Response to Recommendations
Particulate Matter
1.There is still much to be done to resolve the
situation in London. The Olympics Delivery Authority has made
a commitment to holding the greenest Olympics ever, but we note
that it is proving difficult to for the Mayor to make the required
policy trade-offs and achieve acceptable levels of air quality.
We welcome Defra's consultation to invite views on the short-term
measures that have been adopted in London, but the fact that these
measures have had to be used clearly indicates that air quality
is not being addressed in the long-term. Further measures must
address the causes of air pollution and must be more credible
than spraying the roads with adhesive. (Paragraph 16)
12. London is the largest city in the European
Union and one of the most vibrant and diverse in its economy.
This represents particular challenges for the UK Government, the
Mayor and London Boroughs to enable sustainable growth and to
support improvements in air quality. We expect to have met PM10
limit values in London in 2011a notable achievement given
the difficulties many other European cities are having complying
with the standards for this pollutant. We agree that there is
further work to do to reduce NO2 levels in London (and
elsewhere) and to achieve further reductions in particulate matter
including fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and black
carbon. However the EAC is wrong to say that air quality in London
is not being addressed in the long term. Indeed a number of important
measures have been taken by the current Mayor to improve air quality
in London including over the longer term, with significant support
from the UK Government.
13. In April 2011, following a detailed technical
assessment, the European Commission published their Decision,
confirming that the air quality plan for Greater London showed
that the daily limit value for PM10 was expected
to be met by 11 June 2011. The extension of the compliance deadline
to that date was on condition that the air quality plan was updated
to detail measures to minimise the risk of exceedences to the
limit value after this deadline. The UK Government went on to
allocate an additional £5 million to the Mayor to further
support the various local measures being taken to improve air
quality. An update on delivery of these measures, which were
set out in the Mayor's Air Quality Strategy, was submitted to
the European Commission, who have now confirmed that the conditions
of their Decision have been met. In response to stakeholder interest
in these local measures, the Government invited comments on the
update; and the deadline for response was 6 January 2012. A small
number of responses have been received; and these will be taken
into consideration in ongoing discussions with the Mayor and the
GLA to improve air quality in London.
14. The Mayor of London published his Air Quality
Strategy for London on 14 December 2010. This set out both the
short and long term measures the Mayor would take to improve air
quality in London with respect to particulate matter and nitrogen
dioxide. London has the world's largest Low Emission Zone introduced
in 2008. In January 2012 the standards for heavy duty vehicles
operating in the zone were tightened to at least Euro IV emission
standards for particulate matter; and also to include vans and
minibuses for the first time, reducing emissions from 150,000
commercial vehicles operating in London (light duty vehicles are
now expected to meet at least Euro III standards for particulate
15. Other long term measures set out in the Mayor's
Air Quality Strategy include measures to introduce age based limits
for taxis and private hire vehicles, promoting smarter travel
options including record investment in cycling, and further improvements
to the London bus fleet. The strategy also contains measures to
reduce emissions from homes, businesses and industrial sources,
including retrofitting up to 1.2m homes with more efficient energy
systems. These measures are expected to deliver significant long
term reductions in air pollutant emissions, and consequential
improvements in London's air quality, and build on a number of
initiatives implemented in previous years. The measures in the
Mayor's Strategy, along with natural fleet turnover, are expected
to reduce PM10 and NOX emissions by a
third by 2015. For NOX the measures in the Mayor's
Air Quality Strategy and natural fleet turnover should reduce
emissions in Greater London by 20,000 tonnes in 2015.[1]
16. In April 2011 the Government allocated to
the Mayor of London a further £5 million to help extend his
programme of local measures including a range of targeted hotspot
measures to improve air quality in those areas most at risk from
exceeding EU limit values. This "Clean Air Fund" included
support for:
- Targeted cleaning at priority
locations and increased application of dust suppressants;
- Reducing idling at priority locations,
including marshalling and taxi management at rail stations and
"no-idling" awareness raising;
- Installing Diesel Particulate
Filters (DPFs) on older buses;
- Installing green infrastructure,
such as trees, green walls and green screens; and
- Working with businesses to reduce
their air quality footprint, for example, by sharing deliveries
with other businesses or encouraging their staff to walk to meetings
rather than take a taxi.
