3 The police response
Police response to hacking allegations
46. It would clearly be inappropriate for us
to seek to interfere with the continuing police investigation
into the News International hacking affair and the recently announced
associated public inquiry, but it is necessary to undertake some
examination of how the police responded to the allegations at
various times.
47. The hacking investigation began in December
2005 when the Head of Royalty Protection at the Metropolitan Police,
Mr Dai Davies, told Mr Peter Clarke, then head of the Anti-Terrorist
Branch, that members of the Royal Household were concerned that
their voicemails were being accessed. Due to the potential security
implications of, for example, the movements of members of the
royal family becoming known, Mr Clarke said that the Anti-Terrorist
Branch would investigate.[30]
(However, we note that the merger of the anti-terrorist and royal
protection function of the Metropolitan Police is an alternative
explanation for this decision.) We were surprised that the previous
Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Lord Blair of Broughton, said
he had only slight knowledge of these events.[31]
48. As Deputy Assistant Commissioner at the time,
Mr Clarke was responsible for setting the parameters of the inquiry.
He described how he did so as follows:
The parameters of the investigation, which I set
with my colleagues, were very clear. They were to investigate
the unauthorised interception of voicemails in the Royal Household,
to prosecute those responsible if possible and to take all necessary
steps to prevent this type of abuse of the telephone system in
the future. The investigation would also attempt to find who else,
other than Goodman and Mulcaire, was responsible for the interceptions.
The reason I decided the parameters should be so tightly drawn
was that a much wider investigation would inevitably take much
longer to complete. This would carry, to my mind, two unacceptable
risks. First, the investigation would be compromised and evidence
lost and, second, that the much wider range of people, who we
were learning were becoming victims of this activity, would continue
to be victimised while the investigation took its course. This
would probably go on for many months and to my mind this would
be unacceptable.[32]
As previously laid out, we were told that the investigation
was further limited by the understanding that the correct approach
was to attempt a prosecution under section 1 of the Regulation
of Investigatory Powers Act, assuming a narrow interpretation
of the offence, meaning that the police would have to find evidence
that the voicemail had not been accessed by the intended recipient
before it was accessed by the hacker.[33]
49. When Messrs Mulcaire and Goodman were arrested,
the investigatory team, led by Mr Peter Clarke under the oversight
of Mr Andy Hayman, requested a large amount of material from News
International, including details of who Mr Mulcaire reported to,
whether he had worked for other editors or journalists at the
News of the World, records of work provided by him and
details of the telephone systems in the News of the World
offices. The police received a letter from the newspaper's solicitors
saying that News International wished to assist, including with
identifying any fellow conspirators, but the amount of relevant
documentation was limited. In fact, very little material was produced.
The police told us that they were unable to pursue the inquiry
further with News International because of their refusal to co-operate.[34]
50. We pressed Mr Clarke on this issue, asking
what prevented him from taking the matter further with News International
despite the fact that he was, as he told us, "not only suspicious,
I was as certain as I could be that they had something to hide."[35]
Mr Clarke told us that what prevented him was the law: the police
were advised by lawyers that, whilst News International through
its lawyers was giving the impression of full co-operation, the
police would not be able to obtain a 'Schedule 1 production order'
to require disclosures of information as that might seem to amount
to a 'fishing expedition'.[36]
Mr Clarke said:
I think it has been explained many times before this
Committee that there was correspondence entered into between us
and News International. The letters that were sent from the Metropolitan
Police were put together in consultation with the Crown Prosecution
Service. The replies came back through the lawyers acting on behalf
of News International and I know that the people, both from the
CPS and from the Met, at the time who were looking at this were
very frustrated at finding themselves in what they regarded as
a legal impasse.[37]
51. We deplore the response of News International
to the original investigation into hacking. It is almost impossible
to escape the conclusion voiced by Mr Clarke that they were deliberately
trying to thwart a criminal investigation. We are astounded
at the length of time it has taken for News International to cooperate
with the police but we are appalled that this is advanced as a
reason for failing to mount a robust investigation. The failure
of lawbreakers to cooperate with the police is a common state
of affairs. Indeed, it might be argued that a failure to cooperate
might offer good reason to intensify the investigations rather
than being a reason for abandoning them. None of the evidence
given to us suggests that these problems were escalated for consideration
by the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police or by Ministers.
The difficulties were offered to us as justifying a failure to
investigate further and we saw nothing that suggested there was
a real will to tackle and overcome those obstacles.
52. In this context, we draw attention to the
fact that, when we asked her on 5 July 2011 to comment on the
allegations that the phones of the Dowler family had been hacked
into, Ms Rebekah Brooks said in a letter of reply:
I want to be absolutely clear that as editor of News
of the World I had no knowledge whatsoever of phone hacking
in the case of Milly Dowler and her family, or in any other cases
during my tenure.
I also want to reassure you that the practice of
phone hacking is not continuing at the News of the World.
