Football Governance - Culture, Media and Sport Committee Contents

Written evidence submitted by Supporters Direct

Supporters Direct (SD) was set up in 2000 following a recommendation in the Football Task Force report "Investing in the Community" published in 1999.

Funding arrangements for SD activities in England & Wales since 2007 are summarised below and in the attached table.

Activities in Scotland, Europe and rugby league in England have been funded separately by Sport Scotland (until April 2011), UEFA and in the case of rugby league by the RFL and the Coop movement. Summary tables for these activities are also attached.


In 2006 a 3 year deal was agreed from April 2007 to 31 March 2010 for funding from the Football Stadia Improvement Fund (FSIF).

Agreed funding from FSIF for SD was £574k in 2007-08, £591k in 2008-09 and £610k in 2009-10.

From April 2010 the funding arrangements for the Football Foundation were reorganised and the intention was for the FSIF to be re-constituted and to consider applications for funding for supporters groups including SD from cash to be provided from the Premier League. In the interim the Premier League agreed to fund SD's core running costs until such time as the new long term arrangements were in place.

Under this interim arrangement the Premier League provided quarterly funding which totalled £610k in the 12 months to March 2011. ie SD was funded at the same level as the previous year.

SD is awaiting confirmation from the Premier League of the level of interim funding available for the period from April to June 2011.

The FSIF has now set up the Fans Fund to manage funding for supporters groups including SD. The intention is to award Fans Fund grants on the basis of applications for projects and to reduce the funding of core costs to 50% within 3 years. The Premier League has told SD that it wants Premier League funding to be used for SD to focus on delivery of support to trusts and clubs and it does not want to fund SD's policy work.

SD has submitted applications for projects and core costs with a total level of funding that reduces each year from £562k in 2011-12, £512k in 2012-13 to £382k in 2013-14, reflecting funding of only 50% of core costs in 2013-14.

On this basis, if all applications are approved by the Fans Fund Panel, SD will have to find funding from other sources of £50k (8% of overall costs) in 2011-12, £139k (21%) in 2012-13 and £276k (42%) in 2013-14 to maintain activities and staffing in England and Wales at the current level.

Any shortfall in the level of grants approved by the Fans Fund Panel will of course create a larger gap for SD to fund from other sources.

The table overleaf summarises the level of actual and projected core funding and the size of the gap to be filled by SD if all current applications to the Fans Fund are approved.

Year (April-March) 2007-082008-09 2009-102010-11 2011-122012-13 2013-14
Actual ActualActual ActualProjection ProjectionProjection
FSIF574 591610
Premier League 610
FSIF/Fans Fund applications 562 512382
SD fundraising37 128 *21 1550139 276
Total611 711631625 612651 658
% SD fundraising6% 18%3%2.5% 8%21%42%

* includes Virgin Media sponsorship allocated to reserves and used for football and rugby league.

Year (April-March)2007-08 2008-092009-10 2010-112011-12 2012-132013-14
Actual ActualActual ActualTarget TargetTarget
Sport Scotland95 906545
SD fundraising3 1031 164167 170
Total98 10068 #46 #
% SD fundraising3% 10%4%2% 100%100% 100%

# additional expenditure was funded from SD Scotland reserves

Year (July-June)2007-08 2008-092009-10 2010-112011-12 2012-132013-14
Actual ActualActual ActualProjection ProjectionProjection
UEFA65 6565168 168168
SD fundraising0 000 00
Total65 6565168 168168
% SD fundraising0 000 00

Year (April-March)2007-08 2008-092009-10 2010-112011-12 2012-132013-14
Actual ActualActual ActualProjection ProjectionProjection
RFL 151515
Coop 12.512.5 12.5
SD fundraising (from sponsorship reserves) 17 1718
Total (rounded) 4545 45
% SD fundraising 38%38% 39%

June 2011

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Prepared 29 July 2011