/4), Mr Tom Clarke (5/5), Mr David
Clelland (5/5), Ann Clwyd (0/2), Harry Cohen (5/6), Rosie Cooper
(4/4), Sir Patrick Cormack (1/1), Jim Cousins (3/3), Mr Geoffrey
Cox (2/4), Mr Stephen Crabb (7/7), Mr David Crausby (7/7), Mary
Creagh (7/7), Jon Cruddas (5/5), Mrs Ann Cryer (1/2), Mr Jim Cunningham
(2/2), Mr David Curry (3/5), Mrs Claire Curtis-Thomas (2/3), Mr
Edward Davey (0/2), Mr Wayne David (7/7), Mr Ian Davidson (5/7),
David T.C. Davies (Monmouth) (3/3), Philip Davies (5/5), Mrs Janet
Dean (1/1), Mr Parmjit Dhanda (5/5), Mr Jonathan Djanogly (3/3),
Jim Dobbin (4/4), Frank Dobson (4/4), Mr Jeffrey M. Donaldson
(2/3), Mr Brian H. Donohue (3/3), Mr Stephen Dorrell (2/6), Nadine
Dorries (3/6), Mr David Drew (5/5), James Duddridge (19/19), Mr
Philip Dunne (11/11), Mark Durkan (1/1), Angela Eagle (6/6), Maria
Eagle (1/1), Clive Efford (1/1), Mr Tobias Ellwood (1/1), Natascha
Engel (6/7), Jeff Ennis (2/2), Bill Etherington (3/3), Michael
Fabricant (7/7), Mr Michael Fallon (2/7), Paul Farrelly (3/4),
Tim Farron (0/5), Lynne Featherstone (1/1), Mr Mark Field (5/6),
Mark Fisher (0/2), Jim Fitzpatrick (3/3), Caroline Flint (5/6),
Paul Flynn (4/4), Barbara Follett (5/5), Mr Don Foster (3/4),
Mr Michael Foster (Worcester) (1/1), Mr Mark Francois (2/2), Barry
Gardiner (2/3), Mr David Gauke (7/7), Mr Bruce George (5/5), Mr
Neil Gerrard (4/5), Mr Nick Gibb (1/1), Sandra Gidley (2/2), Mr
Roger Godsiff (2/2), Paul Goggins (3/3), Julia Goldsworthy (0/6),
Helen Goodman (4/4), Mr Robert Goodwill (1/1), Mr James Gray (4/7),
Damian Green (3/3), Justine Greening (3/3), Mr John Greenway (4/7),
Nia Griffith (1/1), Nigel Griffiths (4/6), Mr John Grogan (2/4),
Mr John Gummer (0/6), Mr Mike Hall (4/4), Mr Fabian Hamilton (3/3),
Stephen Hammond (4/4), Mr Greg Hands (3/4), Mr David Hanson (2/2),
Dr Evan Harris (3/4), Mr Tom Harris (6/6), Mr Dai Havard (4/5),
Mr John Hayes (1/1), Mr Oliver Heald (4/6), Mr David Heath (1/2),
John Hemming (12/12), Mr Mark Hendrick (3/3), Charles Hendry (2/2),
Mr Stephen Hepburn (3/5), Mr John Heppell (5/5), Stephen Hesford
(4/4), Ms Patricia Hewitt (4/5), David Heyes (4/5), Keith Hill
(2/3), Meg Hillier (3/3), Mr Mark Hoban (6/6), Mrs Sharon Hodgson
(14/17), Mr Douglas Hogg (0/3), Mr Philip Hollobone (6/6), Mr
Adam Holloway (5/6), Paul Holmes (8/9), Kelvin Hopkins (1/2),
Mr John Horam (4/6), Martin Horwood (1/3), David Howarth (5/14),
John Howell (5/5), Mr Lindsay Hoyle (2/4), Simon Hughes (3/4),
Chris Huhne (0/8), Mark Hunter (2/5), Mr Nick Hurd (3/3), Mr John
Hutton (1/1), Dr Brian Iddon (5/5), Mr Adam Ingram (5/5), Huw
Irranca-Davies (3/3), Mr Michael Jack (3/5), Glenda Jackson (5/6),
Mr Stewart Jackson (3/3), Mrs Siân C. James (6/6), Mr Bernard
Jenkin (3/6), Mr Brian Jenkins (5/5), Mr David Jones (7/7), Helen
Jones (13/13), Lynne Jones (2/2), Eric Joyce (5/5), Sir Gerald
Kaufman (0/2), Daniel Kawczynski (1/4), Ms Sally Keeble (2/2),
Barbara Keeley (2/2), Alan Keen (3/4), Ann Keen (3/3), Ruth Kelly
(6/6), Mr Fraser Kemp (5/5), Jane Kennedy (1/4), Mr Sadiq Khan
(3/3), Mr David Kidney (2/2), Mr Peter Kilfoyle (4/4), Miss Julie
Kirkbride (3/3), Mr Greg Knight (0/1), Jim Knight (1/1), Dr Ashok
Kumar (5/5), Dr Stephen Ladyman (8/8), Mrs Eleanor Laing (2/2),
Norman Lamb (1/6), Mr Mark Lancaster (1/1), Mr David Laws (0/3),
Mr Bob Laxton (4/4), Mark Lazarowicz (1/1), Mr John Leech (3/6),
Mr Edward Leigh (0/5), David Lepper (5/5), Tom Levitt (2/2), Mr
Ian Liddell-Grainger (6/7), Mr Peter Lilley (3/7), Martin Linton
