Written evidence from the Association
of Lawyers for Children (FC 24)
The Association of Lawyers for Children ["ALC"]
is a national association of lawyers working in the field of children
law. It has over 1,200 members, mainly solicitors and family law
barristers who represent children, parents and other adult parties,
or local authorities. Other legal practitioners and academics
are also members. Its Executive Committee members are drawn from
a wide range of experienced practitioners practising in different
areas of the country. Several leading members are specialists
with over 20 years experience in children law, including local
government legal services. Many have written books and articles
and lectured about aspects of children's law, and several hold
judicial office. The ALC exists to promote access to justice for
children and young people within the legal system in England and
Wales in the following ways:
- (i) lobbying in favour of establishing properly
funded legal mechanisms to enable all children and young people
to have access to justice;
- (ii) lobbying against the diminution of such
- (iii) providing high quality legal training,
focusing on the needs of lawyers and non-lawyers concerned with
cases relating to the welfare, health and development of children;
- (iv) providing a forum for the exchange
of information and views involving the development of the law
in relation to children and young people; and
- (v) being a reference point for members of
the profession, Governmental organisations and pressure groups
interested in children law and practice. The ALC is automatically
a stakeholder in respect of all government consultations pertaining
to law and practice in the field of children law.
A.2 CAFCASS is considered at pages 3 to 9. In
our submission we contrast the delivery of a service to children
in public law cases before CAFCASS took over responsibility with
the position as it has developed under CAFCASS's stewardship,
and we call for radical and urgent reform of the way in which
the services provided by Children's Guardians in particular are
A.3 CHANGES TO LEGAL AID are considered at pages
10 to 18. The bulk of our submission addresses the contracting
changes proposed by the 2010 bid round, which of course, at the
time this submission is lodged is the subject of a pending application
for judicial review. We contrast the willingness of the Legal
Services Commission to enter into detailed discussion over drastic
changes to the fees structure (which eventually resulted in broad
consensus) with their failure to enter into any such discussion
about the tender criteria (which has resulted in an outcome viewed
in all quarters of the family justice system as potentially disastrous).
at pages 19 to 20. We emphasise that such services require to
be properly funded if they are to be effective, and that a high
degree of skill and experience are essential attributes of the
professionals involved if such initiatives are to work.
is considered at pages 21 to 28. We draw attention to the fact
that, in constructing the new rules and legislation, the views
of children and young people were ignored, and that the current
legislation raises substantial problems and concerns (including
compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child)
while leaving the media even less clear than before as to what
can be reported. We call for a proper and detailed consultation
on these issues.
(i) The effect of Cafcass's operations on
court proceedings, and the impact on the courts of the sponsorship
of Cafcass by the Department of Education
1.1 The ALC has addressed these issues in correspondence
this year with OFSTED (as the body inspecting CAFCASS) and with
the National Audit Office (in connection with their report dated
28/7/10 on Cafcass' response to increased demand for its services)
and we submit, as supplementary material:
- (i) letter to Ofsted dated 21/1/10; and
- (ii) letter to the National Audit Office
dated 28/5/10.
We draw attention in these documents to the ways
in which CAFCASS's priorities have been skewed by the agenda of
their sponsoring department and the inspection regime to which
they have become subject.
1.2 The core functions of CAFCASS are to give
children an independent voice in legal proceedings, and to advise
and assist the court in achieving the best possible outcome for
them. In public law cases, they must also ensure that children
are protected against poor social work practice and decision-making.
Whilst the difficulties in obtaining timely CAFCASS reports in
private law cases are also severe, this submission focuses primarily
on the chronic failure of CAFCASS to offer adequate representation
to the abused and neglected children who are the subject of care
1.3 CAFCASS's hierarchical management culture,
combined with its hostility to the independence and status of
the Children's Guardian, have had a disastrous effect on the representation
of these children. From its inception, CAFCASS has reduced the
professional standards, capacity and morale of the pre-existing
service, one which its own chief executive now refers to as "the
Golden Age". Although one of the principal aims of government
in establishing CAFCASS was to produce savings through a unified
and managed service, CAFCASS now costs more than twice as much
to run as the 3 services which preceded it- currently £138
million in 2009/2010 as opposed to £66.5 million in 1998.
Adjusted for inflation (approximately 34% from 1998-2010), this
represents a cost increase in real terms of 66%.
1.4 CAFCASS blames its failures on a surge in
demand for public law and private law reports. In fact, the demand
for public law guardians now is no higher now than it was in 1997-1998.[26]
1.5 The three services which offered investigation,
representation and advice to the court in children's cases were
the court welfare service (private law : investigating and reporting
function), the guardian panels (public law including adoption:
child representation, investigation and reporting), and the Official
Solicitor (child representation, investigation and reporting in
complex, mainly High Court proceedings). The combined annual costs
of these services in England for 1997-1998 were estimated by government
to be £66.5 million.[27]
1.6 In 1998, Guardians were appointed in about
13,300 cases, of which about 4,400 (33%) were adoption proceedings.
The remainder (about 8,900 cases) were Children Act specified
(public law) proceedings[28].