Also, for the avoidance of doubt, I should add that we have no
reason to believe that any phone hacking occurred at any of our
other titles.[38]
In an earlier letter, responding to our request for
clarification of the evidence on payment of police officers that
she gave to the Culture, Media and Sport Committee in 2003, she
My intention was simply to comment generally on the
widely-held belief that payments had been made in the past to
police officers.
If, in doing so, I gave the impression that I had
knowledge of any specific cases, I can assure you that this was
not my intention.[39]
Even this is not easy to reconcile with the record.
We note that neither of these carefully-crafted responses is
a categorical denial: Ms Brooks's denial of knowledge of hacking
is limited to her time as editor of News of the World; and on
payments to police, she did not say that she had no knowledge
of specific payments but that she had not intended to give the
impression that she had knowledge of specific cases.
53. The refusal by News International to co-operate
with the police inquiry in 2005-06 meant that the only significant
evidence available to the police lay within the 11,000 pages of
documents that had been seized from Mr Mulcaire at the time of
his arrest. Mr Clarke and his colleagues decided that the time
and resource required for an exhaustive analysis of these papers
could not be justified, but instead a team of officers was detailed
to go through that material with a range of objectives; firstly,
to look for evidence relevant to the offences that had been charged;
secondly, to make sure that the police's obligations in terms
of disclosure under the Criminal Procedure and Investigations
Act were fulfilled; and thirdly, to look for potential victims
where there were national security implications.[40]
When we asked whether every document had been read at that time,
Mr Clarke said that he could not say for sure whether it had:
the team was instructed to look through the papers with particular
objectives in mind, not to do an exhaustive analysis of every
name, phone number and so on.[41]
However, Mr Clarke did say that the team did not carry out its
task on the narrow business of looking only for links between
Mr Mulcaire and Mr Goodman: in the course of trawling through
the papers, they identified 28 possible victims.[42]
54. We asked Mr Clarke whygiven he was
certain that the rot went widerhe had not followed the
evidence by initiating a broader inquiry:
James Clappison:
In the normal course of policing, if an offence is discovered
and it is discovered that there has been further offending associated
with that offence, the police normally investigate the further
offending, don't they? If, for example, you stop somebody for
driving while disqualified and you find they have been committing
burglaries, you would investigate the burglaries as well, wouldn't
Mr Clarke replied that the correct comparison was
not with a crime such as burglary but with a complex fraud case
where one would focus the investigation at an early stage, decide
what the potential offences might be and then concentrate on trying
to prove those offences.[43]
55. The consequences of the decision to focus
within the Mulcaire papers on the areas vital to the prosecution
of Mulcaire and Goodman were extremely significant. A huge amount
of material that could have identified other perpetrators and
victims was in effect set to one side. Mr Clarke explained to
us the reasons for taking this approach, starting with the context
at the time. He reminded us of the increase in the terrorist
threat since 2002, and the London bombings and attempted bombings
in the summer of 2005. He said that by early 2006 the police were
investigating the plot to blow up trans-Atlantic airliners in
midflight and those responsible were arrested on 9 August 2006,
the day after Messrs Goodman and Mulcaire. By the middle of
2006 the Anti-Terrorist Branch had more than 70 live operations
relating to terrorist plots but some of these were not being investigated
because there were not enough officers to do so. In this context,
he had to decide on priorities, and the priority of protecting
life by preventing terrorist attacks was higher than that of dealing
with a criminal course of conduct that involved gross breaches
of privacy but no apparent threat of physical harm to the public.[44]
Nevertheless we cannot overlook the fact that the decision
taken not to properly investigate led to serious wrongdoing which
the Commissioner himself now accepts was disreputable.
56. The second reason why the police decided
not to do a full analysis of all the material was that they considered
the original objectives of the investigation could be achieved
through a number of other measures: the high-profile prosecution
and imprisonment of a senior journalist from a national newspaper;
collaboration with the mobile phone industry to prevent such invasions
of privacy in the future;[45]
and briefings to Government, including the Home Office and Cabinet
Office, to alert them to this activity and to ensure that national
security concerns could be addressed.[46]
57. We asked how many officers had been assigned
to the investigation. We were told that the number varied but
at the start of the investigation, because of the tight focus
and the desire to limit the numbers with access to potentially
sensitive information, the average was ten to twelve officers,
and these formed the core during the investigation, with occasional
support from analysts, intelligence officers and document readers.
When it came to arrests and searches, officers were borrowed from
elsewhere and maybe as many as 60 were involved.[47]
This compares with an average of 45 officers who have been involved
throughout in trawling through the Mulcaire papers and dealing
with disclosure requests for the current investigation.
58. We also asked, given that counter-terrorism
had to be his officers' priority, whether anyone had ever considered
transferring responsibility for the non-terrorism related aspects
of the case to other parts of the Metropolitan Police Service,
such as the Specialist Crime Directorate:
Mr Clarke:
I suppose you could say that this type of investigation was never
core business for the Anti-Terrorist Branch. It came to us because
of the national security issues at the beginning.
Alun Michael: That
is rather my point.
