2 The Government's approach to security
and development
The National Security Council
and its Strategy
14. On 12 May 2010, soon after forming a government
the Prime Minister announced the creation of a National Security
Council (NSC) to oversee all aspects of UK security. The Prime
Minister chairs the Council whose permanent members include the
Foreign Secretary, the Secretary of State for Defence and the
Secretary of State for International Development. In October
2010 the Coalition Government published its National Security
Strategy. This declares that the Government will adopt a cross-departmental
approach to UK security:
Our response to global instability, conflict, and
failed and fragile states brings together a wide range of government
activity, from diplomacy to development to overseas military operations.
We favour early engagement, to prevent conflict developing or
spreading and to tackle threats to our national security at source.[25]
15. The Secretary of State for International Development
told us: "Through the National Security Council we discuss
the importance of working in conflict states and, indeed, we agreed
that up to 30% of the development budget should specifically be
deployed in conflict states."[26]
He had high praise for the Council saying it was:
an absolutely brilliant innovation to the machinery
of Government. It has brought diplomacy, defence and development
together in a structural way that was nothing like so effective
before. It underlines the fact that our security is not just dictated
by guns and bullets but, [...] by training the police in Afghanistan,
[...]building governance structures in the Middle East and getting
girls into school in the Horn of Africa."[27]
We were told that the Council had discussed and determined
the UK approach to Libya and that in the process the three departments
had worked better together than ever before.[28]
16. We wanted to ensure that, as a result of the
new National Security Council and its document the National Security
Strategy (NSS), the way in which the three relevant Departments
approached a given conflict situation would be better than in
the past. We were also concerned that DFID's primary focus on
poverty reduction should not be negatively affected by wider concerns
about UK security.
17. It is clear to us that not all areas of development
concern should or will be brought to the National Security Councilonly
those which relate to the UK's national security as set out in
the National Security Strategy. The Council should enable the
provision of a coherent response to such issues, one with which
all the relevant Departments agree. DFID
must ensure that funding for countries such as the DRC, which
may not be viewed as important for the UK's national security,
are not abandoned in favour of more strategically important countries
such as Pakistan. The formation of the National Security Council
indicates a greater determination to work together, and we will
monitor its impact on international development expenditure and
policy choices.
Building Stability Overseas
18. The Government also published the Building Stability
Overseas Strategy (BSOS) in July 2010 which sets out how the UK
will "promote stability and prosperity in countries and regions
where its interests are at stake"[29]
with a strong focus on conflict prevention. Announcing the BSOS,
the Secretary of State for International Development said:
The Building Stability Overseas Strategy will help
the UK to work more effectively to tackle instability upstream,
helping to prevent conflict and the suffering it causes. This
goes to the heart of the drive to achieve better targeted, more
effective aid. Not only is this cost-effective and beneficial
for the security of the UK, it will also help to improve the lives
of some of the poorest and most vulnerable people on the planet.[30]
19. The Building Stability Overseas Strategy has
three strands:
- Early warning: improving our
ability to anticipate instability and potential triggers for conflict
- Rapid crisis prevention and response: improving
our ability to take fast, appropriate and effective action to
prevent a crisis or stop it spreading or escalating
- Investing in upstream prevention: helping to
build strong, legitimate institutions and robust societies in
fragile countries that are capable of managing tensions and shocks
so there is a lower likelihood of instability and conflict.[31]
It is intended to ensure an integrated approach to
unstable countries recognising that a military response is not
always appropriate.