In 2009-2010, CAFCASS statistics show that public law requests
for guardians were 8,684. In 1997, the Family Court Welfare Service,
operated by the Probation Service, undertook about 36,100 reports
per year[29].
In 2008-9 CAFCASS received 38,449 requests for private law reports
(CAFCASS Annual Report, July 2009 page 17). Thus, demand for public
and private law reports and services is broadly similar to that
in 1997-1998.
1.7 As at March 1998, there were an estimated
1,011 guardian panel memberships in England. Some individual guardians
were double-counted as they belonged to more than one panel. Of
this total, 843 (approx. 80%) were self-employed. About 70 persons
in England and Wales were designated panel managers, supported
by 92 clerical and administrative staff[30]
The total budget for the guardian service was £26.193 million,
of which £18.5 million (70%) was spent on guardians' salaries,
fees and expenses[31].
Waiting lists were rare and were easily absorbed by guardians
from neighbouring panels.
1.8 Guardians were highly qualified and experienced:
"One characteristic of most of the current practitioners
is the length and breadth of their expertise in family, child
and court-related areas, linked to formal academic qualifications."[32]
1.9 It was common ground that the guardians offered
a very high level of service to the children and the courts: "The
current service provided by the Family Court Welfare, Guardians
ad Litem and the Official Solicitor's Office are highly regarded
by the courts and many other agencies with whom they have contact.
This is also evidenced by inspection reports of the Family Court
Welfare and the Guardian Services. That professionalism is recognised
and valued. It needs to be sustained and where possible enhanced."
"The role of the guardian ad litem in particular is widely
regarded as one of the major success stories of the Children Act."
1.10 Even before its inception in 2001, CAFCASS
was opposed to the use of self-employed guardians, and the guardians'
professional association, the National Association of Guardians
ad Litem and Reporting Officers (NAGALRO) successfully sought
judicial review of CAFCASS on this issue. Nonetheless, the opposition
to the use of self-employed guardians continued. In 2003, the
House of Commons Select Committee observed that "the increase
in demand- which did not start post-Cafcass and should have been
anticipated- and the shortage of appropriately qualified staff,
made it all the more important that CAFCASS held on to the staff
it was inheriting. The protracted dispute [with self-employed
guardians] damaged relations with experienced guardians and
staff that the organisation desperately needed in order properly
to fulfil one of its core functions
.It is important that,
as well as using and developing its employed guardians, CAFCASS
senior management embrace the principle of a mixed economy and
repair relations with self-employed guardians." [35].
This advice was ignored. In 2009, despite increasing waiting lists,
CAFCASS issued a directive that no further cases would be allocated
to self-employed guardians. By March 2010, the number of self-employed
guardians had reduced to 311.
1.11 The most recent CAFCASS Annual Report (July
2009) shows an annual budget of £130 million. Almost half
of CAFCASS employees (908 out of 2,083, or 44%) are non-practitioners.
Although CAFCASS asserts that about 60% of its budget goes to
remuneration of "front-line staff", this includes all
regional staff, managers, administrative staff and practitioners
in both public and private law (known collectively as "Family
Court Advisors" or FCAs). No separate figures are published
for the fees and salaries of practitioners, but, given the high
proportion of non-practitioner staff, it is safe to assume that
the proportion of the total annual budget spent on their remuneration
is less than 50%. This represents in our view a major misdirection
of public money towards a growing and unnecessary bureaucracy,
at the expense of the children that CAFCASS is meant to represent.
1.12 Many of the most experienced self-employed
guardians have been forced out of the service or have taken early
retirement, so that hundreds of years of experience have been
lost to the family courts. In March 2010, the number of self-employed
guardians in England remaining was 311, compared to a total of
1140 employed FCAs. Entry level qualifications for guardians have
been reduced to 3 years' post qualifying experience and CAFCASS
proposes to reduce them even further, so that newly qualified
social workers with no experience will be able to be employed
by CAFCASS. Further, CAFCASS plans to extend the use of unqualified
family support workers to carry out some of the tasks of the guardian.
1.13 CAFCASS now officially defines a case as
"allocated" when it is "either a case substantively
allocated to a named practitioner or a case allocated on a duty
basis to a named Cafcass practitioner" (CAFCASS Annual report
page 27). Employed guardians have now been allocated so many cases
that many feel they are unable to offer even a minimum service
to the children they represent. Workload agreements in 2004 envisaged
about 12 cases per employed guardian. According to the National
Association of Probation Officers ( NAPO), employed practitioners
are now carrying an average of 25 cases. In some cases, their
case loads far exceed this figure. This places the guardian in
an invidious position, as the statutory duty to investigate and
report in each case is placed squarely on his shoulders. Anxiety
is very high and morale is very low. The number of employed guardians
leaving the service is increasing, and NAPO report staff turnover
rates of between 20 and 30 % in some areas.
1.14 A national survey of its members by NAGALRO[36]
found that 40% of care cases in the survey sample had been unallocated
for more than two months, including 10 % for over three months.
2 % were unallocated for more than 5 months. In early autumn 2009,
a conservative estimate was that there were over 860 cases awaiting
allocation in the offices from which the participants reported.
1.15 Guardians were concerned about the limitations
of the "advisory" or "duty guardian" role,
particularly about the quality of advice that could be offered
to the court, and the dangers posed to the child by an "arm's
length" process of risk assessment[37].
