6 Membership goal
UK support for Turkey's EU membership
166. Turkey is distinguished from the other emerging
powers with which the Government wishes to strengthen the UK's
relations by being a candidate for EU membership. Turkey has had
an Association Agreement with the EU since 1963, which already
referred to the possibility of the country's accession. Turkey
applied for membership in 1987, was granted candidate state status
in 1999, and opened accession negotiations at the same time as
Croatia in 2005.
167. The FCO described Turkey's EU accession
as a "key goal" for the Government.[386]
In his speech in Ankara in July 2010, the Prime Minister described
himself as the "strongest possible advocate" for Turkey's
accession and said that he would "fight" for Turkey
to secure the place "at the top table of European politics"
which he said was its due.[387]
The Government's support for Turkey's EU membership sustains the
position taken by its predecessor. It also keeps the UK in the
'pro-Turkey' camp within the EU, which is split on Turkey's membership.
Following his election in 2007, French President Sarkozy made
clear that he did not regard Turkey as a European country and
that in his view it therefore had no place in the EU. Austria
is also opposed to Turkey's accession, while German Chancellor
Merkel has stated her personal preference for a relationship between
the EU and Turkey which is short of membership. David Lidington
reminded us that the UK is not alone in backing Turkey's accession,
however: UK allies in this respect include Italy, Spain and Sweden.[388]
In December 2011, the Foreign Secretary co-authored an article
declaring Turkey's accession process to be of "vital strategic
and economic importance" with his counterparts from the Czech
Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Slovenia and Sweden.[389]
168. The FCO said that having Turkey as a Member
State would:
- boost the EU economy, by bringing
in a large market and working-age population (see paragraphs 144-149);
- enhance the EU's international influence, especially
in the Middle East and North Africa (see Chapter 4);
- help to secure improved energy supply routes
for the EU (see paragraphs 135-143), and
- "reinforce the EU's shared values".[390]
169. The FCO's list of the benefits of Turkey's
EU membership overlapped significantly with that offered by the
Turkish Embassy. The Embassy said:
Turkey's membership [in] the EU will first and foremost
enhance [the] EU's ability to play a more effective role in our
wider region. Turkey is a strong regional power sharing the same
goals and principles with the EU and as such will be an asset
for [the] EU's external policies. Likewise as a strong emerging
economy with the highest growth rate in Europe, Turkey will also
strengthen the EU in the face of important global economic challenges.
Finally with its predominantly Muslim population Turkey's membership
[in] the EU will confirm that democracy and its values are indeed
universal and EU is a true community of values with a global impact.[391]
170. Some witnesses referred to some of the difficulties
involved in, and sources of opposition to, Turkey's EU accession.
Katinka Barysch referred to Turkey being "big, Muslim and
slightly more complicated to integrate into the EU" than
other candidate states.[392]
For example:
- Chart 1 shows that Turkey is
expected to have overtaken Germany and thus to be the largest
EU Member State in terms of population by the time that it would
be likely to join the EU. This would have profound implications
for the EU's institutions and policies.
- Ms Barysch suggested that Turkey
had relatively traditional attitudes towards national sovereignty
and was "quite nationalist", with "its own ideas
about how the world works". She suggested that this might
make it difficult to integrate Turkey into the EU, and, in particular,
that its accession might make it harder to forge a common EU foreign
and security policy.[393]
- Ms Barysch said that it was
widely assumed that Turkey's predominantly Muslim nature was one
of the reasons for popular opposition to Turkey's EU membership,
in Western Europe in particular. However, she said that there
was a lack of clear survey evidence on this point. Some survey
respondents in the EU seemed more concerned about vaguer "cultural
differences" than Islam as such. Others appeared to equate
Muslims and Arabs.[394]
Sir David Logan felt that popular opposition in the EU to Turkey's
EU membership was probably "soft" and capable of being
turned around.[395]
171. Despite these potential difficulties, almost
all our witnesses agreed that the benefits identified by the FCO
would accrue to the EU from Turkey's accession. They therefore
endorsed the Government's support for the policy. This applied
especially with respect to the impact of Turkey's economic dynamism
and international weight.[396]
On Turkey's Muslim identity, Dr Cengiz and Dr Hoffman argued that:
The European Union was not created as a Judeo-Christian
institution but rather a union of like-minded countries that seek
common economic (and political goals). There is thus no reason
why Turkey should not join its neighbouring union for cultural
reasons. Turkey's Muslim population will clearly be [an] enrichment
to the Union that reflects the political reality of today's world.
