Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 12 July 2011.
Terms of Reference
1 Introduction
2 Raising the age of participation
The policy aim
Existing levels of participation
Impact on young people
Characteristics of young people not in education,employment or training
Engagement during school years
What sort of provision will young peopleneed?
Impact on schools and colleges
Impact on employers and training providers
Impact on local authorities
3 Financial support for 16-18 year olds
The need for financial support
The decision to end the Education MaintenanceAllowance
Should the EMA have been abolished?
Travel costs
Free school meals
4 Apprenticeships for young people
Access to Apprenticeships for under 19year olds
Maintaining quality while stimulating supply
5 Careers services
Annex 1: Note of an informal meeting withstudents at BSix Brooke House Sixth Form College
Annex 2: Summary of submissions receivedvia
Conclusions and recommendations
Formal Minutes
List of printed written evidence
List of additional written evidence
List of unprinted evidence
List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament
Oral and Written Evidence
Wednesday 16 March 2011
Wednesday 11 May 2011
Wednesday 18 May 2011
Wednesday 8 June 2011
Written Evidence
Additional (Unprinted) Written Evidence