Mr Clarke: Having
got to that point, forgive me, is the point then that could I
have tried to pass the investigation to somebody else? I think
the realistic pointand I certainly thought about this at
the time and it is reflected in the decision logs from the timeis
that for the previous two years I had already been stripping out
other parts of the Metropolitan Police to support the Anti-Terrorist
Branch in a whole series of anti-terrorist operations. A lot of
other serious crime had gone uninvestigated to the extent it should
have done because of the demands I was placing on them. I took
the view that it would be completely unrealistic, given that we
were heading towards a prosecution of Goodman and Mulcaire, to
then go to another department and say, "We've got a prosecution
running. We have a huge amount of material here that needs analysing.
We don't know, given the uncertainties of the legal advice, whether
there will be further offences coming from this or not. Would
you like to devote 50, 60, 70 officers for a protracted period
to do this?" I took the judgment that that would be an unreasonable
request and so I didn't make it.
Alun Michael: In
your answer, you have indicated that other aspects were stripped
out of the command in order to give you the maximum resource for
dealing with terrorism. With the obvious benefit of hindsight,
might it not have been better to shift this activity as well?
Mr Clarke: I don't
honestly see where I could have shifted it to. It would have been
more a case of trying to invite people, I think, to lend me more
officers and, to be frank, I think I had tried their patience
quite sufficiently over the past years. I don't mean it to sound
trite but it would have been a very difficult request to have
made to colleagues.
Alun Michael: But
it wasn't pushed up the tree as a responsibility?
Mr Clarke: To be
honest, there wasn't much of a tree to push up above me. I know
this is something I discussed not only with my own colleagues
in the Anti-Terrorist Branch but of course with Andy Hayman as
59. Mr Clarke also addressed the question of
whether his team could have returned to the unassessed material
in the months after Messrs Goodman and Mulcaire's arrests. He
said, "The answer quite simply is no. By December we were
embroiled in the Litvinenko murder in London, and a few months
later the attacks in Haymarket and Glasgow. Meanwhile, we had
to service all the court cases that had been coming through the
process for some years that in 2007 led to the conviction of dozens
of people for terrorist-related crimes." He added that it
would not have been feasible to ask other departments to undertake
the task using their own scarce resources in a case where there
had already been convictions and there was no certainty of obtaining
convictions for serious offences, given the untested nature of
the legislation.[49]
60. We asked whether Mr Clarke personally had
been aware of the serious concerns about media breaches of privacy
raised in two roughly contemporary reports from the Information
Commissioner, What price privacy?, and its follow-up six
months later, What price privacy now?. Mr Clarke said he
had not been aware of them, probably because his focus was on
terrorist issues, and if anyone else in the Metropolitan police
had known of them they had not linked these reports with the Mulcaire
61. When challenged on whether he stood by
his decision to limit the investigation in 2006, Mr Clarke said
that, despite all that had been revealed since, he believed the
decision to have been correct, given the limited resources at
his disposal and the absolute priority of dealing with threats
to public safety. We note this position. However, its consequences
have been serious and we are not convinced that the former Commissioner's
decision to merge anti-terrorist and royal protection functions
on the basis that both involved firearms, or the decision to pursue
this investigation within the command, were justified. It is also
revealing about the nature of management within the Metropolitan
Police Service that this issue does not appear to have been escalated
to the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner, or even the Assistant
Commissioner, as an issue about which they ought to be aware and
to which a solution needed to be found.
62. Mr Clarke went further and said he considered
that, in its own terms, the operation had been a success: the
prosecutions had succeeded and the mobile phone industry had taken
action to ensure that their customers were less vulnerable to
the type of interception practised by Mr Mulcaire than beforeso
much so that "because of our work with the mobile
phone companies in getting the protective security arrangements
around voicemails changed, voicemail hacking no longer continues."[51]
As we discuss in the next chapter, whilst it is true that mobile
phone companies have now acted to provide much greater security
for their customers' communications, and whilst the 2005-07 inquiry
succeeded on its own terms, we cannot say that inquiry was a success
given the extent of the intrusion now becoming apparent and the
fact that even now not all the victims of interception have been
identified let alone contacted. Nor are we convinced that no hacking
takes places or that it cannot take place. We do not have the
technical competence to make such a judgement, and nor did we
receive detailed evidence on that point.
63. Mr Clarke's main regrets involved the consequences
for victims of the decisions he had taken. One of the reasons
why he thought a full trawl through the Mulcaire papers was not
vital, was that he was putting in place a strategy for dealing
with victims. As far as the people who had been identified by
his officers were concerned, the strategy involved police officers
informing certain categories of potential victim and the mobile
phone companies identifying and informing others to see if they
wanted to contact the police. As Mr Clarke acknowledged, he had
since learned that this strategy did not work as intended. He
also considered it "utterly regrettable" that the decision
not to conduct a detailed analysis of all the material available
had led to the failure to identify that victims of some of the
most serious crimes were also among the victims of hackinga
category of people not previously considered to be potential targets.[52]
64. We also questioned Mr Andy Hayman, who at
the time had been Assistant Commissioner in charge of the Specialist
Operations Group and Mr Peter Clarke's immediate superior officer.