There is also lack of continuity for the child. Over 80% of respondents
said that they were being instructed by Cafcass managers to prioritise
tasks other than the work done with and for the child. This is
echoed by reports that managers in some areas are instructing
guardians not to make home visits and to interview families by
1.16 The lack of opportunity for the guardian
critically to appraise and, if necessary, challenge the local
authority's actions and arrangements for the child at an early
stage was another major area of concern:
"Some of the case examples in the survey
indicate that the local authority case was being accepted uncritically,
raising the fear that the wrong decisions may have been made and
the options for the child not fully explored. If too much time
elapses between the child's removal from home and the final placement
decision, then the outcomes may be determined through the passage
of time rather than on the original facts of the case". [38]
1.17 CAFCASS's current operational target is
to offer a purported "safe minimum service" in all public
law cases. NAGALRO's response is as follows:
"The concerns raised by respondents in relation
to the fettering of their professional discretion are indicative
of the gap which is opening up between the organisational target
of the "safe minimum standard" of service delivery and
the statutory duty of the children's guardians under the Children
Act 1989- to give paramount consideration to the child's best
interests. Practitioners are rightly concerned that the present
systems may put them in breach of either their professional codes
of practice or their statutory duty. The concept of a "safe
minimum" is essentially a subjective rather than an absolute
concept, dependent on different local and managerial definitions.
This has resulted in considerable confusion and anxiety for front-line
staff concerned about potentially dangerous practice
case examples given by the survey respondents vividly illustrated
the anxiety and stress experienced by practitioners who are all
too acutely aware of the vulnerability of hundreds of children
who are waiting for a guardian". [39]
1.18 The ALC supports and adopts these observations.
It also supports the radical reform of the delivery of guardian
services to children and to the courts. It goes without saying
that these are the most vulnerable group of children in our society.
Many of them have suffered grave harm. They need independent representation
by high-calibre guardians. It is clear from the comparatively
modest cost of the previous services that a return to the standards
which existed pre-CAFCASS is not a pipe dream or a "Golden
Age". It is an affordable, do-able alternative to an organisation
which spends less than half its annual budget on the salaries
and fees of public and private law practitioners, and prioritises
bureaucratic tasks above direct, investigative work with children
and their families. The good will, dedication and expertise of
the existing guardians can be harnessed to offer a high quality
service to the child and to the court. A service which protects
and respects the role and professionalism of the guardians would
also be able to attract and retain high calibre new recruits from
the social work profession.
(ii) The impact on court proceedings and access
to justice of recent and proposed changes to legal aid
2.1 By "recent and proposed changes to legal
aid" we understand the Select Committee to refer to:
- (A) Part 1 of the family fee changes, effective
October 2007;
- (B) Part 2 of the family fee changes, due
to come into effect in October 2010;
- (C) the contracting changes proposed by the
2010 bid round; and
- (D) other changes to the scope of funding
to be introduced in October 2010 as a result of the 2010 contracts
consultation, eg the capping of independent social work fees.
We deal with these in turn:
(a) Part 1 of the family fee changes, effective
October 2007
2.2 Our members' principal complaint was that
these changes failed properly to remunerate solicitors who did
their own advocacy for time spent (sometimes many hours) in preparing
for hearings.[40]
Following considerable and productive discussions with the LSC
this issue will be remedied shortly, when the Part 2 fee scheme
comes into force.
2.3 In terms both of access to justice and the
impact on court proceedings, there is clear evidence from our
membership that the quality of parent/other adult party representation
(i.e. work other than advocacy) in care proceedings has declined
since the introduction of fixed fees for case preparation. That
fee is, on the face of it, quite substantial[41].
There has been a noticeable increase in the number of parents
who are not being adequately represented, and there is a strong
suspicion amongst our membership that commercial decisions have
been taken to move into this market on the basis of corners being
cut and a minimal service provided. This indeed is market forces
at work!
2.4 There are anomalies in the scheme where a
client transfers instructions to another solicitor. These could
be for a wide range of reasons, including conflict of interest,
the client acting in such a way as to require the solicitor to
withdraw from the case, the solicitor ceasing practice or being
subject to an intervention. Restrictions on the second solicitor's
remuneration makes taking on such cases financially unviable.
This has an impact both on access to justice and the court process.
(b) Part 2 of the family fee changes, due to
come into effect in October 2010
2.5 Broadly we consider that these changes will
result in improved quality of advocacy and will have a positive
impact on court proceedings. By offering reasonable remuneration
for complex work they will encourage providers to continue to
offer publicly funded services in this field, and they can be
expected to have a positive impact also on access to justice.
2.6 We would like to highlight that this scheme
was developed as a result of detailed and lengthy discussions
between representative bodies and the LSC over many months. It
is clear evidence that such constructive engagement is possible,
in stark contrast, unfortunately, to the history of the contracting
changes, below.