20. As noted in the BSOS, conflict prevention is
often less costly than responding to conflict and, if effective,
can reduce humanitarian expenditure. The Secretary of State commented:
"There is credible research now that shows it is four times
the cost to deal with the dysfunctionality that now besets Somalia
and Afghanistan than if you are able to tackle the causes directly
upstream."[32] The
cost of responding to the humanitarian needs created by conflict
are evident in DFID's programme in Somalia where DFID has allocated
£89 million since April 2010 for humanitarian assistance.[33]
In 2010-11 this accounted for 63% of DFID's total bilateral aid
to Somalia and this percentage is likely to increase in 2011-12.[34]
21. We were concerned that the three main strands
of the strategy made no reference to development and post-conflict
reconstruction as a means of helping to ensure countries do not
fall back into conflict. The Secretary of State reassured us that
the focus on conflict prevention in the BSOS included reconciliation
and stabilisation in the aftermath of a conflict even though this
is not explicitly set out in the Strategy.[35]
22. The funding streams and main delivery mechanisms
for the BSOS include the cross-Departmental Conflict Pool[36],
the Stabilisation Unit[37]
and the UK's contribution to multilateral peacekeeping.[38]
23. The Conflict Pool is funded from a separate HM
Treasury settlement which is additional to Departmental Expenditure
Limits, rather than pooled DFID, FCO and MoD resources. Funding
for the Pool will increase from £229 million in 2010-11 to
around £300 million by 2014-15.[39]
Most funding for the work of the Conflict Pool is allocated at
the beginning of each financial year. In addition there will now
be a new Early Action Facility of £60 million for the period
to 2015 "to help the Pool move more swiftly in response to
warnings and opportunities."[40]
24. Not all activities of the Pool are reportable
as Official Development Assistance (ODA) under the rules set out
by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC),[41]
but the portion represented by DFID's contribution must be.[42]
DFID's contribution must be used for the purposes of poverty reduction
as set out in the 2002 International Development Act.[43]
DFID told us that one of the strengths of the Conflict Pool is
that it can blend ODA and non-ODA spending enabling it to work
with civilian and military stakeholders.[44]
In South Sudan the UK's Security Sector Reform and defence transformation
programme is funded from the Conflict Pool.
25. However the BSOS makes no reference to the OECD
guidelines. The Secretary of State said he did not feel constrained
by the OECD-DAC rules on eligible expenditure.[45]
NGOs warned that it was important that poverty reduction continued
to drive decisions about where the UK's ODA budget was spent.[46]
26. We are pleased
that the Government is seeking to ensure through the National
Security Council, the National Security Strategy and the Building
Stability Overseas Strategy that the Government's response to
conflict includes diplomacy, development and defence. This must
be seen to change practice. We are also pleased with the renewed
focus on conflict prevention which is less costly and can reduce
expenditure on humanitarian assistance and other post-conflict
expenditure. These are important changes in emphasis. The impact
of these changes is not yet apparent and we will continue to monitor
27. All UK ODA
must conform to OECD guidelines and DFID's ODA must also contribute
to poverty reduction under the 2002 International Development
Act. We want to ensure that OECD guidelines on what is ODA-eligible
and what is not, are adhered to at all times, especially when
ODA is being spent by other government departments or through
pooled funding mechanisms such as the Conflict Pool. However the
OECD criteria are not set out in the Building Stability Overseas
Strategy. The absence of reference to the importance of rehabilitation
and recovery as a means of preventing recurrence of conflict is
another omission to the BSOS. DFID must explain why these were
excluded from the strategy and how they will inform cross government
work in fragile and conflict affected states.
28. There is no commonly agreed list of fragile statesdifferent
organisations use different data and draw different conclusions
about which states are fragile.[47]
Generally these are states with weak capacity or weak legitimacy.
In 2005 DFID defined fragile states as those where the government
cannot or will not deliver core functions to the majority of its
people, where core functions include service entitlements, justice
and security.[48] DFID's
list is compiled from three different indicesthe World
Bank's Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA), the
Failed States Index of the Fund for Peace and Uppsala Conflict
Database.[49] The
World Bank uses only the CPIA and has a different list. Depending
on the definition of a fragile state, calculations about how many
of the poorest people live in these, and the extent of need will
29. In 2010 DFID decided to reduce the number of
countries with which it has bilateral programmes from around 43
to 27.[51] The choice
of states was based on a number of factors including development
need, likely effectiveness of assistance and strategic fit with
UK Government priorities. DFID then used a needs effectiveness
index to validate its proposed focus states.[52]
This index was compiled from the Human Development Index, a fragility
index, the number of people living on under $2 a day and World
Bank's Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) scores.