We wanted to explore Mr Hayman's role in the 2006 investigation,
particularly in the light of the fact that he was known to have
had a number of meals with senior News International figures at
the time and had subsequently, shortly after his resignation from
the Metropolitan Police in 2008, started to write a regular column
for The Times.[53]
65. Mr Hayman denied that anything improper or
unprofessional had occurred, either in relation to his informal
contacts with News International at the time or in relation to
his subsequent employment by them. On the dinners, he said that
he had not revealed anything about the hacking investigation,
not least because Mr Clarke was, for security reasons, minimising
the number of people kept informed about the investigation so
Mr Hayman did not know the details himself. Mr Hayman said whilst
he was accountable for what was done and had oversight of the
investigation, the day-to-day responsibility was Mr Clarke's and
he was not even aware that Mr Clarke considered News International
was being very obstructive in relation to the investigation.[54]
He stated that he had had no involvement in the decision to set
narrow parameters for the inquiry, nor in the decision not to
comb through the 11,000 pages of the Mulcaire documents. Whilst
he could not remember the detail of his daily briefings from Mr
Clarke, he said that he had been aware of the CPS advice and had
endorsed all Mr Clarke's decisions about strategy and approach.[55]
66. Mr Hayman claims to have had little knowledge
of the detail of the 2006 operation, and to have taken no part
in scoping it or reviewing it; his role seems to have been merely
to rubber-stamp what more junior officers did. Whilst we have
no reason to question the ability and diligence of the officers
on the investigation team, we do wonder what 'oversight', 'responsibility'
and 'accountability'all of which words were used by Mr
Hayman to describe his rolemean in this context.
67. Leaving aside the fact that his approach
to our evidence session failed to demonstrate any sense of the
public outrage at the role of the police in this scandal, we were
very concerned about Mr Hayman's apparently lackadaisical attitude
towards contacts with those under investigation. Even if all his
social contacts with News International personnel were entirely
above board, no information was exchanged and no obligations considered
to have been incurred, it seems to us extraordinary that he did
not realise what the public perception of such contacts would
beor, if he did realise, he did not care that confidence
in the impartiality of the police could be seriously undermined.
68. Mr Hayman was very vague about the number
of dinners and other events that occurred during the time of the
2005-07 investigation, but he stated that he had always been accompanied
by the Director of Communications of the Metropolitan Police.[56]
We have subsequently received evidence from the Director of Communications
that, to the best of his recollection, he accompanied Mr Hayman
only once to a social event with News International:
I first became aware of the investigation into phone
hacking upon my return from a period of leave in August 2006.
To the best of my knowledge and recollection, the
only dinner that I attended with Mr Hayman and News International
staff was on 25 April 2006, some three months previously. The
dinner was entered in the Specialist Operations Directorate Hospitality
Therefore, I did not discuss with, or give advice
to, Mr Hayman on any question relating to attending this dinner
whilst the investigation was in progress. Furthermore, I did not
have any conversation with Mr Hayman about phone hacking more
generally at that time. [57]
We do not expressly accuse Mr Hayman of lying
to us in his evidence, but it is difficult to escape the suspicion
that he deliberately prevaricated in order to mislead us. This
is very serious.
69. Mr Hayman's conduct during the investigation
and during our evidence session was both unprofessional and inappropriate.
The fact that even in hindsight Mr Hayman did not acknowledge
this points to, at the very least, an attitude of complacency.
We are very concerned that such an individual was placed in charge
of anti-terrorism policing in the first place. We deplore the
fact that Mr Hayman took a job with News International within
two months of his resignation and less than two years after he
waspurportedlyresponsible for an investigation into
employees of that company. It has been suggested that police officers
should not be able to take employment with a company that they
have been investigating, at least for a period of time. We recommend
that Lord Justice Leveson explore this in his inquiry.
70. Following the conviction of Messrs Mulcaire
and Goodman, the papers seized from Mr Mulcaire were stored in
evidence bags and the police seem to have expected no further
action would need to be taken. The case was considered closed.[58]
However, the Guardian newspaper continued to investigate
whether other journalists and editorial staff from the News
of the World had made use of Mr Mulcaire's services to obtain
information illegally. On 8 July 2009, the Guardian published
a story that Mr Gordon Taylor, head of the Professional Footballers
Association, had been paid a substantial sum by News International
to stop him speaking about the alleged hacking of his mobile phone.
