6 Security, conflict prevention and
79. Prospects for development in South Sudan will
largely depend on achieving stability and security in the newly
independent country. Insecurity remains a constant destabilising
factor in South Sudan, with conflict accounting for 3,200 fatalities
from January to October 2011. This death-toll is three times the
total for 2010.[143]
There are numerous security challenges for the GRSS and the international
community to address. Several armed rebel groups are still at
large in some states, such as Unity and Upper Nile. On-going,
low-level conflict, both inter-tribal and intra-tribal, is widespread.
Approximately one million weapons are in circulation. The security
context is further complicated by the difficult relationship with
the Republic of Sudan and the potential for spill-over from the
conflicts in Abyei, South Kordofan and Blue Nile.
80. The GRSS is ill-equipped to tackle these internal
and external security threats. The Sudan People's Liberation Army
(SPLA) is too large and possesses the structure and mindset of
a guerrilla force rather than a modern army under civilian control.
The USA is leading security sector reform programmes to develop
and train a modern army and police force; DFID will contribute
about £25m over six years. This is likely to take many years
to achieve. Dr Sara Pantuliano told us that "we are still
a long away from seeing an effective police force and a professional
army that citizens can trust and respect".[144]
For the moment, the GRSS is largely reliant on UN peacekeeping
troops and, to a lesser extent, civil society actors such as the
Sudan Council of Churches (SCC), to assist in peacebuilding, conflict
prevention and mediation work. In this Chapter, we examine efforts
to stabilise the security situation in South Sudan, with a particular
focus on the roles of the United Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)
and the SCC.
United Nations Mission in South
Sudan (UNMISS)
81. UNMISS was established in July 2011, under Chapter
VII of the UN Charter, for an initial period of one year. It has
a mission to consolidate peace and security conditions conducive
for development, as well as to assist the GRSS to improve governance
and develop its own capacity to provide security and establish
the rule of law. Its authorised strength is 7,000 military personnel,
900 civilian police personnel and an "appropriate" civilian
component. Full capacity is expected to be reached within three
years; by February 2012, 4,900 military personnel, 450 police
and about 1,800 civilian personnel had been deployed.[145]
Peacekeeping in South Sudan is expensive, due to the lack of infrastructure
such as roads.[146]
The approved budget for UNMISS's first year is £456m.[147]
Over half this amount (£246m) will be spent on "operational
a third (£153m) on military and police personnel, and the
remainder (£57m) on civilian personnel.[149]
The UK contribution is £60 million, 13% of UNMISS's budget.[150]
We met the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General,
Hilde Johnson, and other senior UNMISS officials during our visit.
82. We heard contrasting evidence about the performance
of UNMISS. GRSS ministers in Juba were generally positive: UNMISS
was considered to be a useful deterrent which helped create safe
working environments for NGOs and others. Archbishop Deng of the
Episcopal Church of Sudan (ECS) valued UNMISS's provision of helicopters
to transport Church mediators to conflict areas, such as Jonglei.
We note that UNMISS has received praise for its response to tribal
violence in Jonglei in late December 2011 and early January 2012
(see Box 5).[151] Mr
Stephen O'Brien MP, DFID Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State,
said that UNMISS had played an "important role in reducing
casualties" in Jonglei on this occasionalthough it
could still learn lessons to be "better prepared" in
future, for example through better use of early warning systems
and "more robust troop deployment and posture".[152]
Box 5: Violence in Jonglei State, December 2011-January 2012
The period between Christmas and New Year 2011 witnessed an attack on Murle communities in Pibor county, Jonglei State, by thousands of heavily armed members of the predominantly Lou Nuer "White Army" militia. This marked the latest in a cycle of killings between the two tribes reaching back to 2009. Three villages were burned down.[153] Over 110,000 people were affected and more than 60,000 displaced, including large numbers of unaccompanied children. An unknown number were killed. 50,000 to 80,000 heads of Murle cattle were seized. On 5 January, the Government of South Sudan declared Jonglei a disaster zone and asked humanitarian agencies to accelerate life-saving assistance. UNMISS conducted daily air and land patrols to the state. It transported half of its combat-ready personnel to the heavily-populated areas of Pibor and Likuongole. The attacks also saw the SPLAfor the first time in recent Jonglei historyordered to stand up to Nuer fighters and to protect civilians.[154]
83. A common theme in evidence was that UNMISS lacked sufficient
troops and resources for the size of the country.[155]
We were told on our visit that UN Member States[156]
had not allocated UNMISS sufficient resources to implement its
mandate. Dr Pantuliano told us that it was "impossible, given
the size of the mission and the kind of assets they have, to provide
the effective protection that is required".[157]
Melinda Young from Save the Children said that UNMISS did not
have the capacity to "deal with two Jongleis at once".[158]
We heard that UNMISS's mobility was affected by a shortage of
helicopters (in part, caused by Russia's withdrawal of its helicopters)[159]
and a lack of any military aircraft, a point also emphasised publicly
by Lise Grande, UN Humanitarian Co-ordinator.[160]
DFID agrees that UNMISS has "regularly been stretched in
responding to specific crises". But whilst the Department
recognises the need for UNMISS to have "more helicopters
and heavy-lift assets", it appears reluctant to support an
increase in troop numbers.[161]
The Minister noted that the UN Security Council
had reviewed UNMISS's resources in January 2012 and decided to
maintain military troop levels at 7,000. He wanted UNMISS to focus
instead on "immediate challenges" such as the "deployment
[of troops], where and how they are deployed, the rapidity of
their response capabilities, and being flexible in the access
they have to assets, not least heavy lift and helicopters".[162]
We agree with this statement. In Eastern Equatoria we saw many
UNMISS troops based in places where there was no apparent risk
of violence or disorder and who seemed to be largely involved
in low-level policing operations.