(c) The contracting changes proposed by the 2010
bid round
2.7 For public law work, the results of the family
bid round are, at present, disastrous - both in terms of future
access to justice and future quality of work. There are many parts
of the country where provision will plainly be inadequate, and
large numbers of highly experienced and very well-regarded children
panel solicitors who have been excluded from taking on work under
the new contract.[42]
2.8 It is clearly of the utmost importance to
understand how this has come about. Our limited understanding
of how the process developed (which includes no knowledge at all
of crucial elements such as the Legal Services Commission's planning
processes and decision making) is as follows.
2.9 By the final report stage of his review of
Legal aid Procurement, published in July 2006, Lord Carter's brief
had been extended to family law. Published simultaneously with
his report was a consultation paper from the Legal Services Commission
and Department for Constitutional Affairs "Legal Aid: a sustainable
future". Our association's response is annexed[43]
2.10 At a meeting of the Civil Contracts Consultative
Group held on 27/1/09 it was clearly articulated as being the
policy of the Ministry of Justice that smaller providers should
be eliminated from the 2010 bid round[44].
Some months later, in their Consultation Response, the LSC confined
themselves to observing that "We would stress that five providers
per procurement area will be a minimum rather than a target and
that in the majority of areas we would anticipate letting more
contracts than this"[45].
2.11 In a letter dated 14/1/10 to the Law Society,
Carolyn Regan (then Chief Executive Officer of the Legal Services
Commission) stated that there was no intention to make significant
cuts in the supplier base. She repeated that assurance to one
of the signatories of this submission on 18/1/10, at a meeting
of the National Family Justice Board. She envisaged that, as a
result of the tender process, a few providers might drop out and
a few new players might come on board, but that broadly the supplier
base would remain as it had been.
2.12 We know from the Magee report[46]
that there were considerable tensions between the policy departments
of the Ministry of Justice and Legal Services Commission[47].
We also know that the Ministry of Justice "won"[48].
How then were the criteria formulated on the basis
of which a substantial cut in the supplier basis was indeed achieved?
2.13 Annex A to the LSC's Consultation Response
to the Civil Bids Round for 2010 contracts consultation, which
was published in June 2009, set out on page 1 a summary of the
minimum entry requirements for Family work. This sets out a number
of requirements, including:
- minimum numbers of NMS, and the requirement to
provide service at all levels;
- a quality standards which required a satisfactory
peer review rating, the LSC's "Specialist Quality Mark"
standard or equivalent; and
- supervision requirements limited to "supervisor
standard in family" - that is to say (coupled with the requirement
that there be a minimum of one supervisor to each [full-time equivalent]
caseworkers, one person who satisfied the Specialist Quality Mark
supervision standard for a firm with 1-6 fee earners, and an additional
supervisor if the firm had 7-12 fee earners, etc.
2.14 Significantly, at this stage there was no
for any specific panel memberships, over and above the standard
requirement that a supervisor be a member of one of a number of
accredited panels operated by The Law Society[50]
and Resolution.
2.15 There was no consultation with the ALC,
and none that we are aware of with other representative bodies
subsequently in the eight months between the Consultation Response
and the opening of the tender as to any further requirements,
beyond those set out in Annex A, page 1, or how particular requirements
were to be scored. The LSC were asked for further details[51]
but were unwilling to enter into any discussion as to their plans,
only indicating the publication dates they were working towards.
We do not know what the reasons were for not consulting in detail.
Whatever the reasons, the results have been disastrous. Had there
been proper consultation on the criteria which were finally adopted
by the LSC and the scoring system, those criteria would almost
certainly have been substantially modified.[52]
2.17 Once firms' bids had been "scored",
matters were then aggravated by the LSC's system of allocation.
This was a "cascade" system, in which those firms with
the highest score were allotted all the matter starts they had
bid for, irrespective of the relationship between that number
and the firm's track record of case starts. Provided there were
five providers in each procurement area, if those top five scorers
had bid for more than, or the precise amount of available matter
starts between them, then no further bids were considered or contracts
let. This was a "winner takes all" approach, which inevitably
encouraged overbidding.
2.18 No consideration was given to the proportion
of a firm's work which was devoted to "matter starts"
(ie legal help) as opposed to court work (certificated work).
This took no account of the fact that, in public law children's
cases, the work done under a matter start may only constitute
1 or 2% of the work done altogether, and that there is no matter
start at all in cases where a provider acts on behalf of a child.
2.19 There was no requirement that staff at a
particular office fulfil the criteria that the LSC devised. This
enabled firms to make multiple bids in different contract areas,
and effectively "knock out" long established firms with
highly qualified and experienced staff, who failed to score sufficient
points to be considered under the cascade system.
2.20 It is beyond the scope of this brief submission
to go into details of the many anomalies thrown up by this ill-conceived
tick-box tender, but they include:
- contracts going to firms which fortuitously had
an employee who had qualified on one of the domestic violence
panels before the announcement that this would attract specific
points (enabling them to score the maximum 40 points) despite
the fact that other firms had undoubted expertise in that area
which they could have evidenced in other ways, if the tender form
had allowed anything other than the ticking of boxes, and far
greater depth and experience in other areas of practice than the
"successful" firms;
- contracts being awarded on the basis of speculative
bids rather than track record/ability to deliver services without
the need to recruit;
- no account being taken of the fact that a firm
might have several highly experienced panel solicitors (over and
above the minimum number of panel members required for supervision
purposes); and
- highly experienced children panel solicitors,
many with 20 years or more practice in representing both children
and parents,[53]
practising in metropolitan areas which have the greatest level
of social deprivation and accordingly the bulk of public law cases,
and held in high regard by the courts where they practice, being
unable to qualify for a contract because of the automatic classification
of such areas as Integrated Services A areas.