The obvious inference was that other journalists must also have
been involved in hacking since it was unlikely the royal correspondent
of the News of the World would have been interested in
Mr Taylor's messages. As stated earlier, this and other stories
led the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police on 9 July 2009
to put Assistant Commissioner John Yates in charge of examining
the allegations. This process has been frequently referred to
as a 'review' of the earlier investigation, but Mr Yates told
us: "From the beginning of my involvement in this matter
in 2009, I have never conducted a 'review' of the original investigation
and nor have I ever been asked to do so." He told us that
'review' has a specific meaning for the police, "a review,
in police parlance, involves considerable resources and can either
be thematic in approachsuch as a forensic review in an
unsolved murder investigationor involves a review of all
relevant material." [59]
Mr Yates told us that the Commissioner had asked him to "establish
the facts around the case and to consider whether there was anything
new arising in the Guardian article. This was specifically
not a review. [Mr Yates's emphasis]"[60]
71. The form of Mr Yates's consideration of the
hacking allegations appears to have been that he received detailed
briefings from the Senior Investigative Officer for the 2005-06
investigation, including considering the CPS's contemporaneous
advice (he did not take fresh legal advice), and after discussing
it with some of the officers involved in the investigation he
came to the conclusion that the Guardian articles gave
no new information unknown to the police in 2005-07 that would
justify either re-opening or reviewing the investigation. The
whole process took about eight hours.[61]
At that time, Mr Yates also took the decision that the material
seized from Mr Mulcaire should be listed on a database so that
it would in the future be easier to see whether new evidence could
be linked to any existing evidence.[62]
72. At the same time, the Director of Public
Prosecutions had ordered an urgent examination of the material
supplied to the CPS. Such a review by the CPS "is always
undertaken in relation to relevance in respect of the indictment",
although Mr Yates stresses that the CPS saw all material available
to the police. It appears that the CPS review only reconsidered
whether all the material relevant to the original indictment of
Messrs Mulcaire and Goodman in relation to the six charges in
2007 had been dealt with thoroughly. However, in a written memorandum
dated 14 July 2009, Counsel confirmed that the CPS had asked about
the possibility of the then editor of the News of the World
or other journalists being involved in the Goodman-Mulcaire offences,
but had never seen any evidence of such involvement. We were told
by the Director of Public Prosecutions that at this time, in July
2009, the police and CPS discussed the mention in the papers of
the name 'Neville'which was taken possibly to refer to
Mr Neville Thurlbeck, ex-chief reporter of the News of the
World. The DPP, however, concluded that the name 'Neville'
was not enough to warrant re-opening the investigation, and Mr
Thurlbeck was not interviewed.[63]
At the end of the CPS review, the Director of Public Prosecutions
said that "it would not be appropriate to re-open the cases
against Goodman and Mulcaire or to re-visit the decisions taken
in the course of investigating and prosecuting them."[64]
73. In short, the exercises conducted by the
police and the CPS in July 2009 appear to have been limited to
the consideration of whether or not, in the light of recent reports
in the media, the 2005-07 investigation had been carried out thoroughly
and correctly. Critically, because the 2005-07 investigation had
focused only on the joint roles of Messrs Mulcaire and Goodman,
there was no progress in 2009 to consideration of the relationships
that Mr Mulcaire might have had with other journalists, even though
the Gordon Taylor story implied that such relationships had existed.
74. On 1 September 2010, just before AC Yates
first gave oral evidence to us, the New York Times reported
comments by the former News International journalist, Mr Sean
Hoare, about the involvement of former colleagues in hacking.
This led Mr Yates to undertake a scoping studyin other
words, to appoint a Senior Investigating Officer to ascertain
whether the new information published in the New York Times
was sufficient to justify (re)opening an investigation.
75. On 7 September, we asked Mr Yates about his
approach to the new allegations:
Q22 Alun Michael:
Can I just clear up one simple point? You referred to speaking
to and interviewing a number of people, and a letter that is going
today to the New York Times and so on. Would I be right
in interpreting what you have said as meaning there is now a live
investigation taking place?
Mr Yates: I think
it's a semantic point. What constitutes a reopened investigation?
If we are going to speak to somebody, some people will say that
is a reopened investigation. I would say we are considering new
material and then we will work with the CPS to see whether that
constitutes potential lines of inquiry that can be followed up
and would be likely to produce evidence and be a proper use of
our resources.
Q23 Alun Michael: I suppose
I would put it another way. Is it just a question of having some
discussions or are you actively seeking to be able to say to the
public that the issues have been fully investigated?
Mr Yates: Mr Hoare
has made some very serious allegations both in print and on the
radio, and clearly we need to go and speak to him to see what
he has to say about that in the broader context.[65]
Rather than being 'a semantic point', we consider
the evidence given to us by Mr Yates to be totally unclear. There
was considerable ambiguity about the status and depth of the police
inquiries, and it was not clear whether the purpose was to respond
to potential criticism of the earlier inquiries or to genuinely
pursue the evidence to a clear conclusion. This is one reason
that we kept our own inquiry open in the hope of obtaining greater
clarity in due course.
