7 European Legislation, etc

A  Consideration by the European Scrutiny Committee
No. of documents considered by the European Scrutiny Committee  No. referred to European Committee A  No. referred to European Committee B  No. referred to European Committee C  No. recommended for debate on the floor of the House  

B  Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House and in European Committees

Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House
No. of documents considered on the floor of the House  No. of documents debated on the floor of the House  No. of documents on which the Question was put forthwith  
42 on 17 motions 9 on 1 motion  33 on 16 motions 

Consideration in European Committees
Title of document
Date considered
Stepping Up International Climate Finance: A European Blueprint for the Copenhagen deal (13183/09 and Addendum 1)  30 November 2009  
Draft Council Regulation on Fisheries Catch Quotas for 2010 (14738/09 and Addendum 1)  7 December 2009  
Measures to Safeguard Security of Gas Supply (11892/09)  8 December 2009  
Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum dated 2 November 2009 relating to the Establishment of the European Police Mission in Afghanistan  18 January 2010  
The Dairy Market Situation (12289/09 and Addendum 1 and 14270/09)  25 January 2010  
Commission Communication: Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2009-2010 (14513/09)  26 January 2010  
Financial Management (12139/09 and Addenda 1 and 2)  1 February 2010  
Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum dated 18 August 2009 relating to Financial Management  1 February 2010  
Financial Management (12668/09 and Addendum 1)  1 February 2010  
Financial Management (14998/09 and Addendum 1)  1 February 2010  
Financial Management (16632/09)  1 February 2010  
Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum dated 2 December 2009 relating to Financial Management  1 February 2010  
Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum dated 3 December 2009 relating to Financial Management  1 February 2010  
Financial Management (17588/09)  1 February 2010  
Agreement between the European Union and Japan on the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (17708/09)  2 February 2010  
Green Paper from the Commission of the European Communities on Obtaining Evidence in Criminal Matters from One Member State to Another (17691/09)  8 February 2010  
Future Relations between the EU and the Overseas Countries and Territories (15647/09)  9 February 2010  
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (9494/09 and Addenda 1 and 2)  23 February 2010  
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (15162/09)  23 February 2010  
European Defence Agency Activity in 2009 and 2010 (16275/09)  1 March 2010  
European Defence Agency Activity in 2009 and 2010 (16462/09)  1 March 2010  
Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum dated 3 December 2009 relating to European Defence Agency Activity in 2009 and 2010  1 March 2010  
Financial Services (15049/09 and Addenda 1 to 3)  2 March 2010  
The Council Decision on a European Union Military Mission to Contribute to the Training of Somali Security Forces (5770/10)  8 March 2010  
Pre-Accession Assistance (14685/09)  9 March 2010  
Pre-Accession Assistance (5271/10 and Addendum 1)  9 March 2010  
Pre-Accession Assistance (15365/09 and Addendum 1)  9 March 2010  
Pre-Accession Assistance (5226/10)  9 March 2010  
Pre-Accession Assistance (5516/10)  9 March 2010  
European Union Strategy on Jobs and Growth (6018/10)  22 March 2010  
European Union Strategy on Jobs and Growth (7110/10)  22 March 2010  
European Union Strategy on Jobs and Growth (6037/10)  22 March 2010  
Total number of documents considered: 33
Total number of meetings: 16

Chairs and Members of European Committees

Chairs (appointment): The following members of the Panel of Chairs were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of European Committees:

Mr Peter Atkinson (1), Mr Graham Brady (1), Mr Nigel Evans (3), Christopher Fraser (1), Mr Mike Hancock (1), Mr George Howarth (2), Bob Russell (2), Mr Gary Streeter (4), Mr Mike Weir (1)

Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members were appointed by the Committee of Selection to European Committees:

