3 The Family Justice Review Interim
28. The Family Justice Review started work in
March 2010. It was jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Justice,
the then Department for Children, Schools and Families, and the
Welsh Assembly. The terms of reference for the review included
a list of "guiding principles" (including the paramountcy
of the interests of the child, protecting the vulnerable, minimising
conflict, and promoting the positive involvement of both parents).
The Panel was asked to assess how the current system performed
against these principles, and to make recommendations for reform
in two key areas: "the promotion of informed settlement and
agreement" and "the management of the family justice
system". The terms of reference said that "recommendations
should be costed and have regard to affordability".[44]
The review was conducted by a Panel chaired by Sir David Norgrove
(former chair of the Pensions Regulator), consisting of independent
members and representatives from the three sponsoring bodies.
The Panel published its Interim Report on 31 March 2011.
29. The majority of the written and oral evidence
we received was submitted before the Interim Report was published,
and much of that evidence addressed issues which are the subject
of recommendations in the Interim Report. We shall consider relevant
recommendations in the Interim Report in each chapter alongside
our own findings. However, it would be helpful to discuss some
of its principal conclusions here.
30. The Interim Report concluded that the current
family justice "system is not working".[45]
It said that it had identified "much the same problems"
as the previous seven reviews of family justice carried out since
1989 and concluded that "the chief explanation in our view
is that family justice does not operate as a coherent managed
system, in fact, in many ways it is not a system at all".[46]
The Interim Report concluded that the family justice system required
radical structural change. It recommended setting up a Family
Justice Service "subsuming" the work of the Family Justice
Council, Local Family Justice Councils, Family Court Business
Committees, the National Performance Partnership, Local Performance
Improvement Groups and the President's Combined Development Board.
It would also include Cafcass but not Cafcass Cymru, which is
and will remain a matter for the devolved administration.[47]
31. Many of the issues which led to the Panel's
proposal for structural change have also been brought to our attention
during our inquiry. The failure of the system to ensure that
the voice of the child is heard, the lack of trust between agencies,
the low morale of many staff and the complexity of the system
for all concerned have all been the subject of concern and criticism
by many of our witnesses. There are also questions about the
current system's ability to cope with future challenges. Change
to the legal aid system will produce more litigants in person,
and the number of public law cases seems unlikely to fall. It
is clear that reform is needed. However, during our inquiry we
have focused on discrete areas of the family justice system rather
than the intricacies of the current structure.
32. The Interim Report has a clear focus on the
welfare of the child, which we welcome. We also welcome its concentration
on the damaging effects of delay on children. We have sought
to use the same approach in this Report.
33. However, we regret the lack of analysis of
the challenges that will be presented now that the Government
has decided to proceed with its proposed changes to legal aid.
The Government's Proposals for the Reform of Legal Aid in England
and Wales were published in November 2010 and its response
to the subsequent consultation on 21 June 2011. The Government
intends to remove aid for help and representation in private law
cases where there are no domestic violence or safeguarding concerns.
Most people who previously would have been eligible for legal
aid will, in future, be expected to rely on mediation. We discuss
the likely impact of this in Chapters 5 and 7. Referring to the
likely increase in the number of litigants in person expected
to result from the removal of legal aid in many circumstances,
the Interim Report noted that:
We share [the concerns of respondents], both as
to the ability of litigants in person to conduct their case effectively
and as to the inevitable increased burden in terms of time and
resources this will place on the court. We are also concerned
that some parents will simply not pursue their dispute leading
to some children losing contact with a parent.[48]
34. The Interim Report does not comment explicitly
on whether the current family justice system would be able to
cope with the "increased burden", or what measures would
be necessary to mitigate such a burden. The Interim Report concludes
that: "our recommendation that the legal aid budget be managed
as part of the overall family justice budget, would enable the
Family Justice Service to take a more holistic approach to ensuring
there are available services to support these families".[49]
We did not take evidence on this recommendation, but it would
be a longer term solution which could only take effect once the
Family Justice Service was up and running. Any changes to the
eligibility or scope of legal aid would require legislation, so
we are not clear to what extent the proposed Family Justice Service
could "shift money between activities" as the Interim
Report suggests.[50]
35. We welcome the work of Sir
David Norgrove and the Family Justice Panel. While the need for
reform of the family justice system is clear, the evidence that
we have heard on the most appropriate structure for the family
justice system is limited. We therefore remain neutral as to
the Panel's detailed proposals on the creation of a Family Justice
Service, while taking a close interest in responses to the consultation.
