Terms of Reference
Documents for debate
1 DECC (33316) Safety of offshore oil and
gas activities
2 FCO (33340) (33341) Draft Protocols to
the EU Treaties concerning Ireland and the Czech Republic
3 HMT (33454) (33455) Annual adjustment of
the remuneration of EU staff
Documents not cleared
4 DEFRA (33176) (33369) Fisheries: catch
quotas and effort limitation for 2012
5 DFID (33126) EU Development Assistance:
4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness
6 DWP (32396) Major accident hazards from
dangerous substances
7 DWP (33298) Coordination of social security
between the EU and Switzerland
8 HMRC (33373) Customs and taxation
9 HMT (33277) (33278) Financial services:
financial instruments
10 HMT (33336) (33337) Project bonds
11 HO (33394) EU Home Affairs Funds for 2014-20
12 HO (33395) (33397) Internal Security Fund
13 HO (33396) Asylum and Migration Fund
Documents cleared
14 DCMS (32375) (32376) Conditional access
Annex: Decisions on conditional access
15 FCO (33515) (33516) Further amendments
to EU restrictive measures against the Syrian regime
16 FCO (33517) (33518) EU assistance to the
Palestinian Authority
17 HMT (33374) Taxation
18 HO (33393) (33398) EU home affairs budget
for 2014-20
19 MOD (33523) Financing European Union operations
having military or defence implications
Documents not raising questions of sufficient legal
or political importance to warrant a substantive report to the
20 List of documents
Formal minutes
Standing Order and membership