17. This programme represents a mix both of well
established measures to reduce air pollution from transport and
of others which are more innovative in their approach. TfL is
monitoring their effectiveness. TfL published a report on "Targeted
Application of Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA)" in August
2011. This report showed that repeated applications of dust suppressants
were effective at reducing particulates by around 10 per cent
over 24-hour periods[2].
The bulk of the Mayor's Air Quality Strategy consists of long
term measures intended to achieve on-going reductions in emissions
of PM10 and NOX. Most recently the Government
has awarded a further £5m of funding to the Mayor expressly
to support the retrofit of NOX abatement technology
to older London buses, to be match-funded by another £5m
from TfL. This is a major investment for cleaner air in the capital,
and will reduce harmful emissions from nearly 1,000 London buses.
This is anticipated to result in a 400 tonne reduction in NOX
emissions and represents an important contribution to reducing
NO2 concentrations.
18. The measures in the Mayor's air quality strategy
will contribute to reductions in emissions in the run up to the
London Olympics in summer 2012 as well as beyond. During the
Games TfL will also be working with businesses to consider alternative
ways of working and travelling, including home and flexible working,
travelling into work at different times and encouraging staff
to walk or cycle into work. London 2012 will be a "public
transport Games" with spectators travelling to London venues
by public transport, cycling or on foot. To help achieve this,
ticketed spectators for London events will receive a Games Travelcard
for London's public transport system on that day. There will be
no private car parking for spectators at any venue, except for
limited Blue Badge parking.
19. The most likely health risk arising from air
pollution during the Olympic Games is from an ozone event (i.e.
short-term effects of elevated levels) where the combination of
air masses from continental Europe and warm weather with prolonged
sunshine lead to elevated levels. Scope for local action in these
circumstances is extremely limited, as such events are meteorologically
driven and need long term international commitments to reduce
emissions of precursor pollutants. Measures are in place to ensure
regular advice is provided through LOCOG to the IOC on air quality
at Games venues and also to the public.
Nitrogen Dioxide
2.We can see no circumstances in which a delay
in achieving [EU limit value] targets or a lessening of these
targets would be acceptable. Any delay or lessening would simply
put more lives a risk. We see a case for arguing that fines would
not be appropriate if the means for delivering them is not available,
but this case has not yet been adequately made. The Government
must set out how it intends to achieve EU targets. It must say,
in its response to this report, whether or not it intends to push
for less stringent targets when air quality legislation is reviewed
in 2013. Its apparent tactic of avoiding EU fines by applying
for extensions to limit value targets, with an expectation that
target values will be diluted in the near future, is putting the
health of UK residents at risk. (Paragraph 20)
3. Applications for compliance extensions which
lack sufficient policy measures to back them up could result in
unlimited fines from the European Commission. The Government must
now embark on a strategy that aims to achieve air quality targets.
(Paragraph 21)
20. The most compelling evidence about health
impacts of air pollution remains around particulate matter. The
Government is committed to working towards compliance with EU
air quality standards; but it will be important to ensure that
a focus on reducing NO2 concentrations does not
distract from efforts to reduce particulate pollution for which
there is greatest confidence in the health benefits that will
21. Compliance deadlines in EU legislation have
generally taken account of what planned measures are expected
to achieve. In the case of NO2, the underperformance
of vehicle abatement technologies across the EU has meant that
whilst compliance has been achieved across large parts of the
UK, progress towards compliance along a significant proportion
of our roads, especially in urban areas, is much slower than anticipated.
22. The Government has published air quality plans
setting out both the national and local measures that will help
to reduce NO2 concentrations and how quickly compliance
with the limit values for NO2 can be achieved. These
plans illustrate the significant challenge there is in identifying
reasonable and proportionate measures that will provide further
acceleration in progress towards the NO2 limit values
in our urban areas. They also show the uncertainties regarding
the effectiveness of some Euro standards in reducing NOX
emissions which in turn affects the availability of measures.
Given that the procedure for seeking time extensions and submitting
air quality plans is explicitly laid down in the Directive, the
Government does not agree with the implication of the Committee's
recommendation that to invoke these provisions would be unacceptable.
