3 DECC's high level objectives
31. The EMR consultation document sets out three
high level objectivesdecarbonisation of the electricity
sector; energy security; and affordability.[24]
These are the right objectives, but there must be more detail
when the Government produces its White Paper. A second tier of
objectives will be required to give direction to the implementation
of EMR.
32. Simon Skillings (E3G) suggested that the three
objectives were not spelled out in enough detail, which left room
for uncertainty and ambiguity.[25]
The Combined Heat and Power Association (CHPA) also agreed with
the overall objectives, but said that a second level of goals
was needed. CHPA said that "there is an absence of a clear
in-depth analysis of what issues exist and, vitally, how structural
market reforms could address these. By placing these issues as
the central point of market reform, the Government would be better
placed to develop proposals for new interventions, such as a Feed-In
33. Under the Climate Change Act 2008, the UK is
committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80%
by 2050 against a 1990 baseline. This will require a radical increase
in near-zero carbon generation, including renewable energy, demand-side
reductions and cleaner ways of using conventional fuels.
34. Professor Dieter Helm suggested that a cheap
and efficient way to meet our carbon reduction goals would be
to build more gas Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) generation
instead of renewables until 2030, before scrapping those assets
and shifting to offshore wind.[27]
However, this proposal was strongly contested by other witnesses.
Dr Gordon Edge told us "I can't see how anyone would want
to invest in a gas-fired power plant on that kind of basisthat
at some time in the 2020s they would forcibly shut it. It does
seem like a very odd way of going on".[28]
35. Under the EU Renewable Energy Directive 2009
the UK must generate 15% of energy from renewables by 2020.[29]
In order to meet legally binding targets, approximately 30% of
electricity will need to come from renewable sources by 2020,
up from 6.6% in 2009.[30]
According to DECC, this target is equivalent to a seven-fold increase
in UK renewable energy consumption from 2008 levels: the most
challenging of any EU Member State.[31]
We recognise that having a renewables target does little
to contribute to European carbon reduction goals in the short
term, because it will not reduce the cap on emissions established
under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). Aiming for a certain
level of renewable generation is an expensive way of achieving
decarbonisation of the electricity sector.
36. However, we acknowledge that the Government is
committed to its European targets. We also recognise that the
UK should play its part in advancing low-carbon technologies and
this means deployment and development at scale. Lord Turner of
the Committee on Climate Change told us that the renewables target
"is a useful part of the story, but it certainly needs to
be combined with an approach to all three of what we see as the
key sets of a low-carbon technology, which are: renewables, in
the way that that term is used, nuclear, and the application of
CCS, particularly [to] gas".[32]
He emphasised that it would be important to have enough renewables
to make the sector "zero carbon" in 2050 and that it
may not be wise to rely solely on one technology, such as nuclear.[33]
37. It is important that the Electricity Market
Reform package is geared to deliver our renewables targets as
well as our decarbonisation objectives.
38. A number of witnesses to our inquiry were concerned
that the decarbonisation objective in the consultation needed
to be more robust and more detailed. The consultation states that
"the power sector emissions need to be largely decarbonised
during the 2030s", but it does not define "largely".[34]
In its 4th Carbon Budget Report (2023-2027), the
Committee on Climate Change (CCC) recommended an average carbon
intensity of 50gCO2/kWh by 2030 compared with 490gCO2/kWh
currently.[35] This was
supported by Friends of the Earth, who pointed out that in the
CCC's view this was the minimum effort consistent with
the 2050 target for at least 80% emissions reductions set out
in the Climate Change Act.[36]
Missing this 2030 objective could make the 2050 target very difficult
to achieve. It could also mean that cumulative emissions in the
period to 2050 will be far greater.
39. However, the policies in the consultation are
supported by modelling on the basis of a carbon intensity of 100gCO2/kWh
(in line with earlier CCC recommendations). DECC have told us
that they "are currently considering these recommendations
in preparation of setting the fourth Carbon Budget in legislation
by June this year" and that they will "respond to the
CCC advice later in the year".[37]
40. The Electricity Market Reform package must
deliver 50gCO2/kWh carbon intensity by 2030 instead
of 100gCO2/kWh. We recommend that the White Paper sets
out an indicative carbon intensity pathway for the power sector
to 2030, aiming to deliver a 40-60gCO2/kWh carbon intensity
in the electricity by 2030. DECC should set out its carbon intensity
trajectory on the advice of the Committee on Climate Change.
Security of supply
41. There are two major security of supply challenges
facing the UK. First, there is a capacity challenge in the 2016-2020
period. According to DECC, in order to ensure security of supply,
the UK would need to replace a quarter of our existing capacity
by 2020, as many nuclear plants are reaching the end of their
lives and current coal plants are ageing and unlikely to meet
environmental regulations under the European Large Combustion
Plant Directive and the Industrial Emissions Directive.[38]
However, it is not clear that the policies introduced in the EMR
Consultation would increase the overall capacity margin in the
next ten years because of the lead times involved in building
new low-carbon plant and the low "de-rated" capacity
of wind power.[39]
42. The second security of supply issue is that an
increasing proportion of UK capacity will be provided by both
inflexible and intermittent plant, such as nuclear and wind energy,
in order to meet the decarbonisation objectives. Rather than meeting
system peak demand in winter and at particular times of day, flexible
capacity will be needed to manage the margin between demand and
supply when certain forms of generation are unavailable.[40]
Although substantial improvements have been made in design, the
output of nuclear plants cannot be increased or decreased easily
to meet variations in demand. Similarly, changes in output from
wind farms are impossible to predict reliably in advance and variations
in the weather will inevitably lead to long periods where they
do not contribute to baseload. Therefore, substantial flexible
backup capacity is needed to fill the gap.