36. We welcome the focus of
the Interim Report on the needs of the child. However, we are
disappointed that the Interim Report did not look in more detail
at how the family courts might cope with an increase in the number
of litigants in person resulting from the Government's proposed
changes to legal aid. We hope that the Panel can address this
issue in more detail in its final report.
37. We have noted above the paucity of data available
regarding the family courts. The Panel found this was particularly
true with regard to cost: the Interim Report contains virtually
no information on the likely costs of its recommendations, noting
that it was not possible to cost its proposals in the absence
of information about the current system. It concludes that: "we
believe that by removing duplication, refocusing the court's attention
and encouraging other methods of dispute resolution costs will
be reduced."[51]
38. The Minister, Jonathan Djanogly MP, Parliamentary
Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice, told us that the
Government was seeking to address this:
The Review team themselves have identified a whole
series of gaps in the statistics that they need to find out before
they can put in costs. The costs that appear in the Initial Report
are actually very high level [...] MoJ and DfE will do our best
to help them in identifying those costs so that we can benefit
from that information at the time of the Final Report.[52]
Would the proposals be cost neutral?
39. Tim Loughton MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary
of State, Department for Education, argued that many of the changes
proposed in the Interim Report would be cost neutral, and that
there were potential savings to be made:
Sir Nicholas Wall and the senior judges that you
had in front of you said that a lot more could be done with the
existing funding that is there, recognising that there is not
going to be, on the face of it, a lot of extra funding coming
in. The duplication to which the Report refers is a major source
of cost. The bureaucracy around a lot of the proceedings and
the lack of trust between various different agencies involved
in the court procedures, such as the duplication of expert reports
and everything else, is bringing about costs now which need not
be there.[53]
40. The Interim Report identified the following
areas where it says there is duplication of work: both the courts
and local authorities examining applications for adoption (where
it recommends that local authorities stop carrying out this work);
the work of guardians[54]
duplicating that of local authorities (where it recommends both
continue, so there would be no saving); and duplication where
both Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs) and guardians examine
care plans (where it recommends IROs should have sole responsibility).
Thus the Report identifies only three areas, and in none of them
would ending that duplication lead to savings for the MoJ (guardians
are supplied by Cafcass, part of the Department for Education,
discussed further in Chapter 6).
41. The Interim Report also noted that judges
had been using expert witnesses to repeat the work of local authorities
and guardians, which had resulted in a "disincentive to the
authority to do the work fully in the first place". It also
concluded that courts instruct too many expert witnesses. However,
it is worth noting that the entire expert witness legal aid budget
was estimated at about £53 million in 2008-09[55]
so any reduction in the use of expert witnesses would result in
a relatively small potential saving in a system the Interim Report
estimates costs £1.5 billion a year.
42. One of the Interim Report's recommendations
is that the Family Justice Service should be responsible for
an integrated IT system able to support case management with "much
better IT capability". Like the other recommendations, this
was uncosted. However, both Ministers agreed they were apprehensive
about the potential cost of such an IT system.[56]
Mr Loughton said that:
The history of central Government-initiated IT projects
is not one that makes one jump up and down with joy, of course
[...].We will need to look at that very carefully. It does strike
us that the admin procedures of Cafcass are slightly behind time
and we need to get up to speed with it. IT is going to be part
of that solution, I am sure.[57]
43. Governments, both in the UK and internationally,
have an extremely poor record for procuring effective IT systems
on time and on budget.[58]
Experience suggests that the Panel's recommendation for
the development of an integrated IT system with the ability to
support the management of cases may prove to be particularly challenging
to implement without extensive further resources.[59]
The Ministry of Justice's track record on IT is also poor. After
the merger of the Prison and Probation Service to form the National
Offender Management Service a new database, C-NOMIS, was planned.