However, since the Directive was adopted, it has become clear
that even the extended compliance date of January 2015 is inadequate,
not just for parts of the UK, but also for parts of many other
EU countries.
23. The Government stated in its response to the
European Commission's informal consultation on its review of air
quality legislation that it supports further EU ambitions to reduce
health and environmental impacts of air pollution. This further
ambition would need to reflect wider environmental and economic
goals to promote sustainable economic growth. These actions should
be linked especially with climate change targets in the long term.
However, there was never an intention for any of the deadlines
to force measures that would impose disproportionate costs on
society. Deadlines for attainment of limit values must reflect
both the availability of measures and the affordability of implementation
relative to the benefits.
24. The Committee is not correct to say that Government
has no measures in place to achieve NO2 limit values
The Government's air quality plans describe a significant number
of measures that will contribute to reductions in emissions in
air pollutants. For transport these initiatives include:
- over £400m for measures to
promote the uptake of ultra-low carbon vehicle technologies;
- a £560m Local Sustainable Transport Fund
to provide funding for local authorities to support sustainable
- a £47m Green Bus Fund which has enabled
bus operators and local authorities in England to purchase around
540 new low carbon emission buses which will be in operation by
March 2012;
- Building air quality requirements into rail
franchise specifications; and supporting a rail electrification
programme which will see diesel trains replaced with zero emission
electric trains on the Great Western Main Line, various lines
in the North West of England, and the Manchester-Leeds-York TransPennine
- Using taxes to encourage uptake of cleaner vehicles,
including reduced pollution certificate discounts for buying heavy
duty vehicles meeting Euro standards that are not yet mandatory;
- Sustained investment in public transport including
national and local support for bus operators, making them a viable
alternative to car travel (around £2.5bn in 2010);
- Sustained investment to promote cycling, walking
and other sustainable transport including improving traffic flow
on strategic roads through active management of sections of the
motorway network at busy times;
- Arguing internationally for tighter NOX
limits for aircraft beyond those agreed in 2010, to require new
aircraft engine types from 2014 to be cleaner and phasing out
the build of older, less clean types by 2012.
25. The Government recently announced further
funding to support emissions reductions from public transport,
including £20m for a third Green Bus Fund and £5m for
retrofitment of older buses with NOX abatement equipment
in London. The Government has also made significant efforts to
tackle both carbon and air quality impacts through, for example,
long term investment in measures to reduce the carbon impacts
of energy production and domestic and commercial heating. These
projects represent many billions of pounds worth of investment
and should lead to substantial improvements in air quality over
the next 20 to 30 years.
26. The Government continues to investigate measures
to improve air quality including the feasibility and effectiveness
of Low Emission Zones (see response to recommendation 10).
4. In the event of a third runway being developed
at Heathrow, compliance with NO2 limits would be impossible. .....
However, for the Government to make the case that compliance with
EU air quality limits throughout Greater London will be maintained
beyond 2015, their application for an extension to meet EU limit
values, the forthcoming Sustainable Framework for UK Aviation
and the forthcoming Aviation National Policy Statement must contain
an explicit prohibition of a third runway at Heathrow. (Paragraph
27. As the Committee's report notes, the Coalition
Government stated in its Programme for Government that it would
cancel the third runway at Heathrow. The National Infrastructure
Plan (NIP), published on 29 November 2011, made a commitment that
the draft aviation policy framework would "explore all the
options for maintaining the UK's aviation hub status, with the
exception of a third runway at Heathrow" (emphasis added).
The Government has therefore made absolutely clear its opposition
to a third runway at Heathrow.
The priority given by Defra
5. Defra must include progress towards achieving
EU air quality targets for particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide
in its business plan at the next update. If these targets are
not included, we expect the Minster for Government Policy to report
on why this is the case and what discussions he has had with Defra
on this during his review of their business plan. (Paragraph 26)
28. As has already been stated in Defra's evidence
to the Committee, the fact that air quality is not explicitly
mentioned in the Defra Business Plan, published in May 2011, does
not in any way reflect a lack of importance attached to air quality
nor to its significance as a cross government issue. Departmental
Business Plans are intended to set out structural reforms, rather
than every policy responsibility or work programme led by the
Department. Interest and responsibility for air quality and its
public health impacts spans several Government Departments, including
the departments of Transport, Communities, Health, and Energy
and Climate Change. However, we will give further consideration
to the Committee's recommendation as part of the review of our
Business Plan during 2012.