30. We are concerned that this index has a built
in bias towards large populous countries such as India, Pakistan,
Nigeria and Ethiopia, at the expense of smaller countries like
Burundi. The use of the number, rather than the proportion, of
people in each country living on less than $2 a day creates this
bias. If the proportion was substituted for the total number of
poor people, smaller poor countries such as Burundi would have
ranked higher in the index. While using poverty numbers might
be appropriate for apportioning development aid between countries
it is less useful for establishing the intensity of poverty. We
understand that the Millennium Development Goals will not be met
globally, unless they are met in these large countries, and that
in seeking to reduce administrative overheads, larger programmes
are more efficient. We believe a case can also be made for prioritising
countries which have a large proportion of their population living
in poverty and less capacity to respond to this.
31. After making its decisions on which countries
to assist, DFID then determined how it would divide its bilateral
aid based on the (largely quantitative) projected results each
country office said it could deliver at specified costs, whilst
offering value for money. However DFID maintains that it does
not shy away from countries such as the DRC where it costs more
to deliver programmes"DFID does what is best value
for development, not necessarily what is easiest or lowest cost"[53].
32. By the end of the Comprehensive Spending Review
period the five top recipients of DFID aid overall will be Pakistan
(£446 million), Ethiopia (£390 million), Nigeria (£305
million), Bangladesh (£300 million) and India (£280
million). All are large populous states and all except India are
on DFID's list of fragile states.[54]
On DFID's list of those fragile and conflict-affected states it
funds, five are middle income countries (Nigeria, Occupied Palestinian
Territories, Pakistan, Sudan, Yemen), and the remainder low income.[55]
Table 1: Current Budget Allocations For Fragile States
*Tajikistan – part of a broader budget allocation for Central Asia. Budget allocations for Central Asia are £14m in each of 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15. (Total: £56m)
** Country Plans not published externally
*** The Liberia programme will be reviewed after the elections in 2012
All above figures are indicative budgets by country as published in DFID's Bilateral Aid Review 2011.
Figures are rounded and subject to performance and sensitive to political and economic circumstances.
33. The level of funding that DFID allocates to each
country per poor person living there varies considerably. Looking
at the largest recipients within the fragile states group plus
Rwanda, DFID provides £9.2 per poor person in Rwanda, £8.2
per poor person in Afghanistan, £7.5 per poor person in
Ethiopia, £5.2 per poor person in Pakistan and only £3.5
per poor person in the DRC.
Table 2: Aid Per Poor Person[56]
A - http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.DDAY/
B - http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.NAHC/
C - http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL/
D - http://www.dfid.gov.uk/Documents/publications1/departmental-report/2011/Annual-report-2011-vol1.pdf
34. The aim of the Bilateral Aid Review was to "identify
a clear rationale for DFID country allocations and establish:
countries in which we should retain and increase DFID presence,
programmes and offices which we should close and graduation strategies
when closing."[57]
It is unclear how DFID makes decisions about the relative importance
of countries such as Pakistan which may be the largest DFID programme
next year and of clear strategic interest, and the DRC, which
is of less strategic interest. The Secretary of State told us
that the since the DRC was a large country with nine neighbouring
states it was important for stability in Africa, which was also
in the UK's interest. The decision to increase funding to Pakistan
from £178 million in 2010-11 to £446 million in 2014-15
was made to help build stability by focusing first on assisting
with the immediate effects of the flooding, and secondly transforming
education.[58] He further
explained, "These are subjective matters. Clearly, which
countries you engage with depends on past history."[59]
Written evidence supports the decision to increase funding for
fragile states which are "home to some of the world's most
vulnerable and poor people."[60]
35. DFID should
be clear and open about the reasons it operates in different fragile
countries and the basis for the choices it makes. The Bilateral
Aid Review led to a smaller number of focus states where DFID
assessed it could make a contribution and deliver results. The
needs effectiveness indicator it used in the process created a
bias towards large populous countries with large numbers of poor
people. If it had used an index which used the proportion of people
living on less that $2 a day, the difference in score between
larger and smaller countries on the needs-effectiveness index
would have been smaller. We recognise that the Millennium Development
Goals will not be met globally unless they are met in large developing
countries but we are concerned that smaller countries, with a
large proportion of their population living in poverty, for example
Burundi, have lost out.