76. Again, apparently because witnesses were
unwilling to come forward, the CPS decided on 10 December 2010
that there was insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect
of conviction against any of the people identified in the New
York Times.[66]
77. However, the situation changed completely
very early in January 2011. As a result of the continuing civil
proceedings being brought by people who believed themselves to
have been victims of hacking, disclosure requirements were imposed
on the police by the courts andarguably in response to
these disclosuresNews International decided to suspend
Mr Ian Edmondson on 5 January and thereafter to provide new information
to the police about the scope of complicity by other employees
in the hacking by Mr Mulcaire. On 14 January 2011 the Director
of Public Prosecutions announced that the CPS would conduct a
"comprehensive assessment of all material in the possession
of the Metropolitan Police Service relating to phone hacking,
following developments in the civil courts", which would
"involve an examination of all material considered as part
of the original investigation into Clive Goodman and Glenn Mulcaire
and any material that has subsequently come to light."[67]
The assessment was to be carried out by the Principal Legal Advisor,
Alison Levitt QC.
78. On 26 January 2011, the Metropolitan Police
announced it was launching a new inquiry into alleged phone hacking
as a result of receiving "significant new information from
News International relating to allegations of phone hacking at
the News of the World in 2005/06." The new investigation
was to be led by DAC Sue Akers and carried out by the Specialist
Crime Directorate which had, according to the press notice announcing
the inquiry, been investigating a related phone hacking allegation
since September 2010.[68]
It was agreed with the CPS that Alison Levitt would continue her
re-examination of the existing material.
79. We pressed Mr Yates repeatedly on why the
scope of the exercises in 2009-10 had been so narrow, when he
was aware of the earlier Operation Motorman whichthough
not related to hackingrevealed journalists' widespread
use of blagging and other illegal methods of obtaining information.[69]
He replied:
It is a very fair question, but you talked about
command decision. What you have to do occasionally, you do take
decisions, you base them on risk and you consider them fully about
what are the other issues, and I have given you the levels of
reassurance I had. There was simply no reason at that time. The
ICO [Information Commissioner's Office] is a completely different
matter, it judges on a different standard of evidence against
different offences. It was a decision taken. Now, in the light
of what we now know, it was not a very good decision, but it is
solelyI will repeat itit is solely as a result of
the new information provided by News International who clearly
misled us. They clearly misled us.
Nicola Blackwood: Was
there a feeling that you were going to do the minimum necessary
in order to show that you had looked at the facts and that there
was nothing new in this case because you have more important things
to be getting on with?
AC Yates: There
is probably an element of that but if there had been any new evidence
there, if I had seen any new evidence there, then of course
Nicola Blackwood: But
you did not even take new legal advice, so you just looked at
the documentation from before.
AC Yates: I was
supported later by the DPP and by counsel.[70]
80. We understand that, when Sir Paul announced
in July 2009 that he was asking Mr Yates to look into any new
information, this was an unprepared remark made as he was going
into the ACPO conference rather than a carefully prepared statement.[71]
Unfortunately it left the publicand indeed Parliamentwith
the impression that a more detailed examination was to be held
than was in fact the case.
81. We assume that Sir Paul left Mr Yates
with a large amount of discretion as to how he should consider
the evidence. Mr Yates has subsequently expressed his view that
his reconsideration in 2009 of the material available from the
earlier investigation was very poor.[72]
We agree. Although what Mr Yates was tasked to do was not a review
in the proper police use of the term, the public was allowed to
form the impression that the material seized from Mr Mulcaire
in 2006 was being re-examined to identify any other possible victims
and perpetrators. Instead, the process was more in the nature
of a check as to whether a narrowly-defined inquiry had been done
properly and whether any new information was sufficient to lead
to that inquiry being re-opened or a new one instigated. It is
clear that the officers consulted about the earlier investigation
were not asked the right questions, otherwise we assume it would
have been obvious that there was the potential to identify far
more possible perpetrators in the material seized from Mr Mulcaire.
Whether or not this would have enabled the police to put more
pressure on News International to release information, by making
it clear that police inquiries were not merely a 'fishing expedition'
but targeted at certain people, is an issue that may be addressed
by the forthcoming public inquiry.
82. Mr Yates has apologised to the victims
of hacking who may have been let down by his not delving more
deeply into the material already held by the police. We welcomed
that and agree that his decision not to conduct an effective assessment
of the evidence in police possession was a serious misjudgement.
83. As we were finishing our inquiry, the news
broke that Sir Paul Stephenson and Assistant Commission Yates
had resigned, and that the Metropolitan Police Authority had referred
to the Independent Police Complaints Commission ('IPCC')
complaints about their conduct and the conduct of Mr Peter Clarke,
Mr Andy Hayman and Mr Dick Fedorcio. The Deputy Chair of the IPCC
had made a statement that the IPCC would carry out an independent
investigation of the matters referred.[73]
84. We asked Sir Paul, Mr Yates and Mr Dick Fedorcio,
Director of Public Affairs at the Metropolitan Police, about the
allegations being circulated in the media, about the employment
by the Metropolitan Police of Mr Neil Wallis, former deputy editor
of the News of the World. Assistant Commissioner Yates
admitted to us that he was a friend, though not a close friend
of Mr Wallis. In September 2009 Mr Wallis (who had resigned from
his employment with News International) was employed on a 'retainer
contract' to assist Mr Fedorcio during the illness of Mr Fedorcio's
deputy. The contract was on a rolling six-month basis and was
renewed twice. Just after the second renewal, on 7 September 2010,
stories in the New York Times about hacking by News International
journalists led Mr Fedorcio and Mr Wallis to come to the conclusion
that the relationship now might lead to embarrassment and that
to continue the contract was inappropriate.
