Further written evidence submitted by
Parliamentary Press Gallery
Having had an opportunity to give the matter further
consideration we remain convinced of the viability of Moncrieff's
cafeteria, although we are prepared to accept that the waiter
service component is not economic. As discussed, we would accept
the closure of this particular aspect of our catering facility
if members of the Press Gallery are then able to reserve tables
at another restaurant, for example the Churchill Room, both at
lunch times and in the evenings.
With regard to the self-service element I think you
will be aware of how strongly we feel about the need to retain
this at lunch times for all passholders, as at present. Apart
from the obvious advantage for ourselves, Hansard and the Commons
staffsuch as our Attendants and Doorkeeperswho are
based in this part of the Palace, Moncrieff's has become a valued
venue for staff from across the estate as an alternative to the
long queues regularly experienced in the Terrace and in Portcullis
House. Footfall has been increased by the introduction of feature
days, eg the fish and chip Fridays, and we are sure there would
be scope to develop other themed events. It is also the case that
were any of the larger venues to close temporarily for refurbishment
Moncrieff's is ideally placed to stay open throughout recesses
to take up the displaced custom, as has already happened in the
recent past when the Terrace Cafeteria was renovated.
We understand from Sue Harrison that she is considering
using the cafeteria as a lunch venue for catering staff from across
the Commons. Given that they need to eat their meals before 12.00
noon we can see no reason why the self-service cafeteria could
not then continue as normal.
In urging your committee to recommend the retention
of Moncrieff's we are of course aware of the financial pressures
and have therefore been giving serious consideration to how it
might be developed as a function room.
As you know, Moncrieff's is already used monthly
for Press Gallery lunches to which senior Parliamentarians are
invited as the guest speakers. There are other occasions; for
example, it is used by the Newspaper Society for their annual
In the evenings it is the venue for leaving parties,
our "Chairman's Pint", and the variety of receptions
we hold foramongst othersnew Members (after an election),
the Speaker and special advisers.
However, as a venue it could be attractive to external
party or event organisers, given its location inside of the most
famous buildings in the world. Companies such as Dods, which are
intimately connected to Parliament and with whom we already work
closely, organise dozens of parliamentary events every year, and
are already keen to try to find ways to use the Moncrieff's space.
From their point of view the advantage of Moncrieff's
is that MPs are much more likely to attend an event if it is held
on the parliamentary estate and the event would not need to be
sponsored by a Member as is the case with all other function rooms.
The Press Gallery has an extensive picture archive
which could be extended to the entrance and staircase leading
to the bar/restaurant, highlighting the historic associations
for guests. We also have a number of fascinating artefacts which
could be placed on display if secure units could be found them.
In conclusion, we hope the Administration Committee
would agree with us that Moncrieff's is a venue with potential
and that to close it would be an opportunity lost to develop a
revenue stream which is of benefit to the Parliamentary budget
as a whole.
If we can provide any more information please don't
hesitate to let us know.
March 2011