Joined up policy
6. The Government should produce an action plan
setting out how air quality is to be considered in policy development
across Government, to encourage co-benefits with other policies,
to discourage policy conflicts and to assess the impacts of consolidating
air quality regulations. It should establish a ministerial group
to oversee and ensure adherence to the action plan. The Cabinet
Office, because of its role in directing policy across departments,
should take the lead in implementing this. (Paragraph 30)
29. Defra leads a cross departmental programme
board with officials from Departments with an interest in air
quality. Departments that have been represented to date include
the Department for Transport, the Department for Communities and
Local Government, the Department for Health, the Department for
Energy and Climate Change, the Department for Business Innovation
and Skills, and Cabinet Office. This Board meets several times
a year and covers policy delivery on air quality, industrial pollution,
noise and nuisance, and local environmental quality. Minutes of
the Board meetings are made available to interested stakeholders.
The Board provides advice on air quality strategy and cross cutting
issues. The Board considers co-benefits with other policies and
seeks to minimise or mitigate policy conflicts. Defra also works
very closely with other Government Departments to maximise the
benefits of those departments' policies where these can impact
upon air quality, including transport, energy and climate change
and planning policy.
30. The Government assesses the impacts of policy
measures on air quality in line with the Treasury Green Book guidance
on economic appraisal. Supplementary guidance on appraising air
quality impacts prepared by the interdepartmental group on costs
and benefits led by Defra is also applied, where feasible, when
assessing the impact of policy proposals for their effect on air
31. Defra leads on the coordination and delivery
of air quality strategy and has the necessary policy and scientific
expertise to oversee this. Defra Ministers work closely with Ministers
in other Departments to resolve policy conflicts and to ensure
policy measures are aligned to benefit air quality and other environmental
priorities. Ministerial decisions affecting air quality are taken
into account through the Home Affairs Cabinet Committee. The Government
is not convinced by the Committee's recommendation that it is
necessary for Cabinet Office to lead on implementation. This
would only lead to additional layers of bureaucracy given the
existing mechanisms for coordination between departments.
Support for local authorities
7. The Government must engage with local authority
leaders to set out clearly the risks of failing to act on improving
air quality. It must help local authorities to join up thinking
across their departments to help identify where conflicts arise
and where improvements can be made. This needs to be done in a
way that influences decisions taken by local enterprise partnerships
and planning authorities and takes account of new public health
reforms. Government engagement with local authorities also needs
to address establishing a national framework for low emissions
zones and a public awareness campaign. (Paragraph 37)
32. Defra works very closely with local authorities
to provide advice on how they can improve local air quality and
what measures are likely to be most effective. Defra publishes
substantive guidance on the duties local authorities have with
respect to local air quality management and in particular on action
planning and measures to improve air quality. There are many examples
of local authority best practice in air quality and of local authorities
working across responsibilities and tiers of local government.
Defra is working to ensure these examples are promulgated widely,
so that other authorities can learn from these and adapt them
for their own areas. There is scope for further improving delivery;
and Defra has commissioned research into the effectiveness of
local authority action planning, with a view to consulting in
2012 on improvements to the delivery of air quality action plans
and air quality measures. We will also consult on changes to regulations
on air quality, so that national objectives and EU limit values
are properly aligned and local authorities have clarity on their
33. During 2011 Government allocated just over
£3m of air quality grant funding to English local authorities
to support measure to improve air quality. This included funding
to investigate the feasibility of low emission zones; to support
the implementation of low emission strategies; to support awareness
raising; and to support other air quality measures.
34. We agree with the Committee that it is important
local authorities are actively engaged in the delivery of public
health reforms and in raising public awareness on air quality.
There are several examples of local authorities that have introduced
public awareness campaigns on air quality; many of these have
benefited from Defra Air Quality Grant support. Defra and DfT
have also worked closely with local authorities to understand
their appetite for further action on low emission zones and to
provide advice and support on feasibility studies. More is said
of this in response to recommendation 10 on a national framework
for low emission zones.