85. We examined the process for appointing Mr
Wallis. We were told that three quotes were invited; Mr Wallis's
was by far the lowest. On the question of whether due diligence
had been performed in relation to Mr Wallis, Mr Fedorcio
said that he had consulted AC Yates. AC Yates said that he had
asked Mr Wallis informally about whether anything in his past
might be a source of embarrassment to him, the Metropolitan Police
Service or Mr Wallis himself. Mr Wallis told him he need have
no concerns. Mr Yates completely denied the suggestion that what
he had done at all deserved the description of 'due diligence':
he argued he had sought informal assurances to satisfy himself,
and this was completely separate from the objective process of
assessment and awarding of contracts.
86. We are appalled at what we have learnt
about the letting of the media support contract to Mr Wallis.
We are particularly shocked by the approach taken by Mr Fedorcio:
he said he could not remember who had suggested seeking a quote
from Mr Wallis; he appears to have carried out no due diligence
in any generally recognised sense of that term; he failed to answer
when asked whether he knew that AC Yates was a friend of Mr Wallis;
he entirely inappropriately asked Mr Yates to sound out Mr Wallis
although he knew that Mr Yates had recently looked at the hacking
investigation of 2005-06; and he attempted to deflect all blame
on to Mr Yates when he himself was responsible for letting the
The new investigation
87. As described by DAC Akers, the catalyst for
the new investigation was the civil actions against News International
brought by a number of people who suspected that they had been
victims of hacking. These actions involved legal requests for
a "vast amount" of disclosure from News International
and, in the process of trawling through their e-mail and other
records, News International found three key e-mails implicating
an employee other than Mr Goodman in hacking. These were passed
to the police in January 2011 and led to the launch of the new
88. We asked DAC Sue Akers about progress in
the new investigation. She said that in the six months since it
had started, there had been eight arrests. Her team of 45 officers
were still compiling lists of all the material seized in 2006
as the database started under AC Yates's auspices had not worked
properly. However, she assured us that the material would be examined
thoroughly and, if it led to suspicions about journalists inside
or outside the News International group, the investigation would
follow that evidence.[75]
As for relations with News International, she explained that these
had been difficult at first when most of the contact was with
News International's lawyers and it had taken two months to agree
a protocol on journalistic privilege.[76]
However, following a meeting between News International executives
and the police to discuss their "very different interpretations
of the expression 'full co-operation'", relations had improved
89. In order to reassure the public and all those
who feared that they might have been targets of hacking, she had
adopted a different approach from her predecessors': instead of
addressing only those who were definitely victims of crime, she
had decided they should contact everyone whose name or phone number
appeared in the Mulcaire papers and who could be identified from
the information available. She said there were in the region of
3,870 full names of individuals in the evidence already held by
the police, plus about 5,000 landline numbers and 4,000 mobile
numbers. However, when we asked her how many of these people had
been contacted so far, the figure she gave was 170. Many othersapproximately
500had contacted her team asking whether their details
were recorded in Mr Mulcaire's papers; only 70 of these had been
definitely identified as potential victims. She noted that her
team also had the task of responding to disclosure requests in
connection with the civil actions that were continuing; she indicated
that this was very time-consuming and was significantly slowing
down the investigation. It was therefore impossible to predict
when the investigation would be complete, though she drew attention
to the fact that those arrested had been bailed to appear in October,
which gave an indication of the minimum timescale.[78]
90. We asked DAC Akers about the fact that some
of the material recently handed over to the police by News International
revealed that newspapers had made payments to some police officers,
and that the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police had put her
in charge of investigating this. DAC Akers said that, as a result
of having become aware of these allegations on 20 June with more
material being supplied on 22 June, she had met the Independent
Police Complaints Commission and it was agreed with them that
she should continue to "scope" a possible investigation.