A reinvigoration of the accession process and building of closer
ties with the Turkish people would also help the EU countries
in the fight against Islamophobia.[397]
172. David Lidington told us that the UK's support
for Turkish accession had given it some "bruises" inside
the EU but had not damaged the UK's broader European interests.[398]
The FCO also said that the strength of the UK's commitment to
Turkey's EU accession "underpinned" the UK-Turkey relationship
across the bilateral agenda. Our impression is, indeed, that the
UK's consistent support for Turkey's EU membership is appreciated
in Turkey and constitutes a firm platform for good UK-Turkey relations.
We heard anecdotal evidence that France's opposition to Turkish
accession, and its poor political relations with Turkey overall,
were counting against French interests in the commercial sphere.[399]
173. We conclude that the Government
is correct to continue to support Turkey's accession to the EU,
subject to Turkey meeting the accession criteria. Turkish accession
would be likely to boost the EU's economic growth and international
weight. We further conclude that the Government's continuing support
for Turkey's EU membership provides a strong basis on which to
develop enhanced UK-Turkey bilateral relations.
174. Successive UK governments' support for Turkey's
EU membership is not mirrored by public opinion. In opinion surveys,
the share of UK respondents supporting Turkish accession is consistently
low, although not lower than the EU average:
Under the UK's European Union Act 2011, accession
treaties do not trigger a referendum in the UK and are ratified
only through Parliament. Among the EU Member States, in early
2012 only France and Austria planned referendums on any Turkish
Accession Treatyand endorsement of Turkish membership appeared
unlikely in these two states without a major shift in public attitudes.
Referendums remained possible in a number of other Member States,
while the holding of neither the French nor Austrian poll was
certain. Turkey has also raised the prospect of holding a referendum
on its EU accession.
175. Although the UK would not
be expected to hold a referendum on any EU Accession Treaty with
Turkey, we recommend that the Government should seek to foster
popular support for Turkish accession as part of its broader efforts
to enhance Turkey's standing with the British people.
176. Among our witnesses, only MigrationWatch
UK raised concerns for the UK about the prospect of Turkish EU
membership. MigrationWatch UK was concerned about Turkish nationals'
right to free movement elsewhere in the EU following Turkey's
accession. MigrationWatch UK argued that the conditions were in
place for a surge in immigration to the UK from Turkey following
the latter's EU accession, similar to that which took place following
the accession of eight former communist states in Central and
Eastern Europe in 2004. It recommended that, in contrast to the
then Government's decision not to apply temporary restrictions
after 2004 to the right to free movement from these eight states,
the Government should block free movement from Turkey to the UK
after Turkey's accession until emigration patterns from Turkey
became clearer.[400]
In recent accession negotiations, the EU has negotiated with the
candidate country a maximum post-accession period of time for
which existing Member States may limit free movement from the
new Member State, leaving it to individual Member States to decide
whether and for how long to apply restrictions up to the agreed
maximum period.