8. A blanket approach of transferring EU fines
to those local authorities failing to meet air quality targets
would be unfair. The causes of poor air quality are often beyond
an individual authority's control. ... Transferring EU fines to
local authorities might help to deliver air quality improvements
but, if it pursues this, the Government must establish a mechanism
where it only passes on a share of fines proportionate to a local
authority's ability to influence local air quality. Many of the
causes of poor air quality arise from policies for which central
Government is responsible. Otherwise, the process is likely to
result in lengthy and costly legal battles, and risks being seen
simply as cutting local government financial support. Before it
does this, the Government needs to assess the resource requirements
of individual local authorities, depending on their circumstances,
to be able to deal efficiently with the air quality
challenge at a time of squeezed budgets. (Paragraph 39)
35. The Localism Act 2011 gained Royal Assent
on 15 November 2011 and provides a substantial and lasting shift
in power away from central government and towards local people.
The Government has given public authorities more powers and freedoms
to conduct their business and deliver services to the public.
This includes a major reduction in the "oversight" role
of central government. Given this increased flexibility, public
authorities must, therefore, accept responsibility for the consequences
of their actions or inaction.
36. Part 2 of the Localism Act introduces a discretionary
power for a Minister of the Crown to require a public authority
to pay some, or all, of a Court of Justice for the European Union
financial sanction, where the public authority has demonstrably
caused or contributed to that sanction. This corrects a previous
misalignment in accountability, and provides an incentive for
public authorities to meet their obligations and avoid any financial
sanctions falling on UK taxpayers. The expectation is that the
risk of fines on the UK (and therefore the risk to public authorities)
will be significantly reduced as a result.
37. The Government agrees that a blanket approach
to the handling of infraction fines (should any arise) is unfair
and it does not support such an approach. Costs would only be
incurred by those public authorities that had responsibility to
comply, had demonstrably caused or contributed to the financial
sanction, and had previously been designated under section 52
of the Localism Act for the infraction case in question. Only
actions or omissions after designation can be taken into account.
38. In the unprecedented situation that the UK
is fined in relation to an infraction, that an authority has been
previously designated for the infraction case and that the Minister
wishes to use the powers in Part 2, then an independent advisory
panel must be formed to provide advice on fair apportionment of
responsibility and costs (Section 53 of the Localism Act). The
Minister must have regard to an authority's ability to pay (Section
39. The Act also includes a duty for the Secretary
of State to consult upon and publish a policy statement setting
out the arrangements for the application of powers relating to
EU financial sanctions. The Department of Communities and Local
Government is consulting on a draft policy statement which includes
key principles of transparency in decision-making and of no surprises
should the powers be used[3].
40. In principle, the provisions in the Localism
Act could be used to pass on to local authorities fines handed
down to the UK in respect of breaches of air quality legislation.
However, the UK would want to work closely with relevant local
authorities to ensure appropriate action is taken where this is
necessary and to avoid infraction fines occurring in the first
place. The powers in the Localism Act are intended to encourage
the avoidance of any fines and the UK Government intends to work
not to be in a position where it would have to consider their
Health reforms
9. The Government must take full advantage of
public health reforms to improve local authorities' abilities
to improve air quality. In particular the Government should introduce
indicators to measure public health improvements from better air
quality in its public health reforms. (Paragraph 41)
41. The Government set out its proposals for a
radical new approach to public health in the White Paper, "Healthy
Lives, Healthy People", published at the end of 2010. This
outlined the Government's commitment to protecting the population
from serious health threats; helping people live longer, healthier
and more fulfilling lives; and improving the health of the poorest,
42. At a national level, it is proposed that,
subject to passage of the Health and Social Care Bill, a new dedicated
public health service, Public Health England, will be set up as
an Executive Agency of the Department of Health (incorporating
the functions of, among other public health bodies, the Health
Protection Agency). This will strengthen the national response
on emergency preparedness and health protection, and provide a
strong hub for evidence, information and evaluation, supporting
local efforts. The proposals also set out a new strategic outcomes
framework for public health at national and local levels, based
on the evidence of where the biggest challenges are for health
and wellbeing, and the wider factors that drive them. Based on
the significant public health impact from particulate air pollution,
the consultation on the outcomes framework proposed that life
years lost from particulate air pollution, as measured by fine
particulate matter (PM2.5), be considered as an
outcome indicator in the framework.