43. Dorothy Thompson of Drax Power told us that "intermittency
is the biggest issue [...] every winter morning our demand goes
up by about 50% between 5 am and 9 am [...] add in more wind intermittency
and more inflexible plant and we've got another problem".[41]
Drax emphasised its capacity to use biomass as a way of reducing
the carbon emissions. We heard that the current capacity for biomass
co-firing at Drax was "equivalent to the output of around
600 wind turbines".[42]
We also heard that biomass is one of the few low-carbon technologies
that can respond quickly and flexibly to changes in demand (it
is "dispatchable") and can therefore constitute a key
part of a low-carbon energy future.[43]
44. Support for low-carbon technologies such as wind
and nuclear energy (through the Feed-in Tariff) will skew the
system in favour of generation that cannot easily or reliably
respond to short-term peaks and troughs in demand.[44]
The proposed capacity mechanism is intended to counteract that
difficulty by paying plant for being available to generate, because
it is likely to generate for much shorter periods during the year
and find it hard to recover its fixed costs from energy sales.
45. At the moment, gas and coal provide the bulk
of low-cost, flexible generation in the UK, as it is possible
to bring extra capacity on to the system in a matter of hours.
Gas will continue to play an important balancing role in the short
term as the amount of intermittent generation increases in order
to balance the system during peaks in demand or low wind energy
46. Several witnesses attested to the importance
of options such as storage and interconnection and some, such
as the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), said that
the Government had not adequately considered their developing
role in the energy system.[46]
Although the usefulness of electricity storage is currently limited
because it is at an early stage of technological development,
we believe that in the future storage will be an essential component
of the electricity system, providing short term flexible backup.
Swanburton, an electricity storage consultancy, told us that electricity
storage technologies could develop in a number of areas based
on "electro-mechanical, hydro-electric, thermo-electric and
electro-chemical processes".[47]
It said that storage would provide "the ability to provide
power for peak demand from energy secured from low-carbon sources
rather than peaking plant".[48]
This could help to balance peaks in demand and troughs in output
from wind energy, for example, which could help to smooth out
prices (reducing costs for consumers) and to cope with greater
amounts of intermittent generation.
47. Rachel Cary (Green Alliance) and Simon Skillings
(E3G) also emphasised the importance of "smart" technologies,
such as smart grids which utilise real-time pricing and intelligent
technologies that respond to peaks in demand to help balance the
electricity system at the local level, and demand side measures
in helping to cope with increasing intermittent and inflexible
48. We recommend that the White Paper addresses
directly the problems associated with greater intermittency. It
should plan for electricity storage and interconnection and how
that will help to meet demand in the light of increasingly inflexible
and intermittent supply. It must show how the development of smart
grids and demand side responses can contribute to managing demand.
49. The third objective set out by DECC is affordability
for electricity consumers. The EMR Consultation said that "the
Government is committed to minimising costs to consumers and subsequent
impacts on fuel poverty in the transition to a low-carbon energy
system".[50] It
goes on to state that "the actual level of impact depends
on the rate of decarbonisation among other things and since this
has not yet been set it is not possible to be more definite at
this stage".[51]
50. The Government suggested that reforms "would
result in a period of higher investment in the 2020s and household
bills would then be 4% (around £29/year) lower in the five
year period up to 2030 than continuing with existing policies".[52]
EMR has the potential to achieve lower, more stable prices than
business as usual, but that this depends on a number of assumptions.
Gas price sensitivity is crucial.
51. Many witnesses to this inquiry suggested that
there was a strong possibility of much higher prices for consumers.
For example, IET said that "affordability will be an issue
into the future, whichever forms of generation are built. All
forms of power plant, all fuels and also carbon emission will
become much more costly".[53]
National Grid said that "affordability to consumers should
remain at the forefront of all considerations".[54]
52. Some of our witnesses suggested that affordability
had not been given as high a priority as the first two objectives.
Audrey Gallagher of Consumer Focus told us that "there was
not the same degree of emphasis on affordability as there was,
for example, on decarbonisation".[55]
ESB International was also of this opinion, saying that "Government
should further address affordability as the EMR process continues
through its various stages".[56]
Richard Hall of Consumer Focus said that all the scenarios modelled
were predicated on a baseline that forecasts that electricity
wholesale prices will approximately double in real terms by 2030.