On 7 July, the matter was formally referred to the IPCC by the
Metropolitan Police. In technical terms, it was a 'supervised
investigation' under the personal supervision of the Deputy Chair
of the IPCC: this meant that, whilst DAC Akers retained direction
and control of the investigation, the Deputy Chair of the IPCC
was kept fully appraised of what was happening.[79]
91. From the point of view of victim support
and of reassurance to the public, DAC Akers's decision to contact
all those who can be identified as of interest to Mr Mulcaire
is the correct one. However, this is not the same as saying all
these people were victims of hacking, let alone that they could
be proved to be victims. Only 18 months' worth of phone data from
the relevant period still exist: unless Mr Mulcaire provides a
list, no one will ever know whose phone may have been hacked into
outside that period. Within the 18-months data held, about 400
unique voicemail numbers were rung by Messrs Mulcaire or Goodman
or from News of the World hub phones, and these are the
voicemails likely to have been hacked into. The total number of
people who may eventually be identified as victims of Mr Mulcaire's
hacking is therefore much lower than the number of names in his
92. DAC Akers gave us a guarantee that this
further investigation would be carried out thoroughly. We were
impressed by her determination to undertake a full and searching
investigation. The Specialist Crime Directorate is clearly the
correct place for an investigation of this sort, though we note
that officers have had to be 'borrowed' from across the Metropolitan
Police Service to meet the needs of this particularly labour-intensive
93. We note with some alarm the fact that
only 170 people have as yet been informed that they may have been
victims of hacking. If one adds together those identified by name,
the number of landlines and the number of mobile phone numbers
identified (and we accept that there may be some overlap in these),
that means up to 12,800 people may have been affected all of whom
will have to be notified. We accept that there are a number of
reasons why progress may have been slow so far, but at this rate
it would be at least a decade before everyone was informed. This
timeframe is clearly absurd, but it seems to us to underline the
need for more resources to be made available to DAC Akers. We
understand that in the current situation of significant budget
and staff reductions, this is very difficult. However, we consider
that the Government should consider making extra funds available
specifically for this investigation, not least because any delay
in completing it will seriously delay the start of the public
inquiry announced by the Prime Minister.
94. We are seriously concerned about the allegations
of payments being made to the police by the media, whether in
cash, kind or the promise of future jobs. It is imperative that
these are investigated as swiftly and thoroughly as possible,
not only because this is the way that possible corruption should
always be treated but also because of the suspicion that such
payments may have had an impact on the way the Metropolitan Police
may have approached the whole issue of hacking. The sooner it
is established whether or not undue influence was brought to bear
upon police investigations between December 2005 and January 2011,
the better.
95. We are concerned about the level of social
interaction which took place between senior Metropolitan Police
officers and executives at News International while investigations
were or should have been being undertaken into the allegations
of phone hacking carried out on behalf of the News of the World.
Whilst we fully accept the necessity of interaction between officers
and reporters, regardless of any ongoing police investigations
senior officers ought to be mindful of how their behaviour will
appear if placed under scrutiny. Recent events have damaged the
reputation of the Metropolitan Police and led to the resignation
of two senior police officers at a time when the security of London
is paramount.
30 Q 438 Back
Evidence taken before the Home Affairs Committee on 12 July 2011,
New landscape of policing, HC 939-I, Qq 43-75 Back
Q 454 See also Qq 467-468 Back
Q 454 Back
Q 457 Back
Q 482 Back
Qq 483-486 and Qq 332-334, 375. The law referred to is the Police
and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, which provides a special regime
for certain types of material which the police may wish to seize
as evidence. Including material subject to legal privilege and
journalistic material (sections 9, 11 and 13 of the Act). Under
this regime, the police may obtain material acquired or created
for the purposes of journalism only by means of a 'Schedule 1
application'. Schedule 1 provides that judges may make orders
permitting the police to remove or have access to material connected
with a crime provided that a number of conditions are all met
to the judge's satisfaction. These include the condition that
"other methods of obtaining the material have been tried
without success". (Schedule 1, paragraph 2(b)(i)) Back
Q 484 Back
Ev162 Back
Ev152 Back
Q 473 Back
Q 477 Back
Qq 518-520 Back
Q 465 Back
Qq 459 and Q 512 Back
See Paras 106-110 Back
Q 458 Back
Qq 513-515 Back
Qq 521-523 Back
Q 459 Back
Qq 504-505 Back
Q 467 Back
Qq 458-459 Back
Qq 528-532 Back
Qq 534-536 and 544 Back
Qq 562-570 Back
Qq 534-535 Back
Ev160 Back
Ev158 Back
Ibid. Back
Ibid. Back
Ibid. and Qq 327, 335-336, 364-369, 386-388, 390, 394-401,
406-408 Back
Q 372 Back
Qq 399-401 By July 2009, Mr Keir Starmer QC was the DPP. Back
Ev158; CPS Press release DPP's findings in relation to 'phone
hacking' www.cps.gov.uk/news/press_releases/133_09, 16
July 2009; and Qq 337-338 Back
Evidence taken before the Home Affairs Committee on 7 September
2011, Specialist Operations, HC 441-i Back
Ev159 Back
CPS Press Release DPP announcement on phone hacking, www.cps.gov.uk/news/press_releases/102_11
14 January 2011, Back
Metropolitan Police Service Press Release New investigation
regarding alleged phone hacking, content.met.police.uk/News/New-investigation-regarding-alleged-phone-hacking/1260267890128/1257246745756
26 January 2011 Back
Qq 376-378, 381-385 Back
Qq 382-384 Back
Ev160 Back
Q 325 Back
IPCC press notice dated 18 July 2011, 'IPCC receives five referrals
from the Metropolitan police Authority regarding the actions of
current and former senior Met officers'. Back
Qq 605 and 627-632 Back
Qq 606, 612, 635-638 and 640 Back
The problem relating to section 55 of the Data Protection Act
discussed in paragraphs 17-26 Back
Qq 622-623 Back
Qq 608, 637, 611, 639 and 616-617 Back
Qq 613-614 Back