The Future of Marine Renewables in the UK - Energy and Climate Change Contents

List of additional written evidence

(published in Volume II on the Committee's website

14  Innovation and Policy Group, University of Edinburgh  Ev w1

15  Parsons Brinckerhoff  Ev w8

16  Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society  Ev w12

17  Seabed User and Developer Group  Ev w14

18  Shawater Ltd  Ev w16

19  The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Limited  Ev w20

20  Atlantis Resources Corporation  Ev w24

21  AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited  Ev w29

22  Pulse Group Holdings Ltd  Ev w32

23  Highlands and Islands Enterprise  Ev w35

24  Marine Energy Group, University of Edinburgh  Ev w39

25  Trident Energy  Ev w43

26  Alstom  Ev w45

27  Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors  Ev w49

28  Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology  Ev w 52

29  The Scottish Government, Energy Directorate, Offshore Renewables  Ev w54, Ev w57

30  RWE Npower Renewables Limited  Ev w58

31  Wave Hub  Ev w61

32  Wildlife Trusts  Ev w66

33  Campaign to Protect Rural England  Ev w68

34  Countryside Council for Wales  Ev w69

35  Low Carbon Developers  Ev w73

36  Hales Energy Ltd  Ev w78

37  Peel Energy Limited  Ev w81

38  Tyndall Centre  Ev w83

39  Renewable Energy Association's Ocean Energy Group  Ev w85

40  Engineering the Future Alliance  Ev w91

41  National Renewable Energy Centre NAREC  Ev w97

42  ScottishPower  Ev w100

43  SSE  Ev w102

44  AWS Ocean Energy Ltd  Ev w107

45  Welsh Government  Ev w111

46  Northern Ireland Executive  Ev w113

47  JWG Consulting Ltd  Ev w119

48  Jeremy Baster  Ev w122

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Prepared 19 February 2012