After costs tripled to £690 million it was reconfigured
to just include prisons.[60]
Cafcass alone currently spends £7.78 million a year on
outsourced IT. While we welcome the Panel's indication that reform
will result in a cheaper family justice system overall, experience
suggests that radical structural reform rarely supplies savings,
or even cost-neutrality in the short-term. In this context, we
note that the Australian Government made around £260 million
available for the far-reaching structural and legislative reforms
it carried out to its family justice system in 2006.[61]
44. We agree with Ministers
that there are potential savings from implementing the proposals
in the Interim Report. We are concerned that the Family Justice
Review has been unable to cost its proposals and we look to Ministers
to ensure the Review has all the information it needs fully to
inform its final report.
Government's response to the Interim Report
45. The consultation on the Interim Report closed
on 23 June. The Family Justice Review hopes to publish a final
report in the Autumn, to which the Government intends to respond
before the end of 2011.[62]
The Minister stressed that the Government was not just waiting
for the final report: "given the state of the system as it
exists and the urgent needs of children waiting for court cases,
we felt that we had to act".[63]
He set out the measures that the Government had already taken
including: 4,000 extra county court hearing days; quarterly meetings
between the MoJ, the Department for Education, and the judiciary;
and setting up 42 local performance improvement groups bringing
together local authority representatives, local judges, HMCTS,
Cafcass, and the Legal Services Commission.[64]
On 21 June 2011, the Government presented its Legal Aid, Sentencing
and Punishment of Offenders Bill, which incorporates those
aspects of its legal aid reforms which require legislative changes.
46. Undertaking changes to legal
aid and implementing the recommendations of the Family Justice
Review at the same time will be difficult. The Department must
look carefully at the interactions between the two sets of proposals,
and the cumulative impact on the different elements of the family
justice system. The Department must monitor the situation carefully
and intervene quickly if problems emerge. The Committee will
return to this matter in the light of early experience of the
legal aid changes.
44 Interim Report, Annex A, p 190 Back
Ibid, p 5 Back
Ibid, p 6 Back
Ibid, p 25 Back
Interim Report, p 155 Back
Ibid. Back
Interim Report, p 68 Back
Interim Report, p 25. http://www.justice.gov.uk/downloads/publications/policy/moj/family-justice-review-interim-rep.pdf
Q 295 Back
Ibid. Back
The term guardian technically only applies to cases where the
child is a party to proceedings, in all public law cases, and
some private law cases. However, many of our witnesses used the
term generically to refer to Cafcass workers in all cases. In
this report we have used the term 'Cafcass worker' unless we mean
guardian in the more narrow technical sense, or where we are paraphrasing
or commenting on evidence which used the term guardian. Back
The Impact Assessment for the Government's proposals
for the reform of legal aid in England and Wales states that
the exact figure spent on expert witnesses is not known, but it
is estimated to be 2/3 of the £80 million spend on disbursements.
Disbursements are costs arising from proceedings in addition to
legal costs, they include photocopying, travel costs, out of pocket
expenses and expert witness fees. Back
Q 296 Back
Q 297 Back
Stanforth, Analysing e-Government Project Failure: Comparing
Factoral, Systems and Interpretive Approaches, University
of Manchester (2010) Back
Interim Report, p 79 Back
The National Offender Management Information System, National
Audit Office, March 2009, http://www.nao.org.uk/publications/0809/national_offender_management.aspx
Australian Government, 2005, A New Family Law System: Government
Response to Every Picture Tells a Story, pp 1-2 Back
Q 292 Back
Q 294 Back
Ibid. Back