Written evidence from Julie Doughty (FC
Cafcass is unable to prioritise its resources to
fulfil its core function, which is timely representation of children's
interests during family court proceedings. It is suggested that
the Committee review the conclusions and recommendations of its
predecessor Committee report in 2003.
1. As Secretary of the Cafcass Managers Association
in 2003, I contributed written and oral evidence to the Committee
on the Lord Chancellor's Department inquiry into Cafcass (Third
Report of Session 2002-03 Volume II HC 614-2 Ev 42-48; Ev 137-138;
Ev 238-241.)
2. The Cafcass Managers Association was a professional
association for front-line team managers working in both public
and private law in England and Wales. It developed from the Association
of GALRO Panel Managers founded in 1995. It was subsequently discouraged
by senior management in Cafcass and wound up shortly after the
Select Committee report was published. Most if its members no
longer work for Cafcass and I resigned in 2003. I therefore now
write in a personal capacity.
3. Those of us who worked on the evidence that was
given in 2003 were greatly disappointed that, after the Committee's
serious consideration of the problems, the service provided by
Cafcass to children did not improve. More than seven years later,
Cafcass is still unable to prioritise its resources to fulfil
its core function: timely representation of children's interests
during family court proceedings.
4. This Committee may wish to review its predecessor
Committee's conclusions and recommendations (HC 614-1 pp 63-70)
and enquire as to why few, if any, of them have been implemented.
September 2010