2.21 In summary, the peculiarities of the scoring
criteria, coupled with the LSC's policies on cascading, and awarding
contracts to do work across the board purely on the basis on New
Matter Starts, produced unexpected, irrational and disastrous
(d) Other changes to the scope of funding to
be introduced in October 2010 as a result of the 2010 contracts
2.23 The ALC's main concern in this area is the
decision to cap fees of Independent Social Workers, with effect
from October 2010. We strongly opposed this proposal at the time
of the Consultation[54]
and remain strongly opposed. We understand fully the need for
a review of experts' fees generally, but consideration of Independent
Social Workers should have been included, with other expert's
fees, in the remit of the Ministry of Justice's Central working
Group on experts' fees.
2.24 In practice the LSC are already attempting
to cap fees in advance of October 2010, and have, ahead of implementation,
resiled from the policy in place since 2003[55].
The results have already been felt, with a number of very well
regarded ISW's declining to accept further instructions and we
have no doubt that this unwelcome change will impact seriously
both upon the court process and upon access to justice.
2.25 We would support this decision being rescinded,
with decisions over Independent Social Workers fees being included
in the remit of the Central Working Group.
(iii) The role, operation and resourcing of
mediation and other methods in resolving matters before they reach
Private Child Law
3.1 Mediation has been urged as an alternative
to court proceedings for several years, particularly by the LSC,
on the basis that it is a cheaper option. In practice this has
not been borne out. Various schemes have failed due to lack of
take up. Costs have been commensurate with court proceedings.
Mediation is a very useful way of deflecting cases from the courts,
and can lead to significantly better outcomes in certain circumstances
but it is not necessarily cheaper. Mediation services need to
be properly funded. The lack of available legal advice in the
most common family mediation models can lead to a duplication
of work, although this is more of a problem with financial mediation
rather than children issues.
3.2 Collaborative law (where the parties
agree not to go to court, but to resolve their differences in
4 way meetings with their lawyers) has some advantages over mediation
in that the parties have access to legal advice. The model of
being able to call on the services of family consultants and child
consultants to assist with the process can be particularly helpful.
The involvement of lawyers and other experts can, however, mean
that collaborative law is not always affordable for all who would
benefit from it.
3.3 Early neutral evaluation, where a
jointly instructed expert lawyer provides a neutral opinion as
to an appropriate resolution, or likely court order can frequently
avert court proceedings and can be very cost effective.
3.4 Conciliation has historically been
successfully employed by CAFCASS officers as a way of resolving
matters without further proceedings. This seems to be being used
less now that extensive risk assessments are required prior to
meeting the parents.
3.5 Programmes of information sharing for
parents in private law cases with a view to reaching settlement
through conciliation (or any other method) appear to be successful.
When these require to be resourced centrally, rather than by individual
legal fees, they have not been employed as extensively as they
might have been. Separated Parents Information Programmes
(PIPs) are steadily taking off. Such schemes do seem to reduce
the number of child cases coming before the courts and, by making
parents aware of the damage conflict causes children, limit animosity
and encourage healthy resolution without the need for contested
Public Child Law
3.6 The need to protect children and the inequality
of bargaining power when a child's welfare is seriously at risk
does make mediation and collaborative law difficult
to use within public law. Studies and pilot schemes to promote
mediation have not resulted in any significant role for mediation
within public law. Collaborative law, precluding as it does court
proceedings, does not give children the protection they need.
3.7 However, the use of family group conferencing,
pre-proceedings conferences, advocates meetings
and a more inquisitorial system enables professionals (lawyers,
social workers and guardians) to utilise mediation and collaborative
law skills to the benefit of parents and children. The multi-party
nature of public law proceedings also tends to foster a more collaborative
approach to problem solving in public law cases.
3.8 However, if these alternative methods are
to work effectively, experienced lawyers (representing all parties)
and experienced guardians and social workers are essential.
(iv) Confidentiality and openness in family
courts, including the impact of the recent changes in the children,
schools and families act 2010. 4.1
4.1 Changes to the Rules in April 2009 permitting
the media to attend family hearings[56],
coupled with the provisions of Part 2 of the Children Schools
and Families Act 2010[57]
aimed to increase reporting and public awareness of the work of
family courts - thus addressing any failing of confidence in this
4.2 Various claims have been made about the benefits
of press attendance and reporting of family hearings. In brief,
those in favour of media access in private law cases (predominantly
fathers - albeit a relatively small group) argued courts were
biased in favour of mothers, while those in favour of media access
in public law hearings argued local authorities have removed children
4.3 The latter group (along with some journalists)
have also been critical of the work of certain experts. In addition,
some parents argued that the rules restricting on "onward
disclosure" of court papers denied them an opportunity to
discuss their cases with others from whom they might be offered
support. Campaigning groups depicted family courts as "secret",
arguing judges and experts are unaccountable for their views and
4.4 Those opposed to media access to hearings
argued children's hearings were not "secret" but necessarily
private. Children and many children's organisations argued children
would be able to be identified from press reporting - even if
names were not published. There was however an acknowledgment
that more information about the system and the decision making
process should be more easily available to the general public
but that this information could not be achieved through the mechanism
of press reporting - given other concerns and complexities.