He said that it "seems unrealistic to expect that disposable
incomes will increase by a similar fraction, so one would certainly
forecast a deterioration in fuel poverty".[57]
53. Rhian Kelly of CBI stressed that affordability
was also an issue for businesses and argued that "more needs
to be done to look at the impacts in more detail in these [vulnerable]
sectors".[58] The
consultation stated that "impacts on different sizes and
different kinds of businesses will of course be different [from
this] average. Further analysis of the impact of this reform package
on businesses will be undertaken for the White Paper".[59]
54. "Affordable" electricity in the
short term cannot be achieved at the expense of meeting the other
objectives of Electricity Market Reform. Lower prices cannot be
a primary driver of energy policy, but developing greener and
more secure sources of electricity needs to be accompanied by
sound social policy to protect vulnerable consumers.
55. The White Paper must set out a range of possible
price impacts of the reforms and how these impacts would be mitigated
for the fuel poor and vulnerable businesses. Government must also
assess the price impacts of other low carbon policies outside
of the EMR package.
Extra objectives
56. The Government's decarbonisation goals are extremely
stretching and the fastest and most affordable route to achieving
them includes a large amount of demand reduction. Reducing demand
can also contribute to energy security and affordability. However,
Nick Molho (WWF) pointed out that "the one key area that,
unfortunately, is not currently addressed by the electricity market
reform is the potential for reducing energy demand in the long
term".[60] This
is especially important since the Government relies heavily on
its assumptions about levels of demand reduction (predominantly
achieved through the Green Deal and Carbon Emissions Reduction
Target (CERT) schemes, but also in response to rises in electricity
prices) in its forecasts for consumer bills.[61]
We return to the issue of demand side responses later in this
Report and examine whether an energy efficiency target should
be integral to the Government's Climate Change strategy and emphasised
in the forthcoming White Paper.
57. We also heard that there are potential economic
opportunities associated with EMR. Nick Molho pointed out that
"reductions on the demand side could play a key role not
only in reducing costs for consumers by achieving our decarbonisation
targets, but also in significantly helping the UK's economic recovery".[62]
Dr Doug Parr (Friends of the Earth) said EMR was "an opportunity
to explicitly recognise the important role that we can play in
certain key renewable technologies" and, without picking
winners, it would be an important part of a joined-up strategic
view to emphasise the low-carbon sectors where the UK enjoys a
comparative advantage.[63]
WWF suggested adopting a specific objective that achieving decarbonisation,
security and affordability should be done in a way that maximises
economic benefit to the UK.[64]
58. The White Paper should include a demand reduction
59. The White Paper must set out a second tier
of objectives, following a strategic view of the energy sector
in decades to come. This should include a specific pathway for
reducing electricity consumption through demand side measures.
It should set an explicit decarbonisation goal for 2030, with
a trajectory for reaching the target. It should focus on dealing
with intermittency and inflexibility on the system as a key energy
security challenge. It should also set clear objectives for improving
support for vulnerable consumers.
24 DECC, Electricity Market Reform Consultation
Document, Cm 7983, December 2010, p 5 Back
Q 92 [Mr Skillings] Back
Ev w10 (CHPA) Back
Q 75 Back
Q 137 Back
EU Directive 2009/28/EC Back
DECC, Electricity Market Reform Consultation Document,
Cm 7983, December 2010, p 23 Back
DECC, The Renewable Energy Strategy, Cm 7686, July 2009, p 10 Back
Q 298 Back
Q 298 Back
DECC, Electricity Market Reform Consultation Document,
Cm 7983, December 2010, p 4 Back
Committee on Climate Change, The Fourth Carbon Budget: Reducing
emissions through the 2020s, December 2010, p 13 Back
Ev 203 (Friends of the Earth), Ev 218 (RSPB), Ev 169 (WWF-UK,
Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and RSPB) Back
Ev 126 (DECC) Back
EU Directive 2001/80/EC; EU Directive 2010/75/EU Back
"De-rated" capacity refers to average plant availability
during peak demand, rather than the maximum potential output. Back
Ev 130 (Good Energy) Back
Q 126 Back
Ev 147 (Drax Power) Back
Ev w17 (REA), section 4.2; Ev w45 (IET), section 8 Back
Q 101 [Mr Tutton] Back
Q 175 [Mr Marchant], Q 234 [Mr Cross] Back
Ev w45 (IET), section 17 Back
Ev w4 (Swanbarton), section 3 Back
Ev w4 (Swanbarton), section 5 Back
Q 101 [Ms Cary, Mr Skillings] Back
DECC, Electricity Market Reform Consultation Document,
Cm 7983, December 2010, p 102 Back
DECC, Electricity Market Reform Consultation Document,
Cm 7983, December 2010, p 103 Back
DECC, Electricity Market Reform Consultation Document,
Cm 7983, December 2010, p 103 Back
Ev 245 (IET), section 16 Back
Ev 187 (National Grid), section 2 Back
Q 53 Back
Ev w19 (ESB International), section 20 Back
Q 66 Back
Q 55 Back
DECC, Electricity Market Reform Consultation Document,
Cm 7983, December 2010, p 103 Back
Q 204 Back
DECC, Electricity Market Reform-options for ensuring electricity
security of supply and promoting investment in low-carbon generation,
Impact Assessment, December 2010 Back
Q 204 Back
Q 204 Back
Ev 162 (WWF-UK) Back