Ms Diane Abbott (1/1), John Austin (1/1), Mr Adrian Bailey (1/1), Gregory Barker (1/1), Ms Celia Barlow (1/1), Mr John Baron (1/1), John Barrett (1/1), John Battle (1/1), Mr Richard Benyon (1/1), Hazel Blears (2/2), Mr David Blunkett (1/1), Tom Brake (2/2), Mr Colin Breed (1/1), James Brokenshire (1/1), Lyn Brown (1/1), Mr Russell Brown (0/1), Des Browne (1/1), Mr Jeremy Browne (2/3), Malcolm Bruce (1/1), Chris Bryant (3/3), Colin Burgon (1/1), Mr Simon Burns (2/2), Dr Vincent Cable (0/4), David Cairns (1/1), Mr Ronnie Campbell (1/1), Mr William Cash (3/5), Colin Challen (1/1), Ben Chapman (1/1), Mr James Clappison (1/1), Ms Katy Clark (1/1), Mr Geoffrey Cox (1/2), Mr Stephen Crabb (1/1), Mrs Anne Cryer (1/1), Mrs Claire Curtis-Thomas (1/1), Mr Edward Davey (0/2), David T.C. Davies (1/2), Mr Quentin Davies (1/1), Jim Dobbin (1/1), Jim Dowd (0/1), James Duddridge (3/3), Mr Philip Dunne (1/1), Tim Farron (1/1), Mark Fisher (1/1), Jim Fitzpatrick (1/1), Mr Michael Foster (Worcester) (1/1), Mr Mark Francois (1/1), Barry Gardiner (1/1), Mr David Gauke (2/2), Mr John Grogan (1/1), Mr Fabian Hamilton (1/1), Mr Greg Hands (1/2), Nick Harvey (1/1), Mr Dai Havard (1/1), Mr David Heathcoat-Amory (3/6), Charles Hendry (1/1), Mr Stephen Hepburn (1/1), Keith Hill (3/4), Meg Hillier (2/2), Mr Mark Hoban (2/2), Mr Adam Holloway (1/1), Paul Holmes (1/1), Kelvin Hopkins (4/4), Mr John Horam (1/1), Martin Horwood (0/2), Mr Lindsay Hoyle (3/3), Simon Hughes (1/1), Chris Huhne (0/2), Huw Irranca-Davies (1/1), Mrs Siân C. James (1/1), Lynne Jones (2/2), Eric Joyce (0/1), Daniel Kawczynski (1/1), Ms Sally Keeble (0/1), Alan Keen (1/1), Mr Fraser Kemp (1/1), Mr David Kidney (1/1), Miss Julie Kirkbride (1/1), Dr Ashok Kumar (2/2), Dr Stephen Ladyman (1/2), Mr Mark Lancaster (1/1), Mr Bob Laxton (2/2), Mr Ivan Lewis (1/1), Martin Linton (1/1), Sarah McCarthy-Fry (2/2), Siobhain McDonagh (1/1), Mr Jim McGovern (1/1), Andrew Mackinlay (1/1), Mr Angus MacNeil (0/1), Anne Main (0/1), Mrs Madeleine Moon (2/2), Mr Michael Moore (0/1), Mr Malcolm Moss (1/1), Mr Denis Murphy (1/1), Dr Andrew Murrison (1/1), Mr Brooks Newmark (4/4), Mr Mark Oaten (1/1), Mr James Paice (1/1), Ian Pearson (2/2), Mr James Plaskitt (1/1), Mr Gordon Prentice (1/1), Dr John Pugh (1/1), James Purnell (1/1), John Reid (1/1), Willie Rennie (0/1), Mrs Linda Riordan (1/1), Andrew Rosindell (1/1), Joan Ruddock (1/1), Mr Keith Simpson (3/3), Mr Andy Slaughter (1/1), Sir Peter Soulsby (5/5), Helen Southworth (0/1), Mr John Spellar (15/15), Mr Anthony Steen (1/3), Ian Stewart (1/1), Dr Howard Stoate (1/1), Dr Gavin Strang (1/1), Jo Swinson (2/4), Mr Hugo Swire (1/1), Emily Thornberry (1/1), Paddy Tipping (1/1), Mr Don Touhig (1/1), Dr Desmond Turner (1/1), Mr Andrew Tyrie (0/1), Sir Peter Viggers (2/3), Angela Watkinson (2/2), Dr Alan Whitehead (1/1), Malcolm Wicks (1/1), Bill Wiggin (2/2), Mr Roger Williams (1/1), Mike Wood (1/1), Derek Wyatt (1/1).

Other Members: the following Members attended meetings of European Committees pursuant to Standing Order No.119(5):

Ms Celia Barlow (1), David Cairns (1), Mr William Cash (3), Kelvin Hopkins (1), Mr Bernard Jenkin (1), Nick Raynsford (1).


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