177. The Government has already committed itself
in general terms to the imposition of restrictions on the right
to free movement from Turkey to the UK following Turkish accession.[401]
In its 2011 Report on the justice and home affairs aspects of
Turkey's EU accession, in which it considered possible post-accession
emigration from Turkey, the Home Affairs Committee welcomed the
Government's policy in this respect.[402]
We did not encounter any hostility to the UK in Turkey as a result
of the Government's stance, although it may be that accession
is too remote for the UK position to be widely known. At elite
level, it has been well signalled that at least some Member States
are likely to impose post-accession restrictions on free movement
from Turkey.[403]
178. With respect to free movement (among other
policy areas), the EU's Negotiating Framework for its accession
negotiations with Turkey states that "Long transitional periods,
derogations, specific arrangements or permanent safeguard clauses,
i.e. clauses which are permanently available as a basis
for safeguard measures, may be considered".[404]
The FCO told us that it considered that this wording could be
interpreted both to mean that post-accession restrictions on free
movement must be temporary and that they could be permanentalthough
it noted that the right to free movement was a fundamental principle
of EU membership.[405]
Ms Barysch described the prospect of long restrictions on free
movement as a "touchy subject" for Turkey,[406]
but Mr Peet thought that Turkey might accept quite lengthy post-accession
More generally, we were told that Turkey was reluctant to start
to discuss possible post-accession deviations from the EU acquis
while uncertainty remained over whether it would join the EU at
179. We conclude that the Government
is correct to be planning to impose restrictions on the right
to free movement from Turkey to the UK following any accession
to the EU by Turkey (although it is by no means certain that Turkey's
accession negotiations will reach this stage before the next UK
General Election). We recommend that the FCO should if necessary
take steps to mitigate the risk that the Government's stance on
this issue might damage the UK's standing among Turkey's population.
What kind of EU?
180. Our impression is that the debate about
the costs and benefits of Turkey's EU membership and possible
accession terms has something of an air of unreality, partly because
of uncertainty over whether Turkey will join the EU at all, and
partly because of the likely timescale if it does accede. The
European Commission's proposals for the EU's next multiannual
budget, to run from 2014 to 2020, contain no provision for Turkey's
accession during that period, and David Lidington told us that
Turkish accession before 2020 was "unlikely".[408]
Turkish government figures have spoken in terms of Turkey being
an EU Member by the centenary of the Republic in 2023. The Home
Office declined to carry out the assessment of likely post-accession
migration from Turkey which the Home Affairs Committee urged in
its 2011 Report on the grounds that too much uncertainty attached
to the economic and social conditions that might prevail by the
time that Turkey joined.[409]
181. A number of our witnesses argued that the
EU might look very different to the way it does today by the time
that accession negotiations with Turkey might be in a final phase.
In particular, several witnesses suggested that, following the
December 2011 European Council, a two (or more)-tier EU appeared
to be in prospect.[410]
As a result of the December European Council, 25 of the 27 Member
States have signed an intergovernmental 'fiscal compact' treaty
outside the EU which provides for much closer fiscal integration,
with the UK and the Czech Republic standing aside. The Foreign
Secretary told us in February 2012 that there was "no question"
of obliging states newly acceding to the EU to sign up to the
treaty, asnot being an EU treatyit did not constitute
part of the body of EU law, case law and practice (the EU acquis)
which new Member States must take on.[411]
However, the intergovernmental treaty asserts its signatories'
intention to integrate its provisions into the EU Treaties, as
soon as possible and within five years at most of it coming into
force (which is envisaged for 1 January 2013 at the latest).[412]
If the 'fiscal compact' treaty were to be incorporated into the
EU Treaties, under the EU's current enlargement practices any
newly acceding state would be obliged to take on the relevant
provisions, unless it could negotiate a post-accession derogation
or transition period.
182. Several of our witnesses suggested that
Turkey would be more comfortable in the outer tier of a two-tier
EU than in the current model.[413]
For example, Katinka Barysch said that "fiscal integration,
a common currency and more common decision-making [were] not things
with which a pretty traditional power such as Turkey would feel
183. We recommend that, if and
when it is required again to consider the possible incorporation
of the new intergovernmental 'fiscal compact' into the EU Treaties,
the Government should bear in mind the implications of EU Treaty
change of this sort for possible future accession countries such
as Turkey.
Will Turkey still want to join?
184. Officially, Turkey remains committed to
EU membership as a strategic objective.[415]
Given the likely timescale involved, the question is whether trends
in the EU, Turkey and the wider region will keep Ankara pursuing
membership for perhaps up to a decade after publication of this
Reportand perhaps over 30 years after Turkey applied for
membership and over 50 after the goal of its possible accession
was first formulated.
