European Scrutiny Committee - Forty-Eighth Report
Forty-eighth Report of Session 2010-12

Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 7 December 2011.


Terms of Reference

Documents for debate

1  DECC  (32949) Energy efficiency

2  DFT/DECC/DCMS/HMT (33275) (33276) (33292) (33302) (33325) Trans-European Networks: integrated EU infrastructures

3  HMT  (33300) EU financial instruments for the period 2014-2020

4  HO  (31238) (33437) (33438) EU PNR Agreement with the United States of America

Documents not cleared

5  BIS  (33058) Enforcement of patent rights

6  BIS  (33338) (33354) (33355) (33342) Accession of the Russian Federation and Samoa to the WTO

7  DFT  (33048) (33059) Road transport: tachographs

8  HMT  (33312) Financial services: transparency

9  HO  (32952) (33386) European Investigation Order

10  HO  (33295) Smart borders

11  MOJ  (32804) (33447) (33488) Minimum standards for the protection of victims of crime

12  ONS  (32414) (32808) Statistics

Documents cleared

13  BIS  (33327) Corporate Social Responsibility

14  BIS  (33343) Help for small businesses in global markets

15  DCMS  (32719) The open Internet and net neutrality in Europe

16  DEFRA  (33070) Co-financing of structural measures for agriculture

17  DEFRA  (33075) Co-financing of the structural measures for fisheries

18  DFT  (33147) Training for seafarers

19  FCO  (33208) Infringement proceedings against Member States

20  FCO  (33233) (33234) (33235) (33268) (33246) (33247) (33248) (33249) (33250) (33251) (33252) (33253) Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2011-12

21  FCO  (33367) An EU Special Representative (EUSR) for the Horn of Africa

22  FCO  (33387) EU enlargement: Croatia

23  FCO  (33388) (33389) Restrictive measures against Iran

24  HMT  (33296) (33297) Stability and Growth Pact: excessive deficit procedure: Greece

25  HO  (33181) Justice and home affairs cooperation with the Eastern Partnership

26  HO  (33289) EU drugs policy

27  HO  (33375) Free movement of workers from Bulgaria and Romania

Documents not raising questions of sufficient legal or political importance to warrant a substantive report to the House

28  List of documents

Formal minutes

Standing Order and membership

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Prepared 15 December 2011