(4/4), Tony Lloyd (1/1), Mr Elfyn Llwyd (2/2), Ian Lucas (1/1),
Peter Luff (4/4), Steve McCabe (8/8), Chris McCafferty (5/5),
Kerry McCarthy (5/5), Sarah McCarthy-Fry (10/10), Mr Jim McGovern
(4/7), Mr Eddie McGrady (2/2), Mrs Anne McGuire (5/6), Miss Anne
McIntosh (4/4), Ann McKechin (1/1), Mr Tony McNulty (5/7), Mr
Denis MacShane (2/4), Fiona Mactaggart (4/4), Anne Main (4/6),
Mr Humfrey Malins (5/7), John Mann (1/1), Rob Marris (5/5), Mr
Gordon Marsden (6/6), Mr Michael Mates (4/5), Mr Michael Meacher
(3/5), Mr Alan Meale (3/4), Patrick Mercer (2/3), Gillian Merron
(4/4), Alun Michael (4/5), Mr Alan Milburn (1/2), Andrew Miller
(1/1), Mrs Maria Miller (2/2), Anne Milton (1/1), Mr Austin Mitchell
(4/5), Laura Moffatt (6/6), Chris Mole (1/1), Mrs Madeleine Moon
(4/5), Mr Michael Moore (0/1), Jessica Morden (7/8), Julie Morgan
(5/5), Mr Malcolm Moss (4/5), Mr George Mudie (13/16), Greg Mulholland
(4/4), Mr Chris Mullin (5/5), Meg Munn (7/7), Mr Denis Murphy
(2/4), Dr Doug Naysmith (6/6), Robert Neill (1/1), Mr Brooks Newmark
(3/3), Dan Norris (1/1), Mr Mark Oaten (1/1), Mr Stephen O'Brien
(3/3), Sandra Osborne (5/6), Richard Ottaway (0/3), Albert Owen
(4/5), Mr James Paice (2/2), Dr Nick Palmer (1/1), Ian Pearson
(2/2), Mike Penning (1/1), John Penrose (1/1), Mr James Plaskitt
(4/6), Stephen Pound (3/3), Bridget Prentice (9/9), Mr Gordon
Prentice (3/3), Adam Price (0/1), Dawn Primarolo (1/1), Mr Mark
Prisk (1/1), Mark Pritchard (6/7), Gwyn Prosser (5/5), Dr John
Pugh (4/5), Mr Ken Purchase (6/6), James Purnell (2/4), Mr Nick
Raynsford (4/5), Mr John Redwood (2/7), Mr Alan Reid (1/2), John
Reid (1/1), Sir Malcolm Rifkind (0/6), Mrs Linda Riordan (4/5),
Mr Andrew Robathan (1/2), Mr Laurence Robertson (3/3), Dan Rogerson
(6/7), Paul Rowen (3/9), Mr Frank Roy (1/1), Lindsay Roy (6/6),
Chris Ruane (4/4), Joan Ruddock (1/1), Mr David Ruffley (1/1),
Christine Russell (2/2), Joan Ryan (4/4), Martin Salter (5/5),
Mr Adrian Sanders (1/3), Mr Lee Scott (6/6), Alison Seabeck (7/8),
Andrew Selous (2/2), Grant Shapps (0/1), Mr Virendra Sharma (5/6),
Mr Richard Shepherd (1/6), Jim Sheridan (2/2), Mark Simmonds (2/2),
Mr Siôn Simon (4/4), Alan Simpson (2/4), David Simpson (1/1),
Mr Marsha Singh (3/4), Mr Andy Slaughter (4/4), Mr Andrew Smith
(5/5), Angela E. Smith (Basildon) (3/3), Chloe Smith (4/5), Geraldine
Smith (6/7), Jacqui Smith (5/5), John Smith (0/1), Sir Robert
Smith (1/1), Hon Nicholas Soames (2/6), Sir Peter Soulsby (3/3),
Helen Southworth (2/5), Mr John Spellar (1/1), Sir John Stanley
(0/7), Dr Phyllis Starkey (1/1), Ian Stewart (3/3), Dr Howard
Stoate (6/6), Dr Gavin Strang (3/4), Graham Stringer (2/2), Ms
Gisela Stuart (7/7), Mr Graham Stuart (3/4), Andrew Stunell (2/2),
Mr Gerry Sutcliffe (1/1), Jo Swinson (2/2), Mr Hugo Swire (7/8),
Mr Robert Syms (4/4), Mark Tami (14/15), Mr Ian Taylor (3/5),
Matthew Taylor (1/2), Sarah Teather (1/2), Emily Thornberry (3/3),
John Thurso (1/7), Mr Stephen Timms (5/5), Mr Edward Timpson (4/6),
Paddy Tipping (2/2), Mr Mark Todd (6/7), Mr Don Touhig (2/4),
David Tredinnick (5/7), Mr Paul Truswell (6/6), Mr Andrew Turner
(3/4), Dr Desmond Turner (4/4), Mr Neil Turner (4/6), Derek Twigg
(5/6), Mr Andrew Tyrie (0/4), Kitty Ussher (3/4), Mr Edward Vaizey
(2/2), Mr Shailesh Vara (2/2), Sir Peter Viggers (1/2), Dr Rudi
Vis (1/1), Mr Charles Walker (3/3), Mr Ben Wallace (1/1), Joan
Walley (1/1), Mr Robert Walter (2/6), Lynda Waltho (5/5), Claire