84. Some witnesses believed that UNMISS's mandate
should be broadened. The Episcopal Church of Sudan (ECS) and UK
partners argued that the UN Security Council should give UNMISS
a "border-monitoring component" to its mandate. On the
other hand, the Minister did not believe that it was the right
time to change UNMISS's mandate.[163]
He wanted it to focus on its current mandate, namely peacebuilding
and conflict prevention within South Sudan. We note that UNMISS
produced a draft peacebuilding strategy in March 2012, four months
later than specified in the initial UN Security Resolution, although
this has still not been finalised.
85. Given the range of security challenges in
South Sudanand the ineffectiveness of the country's army
and police forceit is essential that the international
community provides a robust peacekeeping force. The United Nations
Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), however, has had a difficult
beginning. It appears to lack the air assets it requires for a
country of this size. It has been slow to produce a peacebuilding
strategy. We are concerned that its mandate is too broad and unrealistic.
86. Costing almost half a billion pounds in its
first yearand still under-capacityUNMISS is also
a hugely expensive operation. It costs the UK taxpayer two thirds
of DFID's annual development and humanitarian budget for South
Sudan. UNMISS does not currently provide value-for-money and its
current resources have not been deployed most effectively. The
UK Government should press the UN for an urgent review of UNMISS's
cost, mandate, assets and operations, including the deployment
of troops.
87. In the medium-term, the aim must be for the
Government of South Sudan (GRSS), army and police to take on primary
responsibility for internal security in South Sudan and for dependence
on UNMISS to be reduced. This will require technical assistance,
including assistance to the military (which will not count as
Official Development Assistance). The Department should work alongside
the United States, UNMISS and the GRSS to produce a strategy to
enable this transition to take place.
The Church's peacebuilding and
mediation role
88. The Sudan Council of Churches (SCC)consisting
of six churches located in Southern Sudanplayed an important
peacebuilding and mediation role during the 22 years of civil
war in South Sudan and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement period.
Since independence, Archbishop Deng, the leader of the Episcopal
Church of Sudan (ECS) and key figure in the SCC, whom we met in
Juba, has been heavily involved in mediation efforts between tribes,
particularly in Jonglei State.[164]
Church representatives told us that the SCC had a "unique
advantage" in its peacekeeping and mediation work because
it reached into every part of the community.[165]
89. The Minister agreed that the SCC was a "crucial
partner" for peace and development in South Sudan.[166]
It could play a particularly important role in Jonglei "engaging
in grassroots mobilisation for peace".[167]
DFID allocated £250,000 to the SCC in 2012 to facilitate
this (the funding will focus on disarmament amongst rural people).[168]
Interestingly, the Department also suggested that the recent Jonglei
attacks had seen the "break down of the peace process being
led by Archbishop Deng and the SCC". Whilst the SCC would
continue to have an "important role to play in Jonglei",
this would be "most likely as part of a 'twin track' approach
led by the Government of South Sudan". In evidence, Mark
Mallalieu, Head of DFID South Sudan, explained:
"The thing that has changed is that previously
the Church was given a role, or asked to play a role, by the Government
that was perhaps unreasonable. The Church could not deliver that
kind of peace resolution process in the way that it was being
asked on its own."[169]
90. We asked Church representatives to respond to
the Department's analysis. The ECS and UK partners told us that
the churches "continue to maintain the confidence of the
people" and would work as a "strong and complementary"
actor in the peace processes. However, the ECS noted that the
GRSS and SPLA had been slow to respond to church leaders' repeated
requests, from as early as September 2011, to deploy troops to
protect civilians when attacks in Jonglei were anticipated.[170]
91. It will clearly take time to build the capacity
of the GRSS, army and police to take on primary responsibility
for peacekeeping and mediation. In the meantime, DFID must not
disregard the constructive role that the Sudan Council of Churches
can play in this area.
143 OCHA Back
Q 46 Back
UNMISS website, "Facts and figures", The statistics
for civilians are as of November 2011. Back
Q 44 [Episcopal Church of Sudan and UK partners] Back
UN General Assembly, Approved resources for peacekeeping operations
for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, A/C.5/66/14 Back
More expensive items in this category include air transportation,
facilities and infrastructure, and ground transportation. Back
UN General Assembly, Approved resources for peacekeeping operations
for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, A/C.5/66/14 Back
SS17d Back
Q 2. See also Q 28 [Save the Children] Back
Q 113; Ev 90. Back
"South Sudan cattle clashes: UN moves troops to Pibor",
BBC News Online, 30 December 2011 Back
SS17a, para 11 Back
Q38 [Dr Sara Pantuliano] Back
Specifically the UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary
Questions (ACABQ), which is composed of 16 members appointed by
the UN General Assembly. Back
Q 38 Back
Q 2. See also Q 28. Back
In January 2012, Russia announced it would withdraw its peacekeeping
troops from South Sudan, consisting of eight helicopters and 120
personnel, by April amid concerns over the safety of its personnel. Back
Q 114 [DFID]; Lise Grande quote in BBC News, "South Sudan
cattle clashes: UN moves troops to Pibor", 30 December 2011;
Ev 90. Back
Ev 90 Back
Q 113 Back
Q 113 Back
This was mandated by President Salva Kiir (Q 39) Back
Q 39 Back
Q 122 Back
Q 121 Back
Qq 42, 122. This will be used to hold a joint conference between
the Lou Nuer and Murle communities in Jonglei. Back
Q 124 Back
We were told that warnings by Archbishop Deng as early as September
2011about possible violence in Jonglei had not been acted upon. Back