185. Ms Barysch said that, notwithstanding rhetoric
in Turkey about the country no longer needing the EU, it had "not
quite woken up to the implications" of abandoning an objective
which it had entertained for half a century.[416]
Some witnesses stressed the extent to which Turkey's regional
weight and attractiveness partly rested on its uniquely close
relationship with the EU, while others highlighted the economic
benefits of full access to the single market.[417]
It is also only through membership that Turkey will gain EU decision-making
rights and full access to the EU institutions, with the international
status that comes with them.
186. Other witnesses suggested factors that might
incline Turkey eventually to abandon its accession goal. For example,
according to opinion polls, only a relatively small share of Turkish
respondents expect the EU to admit Turkey (see Chart 3). Such
people may presumably decline to base career or personal plans
on the expectation of membershipa phenomenon which may
become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The British Council highlighted a survey which it
had commissioned among university students in Turkey which showed
that only 35% believed that Turkey would become an EU member.[418]
During our visit to Turkey, it was put to us that political parties'
failure to instrumentalise EU membership during the 2011 election
campaign demonstrated a continuing cross-party commitment to the
goal. However, some of our witnesses and interlocutors interpreted
the lack of discussion, at both elite and mass level, as evidence
simply of a growing lack of interest in the EU.[419]
187. Some witnesses and interlocutors cast doubt
on the scale of the economic gains that might accrue to Turkey
from accession in several years' time. Under the terms of the
EU-Turkey Customs Union, Turkey already has free trade in goods
with the EU, while not being obliged to apply all of the single
market acquis (see paragraph 162). Meanwhile, if Turkey's
economic growth continues, the value to it of prospective EU financial
transfers may fall.
188. For the EU, the passage of time may paradoxically
make Turkey easier to absorb in some respects, owing to the higher
level of economic development which it would be likely to have
achieved. Higher incomes in Turkey might reduce the likelihood
of emigration to wealthier parts of the EU, thus reducing concerns
about the right to free movement. John Peet told us that Turkey
was now a country of net immigration, including as a result of
Turks returning there from the EU.[420]
Compared to the EU average (100), Turkey's GDP per capita
in 2010 was already higher (49) than that of Bulgaria (44) or
Romania (46).[421]
386 Ev 55 Back
David Cameron, speech in Ankara, 27 July 2010, via Number 10 website
( Back
Q 219 Back
"The EU and Turkey: steering a safer path through the storms",, 1 December 2011 Back
Ev 55 Back
Ev 96 Back
Q 89 Back
Q 88 Back
Qq 91, 94 Back
Q 68 Back
Q 88 [Ms Barysch], Ev 59 [Sir David Logan], 91 [European Azerbaijan
Society], 101 [Dr Cengiz and Dr Hoffman], 131 [Economic Development
Foundation] Back
Ev 101 Back
Q 219 Back
Qq 92 [Ms Barysch], 172 [Dr Toksoz] Back
Ev 80-81 Back
Home Affairs Committee, Tenth Report of Session 2010-12, Implications
for the Justice and Home Affairs area of the accession of Turkey
to the European Union, HC 789, paras 98-99 Back
Ibid., para 107 Back
EU Negotiating Framework for Turkey, October 2005, via the European
Commission Enlargement website, at Back
Ibid. Back
Ev 72 Back
Q 95 Back
Q 49; see also Dr Toksoz, at Q 174. Back
Q 229 Back
Government Response to the Tenth Report from the Home Affairs
Committee Session 2010-12, Implications for the Justice and Home
Affairs area of the accession of Turkey to the European Union,
Cm 8187, October 2011, p 15 Back
Qq 82 [Sir David Logan] Back
Letter to Chair on the December 2011 European Council, February
2012, published on the Committee's website ( Back
Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic
and Monetary Union, Preamble and Article 16 Back
Qq 82 [Sir David Logan], 87 [Ms Barysch] Back
Q 87 Back
Ev 97 [Turkish Embassy] Back
Q 85 Back
Ev 86 [Dr Bechev] Back
Ev 134; see also the survey cited by the Economic Development
Foundation at Ev 130. Back
For example, Dr Bechev at Ev 86 Back
Q 49 [Mr Peet] Back
Eurostat, GDP per capita in PPS Back