Ward (4/4), Mr Nigel Waterson (6/6), Angela Watkinson (8/8), Mr
Tom Watson (5/6), Mr Dave Watts (1/1), Steve Webb (6/9), Dr Alan
Whitehead (4/4), Mr John Whittingdale (1/2), Malcolm Wicks (5/5),
Bill Wiggin (6/6), Mrs Betty Williams (6/6), Hywel Williams (5/5),
Mark Williams (5/6), Mr Roger Williams (5/6), Phil Willis (1/1),
Jenny Willott (3/3), Phil Wilson (2/3), Mr Rob Wilson (12/12),
Mr David Winnick (4/5), Mike Wood (4/4), Mr Phil Woolas (2/2),
Mr Anthony Wright (3/3), David Wright (10/11), Mr Iain Wright
(2/2), Jeremy Wright (16/20), Derek Wyatt (3/4), Mr Tim Yeo (0/6),
Richard Younger-Ross (0/1).
Other Members' attendance: The following Members attended
Delegated Legislation Standing Committees pursuant to Standing
Order No.118(2):
Mr William Bain (1), Tony Baldry (1), Mr Alistair Carmichael (1),
Mr Douglas Carswell (1), Mr Stephen Crabb (1), Mr Andrew Dismore
(1), James Duddridge (1), Mr Robert Goodwill (1), Mr John Grogan
(1), Mr Mark Hoban (1), Mr Stewart Jackson (1), Mr Bernard Jenkin
(1), Mr Denis MacShane (1), Mr Humfrey Malins (1), Mr Brooks Newmark
(1), Mr Nick Raynsford (1), Derek Twigg (1), Mr Shailesh Vara
(1), Mr Charles Walker (1), Angela Watkinson (1).
E Draft Legislative Reform Orders
(See also Regulatory Reform Committee Return on p. 267.)
Number of draft Orders |
laid before the House during the Session
| 2 |
pending from previous Session | 1
withdrawn | 0 |
revised draft Orders laid before the House
| 1 |
reported on by the Regulatory Reform Committee
| |
super-affirmative procedure (first stage): should be proceeded with unamended
| 0 |
super-affirmative procedure (first stage): a revised draft order should be laid
| 1 |
super-affirmative procedure (second stage): revised draft order should be approved
| 1 |
affirmative procedure: should be approved
| 1 |
affirmative procedure: should not be approved
| 0 |
negative procedure: should be made
| 0 |
considered by the House | 1
approved by the House | 1
Draft Legislative Reform Orders
The Committee reported formally on 3 Draft Legislative Reform
The Committee made recommendations as set out below -
Draft Legislative Reform (Dangerous Wild Animals) (Licensing) Order 2010 - 2nd stage
Laid (previous Session) with recommendation for affirmative procedure; procedure upgraded to super-affirmative by virtue of a recommendation of the Lords Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee;
Committee recommended that the draft Order should be approved. Second stage draft Order laid; Committee recommended, without division, that it be approved; revised draft Order approved by House.
| |
Draft Legislative Reform (Industrial and Provident Societies and Credit Unions) Order 2010
Laid with recommendation for super-affirmative procedure; Committee recommended, without division, that a revised draft Order should be laid.
| |
Draft Legislative Reform (Licensing) (Interim Authority Notices etc) Order 2010
Laid with recommendation for negative procedure; procedure upgraded to affirmative by Committee; Committee recommended, without division, that the draft Order be approved.
| |
F Remedial Orders under the Human Rights
Act 1998
For a summary of the procedures applying to remedial orders, see
Joint Committee on Human Rights, Seventh Report of Session 2001-02,
HC 473, Annex A.
No proposals for draft Orders, draft Orders or Urgent Procedure
Orders were laid in the 2009-10 Session.
2 Instrument subject in part to the negative and in
part to the affirmative procedure Back