36. There were
political aspects to these decisions. The public might question
the large sums of money being spent in the DRC, where the UK has
no historical links, and in Pakistan, a middle income country,
where the motive may have more to do with national security than
reducing poverty, although the two are linked. The Government
must be clearer about where its development assistance is being
driven by political objectives, and should explain better the
choices it makes about which states to fund. In a context where
the DFID budget is increasing to meet internationally agreed Official
Development Assistance targets, it is important that the public
understands the valuemorally and politicallyof the
decision to invest increasing amounts of aid in fragile and conflict-affected
25 HMG, A Strong Britain in an Age of Uncertainty:
the National Security Strategy, October 2010, Cm 7957, p 33 Back
Q 106 Back
Q 118 Back
Q 119 Back
www.fco.gov.uk 19 July 2011 Back
DFID, Press Release, July 2011 Back
Building Stability Overseas Strategy, July 2011 Back
Q 106, Q 114 Back
Ev 75 Back
Ev 75-76 Back
Q163 Back
The Conflict Pool funds discretionary conflict prevention, stabilisation
and peacekeeping activities. It is funded by the FCO, DFID and
the MoD Back
The Stabilisation Unit (previously the Post Conflict Reconstruction
Unit) was set up, in the aftermath of the UK's involvement in
the war in Iraq, to respond to the challenges of fragile and conflict-afflicted
states, and works with such countries to enhance their capacity
for self-governance. The Unit reports to the Ministry of Defence,
Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Department for International
Development, and includes staff from each parent Department. Back
Ev 67 Back
Ev 68 Back
Ev 77 Back
The OECD-DAC is the body responsible for defining what types of
expenditure are reportable as Official Development Assistance.
The basic definition refers to financial flows to developing countries
for the purposes of economic development and welfare. There are
no plans to revise the current definition. Back
Ev 77 Back
International Development Act 2002, Section 1 (i) Back
Ev 76; Military aid may not be reported as ODA under the OECD
guidelines Back
Q 117 Back
Ev w 60 Back
Andy Sumner, 'Global Poverty and the New Bottom Billion: Three-quarters
of the World's Poor Live in Middle-income Countries', IDS Working
Paper 349, Brighton: IDS, 2010 Back
DFID, Reducing poverty by tackling social exclusion, 2005
Q 109 Back
Andy Sumner, Global Poverty and the New Bottom Billion: Three-quarters
of the World's Poor Live in Middle-income Countries', IDS Working
Paper 349, Brighton: IDS, 2010. Back
Now 28 with the creation of South Sudan in July 2011. In addition
DFID will continue programmes in three Overseas Territories and
will have three regional programmes by 2016. Back
DFID, Bilateral Aid Review, Technical Report, paragraph
19 Back
International Development Committee, Departmental Annual Report,
Oral Evidence taken on 2 November 2011 [not printed] Back
The list and DFID's aid allocations are set out in Ev 70-71. In
addition to those countries in the table, DFID also sets out allocations
for Liberia, Malawi, South Sudan, and Tajikistan. Back
Ev 75. South Sudan has a per capita GNI of US$984 in 2010 according
to the National Bureau of Statistics in South Sudan. It is therefore
the verge of becoming a middle income country which refers to
countries with a per capita GNI of between US$1,006 and US$12,275.
Compiled by the NAO Back
DFID, Bilateral Aid Review, Technical Report, Introduction Back
Q 108 Back
Q 109 Back
Ev w 60 Back