4.5 Major concerns of children's organisations
focused on the impact on children and their unwillingness to disclosure
abuse and discuss wishes and feelings, and on family courts, in
terms of increased delay and cost.
4.6 A further concern was that the media would
only be interested in reporting sensational and salacious aspects
of cases; the media are a commercial enterprise and this type
of information sold newspapers/increased viewer ratings. People's
rights to privacy about the most intimate details of their family
life would thereby be infringed, and some of society's most vulnerable
children would suffer further harm and risk through public exposure
of intimate details of parents' disputes and failures leading
to neglect and maltreatment. Children would be identifiable in
local communities and would suffer further.
4.7 It was also argued that restricting attendance
and reporting in family cases facilitates full and frank disclosure
from parties and thus early settlement of cases. In cases of domestic
violence and forced marriages women would be reluctant to seek
the protection of the court if told of the potential for press
attendance at a hearing in which painful and difficult information
has to be shared.
Evidence from other jurisdictions
4.8 Most of these issues have been rehearsed
in other similar common law jurisdictions.[59]
4.9 It is noteworthy that allegations about "secrecy",
family courts as a "star chamber" and judicial bias
against fathers continue in these jurisdictions despite for example
the fact that the Federal Family Court of Australia has been open
to the press (and the public) for well over 20 years.
4.10 Other jurisdictions have accordingly sought
different ways of enabling the public to have access to better
and more detailed information about modern family courts and how
judges make difficult decisions about the care of children.
Changes to family court rules (April 2009) and Part
2, Children Schools and Families Act 2010
4.11 Many who support increased media access
and reporting of children cases and those who opposed Part 2 of
the Act, argue that in practice, the provisions are largely unworkable.
4.12 Both groups argue that, if implemented,
Part 2 of the Act will result in adjournments,[60]
increased costs and delay. For the family justice system this
would occur at a time when the system is already close to meltdown.
4.13 Journalists argue that they are now[61]
even more unclear about what information they can report. Editors
remain unclear about what may be published and will not risk limited
resources sending out reporters to cover cases where media resources
may become tied up in applications to resolve this.
4.14 The Act is thus unlikely to meet the needs
of either group or the policy objectives set out by the (then
Labour) Government. It will, however, have substantial resource
4.15 For children's lawyers and others the implications
are even more complex.[62]
4.16 The ALC (along with some 22 key children's
groups making up the Interdisciplinary Children's Alliance)
is concerned that the legislation will not be sufficient to protect
the welfare and safety of children. This is a key concern not
only for children's lawyers but also for social workers and doctors.
The legislation undermines key ethical principles underscoring
work with children.[63]
4.17 Welfare, legal and clinical practitioners
have all argued that information about media attendance in court
will affect the willingness of children and young people to disclose/discuss
further serious abuse and neglect by a parent/carer, and their
own wishes and feelings with professionals - and will further
undermine their trust in adults and family courts to protect them.
The views of children and young people
4.18 The above concerns were substantiated in
recent research with children and young people.
4.19 An independent study of 51 children and
young people with regard to press access to family courts[64]
found almost all children and young people[65]
were opposed to the decision to permit reporters into family court
hearings. The major reason was that court hearings address issues
that are "private". They concern events that are painful,
embarrassing and humiliating for children and an overwhelming
majority said this detail was not the business of newspapers or
the general public.
4.20 Almost all children interviewed (96%) said
once children are told a reporter might be in court they will
be unwilling/less willing to talk to a clinician about ill-treatment
or disputes about their care, or about their wishes and feelings.
4.21 These findings indicate substantial problems[66]
and raise a range of concerns regarding compliance with Article
12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and General
Comment 12 (conditions for the realisation of rights for children
under Article 12).
4.22 The research data indicates that, in the
construction of new rules and legislation regarding media access
and reporting in children cases, crucial elements were ignored
- the views of children and young people, their concerns about
privacy, safety and self esteem, and the ethnical and practical
impact of new provisions.
4.23 At the point at which children feel most
vulnerable and powerless it is not perhaps surprising to learn
that the research indicates they may in effect "vote with
their feet", "play safe, and say nothing".
That may expose children to further abuse and places professionals
and family court judges in an untenable situation.
4.24 In the light of these findings careful,
more detailed, less rushed and a proper consultation needs to
be undertaken and alternative options that increase information
about the work of family courts - in a format that is user friendly
- but which does not expose already vulnerable and often damaged
children to further risks. Foremost in this is the need to provide
anonymised judgments. A pilot scheme has begun[67]
and this is to be welcomed. It is however very early days and
we await the evaluation report, which is essential before moving
forward in this area of family justice.