43. Defra has a strong interest in the outcomes
framework given the shared priorities and in particular the focus
on action that best reflect the 'causes of the causes' of health
and inequalities in health. Defra officials have worked closely
with DH and have influenced the development of the White Paper
and the indicators. The Government published the Public Health
Outcomes Framework on 23 January 2012. This framework includes
an indicator for air quality relating to the mortality effect
of man-made particulate air pollution measured as fine particulate
matter, PM2.5. This is likely to be of considerable
value in promoting air quality at local level and to supporting
local authority action to improve air quality and public health.
Inclusion of this indicator will enable Directors of Public Health
to prioritise action on air quality in their local area to help
reduce the health burden from air pollution. Defra is working
with DH to ensure the benefits from this indicator are realised
by local authorities. This includes working with local authorities
to ensure they are able to articulate locally the impacts of air
quality in ways that are meaningful to the public. We expect
this framework both to help raise awareness of the importance
of air quality in public health locally and to support local authority
action to improve air quality.
Low emission zones
10. As a matter of urgency, the Government must
set up a national framework for low emission zones to establish
a recognised standard for emissions and vehicle identification,
supported by a national certification scheme of retrofit technologies.
(Paragraph 46)
44. The Government is investigating the feasibility
and effectiveness of a national framework to support low emission
zones and a national certification scheme of retrofit technologies.
As the Committee acknowledges, a number of Euro standards for
different vehicle types have failed to deliver the anticipated
emissions reductions for NOX, although they remain
effective for particulate matter. Low emission zones are aimed
at seeking reduced emissions through a combination of increased
uptake of newer vehicles (with lower emissions), and through encouraging
operators to retrofit pollution abatement equipment to older vehicles.
It is therefore essential that lessons are learnt from this and
current best practice in implementation of LEZs so that any measures
introduced can be relied upon to have desired outcomes.
45. In its air quality plans for NO2,
submitted in September 2011, Defra set out modelled scenarios
for low emission zones in London and other major towns and cities
in England. These assumed that all heavy duty vehicles (ie HGVs
and buses) would have to meet at least Euro IV standards in order
to enter the authorities concerned. Due to emerging evidence on
the performance of some Euro standards with respect to real world
NOX reductions, there are some uncertainties in our
assessment of the absolute emission reductions some Euro standards
would bring, as well as of future NO2 concentrations. This particularly
applies to the effectiveness of, Euro V standards in urban areas.
Defra is therefore working quickly to update the assumptions on
emissions to reduce the uncertainty in our analysis. However,
these hypothetical scenarios did suggest that, on the basis of
existing emissions assumptions, the introduction of low emission
zones could bring four additional air quality zones or agglomerations
into compliance by 2015 (on top of the 17 already expected to
come into compliance by 2015) and significantly reduce the gap
to compliance in other zones where it was applied.
46. Euro standards have in general been effective
at reducing emissions of regulated air pollutants from road vehicles,
and technological advances have enabled their tightening over
time. The Euro 5 emissions standard, which is now mandatory for
new cars and vans, delivers a major step change in diesel exhaust
particle emissions, by setting a limit on the number of solid
particles emitted. This will reduce emissions by 99% relative
to previous diesel vehicles. The forthcoming Euro VI standard
will deliver similar improvements in exhaust particle emissions
from diesel buses and lorries. NOX emissions from
diesel vehicles in both urban and extra-urban conditions have
not, however, reduced significantly as a result of the Euro standards
to date. In addition to tightening diesel NOX limits
significantly, the Euro VI standard for lorries and buses includes
specific measures to ensure that NOX emissions are
controlled across the range of operating conditions. Similar provisions
for cars and vans are being developed for implementation through
Euro 6. International standards for the certification of retrofit
emissions control systems are also being developed. It is important
that retrofit systems are effective in real-world operation and
also that development and approval costs do not prevent emissions
control suppliers bringing such systems to market. The adoption
of international standards will help deliver these objectives.