26 see further paragraph 1.5 below. The number of public
law cases requiring a guardian in 1998 was 8,900; in 2009-2010
it was 8,684. In 1997, the number of private law welfare reports
was 36,100. In 2009-2010, the number of private law requests received
by CAFCASS was 38,449. Back
"Support Services in Family Proceedings: Future Organisation
of Court Welfare Services" DOH, Home Office and LCD consultation
paper, July 1998, paragraph 5.1 Back
ibid; para. 1.25 Back
Ibid. para. 1.14 Back
ibid. paras 1.24 and 1.25. Back
ibid. para. 5.6 Back
Ibid. para 3.28 Back
Ibid. para 1.6 Back
Ibid. para 4.4 Back
Report of the Select Committee, paras 8 and 11 Back
Time for Children" January 2010 Back
Ibid. para 1.2 Back
Ibid. para 1.2 Back
Ibid. para 1.7 Back
An absence of proper statistical information resulted in all solicitors,
whether or not they did advocacy, receiving payment for preparation
for advocacy as part of the standard preparation fee. Back
It varies between £2,621 and £5,966 depending on which
region of the country and which tier of court. Back
The Law Society commenced an application for Judicial Review of
this process on 27th August 2010. A group of 12 existing
providers who had been refused family contracts were given permission
by Irwin J. to intervene, on 3rd September 2010. The
full hearing of the application for judicial review is listed
for 21st September 2010, with judgment expected to
be delivered on 24th September 2010. Back
Lord Carter's Independent Review of Legal Aid Procurement.
Legal Aid : A sustainable future. Submission of the Association
of Lawyers for Children 12th October 2006. Back
This emerged in the context of a discussion about consortia, and
whether family practitioners would be permitted to form them.
The MoJ were only prepared to consider consortia in the field
of social welfare law, on the basis that they were satisfied with
their impact assessments in the family law field and were not
interested in contracting with small family practices. Back
Civil Bid Rounds for 2010 Contracts :A consultation response
June 2009, paragraph 4.3 Back
"Review of Legal Aid Delivery and governance" by Sir
Ian Magee CB, March 2010 Back
See paragraphs 197 to 201 Back
Although Magee envisaged that there would be "further consideration
of the case for an Executive Agency to replace the LSC" (final
paragraph of Part 6 - recommendations) the Ministry of Justice
not only immediately announced that the LSC would be moved to
an Executive Agency of the MoJ, but stated, in a press release
of 3/3/10 that "This change will be effective from Monday
8 March 2010" (notwithstanding the need for primary legislation
to give effect to such change!) Back
The LSC had originally proposed that bidders for public law contracts
would require to have a supervisor who was a member of the Children
Panel. This was a requirement that the ALC supported for the reasons
set out at paragraph 2.3 above, in order to raise quality of representation
for parents, and help to prevent delay in proceedings. In fact
the LSC decided not to do this. They explained their reasoning
at para. 390 of their Consultation Response, as follows:
"However, following consideration of the impacts, particularly
on those public law children providers that specialise in the
representation of parents and therefore may not sit on the
Children Panel (our emphasis) we are not proceeding with this
The ALC (and also the Family Justice Council) queried this with
the LSC and it rapidly became apparent that the LSC did not appreciate
that membership of the Children Panel (formerly the Child Care
panel established in 1985, and so in existence for 24 years at
the time of the Consultation Response) was not limited to solicitors
representing children. There is a level of qualification as a
parent's representative, and a higher level of qualification as
a children's representative, but most panel solicitors choose
to qualify at the higher level so that they can include representation
of children in their caseload. The LSC had apparently enquired
of the SRA (who had been administering the Children Panel at the
time of the consultation), were told that there were very few
parents representatives, and so jumped to the conclusion that
they would not be able to include panel membership as a requirement! Back
The Children Panel was administered by the SRA between 2007 and
July 2009, when it returned to the Law Society, who had administered
it between 1985 and 2007. Back
E.g.at meetings of the Civil Contracts Consultative Group (28/7/09)
and Family Representative Body Meeting (13/11/09) Back
The original proposals of the LSC for the Family Advocacy Scheme
were considered by representative bodies to be disastrous in terms
of their impact both on access to justice and the workings of
the courts, and, as referred to at paragraphs 2.5 and 2.6 above,
was radically transformed as a result of subsequent, detailed
discussions and negotiations. Back
See footnote 10 to paragraph 2.14 above Back
Paragraph 68 of our response, dated 27th March 2009,
to the Legal Services Commission's Consultation on Family Legal
Aid Funding from 2010, responding to Question 68 of that consultation. Back
LSC's Information Pack - Public Funding Issues (October 2003)
esp. paragraph 7.4 : "
the Commission will
the directions given by the court where it has given leave for
an expert to undertake certain, specified work
In the circumstances,
the Commission wishes to discourage applications for prior authority
" Back
unless otherwise directed by the judge Back
to facilitate reporting of family cases and the naming of experts Back
Brophy J with Roberts
C (2009) Openness and transparency in family courts: - other jurisdictions
and messages for reforms in England and Wales, Briefing Paper
No 5, Dept. of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Oxford. Back
. eg family courts of Canada and Australia and more recently,
New Zealand. See, Brophy with Roberts (2009) - see note
33 above. Back
while judges determine on a case-by-case basis what information
can be reported from children cases in order to safeguard their
interests Back
Following the Children Schools and Families Act 2010. The Act
sets out information that if published, will be deemed "identification"
information and thus a breach of confidentiality; it also sets
out "sensitive personal information" which if published
would also be in breach of the Act. Despite the fact that the
government did not set out an evidence base and did not consult
on this latter provision, the Act allows - all other things being
equal - for the restriction on publishing "sensitive personal
information" to be lifted at a future date. Back