The Government is supportive of, and fully engaged in, the continued
development of Euro standards and international standards for
approval of retrofit systems.
47. In order to support our investigation of the
feasibility of a national framework to support low emission zones
Defra commissioned research to investigate the feasibility of
developing a certification scheme for technology retrofitted to
heavy duty vehicles to abate NOX emissions. This
work was conducted in collaboration with a number of stakeholders
including the Environmental Industries Commission, the Freight
Transport Association, the Road Haulage Association, local authorities
(including the GLA and TfL) and the Department for Transport.
The purpose of this research was to fill evidence gaps on the
abatement equipment available to control vehicle NOX
emissions and on the arrangements necessary for administration
and enforcement of any scheme to support low emission zones nationally.
The results of this research were published in November 2011[4].
The work will be used to inform decisions on establishing a national
certification scheme for retrofit technologies to support local
authorities wishing to introduce low emission zones or similar
measures to control transport pollution.
48. As stated in our response to the previous
EAC report on Air Quality, decisions on the introduction of low
emission zones must be made at local level by local authorities.
They have the appropriate powers to introduce low emission zones
and are best placed to determine the extent and target of such
measures in terms of the areas and vehicles affected. Defra has
met with or consulted local authorities modelled in the hypothetical
scenarios set out in its air quality plans for NO2,
to review the local appetite for low emission zones and similar
measures. These preliminary discussions indicated that whilst
there was some interest in low emission zones there were also
a number of reservations and concerns from local authorities.
49. They particularly recognised that LEZs were
not a panacea and had to be seen in the context of what was needed
to support the local economy and amenity of an area and as part
of a suite of measures to improve air quality and public health.
The main concerns cited by local authorities during consultations
have been:
- Availability of funding to cover
costs of implementation and enforcement, especially if a scheme
such as in London was considered;
- Uncertain or limited local political support
and public buy-in to measures which might appear to be road charging
or congestion charging even if they do not affect private car
- The effectiveness of LEZs at reducing levels
of NO2 (most local authority Air Quality Management
Areas have been declared for this pollutant);
- Concerns over economic impact or loss of businessover
whether shoppers or freight would go to another nearby town or
city where they are not penalised for having more polluting vehicles;
- Impacts on small firms and local hauliers compared
to national carriers;
- Concerns over implications for local bus operators
who might find the cost of compliance too expensive and leave
the market.
Despite these concerns local authorities also recognised
advantages in a national framework and certification scheme if
they were to introduce LEZs. Some local authorities that were
consulted thought that it would create a level playing field and
make implementation easier locally. They also thought it would
also help raise the profile of air quality and the health impacts
so as to encourage support for low emission zones and other actions
to improve air quality.
50. As part of its air quality grant programme
for 2011-12 Defra has committed over £500,000 to support
a number of local authorities to carry out feasibility studies
or investigations into low emission zones. We are actively working
with these local authorities to support their investigations.
As well as being of value for local decisions on air quality the
findings will be helpful to further inform work on a national
51. As indicated above, low emission zones have
the potential to improve air quality but also can represent significant
cost burdens to local authorities, government agencies and most
importantly vehicle operators. An impact assessment carried out
in 2011 suggested that whilst these measures may represent the
most cost effective approach to reducing NOX emissions
(noting the uncertainties in emission factors), the cost to industry
were still significant. Decisions on introducing these measures
cannot therefore be taken lightly and must be considered on the
basis of sufficient evidence regarding effectiveness and local
appetite. Defra and DfT will continue this work in 2012 to identify
the best way forward.
Increase public awareness
11. The costs to society from poor air quality
are on a par with those from smoking and obesity. A public awareness
campaign would be the single most important tool in improving
air quality. It should be used to inform people about the positive
action they could take to reduce emissions and their exposure.
It should also be used to provide an impetus for action in local
authorities to deliver more joined up thinking on achieving air
quality targets. The Government should provide Defra with the
means to launch such a campaign. This could be done in collaboration
with existing campaigning groups, to ensure maximum cost effectiveness
and coverage. (Paragraph 52)
52. The Government agrees that the costs of poor
air quality on long term health and mortality are significant.