They have to explain to children and young people that (post April
2009) (a) a reporter might be in court and subject to the judge's
agreement may be permitted to remain, and, (b) what information
the reporter should and should not report. They cannot of course
guarantee anonymity in any subsequent reporting - nor can they
necessarily second-guess the outcome of an application by the
press to publish certain information "in the public interest". Back
This point was made in evidence at Committee stage of the Bill
by children's organisations, childcare lawyers, judges and the
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. All argued that
when talking to children who are deemed able to understand, professionals
have to explain that the media may be in court. And it may be
in the child's interests for the professional to advise them not
to say anything further in the light of possible attendance and
press reporting. Back
Brophy J (2010) Media
access to family courts: views of children and young people. London:
Office of the Children's Commissioner for Children - England Back
79% in the public law sample, 91% in the private law group Back
Where children and young people are unwilling/unable to talk about
what has happened to them, judges/magistrates may be faced with
making difficult and often life changing decisions about a child
in the absence of, or with incomplete, "sanitised" or
changed evidence from the child, and limited or no information
from clinicians. Children and young people said clinicians must
inform them about press access to hearings at the start of an
assessment interview - and before any substantive issues
are addressed. This will enable young people to make informed
choices about whether/how to proceed; they said any other approach
would be dishonest and a betrayal of children's trust.
With regard to what information from cases and judgments might
be published, children felt much information about them (their
age, schools, interests and activities, religion, etc.) and about
the content of cases (the allegations and concerns) by their very
nature would allow for the identification of families. Crucially
they are unconvinced that formal rules prohibiting publication
of identifying information will automatically protect them. They
do not trust reporters, they felt information would get out, allowing
them to be identified, shamed and bullied.
Most children questioned about a sample judgment said children
would not be happy for any information in the judgment
to be reported in newspapers (79% in the public law group and
91% the private law sample). A minority of children in the public
law group felt some information from a judgment could be published
but without exception these children selected statements vindicating
children of blame or responsibility for events leading to care
proceedings: they wanted it known that they were not "bad"
or "naughty" children and that they had done their best
in awful circumstances.
With regard to whether there was any information in the judgment
that it might be helpful for the general public to know, most
children (and 91% in the private law group) said "no"
- and some were doubtful or cynical of a public education role
on the part of newspapers.
The views of children/young people regarding their privacy
and implications for their safety and welfare in their schools,
homes and communities (notwithstanding respect for private and
family life under Article 8 of the ECHR) - is thus somewhat different
to that articulated by some adults and policy makers in government.
Young people also said judges/magistrates should seek the views
of relevant children before deciding whether to admit the press
to a hearing. This view - coupled with children's rights to be
heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings (under Article
12, UNCRC) indicates welfare and legal representatives must seek
their views in preparation for a hearing.
Objections to parents talking to the press about a case (even
though children should not be identified in reporting) were strongest
in the private law group: 92% objected to this during proceedings,
45% still objected once proceedings were concluded (and those
who though parents could then perhaps be permitted to talk to
the press, added conditions including seeking the agreement of
the child concerned).
In the public law group 37% said parents should not be permitted
to talk to the press during or after cases were completed; following
completion, 41% felt parents could - but also added further conditions.
And almost all young people (96%) said where children are capable
of expressing an opinion parents should seek their permission
before talking to the press.
Children and young people said the press sensationalise information,
or construct bold headlines that do not reflect the content of
cases, and will "cherry pick" information. They are
mostly doubtful that the press will print a truthful story and
are doubtful - some cynical - about an educational function.
Children fear "exposure"; they are afraid that personal,
painful and humiliating information will "get out" and
they will be embarrassed, ashamed and bullied at school, in neighbourhoods
and communities. This expectation is not limited to children in
rural communities; it is equally likely in urban communities and
is particularly relevant for children within ethnic minority communities.
As indicated in evidence by children's organisation and clinicians
during the Committee stage of the Bill, children are unconvinced
about the capacity of laws and adults to protect them.
Some saw a role for public education in dispelling myths that
children involved in care proceedings and those in long-term foster
care are somehow "at fault" but they did not generally
think these issues could or should be addressed by reporting from
real cases where the focus was on details that might put children
at risk.
Most children and young people said newspapers should not be permitted
to name professionals - unless a professional agreed. As to whether
there might be a public interest in doing this, most rejected
that view - they said there were other ways to achieve this.
Respondents were also strongly opposed to reporters having access
to reports for courts (96% in the private law group). They said
this would be a breach of their trust and privacy. Back
The Family Court Information Pilot (pilot courts being Leeds (FPC),
Cardiff (CC and FPC) and Wolverhampton (CC and FPC) will provide
anonymised judgments, these to be placed on dedicated space in
the British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) website
- see http://www.le.ac.uk/li/digital/BritishandIrishLegalInformationInstitute Back