Substantial progress regarding our understanding of the health
impacts of air pollution has been made since the Committee's first
report in 2010 and the Government's response in November 2010.
53. In December 2010, the Committee on the Medical
Effects of Air Pollution (COMEAP) published a report which provided
estimates of the effects of particulate pollution (measured as
PM2.5) on mortality in the UK[5].
This report has been particularly important in developing a means
of expressing these effects. It estimated that in 2008 particulate
pollution (as PM2.5) had an effect on mortality
in the UK equivalent to 29,000 deaths associated with a loss to
the population of 340,000 years of life. However, COMEAP considered
it very unlikely that this represented the actual number of individuals
affected. Nor did it think it likely that all deaths in 2008 were
affected by air pollution. The major mortality effect of air pollution
is on deaths from cardiovascular disease; and it is likely that
air pollution acts as a contributory factoralong with many
othersin affecting mortality. COMEAP therefore speculated
that the number of cardiovascular deaths in 2008 (approximately
200,000) is more likely to be the maximum number of early deaths
to which air pollution contributed a part. COMEAP also estimated
that a reduction of 1µg/m3 in the annual average
population-weighted concentration of fine particulates would result
in a saving of approximately 4 million life-years over the following
106 years, associated with an increase in average life-expectancy
from birth of around 20 days.
54. COMEAP published in November 2010 a statement
on the extent to which air pollution might play a part in the
causation of asthma. This was underpinned by detailed reviews
of the evidence base bearing on the topic.[6]
55. During the Committee's follow-up inquiry,
COMEAP published its 'Review of the UK Air Quality Index',[7]
which several recommendations were made proposing changes to the
air quality index to reflect current evidence. In December 2011
Defra provided notification of changes to the Index, which were
implemented in January 2012[8].
COMEAP's review and the revised bandings have enabled Defra to
provide the public both with appropriate guidance on daily levels
of air pollution, and with information on actions individuals
can take to reduce the impacts on their health.
56. In addition to the above work by COMEAP, the
Department of Health (DH) funded the Health Protection Agency
to host a workshop to consider the available evidence on the possible
effects on health of ambient levels of NO2 and to
develop research recommendations to enable a better understanding
of the effects of this pollutant on health. The workshop brought
together leading experts from the UK and mainland Europe (including
the European Commission and the World Health Organisation) with
officials from relevant Government Departments with policy or
advisory responsibility in this area. The report of the workshop
was published on 12 September 2012.[9]
This workshop confirmed the many difficulties that remain in understanding
the extent to which NO2 contributes to the adverse
health effects of mixtures of air pollutants, and put forward
ideas for research that would help address this question. The
work of COMEAP has significantly contributed to our understanding
of the health impacts of air pollution and also their effective
57. The Government strongly supports and welcomes
campaigns to improve understanding of the public health impact
of air pollution at local level and agrees that better public
awareness is vital. There are already many locally-led campaigns
to improve understanding and to encourage positive action to reduce
emissions and exposure. Defra air quality grant funding has been
used to support local authorities in such campaigns. For example
the CityAir campaign led by the Corporation of London works with
business in the Square Mile to raise awareness and encourage behaviour
change to improve air quality. Another example of a local campaign
targeted at a measure where individuals can take action to improve
air pollution is that launched by the GLA in January 2012, aimed
at encouraging drivers not to leave their vehicle engines idling
while stationary. The Government has supported similar campaigns
elsewhere in the UK and would like to see a wider range of organisations
taking part in this activity and so raising public awareness of
what individuals, businesses and public authorities can do themselves
to improve air quality and to reduce their own impact. It is also
essential to raise understanding of the measures and choices that
must be made if we are to achieve improvements over the long term.
58. The Government has welcomed the Healthy Air
Campaign and its goals to raise awareness both of the health impacts
of air quality and of what individuals can do to improve air quality
or to reduce their exposure. Defra officials have met with the
campaign organisers and invited them to put forward proposals
on how we could work together. We are keen to work with the Healthy
Air Campaign and with others to raise awareness and will continue
to support action in this area. We will also, as noted above,
be working closely with local directors of public health to encourage
more account to be taken of air pollution in raising local public
health awareness.
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